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If You Don't Like It, Go Home.


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Every couple of night a month I dream about her. I thought I failed her. She died through an accidental mix of cocktails and drugs. The lawsuit I was working on at the time kept me from being with her. She mixed prescription drugs with alcohol. No one was there to help her. She passed out. No one discovered the body for two days. Police had to go in through the windows. If I was there, like I wanted to be...she would still be alive. For some of you <deleted> on this thread try living with that.

Im sorry for the loss of your friend and I genuinely hope you can move past it at some stage.

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Every couple of night a month I dream about her. I thought I failed her. She died through an accidental mix of cocktails and drugs. The lawsuit I was working on at the time kept me from being with her. She mixed prescription drugs with alcohol. No one was there to help her. She passed out. No one discovered the body for two days. Police had to go in through the windows. If I was there, like I wanted to be...she would still be alive. For some of you <deleted> on this thread try living with that.

Dude - it is not your fault. You know this. It is not your fault. It is not the Brits fault. It is not the stewardesses fault. It is no ones fault. You need to stop "living with" that.

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Dude - it is not your fault. You know this. It is not your fault. It is not the Brits fault.

No, it's the Brit's fault for acting typically British.

No need for anything that might encourage a reply

So long. Bite me.

Well if you don't like the responses of Brits in Thailand, don't go the Thailand.

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Dude - it is not your fault. You know this. It is not your fault. It is not the Brits fault.

No, it's the Brit's fault for acting typically British.

No need for anything that might encourage a reply

So long. Bite me.

Well if you don't like the responses of Brits in Thailand, don't go the Thailand.

I think he's waiting till you've left before he comes back


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I think he's waiting till you've left before he comes back


I don't think he's angry at me, Brits, Farangs or anyone apart from himself. Tearing himself apart (allegedly) because some girl got pissed whilst on some meds (although in the first statement it was drugs, not meds). If it were the case I might hang about just to spite him lol

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Dude - it is not your fault. You know this. It is not your fault. It is not the Brits fault.

No, it's the Brit's fault for acting typically British.

No need for anything that might encourage a reply

So long. Bite me.

Help me, I'm British, what is typically British?. I can then find out if I'm typically British ( English actually, but lived in Scotland for 20 years and have a Welsh Grandfather). I'd be very disappointed to find out that I'm not. It would give me sleepless nights. Please help

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Dude - it is not your fault. You know this. It is not your fault. It is not the Brits fault.

No, it's the Brit's fault for acting typically British.

No need for anything that might encourage a reply

So long. Bite me.

Help me, I'm British, what is typically British?. I can then find out if I'm typically British ( English actually, but lived in Scotland for 20 years and have a Welsh Grandfather). I'd be very disappointed to find out that I'm not. It would give me sleepless nights. Please help

And the answer is: Monty Python.

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euh? full of it?

It sort of proves my point. That picture is used by the racists and bigots in the UK and directed at others who are not "cut from the same block" as it were? Some one with a limited mental capacity and low EQ would find that amusing; notice it needs to be written with a choice of wording that one of these Neanderthals can understand. Single syllable words basically. Thanks WebBangkok - a great illustration.

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Help me, I'm British, what is typically British?. I can then find out if I'm typically British ( English actually, but lived in Scotland for 20 years and have a Welsh Grandfather). I'd be very disappointed to find out that I'm not. It would give me sleepless nights. Please help

Did you refuse to give up your seat to an angry Thai man on a flight to Thailand once?

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I have never understood why someone lives in a country where they are miserable. The first thing that pops into my mind is that the worldly, well traveled and educated farang was outsmarted by a Thai country girl. For that reason and now not being able to afford to relocate is perhaps why they stay.

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Nope. I've been trying to get back to Thailand for years. I got stuck on something here (a lawsuit) which has dragged on for a while and I simply cannot leave the United States in the near future. For everyone's bitching and complaining, I would rather be in Thailand. Warts and all. Frankly when people complain of Thailand, I am jealous as I would simply rather be there.

