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Nuts Internet Speed Up To 60Mbps


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ToT speedmeter often not reachable. ADSL speeds all over the place, the highest couple of days ago 60+ kbps, very jerky, now against BKK over 20kbps and against USA over 10mbps on my 6 kbps broadband. Wish it were true, the actual downloading of e.g. Youtube or gmail is very slow, not a trace of highspeed. ThaiVisa comes almost to a standstill.

Any observations?

left speed against BKK, righr against USA, taken about the same minute



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Isnt there a forum for techno geeks?

So sorry this is 6 miles above my head; my first computer beat me at chess, but I found out it was no match for me at kick boxing..thats all I know

good luck though despite my flippancy.

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I dont know what the problem is but the last few days my service has been the craziest ever . I can log on no problem most web pages take forever to load pictures dont come up thats if I can get internet explorer to even start up . I have Tot and thats probably the problem ... Sometimes real good sometimes real bad .....

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I'm not a techy by any means but a lot of factors control the actual speed you enjoy. The actual speed you get is determined by the source and by your own computer. I had real speeds of 60MBS in Korea but that was faster than most sources. Also, there is an issue with Macs that slows their feed. I don't quite understand it but it has to do with the particular isp equipment you are using. Last year I bought a new iMac with a super fast processor etc and had it hooked up to a super fast connection and you tube was slower than with my old pc at work.

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Now that is interesting =

The Thai ISP's are caching the speedtest files in order to make it look better.

This is the reason Thaivisa is closing its speedtests in Bangkok and Singapore beginning from today.

That is worth wider publication!

How to get a true reading or is each and every speed test cached?

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I always thought the maximum speed attainable with ADSL over a standard telephone lines was 24Mbps but things might've changed.

For sure the speedtest.net results are massively inaccurate but www.dslreports.com is pretty kosher.

The wildly fluctuating speeds the OP's getting might be down to a crappy signal-to-noise ratio but I seem to recall that when I was a TOT customer - for all of 2 months 4 years ago - the speeds were atrocious. If this is a regular problem, you're best off binning them.

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The Thai ISP's are caching the speedtest files in order to make it look better.

This is the reason Thaivisa is closing its speedtests in Bangkok and Singapore beginning from today.

How does server caching work?


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Take a look at the section titled How the web-caching appliance works in his Link. Or said another way, a mirror image of the webpage/file you want is on a nearby cache server versus on the source server which may be halfway around the world. So many of the speedtest programs end up being fooled (along with the person) by nearby cache servers...makes the speedtest results look like the server you are testing to in far off farangland (US/Europe/etc) is just across the soi--and in fact it may be that close if your ISP has a network facility across the soi from you...otherwise, it's probably in Bangkok.

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Take a look at the section titled How the web-caching appliance works in his Link. Or said another way, a mirror image of the webpage/file you want is on a nearby cache server versus on the source server which may be halfway around the world. So many of the speedtest programs end up being fooled (along with the person) by nearby cache servers...makes the speedtest results look like the server you are testing to in far off farangland (US/Europe/etc) is just across the soi--and in fact it may be that close if your ISP has a network facility across the soi from you...otherwise, it's probably in Bangkok.

That's my point. It seems to me that people use a certain speedtest so much, then that page is cached at the isp level. Probably not the isp's doing it intentionally.

Even Ctrl-F5 does not clear the isp's cache.


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Correct...the speedtest test file(s) is cached on the ISP's cache server; not your local computer. Ctrl-F5 just clears the cache on your computer; not the ISP cache server.

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Correct...the speedtest test file(s) is cached on the ISP's cache server; not your local computer. Ctrl-F5 just clears the cache on your computer; not the ISP cache server.

I understand that.

And thanks for all your input on the forums.


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Isnt there a forum for techno geeks?

So sorry this is 6 miles above my head; my first computer beat me at chess, but I found out it was no match for me at kick boxing..thats all I know

good luck though despite my flippancy.

Yeah dude, you're posting it it !biggrin.png

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About the caching. I'm not claiming the tests are accurate but whenever I do a test the first thing the site does is find a local location to run the test from. A speed test should be run from the closest point possible. So correct me if I am wrong. If the speed test is legitimate and properly administered in its setup, then your speeds will register most correctly the closer to you that the site is. The more distance from you equals a slower and less accurate rating.

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About the caching. I'm not claiming the tests are accurate but whenever I do a test the first thing the site does is find a local location to run the test from. A speed test should be run from the closest point possible. So correct me if I am wrong. If the speed test is legitimate and properly administered in its setup, then your speeds will register most correctly the closer to you that the site is. The more distance from you equals a slower and less accurate rating.

