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Crackdown On Happy -- Only Unhappy Hours From Now On

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why not just crack down on happy and be done with it

They have to come up with a new crack down every week it seems,most never work as police are lazy and corrupt,ha they even pay to cheat on the entrance exam ito the police force!Amazing start that is!

BE great to see a crack down on corruption here!

and pigs fly too!

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Winnie; your thread just goes to show how much further up the circle of life alcohol is. you have had almost 7000 views, and posts on our intimate forum from the rest of the world., members we never usually see.

Not around for help when we have a request for a blood transfusion or a cork notice board are youermm.gif

it seems without doubt that alcohol holds a much higher importance than food everywhere except in Chiang mai.


What comes after crackdowns? More HUBS!

Te perfect idea! Thailand as the hub for crackdowns! Happy hour for crackdowns, get two and one for free! Amazing Thailand!


Happy hour has been outlawed in many parts of the US for decades now.

It is a totalitarian, third-world country.

Unfortunately, my homeland has degenerated into a totalitarian, third-world country. Many Americans are beginning to wake up and realize how many of our liberties have been taken away and how badly those in power have managed the people's affairs. A day of reconing is close at hand. As for happy hour bans, it is just another example of government interfering with free private enterprise. That is never a good thing, regardless of how noble the stated reason.

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I have a local bar here on K Samui that charges reasonable rates ..eg. chang/leo 50 bht..sing 60 bht and all other drinks at realistic prices...All day/night whenever open...he still makes 50% gross profit on the drinks(100% mark up) ...and is happy with this profit from a crowd of loyal regulars, no bar girls/ boys for rent as part of his business..all the amenities of an english pub with sun coming through the windows, oh and smoking allowed......

We all know we can buy a Large Leo or Chang for less than 50bht from a 7/11 ( sometimes nextdoor to a bar )..why do bar owners feel it is OK to charge 70 - 80bht to take the top off a small bottle and push across to you in a sponge sleeve.....or to charge 80- 100 bht for a measure of Sangsum from a large bottle (at least 15 measures ) that cost them approx 260 bht.??

Do away with Happy hour ..lets have Happy Day/ night.... ..oh the bar in question ... Oneway Bar ..run by graham

I will do my best to avoid the place at all costs. Full of smokers and no Totty means dismally boring !

And he seems to be talking of pricing for small bottles, where up North that would be the pricing for large bottles i many bars. In CM last year many bars were charging 199bht for five large Leos (and plenty of totty).


Happy hour has been outlawed in many parts of the US for decades now.

What has that to do with the price of tea in China?

My question is, what's the point of outlawing a happy hour? Over and over and over, Thailand seems to create new laws rather than just make police do their jobs on the existing laws. It's almost like they can't enforce any of the existing laws because the police haven't been doing their jobs for so many years that they couldn't possibly be expected to be taken seriously if they tried to enforce the laws now, so to make it work, they have to make a new law. Failed state politics, ha ha ha.


Happy hour has been outlawed in many parts of the US for decades now.

And that's why the US is the last place on earth I would live. What a country of hypocrites. You can get all the prescription drugs in the world your addiction desires to cook your brain and die while unhappily asleep, carry guns and blow 6 year old's up at the movies....... Have your happy world to yourself. Don't bring that shit here... just saying.


And that's why the US is the last place on earth I would live. What a country of hypocrites. You can get all the prescription drugs in the world your addiction desires to cook your brain and die while unhappily asleep, carry guns and blow 6 year old's up at the movies.

You can do that here relatively easily, if you so desired.


I think law enforcement, whatever else you think about them, can read a sign as pedestrian as your camouflaged happy hour ideas.

Yes, they can. And we are in Thailand. A law enforcement officer does have to pay his bills too.


Its only for those without a work permit or don't have a non imigrant visa.

Any way what about ---Its really miserable in here right now but wont be at 5 pm till 6 pm.


Spoke earlier with my wife`s nephew who is part of the police team that oversees the bars and adult entertainment venues in Chiang Mai.

