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Assassination Without Investigation......The Curse Of Thailand


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And I thought that "Assassination without Investigation" was referring to the way the authorities tend to label suspicious deaths of foreigners in Thailand as accidents or suicide.

Anyone who knows Thailand well and has spent a lot of time there or lived there for a number of years knows such stories.

I have lived in many different countries working mainly for a multinational. Of course you are going to get the usual nonsense from folks in your home (Western) country but put it down to culture and sometimes ignorance. First the culture - Western culture sees payment for sex as abhorrent and having fun sex discretely with a third party while still married but not having sex with the marital partner as betrayal. Also, Western cultures tend to view a 20 year difference in age between a boyfriend/husband and wife/girlfriend as not very acceptable, perhaps even exploitative. Much of the rest of the world (over 80% of the world's population) do not see things in this light.

Now the ignorance: Thailand is known in Western countries as a sex tourist destination and any male going there would be viewed in that light by the friends and relatives back home in the Western country. But actually, if someone were to want to go somewhere where sex is cheaper and often free, many African countries would be candidates for that. Indeed, Cambodia is probably much more of a cheaper sex tourist destination than Thailand and Vietnam probably has more brothels than any country I have visited (although such brothels are for Vietnamese clients only). As anyone who has lived in Thailand will know, Thai culture does not really mind what people get up to as long as it is discretely done. Thai middle-class do not find it acceptable if a man were to bring a bar-girl to a dinner party. In many respects, Thai middle class people are much more keen on keeping up appearances than their Western counterparts while at the same time the men, especially the older wealthier men, keep mistresses or go to prostitutes discretely.

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The drawcard for most of us males is thailand allows us to be "men".

It has nothing to do with been a sexpat.

The fact is, we as men, no matter what age,weight,short or tall,can smile at a woman and she will smile back,thailand makes us feel worthy,alive,virile and manly!!

In our countries of origin the laws have become so politically correct to even smile at an unknown female is bordering on abuse.


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I've had an English guy tell me he wouldn't go to Thailand because he saw the wealth difference on TV. Big houses with pools and poor people living nearby.

He's English working in America. Living in a house with a pool and a Mexican maid.

Another person said they wouldn't go to Thailand because of the obvious, but loves America and India. Maybe you should look some facts up mate.

He would not go to thailand because he saw the wealth difference on TV. Now, that is a open minded man. What a goombah. Wake up buddy. There is a wealth difference throughout the third world, which I assume he avoids altogether. His loss. Our gain. Does he know about the "wealth difference" in the US? Does he know that the total wealth in the world is approximately 32 trillion dollars, and that 92,000 people control half that amount? I would advise an education for this ignoramus.

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I love Thailand for many reasons, and I will be honest, some do not reflect well on my character.

First let me say, that I did not end up in Thailand by design, but by chance.

I met my now Thai wife on a business trip, fell in love and got married, but it could have happened anywhere in the world.

There many things to love about Thailand,

It is a beautiful country.

I love the food

We all complain about the corruption and lawlessness here, but on the other hand that corruption and lawlessness present opportunities and simplicity. If I want to build something on my property, I just do it, I don't need to jump through all the hoops I have to jump through in the west, etc.

I love the Family spirit here, when I come here I feel connected.,I love my Thai family and all of my wife relatives. I spend half my time in Thailand and half in the US, and it is funny but when I get home sick, it is for Thailand.

Here in Thailand I am making a difference, where in the US I was just an other cog in the wheel.

I love the feeling of discovery and adventure that Thailand provides me with,

and finally, I think we all do, but some of us don;t want to admit it

I like feeling a little special, not better, not worst but special here in Thailand. You all know the feeling.

So there is a lot to love about Thailand, not to say that many of the same things can't be found in other countries,

but for me,and many others,some by choice some by happenstance, It is Thailand.

That was a great post Sirineou, and I agree completely with you. I have often referred to Thailand as the LOS (land of stupidity) and to an extent still believe that, ie fully grown adults giving their seats up to five year old kids on buses and the skytrain, Parents allowing eight year olds to ride motor bikes among traffic etc. Thailand is a great country and I wouldn't like to live anywhere else. ie no tv licence, no council tax, and as you said, you can build on your property without paying extra to some authority, don't get ripped off trying to run and maintain a car. Yes, there is a lot of low mentality in Thailand, but it is still a great country.
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He loves it cause he finally gets laid in the year.End of from this stupid post.

True. Why is it that these self-proclaimed "lovers of Thailand" never express a similar love for neighboring Malaysia or Laos?

Methinks cheap and available women may be the answer.

Because Malaysia is a Mohammed country.
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Can any of you elaborate on WHY you "like" or "love" it in Thailand? I bet you can't. Your comments are no more useful than the guys who bash without solid argument.