Keep in mind I have nothing but love and respect for the United States. You can search all of my previous posts, and I do not sit here and complain about how terrible the United States is. The United States has its problems. There are things I don't like. But I don't complain about it. My thoughts are, if I don't like it, I can leave.

If someone who is not from the United States moves to America and complains about it, my thoughts are, you can leave. Similarly the British on this board complain alot about immigrants to Britain, who do not adopt to British ways. As a specific example, there have been complaints about Muslims who implement Sharia courts in England, and pass out leaflets against homosexuality in England. (Note that this post does not express any of my opinions on this, but is made solely as an examplar.) My thoughts are if someone moves to Thailand, then they need to adapt to Thai ways, not vice versa. It is called Thailand, not "utopia". No one said it would be perfect and paradise. For most people on this forum (who are not married or born Thai) they weren't really invited to come to Thailand either. Whatever the reasons, if you choose to live in Thailand, you take it or leave it as a whole. You don't come here and complain.

Get this I am Thai. When you clowns go out an make a sniggling little remark about MY COUNTRY or MY PEOPLE, I am going to take offense to it. Here's some quick "gems" :

I am leaving the irritating country. It's not the odd one or two. They are all halfwits.

Also, I do not have contempt or hatred for Thais at all. I can look at the situation a lot more dispassionately than someone condemned to staying here can do. It is a mix of bemusement, sorrow, frustration, as well as irritation that the real source of the reason why this country will remain a piss pot 3rd world nation and slowly trickle down the world ladder is something that is so ingrained and almost revered here that it will never change. Thailand is like a circus clown. On the surface smiles and bright lights and flashy tricks. The sex tourist comes and enjoys the show. The people that live here see the clowns dysfunctional childhood, abusive parents in the form of the government and HiSo families, the alcoholism, the rot, and know the smile is just a plastic one, and yet seem quite happy to tolerate it and pretend all is well. From the eyes of a Farang; it is not all well. It is terminally ill. I'll be sad to see the next coup in a year or two, the death, the bloodshed, the destruction of Thai's hopes and dreams but will know now that it is all self abuse. They like and encourage this for their society because it is all they know, it is all they want, and they reap what they sow.

The OP just have a bad time like many people can have and this is his way of reaching out so I suggest you take a course in solidarity and compassion for a change.

Nope. How about this; take your solidarity and compassion and shove it. I don't like it when Thais and Thailand is insulted. How about I throw some insults at the British people and see how you like it. The British like to dish it out, but they can't take it. You want to dish it out on this Forums about Thais, better trust and believe that I will dish it right on back to you. Solidarity and compassion my ass.

And since we are on the topic, I also must point out that the biggest whingers/complainers on this forum, and the most likely culprit to be making some type of derratory comment towards my country and my people are British. Like no other English speaking country comes close. The Americans don't whinge very much. The canadians (what few there are here) don't have many complaints. The Australians generally don't complain. Neither do the new zealanders. The Irish don't complain. The Scottish don't complain. There is one country that exports the largest amout of complainers to Thailand.

It's like a national past time for the English. They complain about Thailand. They complain about Britain. They complain about their food. They complain about the service. They complain about everything.

This turns me to my original post: if you don't like the way things are, you are free to leave and find someplace that you would be happier.

You're on fiiirrreee! clap2.gif

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...it appears that Submaniac is having the same.

Now I can talk to the Pseudolus but not Submaniac. Does this have to do with we are both farangs? One could try to insinuate that but doing so without concrete proof that I'm a racist and a bigot would make it a foolish endeavour. Yet SM assumes this and that makes his statements not only invalid but also he is the one that comes out as a racist.

I'm not saying that I totally agree everything the OP has to say but that is not the point I'm making either. To give creds to Submaniac that is he is a man of his words... He couldn't cope and is moving home but if he tried to actually talk to some westerners he would see that the skew perception some farangs have about Thais also applies to the Thais have about farangs.