There is no complete ban on Happy Hour as such, only a couple of bars have had warnings for not abiding by the rules and serving cut priced drinks when drinking hour restrictions have been in force by the police during certain times and events when the concern has been this may encourage under age and young people on low budgets to buy alcohol. It was reported that many young drinkers were seen in the bars during cut price drinking hours and the authorities are under the impression that the purpose of this is to attract the younger clientele. These bar owners were probably grassed upon by other bar owners competing for business.

All rather cutthroat and nasty, isn’t it?

Providing the bars that have a happy hour policy conduct their business in a manner that does not try to over step the mark, perhaps check the IDs of customers that appear underage and Happy hour really means one hour at the appropriate times and not two or more hours or on several times per day, than this practice should be allowed to continue, but will in future be under the watchful eye of the police.

So in other words, those bar owners that try to bend the rules in a hope that no one will notice, will end up messing things up for everyone else. The solution is; just play the game, even if you don`t agree with it, or <deleted> and bust as the wise man says.


Happy hour has been outlawed in many parts of the US for decades now.

I bet thats right, and a good reason not to live there also. Not so much the happy hour ban, its the micro management of the citizens personal life's in general as nanny states practice.

But you can own as many guns as you want in the "nanny" state! I don't know if the US is a nanny state exactly but it seems to stick its nose where it's not wanted (vaginal probes anyone?) but then fails to regulate things that are truly dangerous (like guns and complicated financial derivatives invented by clever bankers).

As for outlawing happy hours, why doesn't the Thai governemnt just outlaw all happiness outright? Seems like thats what they've been attempting to do anyway over the past decade or more ever since Purachai the Puritan came onto the scene on Thaksin's coat-tails.


Happy hour has been outlawed in many parts of the US for decades now.

I bet thats right, and a good reason not to live there also. Not so much the happy hour ban, its the micro management of the citizens personal life's in general as nanny states practice.

But you can own as many guns as you want in the "nanny" state! I don't know if the US is a nanny state exactly but it seems to stick its nose where it's not wanted (vaginal probes anyone?) but then fails to regulate things that are truly dangerous (like guns and complicated financial derivatives invented by clever bankers).

As for outlawing happy hours, why doesn't the Thai governemnt just outlaw all happiness outright? Seems like thats what they've been attempting to do anyway over the past decade or more ever since Purachai the Puritan came onto the scene on Thaksin's coat-tails.

The intentions of this Chiang Mai jurisdiction is to slowly erode the adult entertainments establishments in Chiang Mai, and so far they have made a pretty good job of it.

As far as I know, no new licenses are being issued for the opening of bars or clubs and what`s left are on borrowed time.

They are looking for any excuse to close the bars down. Even the VIP type exclusive clubs in Chiang Mai Land have been hit by these fervent policies and appears to be widely spread all over the provices of Chiang Mai including Lamphun and the banning of drinks in restaurants during certain times of the day. Some Lamphun restaurants have already been closed down for contravening these rules.

For those wine, women and song seekers, it`s head South, because the adults entertainment scene is kaput in Chiang Mai.


Spoke earlier with my wife`s nephew who is part of the police team that oversees the bars and adult entertainment venues in Chiang Mai.

There is no complete ban on Happy Hour as such, only a couple of bars have had warnings for not abiding by the rules and serving cut priced drinks when drinking hour restrictions have been in force by the police during certain times and events when the concern has been this may encourage under age and young people on low budgets to buy alcohol. It was reported that many young drinkers were seen in the bars during cut price drinking hours and the authorities are under the impression that the purpose of this is to attract the younger clientele. These bar owners were probably grassed upon by other bar owners competing for business.

All rather cutthroat and nasty, isn’t it?

Providing the bars that have a happy hour policy conduct their business in a manner that does not try to over step the mark, perhaps check the IDs of customers that appear underage and Happy hour really means one hour at the appropriate times and not two or more hours or on several times per day, than this practice should be allowed to continue, but will in future be under the watchful eye of the police.

So in other words, those bar owners that try to bend the rules in a hope that no one will notice, will end up messing things up for everyone else. The solution is; just play the game, even if you don`t agree with it, or <deleted> and bust as the wise man says.

