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Did Clint Eastwood Lose The Plot At Romney's Convention?


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This is amusing:


Speaking to Invisible Obama last night, in a performance that seemed to have been written by Timothy Leary and performed by Cheech & Chong, Clint Eastwood was able to drive home to tens of millions of viewers the central message of this year's Republican National Convention: We Are Delusional and Detached from Reality. Vote for Us!


But as I said, the best outcome from the incident last night was that it showed just how out of touch Republicans are these days. It's as if they want a divorce from us, the American mainstream, so they can go live in the land of legitimate rapes and ice caps that don't melt. Most Americans don't live there on Planet Koo-Koo, and I don't suspect many will be visiting there any time soon.

Thanks, Clint, you made our day!

Recent polling shows Romney got NO BOUNCE from the convention and Obama still leading by a little. clap2.gif

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Hey now, the magical underwear Romney wears is part of his faith. The underwear keeps away the evil spirits and such.

It is sad that the democrats, their followers and the media that support them are trying to use Romney's religion as a wedge issue. The party of "hope and change" strikes again. Maybe even in his old age, Clint Eastwood got it right after all:

What I’m saying, we do not have to be masochists and vote for somebody that we don’t really even want in office just because they seem to be nice guys or maybe not so nice guys, if you look at some of the recent ads going out there.

I don't think the democrats are actually doing that. I think you are imagining that actually. His religion is off limits to the Obama campaign and it should be. The right wing party, on the other hand (you know which I mean) has been demonizing gay people for many decades now, and using hatred of gay people and opposition to their basic civil rights, which SHOULD be a birthright of ALL American citizens, as a wedge issue for them. They continue with that. BTW, your Eastwood quote had NOTHING to do with your untrue accusation of Mormonism being used by a wedge issue by the Obama campaign.

I don't know why I'm replying to an off-topic post that won't be around long. This thread is about Eastwood's speech, not Romney's religion/magic underwear or some perceived slight against gays over history by Republicans.


An 82 year old Multi millionaire with his finger on the pulse of whats right in the morgage/ innercity belt, yeh sure. If your disillusioned masses got up and voted the Reps would never ever get elected.
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Recent polling shows Romney got NO BOUNCE from the convention and Obama still leading by a little.

Nonsense as usual. Romney is ahead. He has gained 5 points since the convention. Iconic Clint Eastwood is backing the right horse and his avant-garde convention speech will go down in history! http://www.examiner....ing-state-polls

A recently release University of Colorado projection of the race supports this conclusion, indicating a likely Romney win of 320 electoral votes and 52.9 percent of the popular vote to Obama’s 218 electoral votes and 47.1 percent of the popular vote.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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No, he did not lose it. But, with 82, he is sure not in his Hay days.

What surprises me, I sit far away in TH, but where is that part with, "Yes, we can! Yes, we will change." under Obama?

At least in the Foreign policy, contact with other supposed "enemy" countries, more visits, more open contact with these countries, more talks at a high political level with those I miss, more dialog was promised, no?

Where's the change?

Clint spoke about that question also, from the tears in the eyes, the first colored president, young, who will bring drastic changes on every level!

Eastwood, was in the parts I believe, I can have an opinion -Foreign policy- with my knowledge, not wrong!whistling.gif

I would have thought, Obama will sit with the new leader -KIM YONG UN- in North Korea at his inauguration at the table

and dance with Kims just official appeared spouse.wink.png

I don't fully comprehend what you are trying to say here but I don't think Clint said anything about a first "colored president". Maybe I missed that though. I'll go back and check and if I find it I'll retract that statement.

I wanted to say, Clint did not lose it, he is just a bit old.

I wanted to say, at least, in the Foreign policy of Obama, no big changes that I expected, after all that -YES WE CAN, YES WE WILL!- Rumbles.

Eastwood did nothing say from first colored president, but its not wrong and its special. I waited for something of a new kind, of, -inventing the wheel new!

After all that Tam, tam! 4 years ago.

