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What Is Wrong With Those Idiots ?


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The Katchanaburi Tiger Temple was just on the BBC World News.

The reporter talked about the allegations of drugging and cruelty and the following points were made:

  • He could see no evidence of cruelty.
  • There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing.
  • He could not see any evidence of drugging

Matches my own (direct) observations.

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The Katchanaburi Tiger Temple was just on the BBC World News.

The reporter talked about the allegations of drugging and cruelty and the following points were made:

  • He could see no evidence of cruelty.
  • There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing.
  • He could not see any evidence of drugging

Matches my own (direct) observations.

But the point of the original post was that the tigers were evidence of cruelty to elephants. No-one has yet addressed that point; for example, by showing the link between the tigers and the elephants. I'm as baffled as the rest of you, but look forward to an explanation


Quote provided from OP, for information:

A video gone viral about (mainly) Thais provoking drugged tigers in the infamous Tiger Temple, another proof that those people who allow torturing of 'holy' baby elephants (and still dare to call themselves buddhist) have a twisted mind ...

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No big deal in this video but there is an ongoing issue her. It is clamed by some sources that the use of drugs to keep the animals managed is common. I have been and I have to say that perhaps that is true as they do seem way to tolerant of us humans. I also do not agree with the use of the poor cats for hours on end for photos etc. Even if it is true that the money goes towards upkeep. To much of a circus mentality for me.

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Crikey, that looks like fun if i was on holiday, but looking through the video with no atmosphere or background story it is really stupid and cruel.....it is what it is though, different opinion to all people..

I once paid 50baht to hold a baby tiger at the zoo for a photo..and loved it..where else can you experience this...London Zoo...not on your nelly..

It does like teasing though and someone is going to pay one day....

The power of that house brick to the side of the head of the tiger was amazing..can't imagine you can crack their heads very often with a house rick without causing long term brain/skull damage...

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It would appear that all the tigers are adolescent and hopefully (?) well fed before playtime. However, as observed by benbear earlier, at some time one of these animals is going to get out of the wrong side of the bed and rip somebodies head off!

Wonder what insurance the park has for such an event? Or do the participants sign a disclosure before being armed with their sticks and bags?

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You sign a disclosure...

Well fed, raised from cubs by humans and lying in the midday sun....that's why they don't give a dam_n about a few tourists sitting behind them for a photo ...

Tell that to the lady that chomped on in the CM tiger park a couple years ago.

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anyone on here that thinks this kind of treatment on animals is ok is either a complete cretin or been in the Thai sun and heat far too long...possibly/probably both!

the westerners in that video are just vile and make my blood boil, waist deep in water that the tigers have probably been pissing in for starters without the teasing that's going on....

I will refrain from commenting on the natives as they are just chasing the baht...this happens in a 3rd world country!

this has gone a bit more than viral, I see it online yesterday in one of the main U.K tabloids, we watched it in the office here and it attracted a lot of attention, pretty much all in disgust!

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It looks dangerous for the people, the tigers, what I see in the video are being teased a bit, but tigers are very playful and roll around teasing each other all day, it doesn't make me happy or anything but I wouldn't assume that the tigers aren't having some needed exercise and playtime, as unnatural as it looks.

I find zoos more depressing, sure you might think the animals are better treated, but it looks like a jail to me, the tigers there have no hope of swatting a stupid human if they want to, at least here it is a level playing field, they are getting to dance around with some humans, if a tiger is really angry at a human, it might just kill him, but that wouldn't be so much the tigers fault.

I am more concered with animals being left alone in the wild then I am with the domestic ones.

Nobody would flench if these were dogs, because we have all spent time enough with dogs to know how much they hunger for playtime, I think you will find that tigers love to play also and this might have been the best part of their day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are some posters here who seem to be profoundly unaware of the issues surrounding conservation and big cat husbandry.

THe Temple has ABSOLUTELY NO CONSERVATION VALUE AT ALL - this is simply breeding caged tigers for public entertainment. but in doing so they are actually harming conservation by creating undocumented, hybrid or in-bred animals and lowering the public's awareness of the urgent need for conservation - especially tigers - in S.E. Asia

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To suggest that because there are other worse abuses in Thailand that this justifies another, lesser form of abuse defies logic.

what it actually displays is the depth of ignorance that the "Monks" at the Temple have when it comes to looking after animals. THey completely ignore any advice or offers of help...in fact anything that could turn the place from a can-cow or circus into a useful institution.

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I wish people would stop funding this animal trafficking. They are not meant to be circus exhibits. The same with tourists who pay to have their photo taken on the streets with elephents, iguanas, sea eagles, sloths, etc..

Thoughtless muppets.

Depends entirely on the individual situation.

If the animals are cared for well and treated well, then there are great advantages in it for the appreciation and awareness of animals and conservation.

If treated poorly, then goes without saying.

