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No New Ideas To Deal With South: Thailand


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No new ideas to deal with South

Don Pathan

The Nation


As political and security chiefs play 'musical chairs', the decisions of leaders do not reflect ground reality

BANGKOK: -- A modicum of hope had preceded this week's gathering of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and 17 ministries and security agencies to nail down a viable strategy for the three southernmost provinces, where violence has spiked in recent months.

But after a day of lengthy discussion, despair hung in the air. No new thinking emerged.

Essentially, the meeting was deemed by many as a knee-jerk reaction to the flare-up of attacks that rubbed the government the wrong way.


The outcome of the meeting also doesn't seem to reflect the reality on the ground.

Basically, Wednesday's meeting was like musical chairs. By moving people around, it created the impression of civilian supremacy in the restive region traditionally dominated by the Army.

More than 5,000 people have died since January 2004 in this Muslim-majority region.

Still unclear is the division of labour between civilians and the military, namely the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre (SBPAC) and the Fourth Army Area, whose commander doubles as the director of the region's Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc).

There has been a suggestion by the incoming police chief, Pol General Adul Saengsingkaeo, that the SBPAC come under Isoc for operational purposes.

But in Thailand's bureaucratic scheme of things, SBPAC's secretary-general is equivalent in rank to a ministry's permanent secretary, while the Fourth Army's commander-general is several notches below that pay grade, probably somewhere even with a district chief.

The military has yet to come to terms with the notion of civilian supremacy.

Civilians, on the other hand, have yet to grasp the ethno-nationalist nature of the conflict, which has placed an unwanted spotlight on the country's concept of statehood. Playing the religious card hasn't worked and separatist militants continue to enjoy moral and tactical support from the local Malay Muslims.

As it stands, the deep South is very much pervaded by an "us versus them" mentality - Thai colonial masters and Malay colonial subjects.

Generosity and good intentions from the state can't change that equation as long as the culture of impunity prevails.

Thai diplomats based in Muslim countries were also brought in to make suggestions to the Wednesday meeting. But one can hardly name a Muslim country that has succeeded in dealing with its minorities. Perhaps the Foreign Ministry needs to look elsewhere for a success story - like countries that have good relationships with their minorities.

The meeting also talked about establishing 13 safe zones but did not really explain what they are or how are they going to go about achieving this objective.

Interesting rhetoric came out of the meeting, including "development projects aimed at improving livelihood, justice, human rights and conflict resolution".

Seven working groups have been formed to oversee these tasks and objectives. But if the past is any indication, translating these noble ideas into real action will be problematic.

Nevertheless, all eyes will be focusing on Deputy Prime Minister General Yuthasak Sasiprapha, as he has been appointed to take charge of the newly set up operations centre to work on a strategy to restore peace in the region. Basically, he will be overseeing existing agencies and practices.

But without legislative backing and real operational teeth, the centre could very well disappear

in the blink of an eye if and when a new government comes into power. Continuity has never been a strong point for Thai political leaders, and bureaucrats don't seem to want to make such an issue their problem.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung suggested that negotiating with the insurgents could be a step towards ending the violence. But without a designated agency with real political commitment, as well as legislative backing, a formal peace process is still a pipe dream.


-- The Nation 2012-08-10

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It would make more sense to let them have all 3 provinces and form a seperate country.

The cost of military action, contruction of new buidlings after they have been blown up, the cost lives etc etc is too much of an ongoing problem.

I can't imagine a logical reason for keeping those 3 provinces as part of Thailand. Let them go. The government has to be losing money.

Let muslims in the southern 3 provinces have their independence the same as Great Britain gave the Singaporians their independence.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

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Essentially, the meeting was deemed by many as a knee-jerk reaction to the flare-up of attacks that rubbed the government the wrong way.

But one of the resuls of the meeting was an awesome new PowerPoint briefing.

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The hatred is so deep seated that it wouldn't matter if you gave all the head bangers a 100oz gold bar each, you still wouldn't cure the problem, unfortunately reason is not in their vocabulary, hate to say it , shades of other places in the world.bah.gif

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It would make more sense to let them have all 3 provinces and form a seperate country.

The cost of military action, contruction of new buidlings after they have been blown up, the cost lives etc etc is too much of an ongoing problem.