Not totally correct. When checking your basic "in-Thailand" speed you should use the closest server to you; but to check your "international" speed you need to use an "out-of-Thailand" server. And for example if most of your surfing is done to U.S. web sites you need to do a speedtest against U.S servers...unfortunately, many speed test programs are programmed/written in such a way that they can be easily fooled into thinking they are speedtesting to that far off international/U.S./European server when in fact they are really testing against a "in-Thailand" cache server. Therefore, you get faster than light ping times and download speeds like the server is just across the soi....what you've basically done is just did another speedtest against an "in-Thailand" server...the cache server.

Cache servers are great and needed especially if they are holding/mirroring content/sites you regularly surf/download from, but many speedtest results can fool a person into thinking they are getting super fast speeds to the other side of the Earth. But when they attempt something like live video streaming which most likely won't be cached they wonder why the video pauses/hangs so much....the reason: slow and non-steady international download speed.

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Therefore, you get faster than light ping times

Absolutely right , I just get a 5ms record ping time from bangkok to paris . That makes the speed of light well above 400 000 km/s. And I just arrive here after googling to understand why!

I am experiencing extremely low speed when dowloading from france. I have a cable true online supposed to be 20mb/s -I have this speed in thailand but only around 200kb/s for Europe. A few months ago I had ten times better.

I just wonder if it would be of any help to complain.

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You can complain or switch providers. They all cheat on the tests but another provider might get you better actual speeds. In my experience, Europe was always slow. The big pipes all go to the USA.

The Thai ISPs have been cheating on speedtests for quite some time.

I find it amazing that the speedtest sites themselves don't prevent that, I even wrote them about it. It would be pretty much trivial to add some checks to the speedtest program itself to verify it's actually downloading the data; in fact _not_ adding these checks is really sloppy programming.

All they'd need to do is generate random data for each test, then have the client send the checksum back. If the ISPs got clever about it, add some HTTPS. But for whatever reason, speeedtest.net doesn't do that.

Anyway if you speedtest the USA and your ping shows as 20ms, you know it's BS. Ping should be around 200 and not much less.

I still think it tests the line speed to the ISP - however, there might even be local caching going on so the only guarantee is that it checks the speed to the nearest DSL hub. That is a test to BKK from Chiang Mai might actually only check the speed to Chiang Mai.

My TOT speeds have been relatively fine lately, had some minor issues but I think they're local network based, e.g the crappy hardware I got from TOT...

Edited by nikster
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Therefore, you get faster than light ping times

Absolutely right , I just get a 5ms record ping time from bangkok to paris . That makes the speed of light well above 400 000 km/s. And I just arrive here after googling to understand why!

I am experiencing extremely low speed when dowloading from france. I have a cable true online supposed to be 20mb/s -I have this speed in thailand but only around 200kb/s for Europe. A few months ago I had ten times better.

I just wonder if it would be of any help to complain.

I'm on the True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan also here in western Bangkok...been on it going 14 months...been rock solid. Lots of different servers in Europe so the core problem in your case could be the particular server in Europe you are connecting to. And generally when I do speedtest to European speedtest.net sites I get lower speeds and higher ping times than going to U.S. sites...and the U.S. is farther away....guess it has something to do with the routing...sometimes I almost think the connection out of Thailand is routed east to the U.S. and then on to Europe where that internet road trip is like going two-thirds of the way around the world...where if they went west to Europe it would only be one-third around the world...but they probably do go west to Europe and it's just slower/more hops to go through for whatever reason.

If not already tried, you might want to give one of the True proxy server settings a try. Varies how you set it up in your browser/network settings, but the two True proxy sever settings are below. Using the proxy sometimes can speed things up and eliminate access problems to certain sites. During my first 6 months or so with True cable I would use the proxy setting a lot because I had problems accessing certain U.S. govt web sites without using the proxy or VPN; but that problem just seemed to go away late last year. Plus the proxy use to give faster browser surfing. But now, use of the proxy don't seem to make much of any difference, but sometimes on those days when True seems to be running slower use of the proxy does help...sometimes it don't. And for whatever reason, use of the proxy prevents skewing of/bogus Speedtest.net results as shown below in a couple Speedtests to Frankfurt and London....use of the proxy don't slow down the speedtest.net results it just forces valid results somehow.

