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Big Bribery Case In The Village


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Here we go again, if you don't like it you can leave... there are many Thais that think as I do, nobody tells them to go home. My wife is maybe the honestest lady I ever met, she too, thought that this was 'normal' until I discussed with her about democracy and the rule of law. She got it straight away, which apparently you have not. It starts way, way up there at the top of the power structure and evidences itself right down here at village level.

You don't have to accept it to live here, it's not for nothing that people from the village come to us for help, they know they won't get any money from us, but I do have the balls to go over and sort things out when things get rough.

The Thais don't need westernising, they need a few examples of people that try to do right, like my wife.

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My wife is maybe the honestest lady I ever met, she too, thought that this was 'normal' until I discussed with her about democracy and the rule of law. She got it straight away,

Where in a democracy does it say that it is wrong to accept a free chang?
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Voting season around here last 2 weeks, candidates pay, both sides, People vote for who they want, but think it will be a dying practice. Computers and audits have arrived, hard to cream much when you are being watched. Village had a few parties on the money paid though.

It is up front and all know the game, unlike the west, where the deals are all done in a back room and the politicians pad there nest out of view. Jim

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Here we go again, if you don't like it you can leave... there are many Thais that think as I do, nobody tells them to go home. My wife is maybe the honestest lady I ever met, she too, thought that this was 'normal' until I discussed with her about democracy and the rule of law. She got it straight away, which apparently you have not. It starts way, way up there at the top of the power structure and evidences itself right down here at village level.

You don't have to accept it to live here, it's not for nothing that people from the village come to us for help, they know they won't get any money from us, but I do have the balls to go over and sort things out when things get rough.

The Thais don't need westernising, they need a few examples of people that try to do right, like my wife.

Of course your wife is the most honest lady you have ever met.

So was my ex wife before I found out other wise ;)

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I get your point op, but if your wife refused the money and beer, it could lead to unnecessary trouble from the guy. Especially if he wins.

The way I have come to deal with these two faced annoyances in Thailand is to pretend I'm James Bond and it's a battle of wits! :-)

Edited by mjj
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The OP, or indeed anyone, is going to have a hard time telling a Thai person this is wrong.

They've got their snouts in the trough, OK picking up crumbs but that's what they've been raised to expect.

They might object to corruption if there was nothing in it for them - but go quiet again when a new corruption that feeds them crumbs comes along.

The Romans had panem et circenses, the Thais make do with Chang and Soaps!

Edited by GuestHouse
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It's the custom that the big guys give away money for important occasions like New Year, wedding or elections. If they don't do it, they are not big guys, they are just big mouth. That's the way it is. And it doesn't compromise the election as it is understood you can accept the gifts and money and then vote for who ever you want.

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If the wife disappeared for an hour or two and returned with a big smile on her face plus 1000 or more baht, then I would start worrying.

I never try to interfere with what, how and why they do things in my local area, as it makes no difference to me who gets in. I`m not allowed to vote and have no say anyway, so who cares?

If anyone is willing to pay or bribe my Thai family to vote for them, then may the highest bidder win? And good luck to all who sail in her.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I get your point op, but if your wife refused the money and beer, it could lead to unnecessary trouble from the guy. Especially if he wins.

The way I have come to deal with these two faced annoyances in Thailand is to pretend I'm James Bond and it's a battle of wits! :-)

One sided battle innit ?

As for the poster mentioning right and wrong and learning from it...our local Tesco put in about 10 parent and child carparks closest to the entries. These carparks are about twice the width of normal parks to allow parents to get kids and shopping in and out...but emphasis is on having kids with you as all the signs above and on the floor state.

Well, the number of single parents without kids or couples without kids that park in them every time is quite amazing as they flaunt their blind ignorance....this was a Thai initiative, not a farang one.

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Here we go again, if you don't like it you can leave... there are many Thais that think as I do, nobody tells them to go home. My wife is maybe the honestest lady I ever met, she too, thought that this was 'normal' until I discussed with her about democracy and the rule of law. She got it straight away, which apparently you have not. It starts way, way up there at the top of the power structure and evidences itself right down here at village level.

You don't have to accept it to live here, it's not for nothing that people from the village come to us for help, they know they won't get any money from us, but I do have the balls to go over and sort things out when things get rough.

The Thais don't need westernising, they need a few examples of people that try to do right, like my wife.

Of course your wife is the most honest lady you have ever met.

So was my ex wife before I found out other wise wink.png

Thanks for him sick.gif

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I get your point op, but if your wife refused the money and beer, it could lead to unnecessary trouble from the guy. Especially if he wins.

The way I have come to deal with these two faced annoyances in Thailand is to pretend I'm James Bond and it's a battle of wits! :-)

After reading these comments, I would tend to say that you are right, however the guy was glad to get his beer and money back, 'husband good man', so maybe I did do the right thing.

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