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(What Seems Like A) Sexpat Has A Go At Some Holidaymakers


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My take on it.

I did see the documentary and I failed to see the point of it. You take some relatively privileged kids to poor parts of the world, the kids say how awful it must be for the poor people, shed a few tears then go back to the sanctity of their homes.

I would love them to make a follow up to these types of programmes to see if all those tears were acted upon once they returned home. I guess it just becomes a story to tell their friends in the future and in that respect the old guy was right, they are phoney.

I would guess virtually all hookers don't want to be hookers, but it's a way to make more money than the would normally. Without having the figures given to me I'm going to say the average Thai wage for non graduates will be between 10 and 20k a month. Hookers I would guess get more than that, some double that, some more. Again i don't have the figures but I'm sure the percentages are about right. Now considering some posters on here can't get there monthly budget below 200k, 10-20k a month is not going to get you much - especially if you have kids.

As for hookers telling sob stories to get more money. Who wouldn't if you had to do what they do? The quicker they earn money, the quicker they can quit. I'm guessing you won't find many 40 year old hookers around, so it's a short term gig.

You never been to Hua HIn ?

No. Is it good? Maybe Wayne Rooney would like it?

He'd love it.

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Wow, that's pretty rude of the old guy (sounds American, unfortunately). Not sure why the video wouldn't show the guy's face. Would have liked to see what the bozo looked like.

Listening to those ridiculous young women made me feel embarrassed to be english. The fake tears from the bar girl, clearly looking for a tip was equally nauseating.

aside of all this they had all been drinking and should not have been interviewed for their opinions whilst drunk

fake tear or not is not the point, they do come from isaan a poverty stricken area and have no other choice

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But all ranging from 14,000 to 18,000 a month for shacks in Esarn shown by the same agent who looks like shes never got her hands dirty in her life. As you know you can get either a decent condo or townhouse around central bangkok for that or a concrete house and garden little further out still on the BTS or probably a house with a pool in Pattaya for the same money.

You could probably have bought the house and land for not many more months rent.

They were either completely ripped off by the agent or the program makers have set it up.

Anyone else think the Thais lines in Esarn were scripted ? It maybe the language barrier, but they looked like they were trying to remember lines.

Probably like "we're not going to make enough money because of you so we have to cut your wages, the program makers aren't paying us any money for this oooooooooooooo noooooooooo."

Hey, but at least the girl is getting her fact filled article published in as many places as possible.

I thought the same as well,a well put up job,if there is any urgency in Rice planting,then iv'e never seen it.

And where did they get Jenny the slave driver,who commanded the extortunate Rent,(a months Rent or two)would have bought the house,that part was designed to make the the group suffer by not having enough money for food,and she must have learn't,her English in far more luxurious parts of Thailand than Isaan,hardly any of Thai Villagers speak any English(In my wifes village,not even the school Teacher) The two bosses played their part very well,but one used the filming to renade on some of the wages. From the brief clip it didn't look as though the Thais were working any harder than the group.

And the Narrater/Producer,forgot to tell the viewers that the vast majority have land and thier own house,so no rent to pay,and they are not as poor as popular belief,its tied up in assets,and don't forget the Buffalo Herd.

Interesting Video though!

The kids are so stupid that they didn't click that the rent for a shack in Esarn was a lie when the the girl living in Bangkok told them her monthly rent was 1000B/ month for a room in a modern build block with fans, cupboards and a fridge. Although probably shared it still isn't going to be more than 3-5,000 a month.

Or that her family had a house in Esarn that she was funding with the money (3000B) she is sending back home.

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Wow, that's pretty rude of the old guy (sounds American, unfortunately). Not sure why the video wouldn't show the guy's face. Would have liked to see what the bozo looked like.

Listening to those ridiculous young women made me feel embarrassed to be english. The fake tears from the bar girl, clearly looking for a tip was equally nauseating.

aside of all this they had all been drinking and should not have been interviewed for their opinions whilst drunk

fake tear or not is not the point, they do come from isaan a poverty stricken area and have no other choice

It would help to use contraception and avoid bringing a child into the world that you are not in a position at that current time able to support. And yes, before anyone comes in to bleat the obvious i know many thai men get a girl pregnant and do the off!

The line of "have no other choice" is also used far too liberally. Yes, its true in some cases but it also does a great disservice to the millions of woman from the poor rurals areas that work in dreadful factory conditions and such like to earn a quarter of the money and not go into the sex industry.

Its important not to generalise is all i'm saying.

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The problem with the factory worker examples is- those factory workers would also work as prostitutes if it werent for their ungodly looks. Same can be said for the girl construction worker.

These really dont have any other choice!