"proxy.trueinternet.co.th" Port 8080


"proxy.asianet.co.th" Port 8080

From Bangkok To Frankfurt with Proxy Turned On (Probably Valid Results)


From Bangkok to Frankfurt with Proxy Turned Off (Bogus, Faster-Than-Light download speed and ping time results)


From Bangkok to London with Proxy Turned On (Probably Valid Results)


From Bangkok to London with Proxy Turned Off (Bogus, Faster-Than-Light download speed and ping time results)


Bangkok to Bangkok (get the same results with Proxy Turned Off or On...Valid Results)


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Ok, one illusion less that technology yields in reliable yardsticks.

One idea to counter faked results:

an individual meter which measures the actual speed between two points directly,

without going through some speed metering service.


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Therefore, you get faster than light ping times

Absolutely right , I just get a 5ms record ping time from bangkok to paris . That makes the speed of light well above 400 000 km/s. And I just arrive here after googling to understand why!

I am experiencing extremely low speed when dowloading from france. I have a cable true online supposed to be 20mb/s -I have this speed in thailand but only around 200kb/s for Europe. A few months ago I had ten times better.

I just wonder if it would be of any help to complain.

I'm on the True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan also here in western Bangkok...been on it going 14 months...been rock solid. Lots of different servers in Europe so the core problem in your case could be the particular server in Europe you are connecting to. And generally when I do speedtest to European speedtest.net sites I get lower speeds and higher ping times than going to U.S. sites...and the U.S. is farther away....guess it has something to do with the routing...sometimes I almost think the connection out of Thailand is routed east to the U.S. and then on to Europe where that internet road trip is like going two-thirds of the way around the world...where if they went west to Europe it would only be one-third around the world...but they probably do go west to Europe and it's just slower/more hops to go through for whatever reason.

If not already tried, you might want to give one of the True proxy server settings a try. Varies how you set it up in your browser/network settings, but the two True proxy sever settings are below. Using the proxy sometimes can speed things up and eliminate access problems to certain sites. During my first 6 months or so with True cable I would use the proxy setting a lot because I had problems accessing certain U.S. govt web sites without using the proxy or VPN; but that problem just seemed to go away late last year. Plus the proxy use to give faster browser surfing. But now, use of the proxy don't seem to make much of any difference, but sometimes on those days when True seems to be running slower use of the proxy does help...sometimes it don't. And for whatever reason, use of the proxy prevents skewing of/bogus Speedtest.net results as shown below in a couple Speedtests to Frankfurt and London....use of the proxy don't slow down the speedtest.net results it just forces valid results somehow.

"proxy.trueinternet.co.th" Port 8080


"proxy.asianet.co.th" Port 8080

From Bangkok To Frankfurt with Proxy Turned On (Probably Valid Results)


From Bangkok to Frankfurt with Proxy Turned Off (Bogus, Faster-Than-Light download speed and ping time results)


From Bangkok to London with Proxy Turned On (Probably Valid Results)


From Bangkok to London with Proxy Turned Off (Bogus, Faster-Than-Light download speed and ping time results)


Bangkok to Bangkok (get the same results with Proxy Turned Off or On...Valid Results)


Thanks, with the proxy it seems that I can measure the real speed ; using the same True service as you, I get for Paris 215ms ping and a speed of 0.6 mb download. That is ridiculously small. To california Palo Alto it is 7 times better, but I have no need for it!

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With a proxy turned on, at 7pm Thailand time I got a 296ms ping and 0.6Mb download to Paris on my True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan. All too often it just seems slow to European servers when I occassionally run a speedtest in that direction....most of my internet usage is to U.S. sites. Plus, evenings are usually slower surfing/downloading probably due to more people going online to surf, game, download, etc., after a hard day at work or school.

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I have tested Internet speed from my bangkok True 20Mb cable to various countries and cities around the world and it appears that singapore is by far the best and that the speed to europe would not allow any streaming of TV. I have thus taken today a vpn service for a two days trial. And the results are extremely good. I connect to the server in singapore and now :

-I can download from usenet at 16 Mb/s !!! Never had this speed before, the max was around 4Mb/s only.

-I am now able to see real time streaming TV from France by using a VPN within a VPN. Although I am not sure it is the most elegant solution at least it works. The first VPN is connected to Singapore. The second one is operated from the same computer on a virtual (vmware) windows 7 machine and is connected to a second VPN service located in France in order to have a local IP. In order to do that you need to pay for two VPN services.

I am very excited by this solution that bypasses True limitations but I am not sure how long True will let me download from Singapore at 16Mb/s.

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