A few years ago I was in love with a beautiful girl from Vienna. We had talked about flying to Thailand for many many years. She had a terrible fear of flying. For three years, I tried to coach her onto a plane. It didn't work. Finally, finally, finally, I managed to get her on this plane. I wanted to sit next to her and hold her hand to make sure she did not have a panic attack. The airline had the plane at capacity. Everybody was there with someone--girlfriend, wife, kids, family. There was one British individual that was obviously flying by himself. I asked if he would mind changing seats so we could sit together. He initially said yes. But nobody was in their correct seats so everyone went to find their corect seats. When the correct seats were found, I found that I could still sit next to her if he changed. His response was, "no I've already tried to change seats onece and I am not doing it again." Now I had paid $3k for these tickets. I had tried to do this flight for three years. And, my girl was going to have some serious anxiety without me sitting next to her.

But this Brit would not change. His attitude was well it's my seat you can't have it. The typical 50 year old thin bald British uppercrust "lord of the manner".

It turns out that this flight, was the last time I saw her again. She died about 3 months later. And this was my last chance, and it was ruined by a British snob that was full of himself and his "Britishness" to do a simple thing to change seats. During that flight, I burned his face into my memory. And when I am in Thailand, I am looking for him. He may even be on this forum. (And if you are, know that I am searching for you.)

But the crux of this matter is, that whenever I see some Brit on this board shooting his mouth off about Thailand, or the Thai people I think of the Brit on the plane. Yes, you think you are better and more important than me. You took away my lost opportunity to be with the girl I loved for the sake of your arrogance.

I point out that there are alot of Brits here that I absolutely adore, and am friends with like Thaicbr, Bigbikebkk, BKKjames, and if you count the Scotts as British I adore eek, and theblether and smokie35 and whatnot. So I am not anti British per se. I am anti-the ones that think they are the lord of the plantation during colonial days, and we Thais are there little brown servants. That is what I hate.

And Maxme, I know what I am about. I do not need your psychoanalytical drivel.

I always thought you were a rational and open minded person,and a good poster. But now it seems your hatred of the British people,stems from one unfortunate incident. Did you think to explain to the English Guy the true reason you wanted to change seats? had you done so, he may have changed seats for the second time! and to intend to track him down,for your retribution indicates that you have gone far beyond Bigotry.

For your information: not all Thais feel the same as you obviously do about British people,try asking the 30,000 Thai Residents in the UK,that enjoy a good life there,and appear to have no intentions of returning to Thailand. Not to mention the 100,000 immigrants a year pouring into the UK,from many other countries around the world.

Don't let one incident poison your life!

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Sorry for your loss but.....

Any educated person would just speak to the flight attendants, explain that they are with a nervous passenger and put their requests in that they need to be seated next to each other, not go bothering individuals and subject them to moving not once but twice as if the first move wasn't good enough...how do you know the Brit wasn't a nervous passenger?

I did. The german flight attendants were busy. They said that only seats could be exchanged if people agreed otherwise they would not intervene. I explained her flight conditions to the attend. I explained it to him. They didn't care.


I had assumed he was trolling with that one. It really doesn't bother me at all. The fact that people choose to judge a nation on the stereotype they have of that nation, based on their own jingoistic anti-imperialist upbringing, and hang grimly onto a memory that reinforces that stereotype; the fact that he has displayed ignorance regarding Britain, and his reliance on conformance to stereotype, highlights how little value his opinion holds.

We could argue against it, but I have never seen a bigot change their opinion on this forum, so to argue would simply give him more opportunity to express and reinforce his own prejudices.


Yeah, nice thanks. Well I can forget about talking to you again.


It sounds like you are blaming a complete stranger for an event that has nothing to do with them.

Perhaps you have an issue with not seeing her again and blame yourself that you didn't see this love of your life again, for the 3 months after the flight?

There could have been ways, pre flight, you could have secured seats next to each other: if that was to be the most important thing about flying with her, and it sounds like it was, as you have written it.

You seem pretty keen at attempting to analyse other members failings, but surprisingly you haven't turned your critical eye over this important piece of your life, looked inwards, and accepted that sometimes things don't go as you wish in life.

I really hope you find some closure on this issue as it must be really weighing you down in life.

