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Son Of Red Bull Executive Arrested For Alleged Fatal Hit-And-Run Against Police

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Does anyone know how old the son (driver) is?

What model Ferrari is that? FF?

Perhaps it was new and he was unfamiliar with both the extraordinary power and controls (clutch specifically)?

Not that this excuses any blame in the original incident or subsequent flight.

BTW I do understand the flight as it might be easy to imagine immediate justice being dispensed on the scene, by an outraged crowd.

Looks like Clarkson's favourite model; a Ferrari 458.

Well known to be notoriously difficult to drive when drunk at 5.30am and returning home from your favorite club.

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Crime inspector of Thonglor police station seconded for trying arrest scapegoat

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Metropolitan Police Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit Thoopkrajang Monday seconded Pol Lt Col Pannapon Nammuang, a crime suppression inspector of Thonglor Police station, to an inactive position at the Metropolitan Police.

Kamronwit said Pannapon tried to have someone to pretend to be the driver of the car that hit and killed Pol Sen Sgt Maj Wichien Klanprasert of Thonglor police station.

"This was unacceptable for him to set up for an arrest of a scapegoat. He ignored the death of his subordinate," Kamronwit said.

Kamronwit said Pannapon would be indefinitely seconded to the Metropolitan Police head office.


-- The Nation 2012-09-03

This "Officer" should be jailed and all of his case convictions investigated as he has proven himself a liar and a scumbag. He abandoned his duty to his subordinate and his family for money. Absolutely disgraceful for the police to keep this "Man", on duty. Will it happen? Nope.
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Condolences to the poor Policeman.

Based on other similar cases, let me make a quick prediction as to the outcome:

1. Suspended sentence, accidental death verdict, community service, no jail time.

2. Someone finds their bank account swells considerably.

Yep F****ing pathetic you could say Red Bull sh*t


Does anyone know how old the son (driver) is?

What model Ferrari is that? FF?

Perhaps it was new and he was unfamiliar with both the extraordinary power and controls (clutch specifically)?

Not that this excuses any blame in the original incident or subsequent flight.

BTW I do understand the flight as it might be easy to imagine immediate justice being dispensed on the scene, by an outraged crowd.

Looks like Clarkson's favourite model; a Ferrari 458.

Well known to be notoriously difficult to drive when drunk at 5.30am and returning home from your favorite club.

Not a joke !!! http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Crime-inspector-of-Thonglor-police-station-seconde-30189618.html


Although this is a high profile case, it could just be that it was an accident. How many times have I not seen the police motosai just pull into traffic right in front of cars.

Most people here panic when they have been in accident and just flee, even when not at fault.

Just sayin'...

That could very well be true. But someone driving a Ferrari must have been traveling at quite a speed to dent it as much as it is shown in the pictures.Corruption in police forces exists in virtually every country in the world. Here in Thailand it is just a slight bit less "under the counter" and favours are done in eveery country for the wealthy and people in power by authorities.

My condolences to the family olf the deceased policeman.


Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

There is a giant dent in the hood of the Ferrari, a giant dent in the motorcycle, a dead policeman, a number of witnesses and video camera cctv, an already attempted cover-up, and an arrest.

But of course...lets wait for "all" the evidence...


When is the Thai middleclass going to wake up? And say enough is enough!! I know that corruption and cronyism is part of society here, but there must be a limit somewhere?? Or do they all have the dream about being the guy in the Ferrari and above the law, or are they all so krengjai, that they just bend over once more?bah.gif

Wake up? They are already very much awake. How do you think Somchai the village headman handles affairs when he blazes down the Kalasin or Lampang highway and flattens a couple of teenagers on a motosai? How do you think Samwang the bus driver in Chiang Rai handles things when he drives his 45 passenger bus off the road, killing and maiming scores, after a long night session of drinking and gambling? Exactly the same.

The future of Thailand and justice is found exactly here:

Opinion polls conducted by Abac continue to support this attitude.

The percentage of respondents who did not mind corruption by a government as long as they also benefit from it was 64 in January 2011, 64.6 per cent in November 2011, 64.7 per cent in January 2012, and 63.4 per cent in June 2012.

With those sorts of statistics, corruption isn't going to come to a grinding halt any day soon. And....ask any of your Thai friends for their opinion. Most will likely vent anger and disappointment. Ask them what they'll do about it...they will just shrug their shoulders.

Pretty bleak, hu ermm.gif


Crime inspector of Thonglor police station seconded for trying arrest scapegoat

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Metropolitan Police Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit Thoopkrajang Monday seconded Pol Lt Col Pannapon Nammuang, a crime suppression inspector of Thonglor Police station, to an inactive position at the Metropolitan Police.

Kamronwit said Pannapon tried to have someone to pretend to be the driver of the car that hit and killed Pol Sen Sgt Maj Wichien Klanprasert of Thonglor police station.