I can't imagine a logical reason for keeping those 3 provinces as part of Thailand. Let them go. The government has to be losing money.

Let muslims in the southern 3 provinces have their independence the same as Great Britain gave the Singaporians their independence.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

And the non-muslims?? "Sorry guys, you're not in Thailand any more, sell your house and move to Thailand."

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They don't have any new idea's, and quite frankly as long as the killers are not operating on the Governments doorstep and rubbing out High So's families not much more will be done. Now if the baddies started a bombing campaign in the Capital with devastating effects, I believe things would change rapidly.

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Encourage investment in the region and create jobs. Simple.

Tax free for companies based in the south.

There is no work down there and government has neglected the south for decades with funding. Even Phuket doesn't get enough government support.

It all comes down to basic needs.

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It would make more sense to let them have all 3 provinces and form a seperate country.

The cost of military action, contruction of new buidlings after they have been blown up, the cost lives etc etc is too much of an ongoing problem.

I can't imagine a logical reason for keeping those 3 provinces as part of Thailand. Let them go. The government has to be losing money.

Let muslims in the southern 3 provinces have their independence the same as Great Britain gave the Singaporians their independence.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

That is why it all started...it is about the oil and gas there. It is much cheaper to take from a small country.

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i have an idea : they don't pay much tax overthere anyway, it belonged to another country beginning of the century or am i mistaken ?

just cut your losses and give it back ?

and close the borders

you forget the oil and gas....that is the point for both sides

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I reckon the Killer Power Point show must have been really neat.

Especially the bit about exchanging "intelligence" with Malaysia.

I reckon that's like discussing the photons particle/wave duality with

Homer Simpson.

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It is true that there's little room for Muslims in this society. why can't they give back what they took from at the first place? Look at Malaysia. It's now a democratic country (from an Asian perspective, of course) and independence could lead to peace and prosperity.

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Really...ya gotta love this....it makes no sense whatsoever.....


New Structure?

9 Strategies...29 Action Plans...

Cub Scout Field Trips to the zoo?

Pity the RTA lads down there.

Somebody help us...PLEASE.

Edited by sunshine51
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They don't have any new idea's, and quite frankly as long as the killers are not operating on the Governments doorstep and rubbing out High So's families not much more will be done. Now if the baddies started a bombing campaign in the Capital with devastating effects, I believe things would change rapidly.

And that is exactly why things are not happening on the Government door step.

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Encourage investment in the region and create jobs. Simple.

Tax free for companies based in the south.

There is no work down there and government has neglected the south for decades with funding. Even Phuket doesn't get enough government support.

It all comes down to basic needs.

I think it is a different kind of basic need in Phuket.

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I do believe Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung is rite on here.

My suggestion is that he depart for the deep South rite away. With his wisdom we should be OK by next week.

Or let him stay as long as he needs.

"Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung suggested that negotiating with the insurgents could be a step towards ending the violence."

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It would make more sense to let them have all 3 provinces and form a seperate country.

The cost of military action, contruction of new buidlings after they have been blown up, the cost lives etc etc is too much of an ongoing problem.

I can't imagine a logical reason for keeping those 3 provinces as part of Thailand. Let them go. The government has to be losing money.

Let muslims in the southern 3 provinces have their independence the same as Great Britain gave the Singaporians their independence.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

And the non-muslims?? "Sorry guys, you're not in Thailand any more, sell your house and move to Thailand."

Yea, that will not work.

I totally agree !

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What ever happened to Ying's secret plan ?
I believe they are going to use a tactic borrowed out of the move "Good Morning Vietnam" they will go around and ask everyone individually "are you the enemy?" if they say yes, then they will shoot em!
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What ever happened to Ying's secret plan ?
I believe they are going to use a tactic borrowed out of the move "Good Morning Vietnam" they will go around and ask everyone individually "are you the enemy?" if they say yes, then they will shoot em!

Sounds about right.

Gosh, those red shirts sure are savy......

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If the provinces of Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and Songkla are given autonomy at any time

in the future somebody must pass away first as I believe he would like this nation to

remain intact as it is at the present. Name not mentioned out of deep respect.

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If the provinces of Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and Songkla are given autonomy at any time

in the future somebody must pass away first as I believe he would like this nation to

remain intact as it is at the present. Name not mentioned out of deep respect.

You post has to be remove maybe you should be removed too

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