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Bangkok 'pretty' Left Unconscious After Botched Bootleg Injection


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The obsession with body image has sinister repercussions, especially when quacks are involved. No surgery is without risk, let alone that done by an unqualified charlatan. I hope this girl recovers, but fear the worst. Let it be shouted from the rooftops as an object warning, so that other women may be spared the potential fate of this beautiful young woman. How utterly ghastly.

Several years ago, a survey was undertaken amongst various groups of Thai women, including those that most of us 'normal' people would say were pretty "hot", seeking to elicit views on how they perceived themselves; the results revealed that 92% were prepared to undergo some form of cosmetic surgery to make them look more beautiful.

Even the lost perfect amongst them felt that there were numerous areas which could be improved...!! How sick is that in a nation which the rest of the world points to as the home of some of the most beauitiful women in the world...!!??

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Any surgery is dangerous. I just found out a few minutes ago that a friend passed away from a heart attack--in a hospital while recovering from "routine" prostate surgery. Even when surgeries are performed by trained and qualified doctors, some people don't make it.

When you compound that by going to quacks or even unqualified doctors, well, the disaster rate skyrockets. And this is not isolated to Thailand. In the US, there are regular deaths from things as simple as liposuction, but performed by people without medical degrees or, in one case, bu a dentist. They do it in people's homes or in vans.

I feel sympathy for this young lady and disdain for the quack who did this to her. But the one lesson to take is if you have to go under the knife, make sure that knife is wielded by the most qualified person available.

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I feel sympathy for this young lady and disdain for the quack who did this to her. But the one lesson to take is if you have to go under the knife, make sure that knife is wielded by the most qualified person available.

and if I may add a further point, if the cost appears very cheap question why ?....seen this time and time again where people on TV are seeking medical treatment based only on the criteria of cost, possibly a dangerous game someone is playing

Edited by Soutpeel
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Hardened Soul, you are indeed hardened. Why so aggressive? It's just as easy to leave out the abuse and correct him. No need to tear him apart. Jim Beam makes a valid point; you said most aren't hookers, but not all. Why would the pretties be any different from another group?

"Aggressive" ??!!

No. It was a statement of fact. It was a moronic statement from someone who's clueless. As for my emphasis on the word "Most", I used it because I couldn't say - with total conviction - that there are NO pretties willing have sex with someone for money; a fairly sensible precaution don't you think?

Pretties aren't different from any other group in this context but I didn't see how "hansgruber" made the correlation between a girl being a "pretty" and being a "hooker". I mean, does every conversation involving Thai women - be they pretties, cleaners, building labourers, moto-taxis, security guards or checkout girls - have to revert to their proclivity - or lack thereof - for selling their bodies?

Much of the reason for a very high % of male expats and tourists HAS to do with sex workers / entertainment, so yes there is a "fascination" with it and I believe a significant % project the "hooker image" to many other women in society.

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Sadly, women become slaves to skin color and beauty starting in childhood. Recently a Chula coed killed herself because her 'friends' said she wasn't pretty. Sad.

I hope this woman survives ... after all, unlike in the West, she was supporting family members.

A good example of the dangers of believing news reports. We know from further investigations that there is not even one baht of truth in this.

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Anyone who has been in sales would be lying to you if they said physical appearances don't matter. If you have an attractive lady selling you a car compared to a fat slob selling you the same car, who are you going to buy it from? Odd's are you're likely to pay MORE from the attractive woman. It's human nature. She was trying to keep her job. Sad but true.

In Thailand I would buy from whoever could do quickest delivery or best price.

I’ve never bought a car from a woman, but I’ve always negotiated a solid discount.

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Can anybody explain to me what is a pretty?

Someone who is not ugly

I do hope this practice of using adjectives as nouns to refer to people catches on. What if it were applied to other groups in news headlines:

(politicians) "The parliamentary committee will be chaired by the most senior dodgy available"

(old farangs who regularly post on internet forums) "Municipal cleaners found a grumpy passed out on a Lumpini Park bench this morning"

Anyone got any more?