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Wow, that's pretty rude of the old guy (sounds American, unfortunately). Not sure why the video wouldn't show the guy's face. Would have liked to see what the bozo looked like.

Listening to those ridiculous young women made me feel embarrassed to be english. The fake tears from the bar girl, clearly looking for a tip was equally nauseating.

aside of all this they had all been drinking and should not have been interviewed for their opinions whilst drunk

fake tear or not is not the point, they do come from isaan a poverty stricken area and have no other choice

It would help to use contraception and avoid bringing a child into the world that you are not in a position at that current time able to support. And yes, before anyone comes in to bleat the obvious i know many thai men get a girl pregnant and do the off!

The line of "have no other choice" is also used far too liberally. Yes, its true in some cases but it also does a great disservice to the millions of woman from the poor rurals areas that work in dreadful factory conditions and such like to earn a quarter of the money and not go into the sex industry.

Its important not to generalise is all i'm saying.

You know that some parents sell their daughters to the sex industry right? Then you must also know that in some schools in Isaan they teach the kids that marrying a farang is the best option in life.

You go way too far by comparing the west with an Asian country like Thailand. The culture and education are not the same, hence the thinking is not the same.

How we percieve life is an aspect which each country has their own take on.

Western countries have reached a level of equility, most Asian countries have not.

The fact that there is nothing stable in Thailand is a reminder of that it's each to his own and when you realize that conclusion everything is up for bidding. I don't condole it but I do understand it and comparing a developed country to a developing country is as useful as comparing apples to bananas

Edited by maxme
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The problem with the factory worker examples is- those factory workers would also work as prostitutes if it werent for their ungodly looks. Same can be said for the girl construction worker.

These really dont have any other choice!

No, don't generalise! You're sayinf they'd all sell their bodies if they had the looks. Thats utter rubbish. Some would yes, ofcourse they would, but many others would never dream of it.

many in the sex trade "choose" to do it because they view the extra money as making it a "better deal' than working in the factories and construction.

Anyway, regards construction, how many female construction workers are actually thai?

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In the west girls do have options and some choose to service men..................go figgure!

Sorry, but what are you talking about?

Prostitution is also practiced in other countries. The reason thai takes all the heat is they do it best!

There will always be jealousy when one is good at what they do.

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In the west girls do have options and some choose to service men..................go figgure!

Sorry, but what are you talking about?

Prostitution is also practiced in other countries. The reason thai takes all the heat is they do it best!

There will always be jealousy when one is good at what they do.

Are you for real...?

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In the west girls do have options and some choose to service men..................go figgure!

Sorry, but what are you talking about?

Prostitution is also practiced in other countries. The reason thai takes all the heat is they do it best!

There will always be jealousy when one is good at what they do.


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Girls who are forced to be prostitutes arent fun, they provide the physical aspects of sex thats all. This can be had anywhere on earth.

Many thais seem to want to be prostitutes-why do you think guys keep coming back. The girls deliver more than the sex!

The eagerness to deliver the GFE probably has more to do with the future career path than natural tendencies. In other words, they are fishing for the jackpot, a Farang husband. I haven't stumbled on that in the western world, well not at least in such a blatant way as here.

As to the forced part, well most of humanity is forced to work for living. If a 7/11 job brought you 30k, there would be a shortage of BG's, unless they'd up their prices to get around 150k, which they probably would. It's a very lucrative job if you're pretty and in your 20's and does offer the career path opportunity as a Farangs wife. So it's usually by choise, other jobs aren't hard to come by in Thailand, but they pay poorly.

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In the west girls do have options and some choose to service men..................go figgure!

Sorry, but what are you talking about?

Prostitution is also practiced in other countries. The reason thai takes all the heat is they do it best!

There will always be jealousy when one is good at what they do.


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The problem with the factory worker examples is- those factory workers would also work as prostitutes if it werent for their ungodly looks. Same can be said for the girl construction worker.

These really dont have any other choice!

That's not at all true

Many factory girls are really pretty, just take a wander around a factory town. They choose not to work as prostitutes.

Many prostitutes work as construction workers between the ages of 13-19 when they are not allowed to work in the sex industry.

As to the forced part, well most of humanity is forced to work for living. If a 7/11 job brought you 30k, there would be a shortage of BG's, unless they'd up their prices to get around 150k, which they probably would. It's a very lucrative job if you're pretty and in your 20's and does offer the career path opportunity as a Farangs wife. So it's usually by choise, other jobs aren't hard to come by in Thailand, but they pay poorly.

I don't agree, most BGs are too lazy to work in 7/11s no matter what the wage.

(Not taking into consideration you need a high school diploma to be employed in a 7/11)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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This man was an extreme beta male with no access to women.

