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You are starting to lose me now. Rocket is a kind of lettuce isn't it? Is it important what kind of lettuce goes with Greek food? I thought you were talking "fad" food, because Rocket has been used in Australia for 20 years that I know of, and how is Australia unable to recognise it's racial problems? I really hope you don't see Romper Stomper as being indicative of Australians? In fact when I first saw it I thought it was more like UK skinhead culture than Australian. I'm born and bred Australian so I think I might know a little more about the culture and problems than you.

A very particular lettuce that yes, was a fad 20 years ago (hence my 1990's quip). I saw a Queensland cop beat up an Indian once for what I could see was no particular reason. I tried to intervene but was advised not to. Happens everywhere for sure but I am not sure the Australian press is awash with articles combating racism though. It's a clean place though - is there a law on picking up dog poo? How would you react to being blamed for this if it were not you in Australia? might you be a tad annoyed?

I wasn't there so I can't really comment, but I would be very surprised to see a cop beating up anyone purely for their ethnicity. Of course the Australian press vilifies racism. The Indian students that were beaten and robbed of their mobile phones got huge coverage in Australia, as did the Cronulla riots. Australians condemn racism as much as anywhere, you make it sound like it's all swept under the rug. You made a lot of sense with some of your earlier comments re Thailand, but I feel you aare really starting to talk through your hat about Australia. BTW, yes it is law to pick up your dog's poo, as well as to have it on a leash at all times, it also has to be registered. Any breaches incur heavy fines.

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Please don't come to HK.....don't really need whiney little boys like u here

Was there before and found nothing to whine about. A lot of the Hong Kongers look down on Gweilows married to Thais though (they assume the farang has married a maid or a hooker). In fact most gweilos think that as well. How are you finding things there?


I have the entire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

  • Like 1

I have the emtire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

They think, ''Hoooooooooooooooora, No more piles of dog pooooo.'' clap2.gif
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This has really gone so far off topic I cant even see it anymore. Its gone from dog poo to rocket salad and hopefully not a dog poo rocket salad! with fetta. Im sure the people in HK are much better for you and your dogs who are much more understanding than whinging Aussies or Ozzies if you prefer and local thai villagers. Good luck with your poo,dogs and neighbours in the future and hope we hear good reports on how moving to a new country because of 3 dogs pooing went. Think Im going to join Hong Kong Visa now in anticipation of your safe arrival.


Off topic comment. I agree the majority of the Australian population are not racist, however it's not a small minority. There are more than a few racist Aussies who post on this forum.



Off topic comment. I agree the majority of the Australian population are not racist, however it's not a small minority. There are more than a few racist Aussies who post on this forum.


More than a few, how many exactly? Are the racists only represented by Aussies or are there other racist nationalities?


Please don't come to HK.....don't really need whiney little boys like u here

Was there before and found nothing to whine about. A lot of the Hong Kongers look down on Gweilows married to Thais though (they assume the farang has married a maid or a hooker). In fact most gweilos think that as well. How are you finding things there?

I'm good.


I have the entire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

David - you did ask this before and sorry I missed out on the reply. I have no children (hooorah says those who like to put the boot in a lot) but my partner is Thai. She works for a blue chip firm and has already told them she would like to transfer there which should not be a huge issue. She is very excited about the potential move. She has worked in Singapore and the US before, and as such kind of prefers life in many ways outside of Thailand. She would only go through if her work supports her move (visa basically). She is no lover of Thailand, educated and world wise enough to see the many failings and it irritates her just as much as it does me. She picks up poo as well just to keep things on topic.

Still amazed that the waste of space "jump in with shitty comment" brigade still think this post is about dog poo though. It's about the blame the farang culture more than anything else. I assumed that me picking up the stuff endlessly would show that I am not the arrogant monster these fools think I am but heh, what ever makes them feel good about themselves.


I have the emtire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

They think, ''Hoooooooooooooooora, No more piles of dog pooooo.'' clap2.gif

....the dogs are going too.... so there will be.... but she is not worried about that and picks the stuff up as well. thumbsup.gif


I have the entire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

David - you did ask this before and sorry I missed out on the reply. I have no children (hooorah says those who like to put the boot in a lot) but my partner is Thai. She works for a blue chip firm and has already told them she would like to transfer there which should not be a huge issue. She is very excited about the potential move. She has worked in Singapore and the US before, and as such kind of prefers life in many ways outside of Thailand. She would only go through if her work supports her move (visa basically). She is no lover of Thailand, educated and world wise enough to see the many failings and it irritates her just as much as it does me. She picks up poo as well just to keep things on topic.

