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Bangkok Cabbie Kills British Woman, Injures Her Friend In Hit-And-Run


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The Hit and Run bit is normal here, mostly because far to often the crowds will beat or kill the drivers of car pedestrian accidents, and the Thais all know this, and never know if they will stop and wait for police, or find themselves in a losing life or death struggle from something done accidentally.

The fact that most turn themselves into police a short time later, shows they understand what to do,

but want to survive doing the right thing.

People keep saying this like its some kind of legitimate excuse.

If the mob rule thing is a fact, what does it say about Thailand?

To me it says;

1)Thai people are uncivilized and cannot be trusted to respect the rule of law, would prefer to murder someone instead.

2)The authorities are incapable of protecting a person and bringing them into custody

3) The authorities are incapable and unwilling to prosecute those accused of mob justice

4)Everyone knows that being part of mob justice will go unpunished therefore there is no fear to take part

Another typical Thai excuse used to deflect the blame for not being responsible and following the rule of law.

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<deleted> He was later released on bail of Bt100,000...

Google the following "uk hit and run on bail"

You will see that 100% of the time hit and run drivers in the U.K. are granted bail.

Would you prefer the driver was immediately executed instead?

Noo but come on 100k is a joke ..

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Rip Joanna!!!

Lauren i hope you quickly recover physically and mentally from this tragic accident.

And this i am pretty sure is what it is,an accident that sadly to say probably happened also in many parts other of the world.

What brought sadness more direct from this story is once again the quick release of their names.

So quick it makes me wonder if they have their nationalities correct.. Jo Mc Kiddie sounds more Scottish to me.

I did a google search and found a FB account.... I opened it,and am pretty sure i came across Jo's FB. Pretty sure i say because Lauren is linked friends.

It sent a shiver and brought sadness,my own fault for looking i understand this. But what just did not seem right in this,was that I a complete stranger know of this tragic " Accident" before any of the 100's of friends linked between them.

I stopped and stared and even thought should i write something? It was horriblesad.png ... Because of time zones most are still asleep.....

Rip again.............. Wrong place Wrong timesad.png

PS I did not post on their wall........

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<deleted> He was later released on bail of Bt100,000...

Google the following "uk hit and run on bail"

You will see that 100% of the time hit and run drivers in the U.K. are granted bail.

Would you prefer the driver was immediately executed instead?

Amazing how some want to quote "Uk " law when it's deemed to show the thai legal process in some sort of "good light". When anybody who knows anything about Law in the country knows it "sucks"

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<deleted> He was later released on bail of Bt100,000...

Google the following "uk hit and run on bail"

You will see that 100% of the time hit and run drivers in the U.K. are granted bail.

Would you prefer the driver was immediately executed instead?

Amazing how some want to quote "Uk " law when it's deemed to show the thai legal process in some sort of "good light". When anybody who knows anything about Law in the country knows it "sucks"

I know even the redbull kid had to pay something like 500,000 baht still a joke if you ask me ..

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<deleted> He was later released on bail of Bt100,000...

Google the following "uk hit and run on bail"

You will see that 100% of the time hit and run drivers in the U.K. are granted bail.

Would you prefer the driver was immediately executed instead?

Amazing how some want to quote "Uk " law when it's deemed to show the thai legal process in some sort of "good light". When anybody who knows anything about Law in the country knows it "sucks"

You compare U.K. law to that of a third world country?

Let's compare U.K. law to U.S. law for a moment. The average term served for a life sentence in the U.K. is 13.7 years.

The average term served for a life sentence in the U.S. is 21.7 years (with the exception of the death penalty)

The U.K. has a notoriously weak judicial system.

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It was raining, he was speeding, he didn't see them... BANG what the hell was that ????

It was as the term wrongfully describes "an accident" a very tragic accident !!

He panicked & fled the scene.. big mistake.. OK he handed himself in soon after.. at least he recovered his conscience.

Rule of the road in any country.. stay on the pavement & Don't step into the path of a car.. especially in BKK

Condolences to all concerned..

In reply to post #43

I found your comment to be be most offensive, if that"s all you can really think of with regards to this tragedy then you need to check yourself in for treatment.

Edited by fareastguy
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Begs the question under these circumstances why is he out on bail ??

As for the question in post #15 NangrongJ " Isn't Scotland part of Britain "

it depends on which side of the border you are he he

Out on bail is quite normal and i don't think its strange. If the police think they can find the guy again and have enough information then why not let him await the trial outside of jail. All depends on flight risk ect.

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It would also be good if the passengers of the taxi got sent to jail. I can't imagine seeing two people get knocked down and then just jumping in another taxi and leaving them seriously injured on the road.

I can understand a driver fleeing his responsibility, I just have to remove all morality from the equation and presto!. I can't understand a passenger doing the same, that would require removing all humanity from a person.