Edited by 15Peter20
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All in pursuit of cosmetic beauty........

There have been innumerable cases of people dying and being left permanently scarred / damaged by cosmetic surgery and procedures all throughout the World. Every time I see these stories I do feel a pang of pity mixed with a pang of disdain as to why people need to be so vain.

Then again a bit of vanity doesn't deserve this type of outcome, so I wish this young lady all the best in her recovery, and I hope people considering cosmetic surgery and procedures understand what they are risking.

Any Doctor worth his salt will tell you that no cosmetic procedure is zero risk......so unless it's essential, don't risk it.

But actually wanting bigger thighs? just eat 50 ks worth of big macs.

You design the food that will target a body area for size increase and you'll be a Millionaire..............

You design a food that will increase the size of breasts only and you'll be a Billionaire..............

You design a food that will increase penis size then you'll be a Trillionaire................

You design a food that increases the mental capacity of TV members and you'll get the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Carry on. coffee1.gif

Wheres my Nobel Prize ? ermm.gif ................................laugh.png

Man .Give TV a break they do at least give Retards,daun sindromers and autistics the chance to earn an income

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All in pursuit of cosmetic beauty........

There have been innumerable cases of people dying and being left permanently scarred / damaged by cosmetic surgery and procedures all throughout the World. Every time I see these stories I do feel a pang of pity mixed with a pang of disdain as to why people need to be so vain.

Then again a bit of vanity doesn't deserve this type of outcome, so I wish this young lady all the best in her recovery, and I hope people considering cosmetic surgery and procedures understand what they are risking.

Any Doctor worth his salt will tell you that no cosmetic procedure is zero risk......so unless it's essential, don't risk it.

But actually wanting bigger thighs? just eat 50 ks worth of big macs.

You design the food that will target a body area for size increase and you'll be a Millionaire..............

You design a food that will increase the size of breasts only and you'll be a Billionaire..............

You design a food that will increase penis size then you'll be a Trillionaire................

You design a food that increases the mental capacity of TV members and you'll get the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Carry on. coffee1.gif

Such a shame your sarcasm doest get paid for. smile.png

Edited by Sayonarax
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Just as athletes will trash their bodies with steroids to succeed, a few points on the "beauty-meter" can make a huge difference in the financial standing of a model.

The possibility (real- or just pounded in by incessant advertising) that it can add to each paycheck, or add to the number of paychecks, or the number of years she can draw those paychecks can be a strong lure. Especially when the alternatives for employment are limited.

This reminded me of Thongchai McIntyre ("Bird"), the 53-year-old Thai pop superstar who looks more like he is in his 30s. He wouldn't still be making the huge money that he currently does if he actually looked his real age.

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i really sympathize with her though i really feel like giving her father a punch. i might be wrong but he sounds like he is worrying about a lost of income than a daughter, how irritating.

hope she does get better


Sadly while ever questionable proceedures are available at cut down prices, many will be tempted to use them.

Jail big time for all those guilty of offering these unethical life threatening services may help to discourage them, plus bankrupt style compensation and fines to boot instead of the pittance they can expect at present.

Responsibilty at all levels is essential relating to cosmetic services, especially adverising.

Disfigurement,unattainable weight loss ect. and the biggest one of all death do and have happened for a longggg time now yet there is still no publicity re the negative side of what can happen.

When it does it is always when tragic situations like this happen.

Never from my recollections have high profile offenders been given appropriate and effective penalties.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Cosmetic filler victim dies in hospital

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A product presenter died on Tuesday after having been in a coma for weeks following an illegal cosmetic filler injection into her buttocks.

Police will now file charges against unlicensed clinician Thanat Natveerakul, also known as Dr Pop, for alleged recklessness causing another's death.

Thanat allegedly injected a foreign filler substance into the buttocks of Athitiya Eiamyai or Kratae, 33, on September 16. She lapsed into unconsciousness and her brain lacked oxygen for several minutes before she went into a coma.