This does't add up. So why would an establishment like Olde Bell, which gets exclusively ancient Farangs as their clientele (ok, almost) be warned against having a happy hour? Furthermore, the bigger law here is of course to prevent underage kids to drink *AT ALL* at any hour, happy, unhappy, day, night, in between, in bars, anywhere. Wouldn't the more sane policy by far be to come down like a ton of bricks on any bar that serves underage kids, but leave them to conduct their pricing policies for adults as they see fit?

Eroding adult entertainment also doesn't make sense, because these policies apply to common restaurants and pubs just the same. Because at the point where you're hitting restaurants like Riverside, or pubs like the Irish Pub or Old Belle then you're eroding tourism and eroding adult citizen's freedoms more than anything else.

Didn't these thoughts and questions come up with you when discussing the topic? Is their understanding of the term 'happy hour' really that it factually means ONE hour? ( :lol: ) Fortunately a policy only lasts as long as the people currently in charge, and the main person on borrowed time could be the governor himself, who is pretty much due to be reshuffled elsewhere anyway.

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Happy hour has been outlawed in many parts of the US for decades now.

Great... but we really would prefer Thailand not to be like the USA.

Happy hour has been outlawed in many parts of the US for decades now.

Not sure where these areas are I have worked and travelled from Alaska, Colorado, Texas, to Florida and in between. Never heard of such a dumb law. Prohibition worked just as well. Every attempt at dry counties except some villages in Alaska you fly in have not been successful as liquor stores and clubs spring up on the borders. My father told me always to live in a town that had an equal number of bars and churches. I do not drink but know those that do will.


This does't add up.

You have to look beyond the "blame one person" approach. The whole situation regarding bar regulation is complex in Chiang Mai, there is more than one political power base influencing the situation and competing interests between different law enforcement groups and venues owned by their colleagues, Then there's the mafia, both in and out of town (and country) and associated patronage systems to which the large bar owners subscribe. All of these overlap and also include the bigger activities like illegal gambling and drugs. Hardly surprising then that enforcement is patchy and inconsistent.


My father told me always to live in a town that had an equal number of bars and churches. I do not drink but know those that do will.

Then Chiang Mai actually pretty much hits the mark; converting the statement of course to any place of worship including temples and mosques. (The bars are temples bu the pearls ain't free..)


I have a local bar here on K Samui that charges reasonable rates ..eg. chang/leo 50 bht..sing 60 bht and all other drinks at realistic prices...All day/night whenever open...he still makes 50% gross profit on the drinks(100% mark up) ...and is happy with this profit from a crowd of loyal regulars, no bar girls/ boys for rent as part of his business..all the amenities of an english pub with sun coming through the windows, oh and smoking allowed......

We all know we can buy a Large Leo or Chang for less than 50bht from a 7/11 ( sometimes nextdoor to a bar )..why do bar owners feel it is OK to charge 70 - 80bht to take the top off a small bottle and push across to you in a sponge sleeve.....or to charge 80- 100 bht for a measure of Sangsum from a large bottle (at least 15 measures ) that cost them approx 260 bht.??

Do away with Happy hour ..lets have Happy Day/ night.... ..oh the bar in question ... Oneway Bar ..run by graham

Maybe you should try running a bar yourself and see how cheap you can do it for. Overheads are overheads whatever way you want to look at it, and if the bar doesn't make a profit, why would you want to keep it open?

I ran one for 12 years over here, so do know what I'm talking about.

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I think law enforcement, whatever else you think about them, can read a sign as pedestrian as your camouflaged happy hour ideas.

Maybe they can, maybe it makes it easier to look the other way, like they are apparently willing to do for many other things.

Remember, these are people who are looking the other way when there are 16 year old girls working in bars, as indicated on ID cards they are required to carry. With that in mind, they can probably manage to let a business conduct its pricing the way they see fit.

Agree just another kick back for th bib, and anyway whenever did the law count for anything in amazing Thailand.


Like your ending but think you should get more serious about the subject matter you study as knowing about 2000 year old greek hookers to the degree that you do leaves a lot of room for speculation.wink.png

Don't know about 2000 year old Greek hookers, but there's certainly some Thai hookers in the Loi Kroh bars, that would fit that description.

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