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U S Embassy In Bangkok Issues Security Warnings To Citizens In Thailand


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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of exp<b></b>ression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

Wouldn't you agree that the world would be a safer more tolerant place without the most intolerant faith on the planet around? They certainly don't want anyone practicing any other belief system...

So punishing the filmmaker makes it all go away does it... There, there the nasty filmmaker man has been punished you can all go home now, stop storming embassies & killing westerners... I don't think so.

Islam needs to change not anyone else, come out of the dark ages & stop preaching intolerance, even amongst factions of their own faith. Perhaps then people will stop decrying Islam & it's followers.

Freedom of speech, it'll be a thing of the past the way the west is headed.

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Daily, hourly, the Jewish religion is blasphemed by the Arab world ... yet, and do we see Jewish and Zionist gangs torching embassies, murdering and assaulting diplomats? Do we see Jews rioting in western cities and beating unbelievers senseless? Do we see beheadings, amputations, stonings, and Jewish women veiled and owned as chattel? Certainly not.

Just a day ago, Sydney Australia was awash with murderous street violence and children carrying signs asking for the beheading of non-believers - and these are immigrants, guests in Australia.

Time to come out of your politically correct daze folks.

Totally agree there!

As I said earlier, Muslims say Jesus Christ isn't the Son Of God nor did he die on the cross for our sins. That's blasphemy! I don't see Christians murdering Muslims or calling for their deaths. Say something even remotely offensive about Muhammad and they'll set the world on fire. Barbarians!

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of exp<b></b>ression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

Agree. Muslims feel very strongly about thier religion same like we do of our loved ones. How would any of you feel if someone insulted your mother or father in front of everyone and posted an insulting movie about them on You Tube.

Uhm, I would chuckle and move on. Something about if the shoe fits wear it, if not laugh and throw it the fijck away. Your post just illustrates that these folks are messed up to the core and either needs medication or some self esteem therapy lessons from Stuart Smalley.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

Wouldn't the world be a better place if there were no religions?

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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

No.. but I see Christians creating this stupid movie that seemed to have only 1 point.. to insult and incite violence and hatred.

Perhaps it was produced by people who hate Islam and all it stands for... and you can't blame them either. People are entitled to free expression in civilized countries. We make disparaging comments about our own heads of state in the name of comedy.

Observe the difference. A Christian makes a movie about people they dislike. Muslims go out and kill innocent people because they dislike a movie.

Christians know other people hate them and live with it. Muslims kill people they don't like.

Edited by tropo
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As none of us westerners walk around with our national flag pinned on us , I guess we all have to be more cautious. They dont care if they are targeting americans, as long as its white people. Could be any caucasian....

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Gee, Ambassador, you really had my back on that one.

Why did I bother registering with the Embassy if I'm not even going to be on the "emergency message" mailing list? Had to read about this here.

Thank you, ThaiVisa.

Edited by BeforeTigers
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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

Wouldn't the world be a better place if there were no religions?



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I think most people are missing the main point. It boils down to Muslims openly threatening people in any country in the world without any action being taken by the respective weak goverments. Can't see it happening in China or North Korea!

China is quite content to allow anti - Japanese feeling to build up to a head.

They would also allow anti-Philippines feeling if they weren't laughing so much...

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

That is up to the courts to decide. One does not punish a person for making a bad film. Typically, that comes at the box office, ala Ishtar, or Water World etc. If the responsible party violated his parole conditions then he will indeed suffer. However, the decision is up to the courts. At least in the USA, there is due process.

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As none of us westerners walk around with our national flag pinned on us , I guess we all have to be more cautious. They dont care if they are targeting americans, as long as its white people. Could be any caucasian....

And don't stand too close to McDonald's window...

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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

Edited by lovelomsak
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I don't think I should have to keep a low profile. I usually do but why should I now? Last time I checked I didn't do aanything to these freedom hating brainwashed fools. I might just have to put on my American flag shirt and take a strool down wireless road tomorrow.