Masterson, you should be on the gun slinging side, no?rolleyes.gif


I have a little better understanding of what you meant now. Thanks.

What I meant to infer is that using the term "colored" to describe or refer to Americans of African decent went out of favor quite a long time ago. Even though I understand that the term is still used in various situations and settings, most African Americans find the term offensive. The word itself is not offensive but neither is the word boy. However, "Boy" becomes offensive when used to address an African American male who is obviously a grown man.

Yes. You are correct. Bat Masterson is the inspiration behind my screen name. He was one of my childhood heroes. I first became aware of him when I saw him depicted in a television series in the US many years ago. Another Hollywood cowboy star, Gene Barry played the lead. He had a great them song which I still remember today:

Back when the west was very young

There lived a man named Masterson

He wore a cane and derby hat

They called him Bat, Bat Masterson

If you are implying that the gunslinger in this years election is Romney, then no. I'm quite obviously not on his side.

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An 82 year old Multi millionaire with his finger on the pulse of whats right in the morgage/ innercity belt, yeh sure. If your disillusioned masses got up and voted the Reps would never ever get elected.

The disillusioned masses are disillusioned in the first place because they fell for the illusion that Obama put forth in 2008. Eastwood hits on that in his speech.

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I liked some of Clint's movies, didn't like some. Like quite a few that he's directed. I didn't think much of this performance, but to each his own.

I don't agree with Clint's politics, but overall he's a pretty likeable person.

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For an obviously unscripted, ad-lib performance, he killed. That was pretty gutsy in front of a global audience. The performance was bizarre, but brave, if not a little alzheimerish. It was interesting how he portrayed Obama as an angry black man by his frequent references telling Clint to "go ....yourself!"

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For an obviously unscripted, ad-lib performance, he killed. That was pretty gutsy in front of a global audience. The performance was bizarre, but brave, if not a little alzheimerish. It was interesting how he portrayed Obama as an angry black man by his frequent references telling Clint to "go ....yourself!"

Imagine if a black guy at the Dem convention said "go..... yourself" with an empty chair of a white guy . The Right wing and repubs would have be shouting about the racism and bigotry , But hey its ok when they do it , Bigots and Hypocrites

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Clint is getting rave reviews from some it seems:

Clint Eastwood made my night.

I know he rambled a bit and mumbled at times during his “surprise” appearance at the Republican convention, but I thought one true measure of Eastwood’s success was that he threw MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow into a fit of apoplexy. http://www.lohud.com/article/20120902/COLUMNIST08/309020037/Reisman-Clint-Eastwood-hit-his-target-GOP-convention?nclick_check=1

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Interesting, looks like the Romney team did not have enough room to keep Eastwood's performance in the RNC video.


"...The two-and-a-half minute video posted today to the Romney campaign's YouTube account features former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, VP nominee Paul Ryan and of course, Romney himself, but it leaves out Eastwood's controversial speech..."

For someone who was built up as the special guest speaker, that is pretty crappy. Then again some will say so what and politicians have always used people to get what they want. Or some will say that the Romney team wants to forget this part of the convention happened.

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Interesting, looks like the Romney team did not have enough room to keep Eastwood's performance in the RNC video.


"...The two-and-a-half minute video posted today to the Romney campaign's YouTube account features former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, VP nominee Paul Ryan and of course, Romney himself, but it leaves out Eastwood's controversial speech..."

For someone who was built up as the special guest speaker, that is pretty crappy. Then again some will say so what and politicians have always used people to get what they want. Or some will say that the Romney team wants to forget this part of the convention happened.

They probably would have had to pay Eastwood royalties.

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A number of speakers were left off the video. It looks like only the best speeches were included and with all respect to Dirty Harry, he was not even in the top 10.

Then why actually is his performance the only thing that is remembered of the convention?

You just made a great case as to why not to include Eastwood. He is already the most remembered part and his 11 minute speech has gone viral.

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A number of speakers were left off the video. It looks like only the best speeches were included and with all respect to Dirty Harry, he was not even in the top 10.