THe temple clearly actually harms conservation principles and misleads the public on conservation issues. There are NO demonstrable advantages at this place. Furthermore they now have bred nearly 100 tigers...WHY?

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The Katchanaburi Tiger Temple was just on the BBC World News.

The reporter talked about the allegations of drugging and cruelty and the following points were made:

  • He could see no evidence of cruelty.
  • There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing.
  • He could not see any evidence of drugging

Matches my own (direct) observations.

"There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing."

I think a little more research is called for here!

I'm also very suspicious of any person "lay" or otherwise who considers that one or two visits to this place are anywhere near enough to make a valid judgement on it.

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I have said before that the issue of "drugging" is a red herring or at least a side line. The fact is those animals should not be there.

As for those observers who believe they discerned no evidence of drugging....what tests did you carry out.

Drugging of animals is carried out widely in Thailand especially amongst the street traders who drag hapless beasts around the streets trying to charge for photos, food etc........ so it is not only common but widely accepted as an acceptable way of exploiting animals.

However identifying whether or not an animal has been drugged does require some knowledge of how they would normally behave in those circumstances. firstly there is the behaviour whilst under the first effects, then prolonged usage and there is of course with all drugs a comedown. during this stage one would expect the animals to become less manageable and less predictable.

Caged and captive animals also display behavioural problems drugged or not such as pacing or repetitive actions - many people look at these animals and think this is simply "restlessness" when in fact they are signs of much more serious problems.

THe activity in the video may entertain the animals for a sort period of time, but this only underlines how bored or unstimulated they are for most of the time.

Recently there were reports of an animal hung itself on a chain on a tree allegedly introduced as a plaything for the tiger - yet again this seems to indicate a complete lack of expertise by the temple.

One also has to wonder how long - drugged or not - it is before this "game" results in injury.

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The Katchanaburi Tiger Temple was just on the BBC World News.

The reporter talked about the allegations of drugging and cruelty and the following points were made:

  • He could see no evidence of cruelty.
  • There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing.
  • He could not see any evidence of drugging

Matches my own (direct) observations.

"There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing."

I think a little more research is called for here!

I'm also very suspicious of any person "lay" or otherwise who considers that one or two visits to this place are anywhere near enough to make a valid judgement on it.

Who (or who claims to have) made a "valid judgement on it"?

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The Katchanaburi Tiger Temple was just on the BBC World News.

The reporter talked about the allegations of drugging and cruelty and the following points were made:

  • He could see no evidence of cruelty.
  • There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing.
  • He could not see any evidence of drugging

Matches my own (direct) observations.

"There are several foreign workers there; in this digital age any one of them could disclose anything untoward on the internet. And so far, there has been nothing."

I think a little more research is called for here!

I'm also very suspicious of any person "lay" or otherwise who considers that one or two visits to this place are anywhere near enough to make a valid judgement on it.

Who (or who claims to have) made a "valid judgement on it"?

I think you need to read up on the temple a bit. - start with your own posts.

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Tad disappointing considering the extreme message from the poster.

Kind of don't see the point of the exercise and one Thai lady with a brick in her hand has obvious issues, but the video itself is somewhat harmless....back to investigative journo school with you.


ITs sad to see wild tigers being slaughtered everywhere in Asia at over nearly causing world wide extinction of many species BUT they are playing rough with these tigers and tigers enjoy chasing and fighting with there prey, they don't cry when the other tigers bite them so its all in fun play and atleast better than the usual zoo keepers housing. One thing i disagree with is how heavily drugged these beasts are if NOT they would be tearing these hecklers with bags of skin to shreds!

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For all those who think that all that happens at this place is a bit of harmless fun, take a look here for the bigger picture.


I thought I could smell an agenda here and surprise, surprise the usual suspect spouting the widely discredited CWI stance on the temple also springs up.

Who (or who claims to have) made a "valid judgement on it"?

Boon Toong; Don't hold your breath expecting a direct answer from Cowslip. He is incapable of giving them when anyone asks questions regarding WSPA/CWI and just who exactly endorses their claims (from outside of their own clique that is).

Once questioned he tends to resort to personal attacks instead of just trying to answer the question.

Thankfully this thread seems to have utterly backfired up the OP's backside anyway....

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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Tigers are the kind of animals that need to play like this. It is the cages in zoos that make me most sad.

When I see humans having fun with tigers like this, it makes me happy for the tigers, as far as I can be happy to see them in captivity.

Many think they are saving he world being uptight and expecting animals not to enjoy playing with people, but the truth is they don't have a clue.

A tiger having people on the inside of its cage having fun must provide them with a lttle stimulus they need, and feeling of being free and not just being in a case being started at...

I don't see the harm in this. I think all wild animals in a cage would envy the laid back atmosphere of people playing around with them.

Cat love to play !

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