I would be very careful. Let us know how you get on?


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I formed my conclusions by working in Iraq and Afghanistan, and living another 10 years in the Persian Gulf. What about you guys silsburyhill, BKKBrit, ever been to Afghanistan, Iraq, or even lived in an Arab or Muslim country for that matter?

Many people haven't, so just take whatever is written without understanding the context.

Living there for so long could make you more biased as you'd probably have many Muslim friends.

Most of us understand that not all Muslims are extremists, but until they speak up and make a decent effort to separate themselves from the extremists we'll have to conclude that the religion as a whole is very dangerous to our health.

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BTW, to all those with smug comments about the USA, all of us non US nationals have a stake in this. Keep in mind that with subsequent to the protests outside the Swiss embasy in Tehran, the burning of the German embassy in Yemen, the threats to and assaults on the Canadian and UK embassies in Sudan, Egypt and Tunisia, and the past violent assults on the Dutch and Danish embassies ,it should be apparent that these protests can target any country. Americans are being targeted today, but it is not unreasonable to expect others to be targeted as well.

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Thanks for your concern, land that I love, but I always maintain a low profile and am fully aware. (Anyway, I'm boogieing back to Tokyo tonight.)

Enjoy Tokyo, but be careful, there is a baying mob ready to attack that place and it is getting quite ugly !


Scary link. I used to read the Asiafinest message board. Lots of nationalistic Chinese posting there. They also still haven't forgiven the Brits for the 19th century Opium Wars and were hoping for some kind of revenge one day.

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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

Freedom of speech is practised in most of the free world. Just need to be cautious of blaspheme & or slander.


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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

I wouldn't disagree with that but isn't that a problem that the coutries that allow for viewing of American material on the internet should take care of as opposed to Making America take care of it ? America isn't the one who needs to police other countries internet is it ? They are free to censor whatever they want all by themselves.
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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

How right you are, Muslims hate Westerners, just think how happy the world would be if we could find a way to remove all Muslims to Muslim countries and make them stay there.
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BTW, to all those with smug comments about the USA, all of us non US nationals have a stake in this. Keep in mind that with subsequent to the protests outside the Swiss embasy in Tehran, the burning of the German embassy in Yemen, the threats to and assaults on the Canadian and UK embassies in Sudan, Egypt and Tunisia, and the past violent assults on the Dutch and Danish embassies ,it should be apparent that these protests can target any country. Americans are being targeted today, but it is not unreasonable to expect others to be targeted as well.

Not to mention they blow up just as many Muslims at weddings in Hiltion Hotels for example as they do non Muslims.
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The guy behind the movie is a Coptic Egyptian part of a minority that has been abused and mistreated by the Muslim majority in his country for centuries. It is understandable that he would make such a movie. There is no love lost between him and the ideology that drives Muslim violence against Kafirs.

What is not understandable is that democratic governments would bow down to threats and curtail freedom of expression, a fundamental pillar of democracy.

Muslims have to get used to the fact that we are not in the Middle Ages.

Edited by xavierr
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Daily, hourly, the Jewish religion is blasphemed by the Arab world ... yet, and do we see Jewish and Zionist gangs torching embassies, murdering and assaulting diplomats? Do we see Jews rioting in western cities and beating unbelievers senseless? Do we see beheadings, amputations, stonings, and Jewish women veiled and owned as chattel? Certainly not.

Just a day ago, Sydney Australia was awash with murderous street violence and children carrying signs asking for the beheading of non-believers - and these are immigrants, guests in Australia.

Time to come out of your politically correct daze folks.

Though I am not Jewish I totally agree with you. These have been acts of ignorance.

I grew up with a Christian background though I don't practice it anymore. I have seen the extreme sides of Christianity and the brainwashing associated with it. There are so many churches that are cult like and will believe anything the preachers tell them. So this is not only a Muslim issue. This is a religious issue. How many wars would there be if it weren't for religion.?

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