Thanat later turned himself in and confessed that he was not licensed to perform the procedure.

Kluaynamthai 1 Hospital director Dr Suwinai Budsarakhamwong said Athitiya was declared dead and removed from a respiratory aid device at 10.40am. The hospital had treated Athitiya since September 18 for inflamed brain stem.

Suwinai said her blood pressure and vital signs had dropped since 9am today to undetectable levels and an x-ray showed more swelling on her brain. Doctors diagnosed her death as stemming from brain damage from a swollen brain due to lack of oxygen or the death of brain cells resulting in the brain’s failure to function.

Her body will be submitted for autopsy at Chulalongkorn Hospital’s Forensic Institution. The doctor urged women only to use cosmetic services from credible and authorised hospitals/clinics.

City police deputy chief Anuchai Lekbamrung said police will soon summon Thanat to face the additional charge of recklessness causing other’s death, which is punishable by a 10year jail term and/or a Bt20,000 fine. He was previously charged with recklessness causing another’s serious injury, which is punishable by a three-year jail term and a Bt6,000 fine.


-- The Nation 2012-10-02

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Not a great advert for a country who aims to make Thailand a hub of medical tourism and beauty treatments. There will be lots of European women booked to come here for treatments that will either cancel or be traveling as nervous wrecks now. These are the opportunities when Thailand needs to change the laws as and when the situation arises. A fine of 20 000 baht is totally inadequate as a deterrent when these clinics make so much money. The 'Dr' is guilty by his own admission, no lengthy trial needed. 10 years no parole, done. Send him down.

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I agree the fee of B20,000 is a joke. He should be taken directly to jail to serve 10 yrs minimum. Same as the Red bull dipshit. B3,000,000 baht does not bring someone back to life. 20 years for dangerous driving under the influence of both alcholol and drugs.

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Not a great advert for a country who aims to make Thailand a hub of medical tourism and beauty treatments. There will be lots of European women booked to come here for treatments that will either cancel or be traveling as nervous wrecks now. These are the opportunities when Thailand needs to change the laws as and when the situation arises. A fine of 20 000 baht is totally inadequate as a deterrent when these clinics make so much money. The 'Dr' is guilty by his own admission, no lengthy trial needed. 10 years no parole, done. Send him down.

This won't be news in Eastern Europe, or probably anywhere else. People coming to Thailand for medical or beauty treatments probably haven't booked themselves into some backstreet fake clinic. I'm not at all worried about having medical treatment here; it's far superior to the UK. Don't forget that in the UK doctors and nurse have murdered multiple patients.

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I agree the fee of B20,000 is a joke. He should be taken directly to jail to serve 10 yrs minimum. Same as the Red bull dipshit. B3,000,000 baht does not bring someone back to life. 20 years for dangerous driving under the influence of both alcholol and drugs.

And 10 years in prison does bring somebody back?

The accused will likely not serve any or very little time in jail as he admitted to the crime, has cooperated with police, shown remorse, didn't intend to harm anyone and the victim requested the procedure knowing this was an unlicensed clinic.

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How very sad this is, although the signs didn,t look good for a recovery there was stiil a flicker of hope.

We can only hope the authorities make some meaningful new laws and introduce new proven standards along with monitor and control practices prior to granting a licence and Insist on the showing of their licence in a prominent place, easy to see on all signage and advertising. stating they are approved and licenced.

Penalties and deterrants that discourage the quacks and other non qualified people from offering services of this nature, made attractive by financially reduced fees many are encouraged by and use.

May you be in a better place Athitiya Eiamyai / " Kratae " and may your loved ones find comfort from each other to ease the pain.

RIP young lady sad.png

Sickened is something of an understatement regarding how I felt when I saw the article while browsing the latest news from the Nation.