Still amazed that the waste of space "jump in with shitty comment" brigade still think this post is about dog poo though. It's about the blame the farang culture more than anything else. I assumed that me picking up the stuff endlessly would show that I am not the arrogant monster these fools think I am but heh, what ever makes them feel good about themselves.

And you obviously don't like a jest where a smile makes the world go round eh. rolleyes.gif

And you obviously don't like a jest where a smile makes the world go round eh. rolleyes.gif

I love a good joke - most of my posts are tongue in cheek. In writing this thread though I have been called all sorts of names (yup, not as bad as sticks and stones), pilloried, inbox full of PM calling me all sorts and saying I will "get mine" Karma style so I am not quite sure what is a quip and what is just another saddo chucking abuse at me whilst he waits for his gogo bar to open. Honestly - you can not write anything on this forum without the first few replies from the usual morons being a full on attack at you. Check out the thread I posted about xmas movies on TV in the middle of Summer? Seriously what is wrong with these people?



And you obviously don't like a jest where a smile makes the world go round eh. rolleyes.gif

I love a good joke - most of my posts are tongue in cheek. In writing this thread though I have been called all sorts of names (yup, not as bad as sticks and stones), pilloried, inbox full of PM calling me all sorts and saying I will "get mine" Karma style so I am not quite sure what is a quip and what is just another saddo chucking abuse at me whilst he waits for his gogo bar to open. Honestly - you can not write anything on this forum without the first few replies from the usual morons being a full on attack at you. Check out the thread I posted about xmas movies on TV in the middle of Summer? Seriously what is wrong with these people?


You got naff PM's. Hmmmmmmm, that does worry me, seriously. sad.png Can't see why, Wish l could read them.

And you obviously don't like a jest where a smile makes the world go round eh. rolleyes.gif

I love a good joke - most of my posts are tongue in cheek. In writing this thread though I have been called all sorts of names (yup, not as bad as sticks and stones), pilloried, inbox full of PM calling me all sorts and saying I will "get mine" Karma style so I am not quite sure what is a quip and what is just another saddo chucking abuse at me whilst he waits for his gogo bar to open. Honestly - you can not write anything on this forum without the first few replies from the usual morons being a full on attack at you. Check out the thread I posted about xmas movies on TV in the middle of Summer? Seriously what is wrong with these people?


You got naff PM's. Hmmmmmmm, that does worry me, seriously. sad.png Can't see why, Wish l could read them.

I made the mistake of posting one up here - (did not know it was against the rules) and got a warning about it. I wonder what happened to the sender though? Nothing no doubt.

Not the first time I have received them either. If people have a problem, write it on the forum and let the world see what a petulant a-hole they are rather than a snide little school boy antic. Not being funny, but you just don't come across that kind of personality in HK any more; most of the dross brits have had to leave unless they are clinging on with PR status - not easy to be an expat there any more and that filters most of the dickheads out nowadays. Thailand seems to welcome them with open hands arms though. All good fun though :)


And you obviously don't like a jest where a smile makes the world go round eh. rolleyes.gif

I love a good joke - most of my posts are tongue in cheek. In writing this thread though I have been called all sorts of names (yup, not as bad as sticks and stones), pilloried, inbox full of PM calling me all sorts and saying I will "get mine" Karma style so I am not quite sure what is a quip and what is just another saddo chucking abuse at me whilst he waits for his gogo bar to open. Honestly - you can not write anything on this forum without the first few replies from the usual morons being a full on attack at you. Check out the thread I posted about xmas movies on TV in the middle of Summer? Seriously what is wrong with these people?


You got naff PM's. Hmmmmmmm, that does worry me, seriously. sad.png Can't see why, Wish l could read them.

I made the mistake of posting one up here - (did not know it was against the rules) and got a warning about it. I wonder what happened to the sender though? Nothing no doubt.

Not the first time I have received them either. If people have a problem, write it on the forum and let the world see what a petulant a-hole they are rather than a snide little school boy antic. Not being funny, but you just don't come across that kind of personality in HK any more; most of the dross brits have had to leave unless they are clinging on with PR status - not easy to be an expat there any more and that filters most of the dickheads out nowadays. Thailand seems to welcome them with open hands arms though. All good fun though smile.png

BUT, you don't know where members are sitting posting stuff, same as moderation, they are all around the world. I have had a U.S. guy chatting here with me via PM fighting in Afghanistan. thumbsup.gif
  • Like 1

I have the entire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

David - you did ask this before and sorry I missed out on the reply. I have no children (hooorah says those who like to put the boot in a lot) but my partner is Thai. She works for a blue chip firm and has already told them she would like to transfer there which should not be a huge issue. She is very excited about the potential move.