Come to think of it, I can also understand a passenger leaving two people bleeding on the street.

I agree with the thing about noticing tourists about pedestrian crossings (and all forms of traffic norms) that are absolutely flaunted at in Thailand. Traffic norms and regulation DO NOT apply in Thailand, sure there may be some paintings on the road, it means diddly-squat. Look both ways, twice; behind too for good measure and never assume a driver will do the expected.

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I drive as little and cautiously as I can here and really try to avoid night and bad weather driving. Despite that I have had many near misses with pedestrians and cyclists over the years, and a few were my fault due to glare, positioning, inattention or whatever. I can only hope if my luck runs out one day the crowd will have mercy and my insurance will bail me out ASAP. It can happen to any of us, so keep the odds in your favor as much as you can.

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The picture in the OP and the map of the scene do not appear to be showing the same bit of road.

They do - it's the same scene. But it's never Soi Suan Phlu.

As another member mentioned: Soi Suan Phlu is a narrow street, 1 lane in each direction. Pictures are taken on a 4 lane road. Must be Sathorn Rd., maybe just in front of the entrance/exit of Soi Suan Phlu.

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The Hit and Run bit is normal here, mostly because far to often the crowds will beat or kill the drivers of car pedestrian accidents, and the Thais all know this, and never know if they will stop and wait for police, or find themselves in a losing life or death struggle from something done accidentally.

Name once in the last 10 yrs where that happened?

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The Hit and Run bit is normal here, mostly because far to often the crowds will beat or kill the drivers of car pedestrian accidents, and the Thais all know this, and never know if they will stop and wait for police, or find themselves in a losing life or death struggle from something done accidentally.

The fact that most turn themselves into police a short time later, shows they understand what to do,

but want to survive doing the right thing.

In this case accident at 4am, and he turns himself in and tells his side at 6:30 am.

The Ferrari Red Bull heir not at all, just a weasel trying to blame his servent.

RIP to the poor lady and quick recovery to her Scots friend.

RIP to the young lady and condolences to her family.

I agree with you but realistically he could have driven himself to the police station right away or driven to a spot where he felt safe then contacted the police.

But props to the cab driver for turning himself in. Really that must be a horrible feeling to know you have taken the life of someone else. Yes he was driving too fast but he admitted everything that happened.

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Interesting how quick he was able to post a 100,000 baht bail. I think he'll do another runner of a different type. So sad about a snuffed out life and severe injurty. Incidentally, driver training won't help much. It's the character of the man to drive too fast in the rain (probably thinking of making an added few baht by driving fast). No amount of training is going to erase such character flaws.

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why cross the road at that point? and in the rain; as a daily driver in Bangkok it is terrible driving in the heavy rain as most cars have tints and reduced viability.

Speed is the problem here i think; but who would cross there? totally stupid and sadly paid the price for poor judgement , i believe the Taxi driver will walk because of this

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I get a kick out of the folks that would prosecute the taxi passenger for hopping another taxi and fleeing the scene.

There are places in the world that will hold the passenger (especially a foreigner) responsible for any accident that occurs while he's hired the car.

There are other places in the world that automatically place suspicion on anyone rendering aid as a good Samaritan. The reasoning (or lack thereof) is that it's so culturally rare to help a complete stranger that the good Samaritan MUST have had something to do with the plight of the victim.

Does Thailand fit either of those descriptions? I wouldn't blame a tourist in a taxi for not wanting to bet the rest of his/her life on it.

I'm not saying that's what I'd do, just that I understand why someone would do the same in a foreign country.

Edited by impulse
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The picture in the OP and the map of the scene do not appear to be showing the same bit of road. RIP to the deceased, As for the passenger doing a runner. When I 1st visited Thailand, the advice given to me was that, if the taxi has a prang do not be found near the scene by the police. They'll hold you in part responsible for the accident.

That is complete nonsense.


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why cross the road at that point? and in the rain; as a daily driver in Bangkok it is terrible driving in the heavy rain as most cars have tints and reduced viability.

Speed is the problem here i think; but who would cross there? totally stupid and sadly paid the price for poor judgement , i believe the Taxi driver will walk because of this

I have to agree, I apologise for not taking sending the same simple RIP message that many members have posted for this tragic accident.

I also suspect the driver is not at fault - It appears that a weak judgement occurred and the girls crossed the 4 lane road in a spot which presented high risk due to the speed of traffic.

At 4am and possibly after a drink two the girls may have simply incorrectly judged the speed of the traffic, also in the rain they were perhaps trying to rush and their visibility may have also been diminished as a result of the heavy rain.

I see a very tragic accident and that the driver is also a victim as he will remember this tragic incident for the rest of his life.

This is a real tragedy, but I don't think it should be turned into a which hunt. Sometimes accidents no matter ho tragic are still just accidents.

RIP and a fast recover.

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