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Is It Alright To Accidentally Drink Tap Water?


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Signs like this, put up by the Bangkok Metropolitan Authorities, can be seen around the city these days


Nam prapa deum dai

Tap water is ok to drink

I'd be surprised if any government official actually drinks tap water. Most Thais I know drink bottled water or filtered water. And for good reasons....

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I am thinking of installing a water filter at my condo in Bangkok but would like to get the water tested before and after - any ideas where I can have the water tested in the Krung Thep area? thanks

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IThe idea is to minimize possibility and numbers of bacteria and organisms you may ingest or inhale. Ice cubes are often made from tap water. So some people order no ice. I typically use bottled water when brushing my teeth to avoid the water as much as possible. Of course, don't forget that when you shower, you are probably using "tap" water and are inhaling and ingesting water that you just dont think about.

Not in Thailand, ice is provided by the local ice maker, who uses the same filtration system as the guys selling bottled water.

As for brushing your teeth with tap water, your mouth contains very strong anti-bacterial agents so no problem.

Ingesting the stuff is an entirely different prospect. Swallowing shower water! Who does that? Do you drink your bathwater too?

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I am thinking of installing a water filter at my condo in Bangkok but would like to get the water tested before and after - any ideas where I can have the water tested in the Krung Thep area? thanks

If you do this, can you reply back with the results. Would be very interesting to see them.wai.gif

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When I used to do a lot of traveling throughout SEA and Asia I always had a bottle of tincture of Iodine with me when my drinking water choices were limited. This is more for emergency use and not advisable for regular use as it can affect the thyroid.

You can use tincture of iodine to disinfect filtered and settled water.

Common household iodine from the medicine chest or first aid kit may be used to disinfect water. Add five drops of 2 percent U.S. or your country’s approved Pharmacopeia tincture of iodine to each quart or liter of clear water. For cloudy water add ten drops and let the solution stand for at least 30 minutes.


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IThe idea is to minimize possibility and numbers of bacteria and organisms you may ingest or inhale. Ice cubes are often made from tap water. So some people order no ice. I typically use bottled water when brushing my teeth to avoid the water as much as possible. Of course, don't forget that when you shower, you are probably using "tap" water and are inhaling and ingesting water that you just dont think about.

Not in Thailand, ice is provided by the local ice maker, who uses the same filtration system as the guys selling bottled water.

As for brushing your teeth with tap water, your mouth contains very strong anti-bacterial agents so no problem.

Ingesting the stuff is an entirely different prospect. Swallowing shower water! Who does that? Do you drink your bathwater too?

Hmmm...I doubt the ice makers use the exact same system. I use to walk by an ice maker's shop a lot when I lived in Bangkok. I got to know the guys fairly well, and would just inside to cool off from time to time. I didn't see any filtration systems. Seemed to be just tap water. But I'm sure the larger ice providers would do some sort of filtration. Probably just one of those tank things you see around here all the time.

My bottled water is RO, UV, and ozonated. But not all bottled water is treated like that.

Luckily, Thailand is not like Mexico. The tap water here is much better. I doubt you'd get sick from the ice, right???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe you will pooh funny for a day or two, the toxic stuff will be alright cause it is a one time dose, it more like drinking regular for awhile that kills one. There is a slight chance of bugs that might grow in your gutt, so keep an eye out for anything weird.. but all in all, everyone gets a bit in their mouth in the shower, they just don't notice it.

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know about most people and their immune systems. I often refill the water bottles from the tap. Drank the tap water all over Thailand and Cambodia. Also drink glasses out of the pitchers of weak tea they serve in most open air restaurants.

One time I did get diarrhea but I think it was from the food on an ethiopian airliner out of bangkok to hong kong.

I work on the theory that exposing my system in a limited way to local germs builds immunity. (Unless of couse I die from it, that would prove my theory really wrong. LOL )

But my Thai wife hates me when I do that, and asks me about any water I hand her, is that from the tap or did you buy it?

IMO it's mostly marketing, but if I were in BKK during the big floods no doubt I would have only drank bottled water.

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One of the biggest water distribution companies in Thailand is "Thames Water" ....

So in certain parts of the country the water in ya taps is being managed by a British company...biggrin.png

And this is a recommendation for what excatly? Have you seen what a total shambles the water companies are in the UK? All profit profit and they lose millions of litres a day down the drain ( no pun intended ) and pass the cost to the customers. British ain't British as it was.

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I am thinking of installing a water filter at my condo in Bangkok but would like to get the water tested before and after - any ideas where I can have the water tested in the Krung Thep area? thanks

Send a few bottles over to the OP, we now have a test case to work with.

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