You are in a unique situation in that you don't have school age children and a partner who has lived and worked outside the Kingdom.

As for me ... I'm a little more relaxed when it comes to the misgivings of living in Thailand, though my tolerance has not been tested in the way yours has and I have been more a long term visitor rather then domiciled in the Kingdom.

I wish you well with the move.


I have the entire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

David - you did ask this before and sorry I missed out on the reply. I have no children (hooorah says those who like to put the boot in a lot) but my partner is Thai. She works for a blue chip firm and has already told them she would like to transfer there which should not be a huge issue. She is very excited about the potential move.

You are in a unique situation in that you don't have school age children and a partner who has lived and worked outside the Kingdom.

As for me ... I'm a little more relaxed when it comes to the misgivings of living in Thailand, though my tolerance has not been tested in the way yours has and I have been more a long term visitor rather then domiciled in the Kingdom.

I wish you well with the move.


We are thinking about kids and we both believe that raising them outside of Thailand would be a better idea. HK is not perfect for kids but the educational system is better, there version of respect for elders is a little more appealing, and living in the new territories you have some great landscape on the doorstep to mess around in as well. The sailing is better there as well I think.


I have the entire post and yet to read anything about how your wife/partner feels about leaving Thailand.

Do you have a Thai wife and/or children?

If so, that are their thoughts and feelings about moving?

David - you did ask this before and sorry I missed out on the reply. I have no children (hooorah says those who like to put the boot in a lot) but my partner is Thai. She works for a blue chip firm and has already told them she would like to transfer there which should not be a huge issue. She is very excited about the potential move.

You are in a unique situation in that you don't have school age children and a partner who has lived and worked outside the Kingdom.

As for me ... I'm a little more relaxed when it comes to the misgivings of living in Thailand, though my tolerance has not been tested in the way yours has and I have been more a long term visitor rather then domiciled in the Kingdom.

I wish you well with the move.


We are thinking about kids and we both believe that raising them outside of Thailand would be a better idea. HK is not perfect for kids but the educational system is better, there version of respect for elders is a little more appealing, and living in the new territories you have some great landscape on the doorstep to mess around in as well. The sailing is better there as well I think.

Raising kids anywhere BUT Thailand is a good idea, the spoilt little sproggs i see here everywhere proves that


Raising kids anywhere BUT Thailand is a good idea, the spoilt little sproggs i see here everywhere proves that

Not wishing to sound overtly critical ... but I don't think you really through that comment through.


Raising kids anywhere BUT Thailand is a good idea, the spoilt little sproggs i see here everywhere proves that

Not wishing to sound overtly critical ... but I don't think you really thought that comment through.

For sure, the world is changing to the hi-tech stuff. Even the other folk who want to kill farang are engrossed in farang stuff. sad.png

mmm.... dog poo?

Very good point - I would want my children to know they are accountable for their actions. This would include if they have dogs, to pick up the poo. Certainly not to blame others for the poo from your own dog which is very childish indeed.

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  • 1 year later...

Out of interest, how long have you been here Pseudolus?

I can sympathise with some of what you say, and go through my phases of it, but I'm either more tolerant or more inured to it now and I generally think it's funny.

Up in Issan I got a bunch of complaints for blowing the horn on my car to acknowledge a friend, in the midst of election trucks, brush salesmen with megaphones and a man with a shop full of speakers from concerts performing destructive testing. It was my car horn that shattered the peace though! My wife and I just laughed it off as small town silliness.


How long did you blow your horn? It was heard over the election trucks?


Out of interest, how long have you been here Pseudolus?

I can sympathise with some of what you say, and go through my phases of it, but I'm either more tolerant or more inured to it now and I generally think it's funny.

Up in Issan I got a bunch of complaints for blowing the horn on my car to acknowledge a friend, in the midst of election trucks, brush salesmen with megaphones and a man with a shop full of speakers from concerts performing destructive testing. It was my car horn that shattered the peace though! My wife and I just laughed it off as small town silliness.

How long did you blow your horn? It was heard over the election trucks?

The OP is banned and unlikely to reply under that name if still on the site.

This thread is a year old.

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