Then why actually is his performance the only thing that is remembered of the convention?

Because the lib-left media lapdogs would have it no other way otherwise the focus of the election would be policies, and that would never do.

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A number of speakers were left off the video. It looks like only the best speeches were included and with all respect to Dirty Harry, he was not even in the top 10.

Then why actually is his performance the only thing that is remembered of the convention?

I have seen the highlights of Romney, Ryan and Rubio's speeches replayed constantly - of course I am not watching MSNBC.

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I love Clint, amazing character actor in his earlier days; ultimate tough guy, ultimate cool. You can't think western without an image of Clint and probably the soundtrack from one of his shows running through your head.

Then in later years became a legendary director as well.

He spent a few months filming the unforgiven near our small town and fit in fine with the locals. When he went for his morning run people left him alone. He didn't make a big deal about stuff or insist on special treatment. I never heard a negative word about it, other than what some of the production crew got up to with the local ladies. But Clint wasn't part of that.

That film got nominated for 9 oscars and it took home 4 including best director and picture.

I doubt he is worried too much about what people say these days, he's going to say and do what he likes because he has nothing left to prove.

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A buddy of mine worked on the private Warner Brothers airplane and flew movie stars all over the world on a daily basis. He always said that Clint Eastwood was the most decent one and that his kids were really nice and not spoiled like other celebrity's kids. I never knew what his politics were until last week. It seems that Clint Eastwood really does wear a White Hat. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Partisan politics aside Clint did a great show.

Notice he didn't really talk up the GOP candidate, but rather promoted voting against the incumbent.

I found that refreshing. To me, it was more credible than if he had gushed all over Romney, These and other comments don't make him sound like he was a Republican...

I know you were against the war in Iraq, and that's okay. But you thought the war in Afghanistan was OK.

You know, I mean -- you thought that was something worth doing. We didn't check with the Russians to see how did it -- they did there for 10 years.

For the most part Republicans thought that both wars were OK and certainly no need to consult the Russians. He's sounding more like a Libertarian here. So it is no wonder Clint wasn't talking up the GOP candidate. I have Libertarian friends who WILL NOT vote for Romney (and of course, not for Obama) out of principle. Ron Paul hints that he likes the Romney/Ryan ticket but will not endorse it and he will not vote for Obama. Eastwood here did something of the same, he didn't gush all over Romney but he made the case not to vote for Obama and hopefully that sunk in with some undecided voters.

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I love Clint, amazing character actor in his earlier days; ultimate tough guy, ultimate cool. You can't think western without an image of Clint and probably the soundtrack from one of his shows running through your head.

Then in later years became a legendary director as well.

He spent a few months filming the unforgiven near our small town and fit in fine with the locals.

So you're saying he outsourced jobs to Canada? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ;)

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I love Clint, amazing character actor in his earlier days; ultimate tough guy, ultimate cool. You can't think western without an image of Clint and probably the soundtrack from one of his shows running through your head.

Then in later years became a legendary director as well.

He spent a few months filming the unforgiven near our small town and fit in fine with the locals.

So you're saying he outsourced jobs to Canada? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! wink.png

Lots of Hollywood flicks made in Canada, but the actors union is the same so don't get too upset.

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Clint is a very old guy that put on a lousy performance, but his heart is in the right place and the speeches by Condo Rice, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney were excellent. thumbsup.gif

They fact that they wheel out a vacuous, ageing film star at a pre-election convention shows how shallow the whole thing has become.

There's an episode of a series called "The NewsRoom" in which they are trying to get a proper debate with the presidential candidates but the party refuses to expose them to it. I thought it was adequate fiction until they showed the real questions that were asked. Do the American people *really* judge a candidate based on their answer to a question like "Elvis or Johnny Cash"?

The American people should demand the truth from their politicians, like how much tax has Romney paid, not how much Hollywood actors like him, which is beyond irrelevant to his ability and trustworthiness to serve as President.

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