@paullyW, tut tut, such cynicism.........I will grace your question with an answer at some point today. I fear though that anything I say won't matter to you, as you have obviously decided that you're right on every matter. coffee1.gif

@whistleblower, we started in Chiang Mai, we're now in Koh Samui, and we'll be in BKK next Wednesday.

I think either you or smokie promised me a meetup and a drink! biggrin.png

You will get your promised drink....no worries! smile.png

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I find it unbelievable that some posters who are on bar rounds around Thailand actually find time to post on TV from their BBs... Just saying... blink.png

Yes. It seems a bit odd that people come here for a holiday and then find the time to discuss things on an internet forum.

Och give me peace.......there are 24 hours in a day, plenty of time for many things coffee1.gif

You ought to learn how to quote posts correctly. You've made a mess of things. Your reply is buried in my original post (I've put your comments in bold).

Regardless, you've missed the point.

I assumed initially that you were a young boy who'd just left school or college. I assumed you were travelling the world with your friend.

But now you say that you are in your forties.

If this is the case, it strikes me as somewhat bizarre that you (as an adult) feel the need or desire to share your holiday experiences on an interent forum with Thailand's expatriate community.

Why do you do this? What do you hope to gain?

Another fine poster with a sense of humour. Welcome (back) to the forum. whistling.gif


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He loves it cause he finally gets laid in the year.End of from this stupid post.

True. Why is it that these self-proclaimed "lovers of Thailand" never express a similar love for neighboring Malaysia or Laos?

Methinks cheap and available women may be the answer.

Because Malaysia is a Mohammed country.

Nice attempt of trolling... Malaysia is far better than Thailand in a lot of aspects and I dunno but if you take a look at Malaysia and Singapore, you'll find that people with different religions manage to live with one another but of course you wouldn't know that if you are not an experienced traveller. coffee1.gif

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@PaullyW.....yes I do have some amazing stories from many of the countries I have traveled to, far from being the naive young boy that some here think I'm a well traveled ( possibly hard bitten? ) Glasgow businessman in his mid 40's. I pride myself in having a positive outlook on life and the day I lose it.....shoot me. Would you like me to recount dozens of fabulous stories about your home country? I certainly could.......maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my personality, where I go I tend to get a warm welcome, what's a man to do? ermm.gif

Anyway the trip report so far is in the farang pub......feel free to rip it to pieces. coffee1.gif

@TwoDogz cheesy.gif Oh well TiT. biggrin.png

You from Glasgow Blether? I have been in Thailand for seven years and never yet met a fellow countryman. Any fellow Scots wish to get in touch with me?
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@PaullyW.....yes I do have some amazing stories from many of the countries I have traveled to, far from being the naive young boy that some here think I'm a well traveled ( possibly hard bitten? ) Glasgow businessman in his mid 40's. I pride myself in having a positive outlook on life and the day I lose it.....shoot me. Would you like me to recount dozens of fabulous stories about your home country? I certainly could.......maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my personality, where I go I tend to get a warm welcome, what's a man to do? ermm.gif

Anyway the trip report so far is in the farang pub......feel free to rip it to pieces. coffee1.gif

@TwoDogz cheesy.gif Oh well TiT. biggrin.png

You from Glasgow Blether? I have been in Thailand for seven years and never yet met a fellow countryman. Any fellow Scots wish to get in touch with me?

I am.....I'm in Samui just now and I'll be here until Wednesday when I go to BKK......there is a possibility that I'll go back up to CM for a few days before flying home. Have a look at the " Tart " thread, we'll be holding a big do in CM on New Years Eve......we're looking for the Scottish contingent to make an appearance for The Bells, and of course, all are welcome......it would be good to see you wai.gif

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He loves it cause he finally gets laid in the year.End of from this stupid post.

True. Why is it that these self-proclaimed "lovers of Thailand" never express a similar love for neighboring Malaysia or Laos?

Methinks cheap and available women may be the answer.

Because Malaysia is a Mohammed country.

Who has never expressed a love of Malaysia?

I imagine if the title of this forum was MalaysiaVisa, it would be rak with people espousing the joys of Malaysia.

As it is, theres only a few of us based in Thailand but living or working in Malayisia, or Malaysians living in Thailand, or whatever, who might be tempted to do so, but I think it would be slightly off-topic.

One of the things one learns, living in Malaysia, is tolerance for other people's religions and cultures. When theBlether started this thread, he was criticising assassinatio without investigation, not inviting it.


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Can any of you elaborate on WHY you "like" or "love" it in Thailand? I bet you can't. Your comments are no more useful than the guys who bash without solid argument.