"This was unacceptable for him to set up for an arrest of a scapegoat. He ignored the death of his subordinate," Kamronwit said.

Kamronwit said Pannapon would be indefinitely seconded to the Metropolitan Police head office.


-- The Nation 2012-09-03

If this story is true then the Pannapon is a criminal. Yet his punishment is a transfer to administration. Please tell me somebody that this is a joke.

Not a joke !!! http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Crime-inspector-of-Thonglor-police-station-seconde-30189618.html

Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

I guess, the last sentence is teh one you should repeat often, loud and to yourself!

You "agree it doesn't look good, that a cover- up has already been attempted"?

How nice of you!

Tell me...if you are completely innocent and it was a accident... why do you flee the scene and arrange a cover up?

You are right: we don't know all the evidences, but with things like that going on: how much more evidence do you need?...and for what???

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The tide will turn one day, I suspect it won't be pretty when it does.

Mmm - it never is. Spent 20 years studying & writing about 'Progress', and concluded that it has rarely occurred after a nice chat with tea & biscuits in an enlightened seminar; (the old academic utopia) - more often comes dripping with blood, pain, and the destruction of the physical and/or human dimensions of opposed interest-groups. Sad, but largely true.


Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png



Ah yea, that's 'possible' but more likly the spoiled brat was driving his supercar like a maniac.. why do you think he was driving at 5.30am.. you think he was on his way to a job? NO these brats usually drive at wee hours in the am so they use the roads as a speedway with minimal cars out there, and when 1 unlucky person happens to be in the way he get's or almost gets killed..

happened to me once.. I was driving myself to the border for a visa run so I left like at 4.30 so I wouldn't lose the whole day.. while i was on the expressway 2 of those supercras blew by me like I wasn't moving, if I had been a meter off, I would have wound up like that police man..after that incident I never drove before 6am again..

Although this is a high profile case, it could just be that it was an accident. How many times have I not seen the police motosai just pull into traffic right in front of cars.

Most people here panic when they have been in accident and just flee, even when not at fault.

Just sayin'...


For those of you wishing and hoping and predicting that one day there will be a revolt against corruption, you all live in la-la land.

Opinion polls conducted by Abac continue to support this attitude.

The percentage of respondents who did not mind corruption by a government as long as they also benefit from it was 64 in January 2011, 64.6 per cent in November 2011, 64.7 per cent in January 2012, and 63.4 per cent in June 2012.

With those sorts of statistics, corruption isn't going to come to a grinding halt any day soon. And....ask any of your Thai friends for their opinion. Most will likely vent anger and disappointment. Ask them what they'll do about it...they will just shrug their shoulders.

Which is because they dont hold all the cards/ guns /tanks/ planes but ONE DAY like all revolutions it WILL happen.


I think this case presents an interesting quandary for the police folks...

Normally, the BIB would more than happy to roll over for the benefit of some hi-so kid whose family would be willing to pony up the dosh to make the death of some "nobody" quickly vanish from the legal system.

But in this case, the victim/fatality isn't just some schlub on the street, but one of their own not-so-little fraternity.

So where will the BIB's allegiance stand in this case: toward their normal economic self-interest, or toward justice for a fallen comrade?

Going to be very interesting to hear the outcome...if we ever do...

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So he hits a motorbike killing the driver and drives off?

Well he'll probably have to pay a fine for leaving an accident scene.

Thai law is bias in favour of the motorbike driver so he'll no doubt have to pay for damages to the family (probably quite a hefty amount considering it was a police officer).

If he's found at fault in the accident he may even get a suspended sentence.


Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

You're missing the point, which is that it happens that way all too often. Wealth has impunity here, and even if it was an 'accident' he fled the scene. Even if he as totally innocent (the cop backed into him at 180KPH?), it would be a rare exception, and one that proves the rule.

No use crying about it, though. It's their country, and that's how it works. Get used to it or go somewhere else. Face the fact that there is neither any light at the end of the tunnel, nor even an entrance to the tunnel that leads to civilization for Thailand.

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Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

The evidence of liability in the accident has not yet been ascertained. But as you admit, the bribe was already offered and a cover-up attempted. Is this not a serious crime, indicative of the climate of corruption here, to warrant comment? What other factors need to be considered when a high ranking police office attempts to pervert the course of justice?


Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

There is a giant dent in the hood of the Ferrari, a giant dent in the motorcycle, a dead policeman, a number of witnesses and video camera cctv, an already attempted cover-up, and an arrest.

But of course...lets wait for "all" the evidence...

...But if we look at the past to predict the future, then you and I, unfortunately, will not be shown all of the evidence. There'll be a lot settled and concealed behind closed doors. Hope whoever was driving pays dearly in one way, shape, or form.

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