I also knew It would have been immediately posted in this thread and wanted to post a further contribution.

marshbags mellow.png

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Not a great advert for a country who aims to make Thailand a hub of medical tourism and beauty treatments. There will be lots of European women booked to come here for treatments that will either cancel or be traveling as nervous wrecks now. These are the opportunities when Thailand needs to change the laws as and when the situation arises. A fine of 20 000 baht is totally inadequate as a deterrent when these clinics make so much money. The 'Dr' is guilty by his own admission, no lengthy trial needed. 10 years no parole, done. Send him down.

I'm afraid the good "doctor" wouldn't even get that kind of sentence in the West. Regardless of how incompetent he was, he would not have intentionally killed the lady, so at worst, it is negligent manslaughter. Three years at worst...!!

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I agree the fee of B20,000 is a joke. He should be taken directly to jail to serve 10 yrs minimum. Same as the Red bull dipshit. B3,000,000 baht does not bring someone back to life. 20 years for dangerous driving under the influence of both alcholol and drugs.

And 10 years in prison does bring somebody back?

The accused will likely not serve any or very little time in jail as he admitted to the crime, has cooperated with police, shown remorse, didn't intend to harm anyone and the victim requested the procedure knowing this was an unlicensed clinic.

Nisa, I have already commented on this, but I thought I should add to your input.

I was a pupil in barristers' chambers in the UK where I followed numerous murder/manslaughter/death by misadventure cases and I have to say you are very close to the truth.

All of the points that you raise will indeed mitigate the sentence; however, it is likely that he will be treated as a test case, so they will demand some jail time. I have suggested that three years will be somewhere in the ball park.

There are those who think that the Red Bull heir's lad will get off scot-free, but mark my words, it will be far from it!

Edited by GeorgeO
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Not a great advert for a country who aims to make Thailand a hub of medical tourism and beauty treatments. There will be lots of European women booked to come here for treatments that will either cancel or be traveling as nervous wrecks now. These are the opportunities when Thailand needs to change the laws as and when the situation arises. A fine of 20 000 baht is totally inadequate as a deterrent when these clinics make so much money. The 'Dr' is guilty by his own admission, no lengthy trial needed. 10 years no parole, done. Send him down.

This won't be news in Eastern Europe, or probably anywhere else. People coming to Thailand for medical or beauty treatments probably haven't booked themselves into some backstreet fake clinic. I'm not at all worried about having medical treatment here; it's far superior to the UK. Don't forget that in the UK doctors and nurse have murdered multiple patients.

Who mentioned Eastern Europe? I am talking of the vast numbers of women from the UK, Germany, Holland, France, who find they can travel here have a two week holiday and a medical procedure , stay in a nice hotel and still only pay 50-60% of the cost back home. As for them booking into a back street clinic, that is not the point. Everything is about perceptions. The media have it reported that a model has died from a bad injection from the owner of a boutique salon where it transpires he was completely unlicensed. Where are the standards, where are the safety protocols, who is responsible. That's all the future customers of this nations medical services want to know. They don't read 'back street clinic', they just read Thailand !

I think dissing the entire medical work force in the UK because in the last 30 years there have been 3 or 4 nut jobs is a bit rich really. I could relay dozens of medical horror stories all a result of Human Error just in our large town alone, so lets not start trying to claim medical superiority in the standards of treatment. In the town I live in, not one Doctor has been held to account by the governing Medical Council. In the UK they would all be stacking shelves in the supermarket now.

To conclude, my original post was about the perceptions of the prospective clientele that this country is trying to base a future, lucrative industry on. If that is the case then the government need to crack down on this quickly and firmly. Some guy killing a young girl then saying 'I am really really sorry' is not grounds to cut half his sentence. He wasn't apologising to his customers every time he took top end payments from them for the other treatments he delivered over the years that were all unlicensed and fake. They need to jail him for a long time and seize his illegally gained assets, and then just maybe it will act as a deterrent to the other get rich quick conmen.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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I agree the fee of B20,000 is a joke. He should be taken directly to jail to serve 10 yrs minimum. Same as the Red bull dipshit. B3,000,000 baht does not bring someone back to life. 20 years for dangerous driving under the influence of both alcholol and drugs.