@paullyW, tut tut, such cynicism.........I will grace your question with an answer at some point today. I fear though that anything I say won't matter to you, as you have obviously decided that you're right on every matter. coffee1.gif

@whistleblower, we started in Chiang Mai, we're now in Koh Samui, and we'll be in BKK next Wednesday.

I think either you or smokie promised me a meetup and a drink! biggrin.png

You will get your promised drink....no worries! smile.png

A promised drink from the fountain of youth....

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31) Bangkok Post do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post publications will be deleted from the forum. Please note that this is a decision by the Bangkok Post, not by Thaivisa.com and any complaints or other issues concerning this rule should be directed to them. Quotes from and links to Phuketwan are also not allowed and will also be removed. In special cases forum Administrators or the news team may use these sources.

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Can any of you elaborate on WHY you "like" or "love" it in Thailand? I bet you can't. Your comments are no more useful than the guys who bash without solid argument.

Weather, even when you can fry eggs on the unlit barbie and when it is raining stair rods like never seen before.

Thai family community spirit. Few petty rules and regulations. Real freedom, not like in the UK where we are constantly told we have freedom, a free country but just try exercising that "Freedom". No stupid points on a driving licence for a minor infringement. A lot of eye candy, happy smiling faces, unlike the mainly (WITH GOOD REASON) miserable faces you see in the UK. I could go on but hopefully you get the idea. I have lived and worked in many countries but to me Tailand is special but not without some negitives but no country or life is perfect. Back in the UK for a two month holiday with my Thai wife but can't wait to return 'home'.

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Can any of you elaborate on WHY you "like" or "love" it in Thailand? I bet you can't. Your comments are no more useful than the guys who bash without solid argument.

I like it because it is cheap to live here, I can find work and no one bothers me. Good enough?

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The drawcard for most of us males is thailand allows us to be "men".

It has nothing to do with been a sexpat.

The fact is, we as men, no matter what age,weight,short or tall,can smile at a woman and she will smile back,thailand makes us feel worthy,alive,virile and manly!!

In our countries of origin the laws have become so politically correct to even smile at an unknown female is bordering on abuse.

"So what makes us all Thais? What is the Thai identity? Ask a Thai and there are certain expected answers. Cliches, if you will.

A typical answer may be that it's our smile. Well, everybody in the world including the village idiot can smile. And, on the world happiness index, we rank quite low. So it's just a marketing gimmick to attract tourists, not an issue of national identity. At least is shouldn't be." Voranai Vanijaka, noted Thai journalist

They are indoctrinated / programmed to smile. If I am old, short, fat, bald, smelly ugly and covered with tattoos, if my brain still works I realize those smiles are automated, mechanical and not specific at flattering me.

Those smiles are not infrequently inappropriate. Example; exiting a national bus I had to avoid multiple motorbike taxi scammers blocking the bus door exit area. I walked parallel to the bus on the sidewalk and hit my head fairly hard against the bus mirror. A female bus employee came to console me with a great big smile that wouldn't go away. I was checking my forehead for blood and she was just smiling, asking me if I was OK.

You call the waitress to either show her the cockroach in your meal or the chicken is raw/uncooked, and you see the great big smile.

May I propose that a smile should normally express some human emotion or state related to happiness; not to regret or sadness. My Japanese, my Singapore, Hong Kong, etc etc friends find this almost universal smiling very bizarre, as I do.

I would never dream of smiling in the face of someone in pain, injured, grief stricken, etc etc. There are other innate facial expressions to appropriately express such emotions.

But, Mr handsome, slim, young, sexy man, if those smiles float your boat, more power to you.

Edited by atyclb
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@PaullyW.....yes I do have some amazing stories from many of the countries I have traveled to, far from being the naive young boy that some here think I'm a well traveled ( possibly hard bitten? ) Glasgow businessman in his mid 40's. I pride myself in having a positive outlook on life and the day I lose it.....shoot me. Would you like me to recount dozens of fabulous stories about your home country? I certainly could.......maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my personality, where I go I tend to get a warm welcome, what's a man to do? ermm.gif

Anyway the trip report so far is in the farang pub......feel free to rip it to pieces. coffee1.gif

@TwoDogz cheesy.gif Oh well TiT. biggrin.png

You from Glasgow Blether? I have been in Thailand for seven years and never yet met a fellow countryman. Any fellow Scots wish to get in touch with me?

