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Expert Advice For Living In Thailand.


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I have lived here off and on for the last 17 years. Looks like sound advise to me. I would add:

Never entirely give up everything in your home country as there is a good chance you may need to return.

Remember that the family is the most important thing in your Thai girlfriend's life.

And.........Never make a bar girl your girlfriend or wife.

here we go again opions aganst bar girls what is wrong with bar girls they are human being also they get paid for it not like your G/F who give it away for free

hahahaha ...always a joker in the bunch.... never said I had anything against bar girl, they are for entertainment only...for rent !

so please tell me what is wrong for making a bar girl your wife its the same as meeting a girl in big c for example You do not know how many men she has had before a bar makes money out of it so is it that because she does not give it away for free ?????
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I have lived here off and on for the last 17 years. Looks like sound advise to me. I would add:

Never entirely give up everything in your home country as there is a good chance you may need to return.

Remember that the family is the most important thing in your Thai girlfriend's life.

And.........Never make a bar girl your girlfriend or wife.

here we go again opions aganst bar girls what is wrong with bar girls they are human being also they get paid for it not like your G/F who give it away for free

hahahaha ...always a joker in the bunch.... never said I had anything against bar girl, they are for entertainment only...for rent !

so please tell me what is wrong for making a bar girl your wife its the same as meeting a girl in big c for example You do not know how many men she has had before a bar makes money out of it so is it that because she does not give it away for free ?????

if you don't like the advise I suggest you follow...go marry a bar girl !!! I really don't care !
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MikeandDow, you must surely know by now, having been a member for more than two weeks that 99.9% of the posters on Thai Visa are married to Hi-So Thai Chinese ladies, who have had an overseas education, and there parents are either influential people in the Armed Forces, Police, Government or Big Business. Therefore no one will be able to back you up on this, as they are sat quaffing champagne in their plush condo or seaside house being served by the peasantry. whistling.gif

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Funny how these topics all go the same way.

There must be some bridge construction work going on as General Topics recently, has been inundated with Trolls.

Do you reckon trolls would chase away pigeons, or snakes, or rats or ants?

How much is the normal charge for crossing a bridge?


I think these questions can only be answered by an "expert".

Prudent of you not to speculate. People could too easily take such ill-informed forum speculation or gossip as expert opinion, and mae radical life-changing decisions based (perhaps) on the ill-informed typo-riddled ramblings of some anonymous bloke in a time-zone where it might be nearly closing time


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I see the trolls are here to derail a thread that they're too affected by and cannot deal with rationally.

Odd that they haven't taken a point that they disagree with and then discuss it... but instead resort to name calling, personal attacks and thread derailment.

It's really quite telling of their experiences in Thailand.

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OP have you ever thought we don't need your advice ?

I suppose in that case you could ignore him, without telling him, and let him carry on merrily thinking he was being of some use in the world.

Of course, advice is much easier to give than to follow, and its a wise man that knows will need advice, rather than waiting till after to find out.


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I see the trolls are here to derail a thread that they're too affected by and cannot deal with rationally.

Odd that they haven't taken a point that they disagree with and then discuss it... but instead resort to name calling, personal attacks and thread derailment [sC: My bold].

It's really quite telling of their experiences in Thailand.

I just love watching train wrecks

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I see the trolls are here to derail a thread that they're too affected by and cannot deal with rationally.

Odd that they haven't taken a point that they disagree with and then discuss it... but instead resort to name calling, personal attacks and thread derailment.

It's really quite telling of their experiences in Thailand.

Actually, I'm bored and waiting for my driver to pick me up from my office; You have done well though, a good little Troll posting, which will get a few people going smile.png

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Paranoia based methods of denial, textbook defense mechanisms.


I think you need to read up on your Psych 101. Not seen any paranoia here recently, although some mirth at your expense in your claim to be an "expert". Just because someone is making humorous comments about something, doesn't exactly mean they are using it as deflection away from their own denial, although that's not to say that it isn't the case. I think you may find a number of facets of denial, and how it presents if you have a bit more of a read.

Anyway, keep up the good work smile.png

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I see the trolls are here to derail a thread that they're too affected by and cannot deal with rationally.

Odd that they haven't taken a point that they disagree with and then discuss it... but instead resort to name calling, personal attacks and thread derailment.

It's really quite telling of their experiences in Thailand.

Actually, I'm bored and waiting for my driver to pick me up from my office; You have done well though, a good little Troll posting, which will get a few people going smile.png

You really need to go to Critic's Corner for a more objective and helpful view.

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Expert advice for living in Thailand?

Don't fart after a night on the goy dip and assume it'll just be gas.

Best advice so far on this thread.

My addition would be to always make sure you have a bog roll in your rucksack when venturing out and about. You never know when the urge will strike.

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I have lived here off and on for the last 17 years. Looks like sound advise to me. I would add:

Never entirely give up everything in your home country as there is a good chance you may need to return.

Remember that the family is the most important thing in your Thai girlfriend's life.

And.........Never make a bar girl your girlfriend or wife.

here we go again opions aganst bar girls what is wrong with bar girls they are human being also they get paid for it not like your G/F who give it away for free

Can you please direct me to a place where there are available Girlfriend's and /or Wive's who 'give it away free', as I have never met a 'free' woman in my life and I would love to.

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OK EBB, what you have advised is not rocket science, but I do agree with what you have stated.

The same advice I heed from someone telling me that if I stick my hand into a fire, there is a good chance it will hurt......

.....but I don't consider that person an expert.

Just a bit of humble advice from someone who has been around the block a few times........to gain respect from your peers, rule number one........do not refer to yourself as an expert.........it just ruffles the feathers.

Have Fun.

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The only advice for ANY country.

Enjoy by smiling gratefully, keeping all your senses on full alert and learning quickly. Running around trying to remember 900 bits of information will only see you missing the point in being in a foreign country.

Remember: Everybody makes mistakes. A fool makes the same mistake twice.


Correcting a spelling mistake

Edited by draftvader
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The arrogance of the OP is the only thing wrong. I don't think anyone living here learned anything from the "expert" advice. Here is some advice, if you want to post some common knowledge...okay; just don't call it expert advice. It makes you look like a twit. Or is that an expert twit? rolleyes.gif

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I've got to say that it never ceases to amaze me when someone comes into one of these rooms... offers advice or an opinion about one thing or the other... and gets completely emasculated by the other members of the forum. This harkens back to right before I moved to BKK in 2001. I introduced myself in a forum very similar to this, as I was naturally excited to be starting this new chapter in my life. What followed were not what I was expecting... a series of messages saying, "Welcome to Thailand" or "Good luck on your new adventure". Instead I was found messages from westerners such as, "Don't bother coming", "Stay in your own country" and so on. I read this guy's initial post and thought it was good sound advice from someone who had learned these lessons and wanted to pass them on... and a majority of you who responded, ripped him apart... for no other reason that I can see except because you wanted to. It's sad. We're supposed to stick together, aren't we? We're strangers in a strange land. And no matter how long we stay here, we always will be seen that way. Shouldn't we support each other?

And for you flamers out there who are sitting with fingers poised above your keyboard waiting to emasculate me as well... go right ahead... I recently had myself "troll demagnetized"... so the bad comments just sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide right off. Have a good day, gentlemen ... and let's try to get along, huh?

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