Rather an omega-male if we are to use that terminology. Actually, with exceptions (such as every rich, tall, handsome, huge cock, Thaivisa member), the so called Beta male is the male norm. There are hardly any real alphas around. Before the feminist/sexual revolution (same thing) in the 60s, hypergamy was far less common since society had clearly defined rules and even laws to prevent it from happen. But when the stigma of being a loose woman was eliminated, contraception discovered, divorce laws changed (by the feminists), that meant women now all pursue the same alpha men giving a harem situation, where a few men have sex with 'all' the girls.

this alpha/beta male nonsense seems to be particularly popular amongst body builders and the intellectually challenged

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The problem with the factory worker examples is- those factory workers would also work as prostitutes if it werent for their ungodly looks. Same can be said for the girl construction worker.

These really dont have any other choice!

That's not at all true

Many factory girls are really pretty, just take a wander around a factory town. They choose not to work as prostitutes.

Many prostitutes work as construction workers between the ages of 13-19 when they are not allowed to work in the sex industry.

Correct Tommo, very pretty girls have way better options than being put out for rental. And some are happy just living an average life with their integrity intact.

Edited by canuckamuck
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The venom towards thai prostitutes just doesnt make sense. Its juts a career path for them. They provide a service and get paid ofr it. Just like the som tum ladee.

Ive scoped out construction sites....not a hot lady in sight! Same for factories..............

i just ate at nana. a bunch of promotion girls were promoting a new condo. All decent looking and wearing the same color and type of panties.......................hahahaha. Looks matters in thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ugly you clean toilets or build bldgs for a living.

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The venom towards thai prostitutes just doesnt make sense. Its juts a career path for them. They provide a service and get paid ofr it. Just like the som tum ladee.

Ive scoped out construction sites....not a hot lady in sight! Same for factories..............

i just ate at nana. a bunch of promotion girls were promoting a new condo. All decent looking and wearing the same color and type of panties.......................hahahaha. Looks matters in thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ugly you clean toilets or build bldgs for a living.

It is little hard to look "hot" when you work at construction site or factory,thumbsup.gif , though take at least half of the girls, take them to a day of facials, spa's, hair and everything else and you may find they will be extremely "hot"

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The venom towards thai prostitutes just doesnt make sense. Its juts a career path for them. They provide a service and get paid ofr it. Just like the som tum ladee.

Ive scoped out construction sites....not a hot lady in sight! Same for factories..............

i just ate at nana. a bunch of promotion girls were promoting a new condo. All decent looking and wearing the same color and type of panties.......................hahahaha. Looks matters in thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ugly you clean toilets or build bldgs for a living.

Career path...look at the dangers...STDs, HIV, AIDs, herpes, rape, drug addition, alcohol addition, loss of respect and self worth, mental problems, exposure to crime, etc etc..... the worst job in the world no matter what the pay.
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Think it thru sir. If they could make themseleves hot they would and then go to work at a bank or something.

Ever hear the saying You put lipstick on an oink oink its still ann oink oink, only w lipstick...............hahahaha

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Think it thru sir. If they could make themseleves hot they would and then go to work at a bank or something.

Ever hear the saying You put lipstick on an oink oink its still ann oink oink, only w lipstick...............hahahaha

why do not you think it throughblink.png

You think bar girls are ex super models?

Edited by phl
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BBC-reporter to his cameraman : Fancy an all-expense paid trip to Thailand ?

Cameramen : Sure …. But hasn’t this been done before ?

BBC-reporter : Yes, but we’ll have a slightly different angle, let’s bring in a social worker who hasn’t got a clue and a couple of sexpats.

Cameraman : Wow let’s go for it, I like the red light districts in Bangkok!!!!

BBC-reporter : Yes me too, and prostitution in Thailand always brings high numbers of viewers. It’s just good business.

Off-course he doesn't know that it's a hot topic here on TV also.

Yermanee wai.gif

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You think bar girls are ex super models?

From what i read here.............YES,hiso thai chineese super duper moddels............hahahahaha!

You're confusing expats wives with bar girls. No wait! :rolleyes:

Edited by Payboy
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this alpha/beta male nonsense seems to be particularly popular amongst body builders and the intellectually challenged

You shouldn't talk about intellect when you have not the slightest knowledge on biology and evolution.


Im sorry, i wan't aware i needed a biology degree to offer an opinion.

where did you complete your studies?

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this alpha/beta male nonsense seems to be particularly popular amongst body builders and the intellectually challenged

You shouldn't talk about intellect when you have not the slightest knowledge on biology and evolution.


Im sorry, i wan't aware i needed a biology degree to offer an opinion.

You could increase your intellectual capabilities if you'd learn reading.

Just try to be helpful.

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