I am.....I'm in Samui just now and I'll be here until Wednesday when I go to BKK......there is a possibility that I'll go back up to CM for a few days before flying home. Have a look at the " Tart " thread, we'll be holding a big do in CM on New Years Eve......we're looking for the Scottish contingent to make an appearance for The Bells, and of course, all are welcome......it would be good to see you wai.gif

Blether, I'm trying to find you through the Thaivisa members column to send you a private e-mail. No success so far.
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@PaullyW.....yes I do have some amazing stories from many of the countries I have traveled to, far from being the naive young boy that some here think I'm a well traveled ( possibly hard bitten? ) Glasgow businessman in his mid 40's. I pride myself in having a positive outlook on life and the day I lose it.....shoot me. Would you like me to recount dozens of fabulous stories about your home country? I certainly could.......maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my personality, where I go I tend to get a warm welcome, what's a man to do? ermm.gif

Anyway the trip report so far is in the farang pub......feel free to rip it to pieces. coffee1.gif

@TwoDogz cheesy.gif Oh well TiT. biggrin.png

You from Glasgow Blether? I have been in Thailand for seven years and never yet met a fellow countryman. Any fellow Scots wish to get in touch with me?

I am.....I'm in Samui just now and I'll be here until Wednesday when I go to BKK......there is a possibility that I'll go back up to CM for a few days before flying home. Have a look at the " Tart " thread, we'll be holding a big do in CM on New Years Eve......we're looking for the Scottish contingent to make an appearance for The Bells, and of course, all are welcome......it would be good to see you wai.gif

Blether, I'm trying to find you through the Thaivisa members column to send you a private e-mail. No success so far.

You don't know how lucky you have been.

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So what makes us all Thais? What is the Thai identity? Ask a Thai and there are certain expected answers. Cliches, if you will.

A typical answer may be that it's our smile. Well, everybody in the world including the village idiot can smile. And, on the world happiness index, we rank quite low. So it's just a marketing gimmick to attract tourists, not an issue of national identity.

They are indoctrinated / programmed to smile. If I am old, short, fat, bald, smelly ugly and covered with tattoos, if my brain still works I realize those smiles are automated, mechanical and not specific at flattering me.

But, Mr handsome, slim, young, sexy man, if those smiles float your boat, more power to you.

This is true. But very few casual visitors and sex tourists are able to see beneath Thailand's veneer of smiles.

I've looked around this forum a little, and I can see now that this particular thread is essentially a vehicle for a pair of Laurel and Hardy characters who apparently feel the need to document their beer-fuelled peregrinations around the Kindom.

I think the best thing is to wish them both well, and at the same time to remember that once upon a time we too were every bit as naive and blissfuly ignorant.

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What does peregrantions mean and why do you feel the need to use words of such gargantuan proportions ?

Does google not work on your computer?

I think he use 'pereginations' because it was he right word. He could have used a less precisely-accurate synonym, but that would not have got his point across so well. We are lucky that people help us expand our vocabularies, rather thn catering to the lowest common denominator.

I think he underestimates the Thailand experience of our Caledonian co-posters, though...


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Caledonian's a country innit ?

Caledonian's a beer; actually, an adjective, but used as an abbreviation for Caledonian 70/ (or 80/, according to your preference). Those with a more rigorous bent might choose to advise whether the Caledonain Brewery ever produced a 60/ or a 90/


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Caledonian's a country innit ?

Caledonian's a beer; actually, an adjective, but used as an abbreviation for Caledonian 70/ (or 80/, according to your preference). Those with a more rigorous bent might choose to advise whether the Caledonain Brewery ever produced a 60/ or a 90/


60 shilling and 90 shilling are still available, I don't think I've tried 90 shilling but the 60 shilling is a decent pint. drunk.gif

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So what makes us all Thais? What is the Thai identity? Ask a Thai and there are certain expected answers. Cliches, if you will.

A typical answer may be that it's our smile. Well, everybody in the world including the village idiot can smile. And, on the world happiness index, we rank quite low. So it's just a marketing gimmick to attract tourists, not an issue of national identity.

They are indoctrinated / programmed to smile. If I am old, short, fat, bald, smelly ugly and covered with tattoos, if my brain still works I realize those smiles are automated, mechanical and not specific at flattering me.

But, Mr handsome, slim, young, sexy man, if those smiles float your boat, more power to you.

This is true. But very few casual visitors and sex tourists are able to see beneath Thailand's veneer of smiles.

I've looked around this forum a little, and I can see now that this particular thread is essentially a vehicle for a pair of Laurel and Hardy characters who apparently feel the need to document their beer-fuelled peregrinations around the Kindom.

I think the best thing is to wish them both well, and at the same time to remember that once upon a time we too were every bit as naive and blissfuly ignorant.

The word "ignorant" being the operative word, you really have proven the point " Assassination Without Investigation " ......try to do a bit more research before you reach for your judges gown the next time, it will prevent you from looking so foolish. coffee1.gif

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