And 10 years in prison does bring somebody back?

The accused will likely not serve any or very little time in jail as he admitted to the crime, has cooperated with police, shown remorse, didn't intend to harm anyone and the victim requested the procedure knowing this was an unlicensed clinic.

Nisa, I have already commented on this, but I thought I should add to your input.

I was a pupil in barristers' chambers in the UK where I followed numerous murder/manslaughter/death by misadventure cases and I have to say you are very close to the truth.

All of the points that you raise will indeed mitigate the sentence; however, it is likely that he will be treated as a test case, so they will demand some jail time. I have suggested that three years will be somewhere in the ball park.

There are those who think that the Red Bull heir's lad will get off scot-free, but mark my words, it will be far from it!

Keep in mind too that this person has been providing police with information about other illegal clinics. They just busted one yesterday as reported on Thai TV news today. I think the only thing missing to the story to ensure a suspended sentence is restitution. But I do believe you have a very valid point of wanting to set an example ... So, maybe a jail sentence to make headlines, an appeal and the sentence suspended.

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Not a great advert for a country who aims to make Thailand a hub of medical tourism and beauty treatments. There will be lots of European women booked to come here for treatments that will either cancel or be traveling as nervous wrecks now. These are the opportunities when Thailand needs to change the laws as and when the situation arises. A fine of 20 000 baht is totally inadequate as a deterrent when these clinics make so much money. The 'Dr' is guilty by his own admission, no lengthy trial needed. 10 years no parole, done. Send him down.

This won't be news in Eastern Europe, or probably anywhere else. People coming to Thailand for medical or beauty treatments probably haven't booked themselves into some backstreet fake clinic. I'm not at all worried about having medical treatment here; it's far superior to the UK. Don't forget that in the UK doctors and nurse have murdered multiple patients.

Happens even in the USA:

Google: Philadelphia woman "Black Madam," third-degree murder, getting silicone injections in her buttocks"

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I agree the fee of B20,000 is a joke. He should be taken directly to jail to serve 10 yrs minimum. Same as the Red bull dipshit. B3,000,000 baht does not bring someone back to life. 20 years for dangerous driving under the influence of both alcholol and drugs.

And 10 years in prison does bring somebody back?

Of course not.. But it would be a miracle, if this would happen again, during the sentence!

10 years, can safe a couple of lives, don't you think?

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Not a great advert for a country who aims to make Thailand a hub of medical tourism and beauty treatments. There will be lots of European women booked to come here for treatments that will either cancel or be traveling as nervous wrecks now. These are the opportunities when Thailand needs to change the laws as and when the situation arises. A fine of 20 000 baht is totally inadequate as a deterrent when these clinics make so much money. The 'Dr' is guilty by his own admission, no lengthy trial needed. 10 years no parole, done. Send him down.

This won't be news in Eastern Europe, or probably anywhere else. People coming to Thailand for medical or beauty treatments probably haven't booked themselves into some backstreet fake clinic. I'm not at all worried about having medical treatment here; it's far superior to the UK. Don't forget that in the UK doctors and nurse have murdered multiple patients.

Happens even in the USA:

Google: Philadelphia woman "Black Madam," third-degree murder, getting silicone injections in her buttocks"

There was a nearly identical case in Miami last week as well.

Medical tourists go to hospitals like Bumrungrad. This will have zero affect on anything, despite the "nail in the coffin" people who always seem to pop up here.

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I agree the fee of B20,000 is a joke. He should be taken directly to jail to serve 10 yrs minimum. Same as the Red bull dipshit. B3,000,000 baht does not bring someone back to life. 20 years for dangerous driving under the influence of both alcholol and drugs.

And 10 years in prison does bring somebody back?

10 years, can safe a couple of lives, don't you think?

No, absolutely nothing to indicate a 10-year sentence would do anything to save lives just as much as a 10-year sentence might cause others more deaths.

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