Every couple of night a month I dream about her. I thought I failed her. She died through an accidental mix of cocktails and drugs. The lawsuit I was working on at the time kept me from being with her. She mixed prescription drugs with alcohol. No one was there to help her. She passed out. No one discovered the body for two days. Police had to go in through the windows. If I was there, like I wanted to be...she would still be alive. For some of you <deleted> on this thread try living with that.

i would venture perhaps it is a mix o' things that have dragged you so far off the point.

i feel for you loss, however the OP was about ... oh never,mind.

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Its the farangs fault she died and he was not their, simple as that, Thai logic and proud.

Maybe the brit guy was better looking and she whispered to him to stay seated, she might not have wanted a woos next to her in an extreme situation, better a real man, but if not a brit will do.

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Its the farangs fault she died and he was not their, simple as that, Thai logic and proud.

Maybe the brit guy was better looking and she whispered to him to stay seated, she might not have wanted a woos next to her in an extreme situation, better a real man, but if not a brit will do.

Bit harsh there 2woofs.

Personally though, a Thai guy commenting on how it is to be a farang in Thailand pretending to be a farang? All credibility lost I'm afraid.

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Its the farangs fault she died and he was not their, simple as that, Thai logic and proud.

Maybe the brit guy was better looking and she whispered to him to stay seated, she might not have wanted a woos next to her in an extreme situation, better a real man, but if not a brit will do.

Bit harsh there 2woofs.

Personally though, a Thai guy commenting on how it is to be a farang in Thailand pretending to be a farang? All credibility lost I'm afraid.

Well I am confused how he blames a brit in a plane seat for not being by his gf's side when she died....got me buggered

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I have never understood why someone lives in a country where they are miserable. The first thing that pops into my mind is that the worldly, well traveled and educated farang was outsmarted by a Thai country girl. For that reason and now not being able to afford to relocate is perhaps why they stay.

I have never understood why someone lives on a planet where etc.

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Its the farangs fault she died and he was not their, simple as that, Thai logic and proud.

Maybe the brit guy was better looking and she whispered to him to stay seated, she might not have wanted a woos next to her in an extreme situation, better a real man, but if not a brit will do.

Normal flying practice when travelling with others,is to ask at the checkin stage for adjoining seats,or is that too simple? i've never been refused, or split up from my family,ever! over many years of flying.

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Its the farangs fault she died and he was not their, simple as that, Thai logic and proud.

Maybe the brit guy was better looking and she whispered to him to stay seated, she might not have wanted a woos next to her in an extreme situation, better a real man, but if not a brit will do.

Bit harsh there 2woofs.

Personally though, a Thai guy commenting on how it is to be a farang in Thailand pretending to be a farang? All credibility lost I'm afraid.

Well I am confused how he blames a brit in a plane seat for not being by his gf's side when she died....got me buggered

No correlation at all but for some reason after the plane ride apparently he never saw her again. One her first plane trip to Thailand. And he is Thai. Did they get separated at immigration and he never found her again?

Just used to getting his own way all the time - Thai culture for raising boys and all that.

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Sorry my friend, you seem to have missed the point of the poor guy's post. We are all drunk, let's go to bed, ok?

Is this one of those tests to see if we have all indeed become bisexual?

Poorly phrased indeed

Let's go to bed, means, like, see, duuuuh.... go to bed guys. Is that clear enough. Go to bed guys. Glad to have contributed to a bit of interest to your lives...

Edited by cooked
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Sorry my friend, you seem to have missed the point of the poor guy's post. We are all drunk, let's go to bed, ok?

Is this one of those tests to see if we have all indeed become bisexual?

Poorly phrased indeed

Let's go to bed, means, like, see, duuuuh.... go to bed guys. Is that clear enough. Go to bed guys. Glad to have contributed to a bit of interest to your lives...


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Let's go to bed, means, like, see, duuuuh.... go to bed guys. Is that clear enough. Go to bed guys. Glad to have contributed to a bit of interest to your lives...


Confused here - does that mean we are having to get used to pitching and catching or what? I'm not even drunk. Should I be? Does it hurt that much?

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