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Irrational Fear?


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I can sympathise with the question the OP was asking.

Shortly after I first came here my hairdresser (who had been previously married to a Westerner) told me that she had met some guy whilst he was on a 2 week holiday and he wanted her to join him in the UK. Apparently she had spoken to him often on the 'phone since he returned home, and his mother too! They were both v keen for her to move to the UK, get married and she would have work helping out in their hotel blink.png.

Like the OP, I tried to subtly point out this might not be all it seemed to be and warned her to be v careful.

She left anyway, selling the 'salon' to a friend, and as I stopped using the place after she left, I've no idea what happened.

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I'm always surprised at the girls who accept lucrative jobs in foreign countries, only to find things are not as they seem.

At least in this case she has known the man for some time and can form her own opinion of him. She's a big girl grown-up and can make her own decisions.

If you're still worried, ask her to send an SMS once she's been there a week. Actually, that's a very bad idea, because she'll forget, and then you'll worry more. And of course, she'll have a different, local, phone number, and probably won't check her emails, so the fact that you can't contact her, even if you try, won't indicate anything untoward.

You might encourage her to get the quality of the jewellery verified.

But basically, consider yourselves as ships that pass in the night, and the face that she is heading into uncharted waters is not your concern. Concentrate on steering your own course


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I love it when someone comes with 1 post and the first thing they write about is there Thai girl/bar girl experience. I mean, when I first joined Thaivisa all I did was tell personal details of my love history and all. whistling.gif

Anyways to cut to the chase:

(1) You need to crawl back to her and tell her you are a fool and it is all your fault

(2) Propose Marriage

(3) Move to Thailand

(4) Burn all your bridges in your homeland. Like tell your boss and business associates to F off. When Cortez reached the new world he burned the ships so his men would not think about returning. You should do the same.

(5) Transfer all of your assets to Thailand.

(6) In Thailand, transfer all of your assets to the name of your BG new wife.

(7) You will need a source of income to remain in Thailand. You should open up a bar.

(8) Continue to remain on Thaivisa. Post regularly. All the gripes and unpleasantries that you feel about Thailand and the Thai people, you should share with us on Thaivisa by posting about them regularly because we love hearing about it and are very good at giving a sympathetic ear.


And build her and her parents and "Brother" a house.

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Heres some advice, my Wife ( Thai) rents rooms for a living so meets many couples, quite often its a Thai woman and Foreign boyfriend/husband, the women on occasion are bargirls and the stories they openly tell my wife would have the OP running like hell away from this woman.

Often she is asked to tell the husband/boyfriend the rent is higher than it is so they can milk off some of the rent money and how they want "extra keys" in case a friend wants to stay with them when hubby is away abroad. ( I must add before the TVers start she doesnt do this)

On odd occasions I am there, the husband will tell me how wonderful his wife is, totally oblivious.

I get some great stories sometimes, on the flip side I see young kids come teaching and using girls like sh*t and not bar girls just regular girls with jobs , the last one wrote on the wall when she left him "xxxxxx <snip> off"

It was repainted and it was taken form the deposit

I know that at the back of his mind he'll be thinking it will work................. we were all stupid like this at one time over a particular girl and I'm no exception.


That said no amount of "talking to" will change what he does.

Edited by metisdead
: Profanity
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Well, thanks for the kind (and not so kind, I guess) words. I know I have to remove this from my head.if it was just her going, I wouldn't have even asked the question.it was just Eating away at me that he asked he asked her friend along, apparently to keep his mate from feeling 'lonely' back home.

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Young man comes to Thailand, falls in love with the first bar girl he meets, life turns to shit, tells his story on TV. I don't know how many times we've seen it this year alone, but enough to set up some sort of firewall to prevent further repeats ! Mods...shut this crap down the minute it appears.

Isn't the above a comment on moderation? Why not report the thread instead of telling them what to do on the forum?

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Young man comes to Thailand, falls in love with the first bar girl he meets, life turns to shit, tells his story on TV. I don't know how many times we've seen it this year alone, but enough to set up some sort of firewall to prevent further repeats ! Mods...shut this crap down the minute it appears.

Isn't the above a comment on moderation? Why not report the thread instead of telling them what to do on the forum?

If I was that bothered about it, I'd be tempted not to read the thread, nor reply to it. Maybe he just enjoys shouting. Perhaps he suffers from Tourettes' Syndrome; luckily there is a thread for that


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Young man comes to Thailand, falls in love with the first bar girl he meets, life turns to shit, tells his story on TV. I don't know how many times we've seen it this year alone, but enough to set up some sort of firewall to prevent further repeats ! Mods...shut this crap down the minute it appears.

Isn't the above a comment on moderation? Why not report the thread instead of telling them what to do on the forum?

If I was that bothered about it, I'd be tempted not to read the thread, nor reply to it. Maybe he just enjoys shouting. Perhaps he suffers from Tourettes' Syndrome; luckily there is a thread for that


Me too cowboy but there are people in the world who don't want anyone else to read it if it offends them. Notice all the recent attacks on embassies. Pattaya is a good example. Anytime it is mentioned about coffee to cupcakes it winds up a shouting match about ..... well you know.

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people like to thai bash, but the foreigner dudes here are usually just as bad as the girls.

it's common for dues to take thai bar girls out of the country to use as prostitutes in their home countries, or it just evolves into this. generally, the dudes are losers no matter what country they are in and when the money dries up the girl does what she always did, he ends up as a support just like a rental gf would be to a visiting guy in thailand.

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Well, thanks for the kind (and not so kind, I guess) words. I know I have to remove this from my head.if it was just her going, I wouldn't have even asked the question.it was just Eating away at me that he asked he asked her friend along, apparently to keep his mate from feeling 'lonely' back home.

have you ever thought this bloke just might of asked her freind along to keep his girlfriend company,

i think you are making assumptions when you dont know this man,

thats how i read it,

all hes done is bought her some gold,(better then yours)

asked her to go to his country with her friend,(something you didnt do),

i think a lot of this on your part is jelousy,

get on with your life mate, forget about her,


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Yeah maybe the best thing is to keep moving forward and don't have further contact with her.

Ignore the put-downs from people here. Probably they mean well, thinking that by shaming you it will prevent further mistakes. I'm not convinced of how constructive that is, however.

Good luck.


PS I know there are many people here who have been in the same boat. I don't blame you for discussing it here, in whom else would you confide that you fell in love with a prostitute, your mom/clergyman/sister? I suspect some, but not all, of the harshest critics are exactly the same ones who have been in your situation.

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Young man comes to Thailand, falls in love with the first bar girl he meets, life turns to shit, tells his story on TV. I don't know how many times we've seen it this year alone, but enough to set up some sort of firewall to prevent further repeats ! Mods...shut this crap down the minute it appears.

Isn't the above a comment on moderation? Why not report the thread instead of telling them what to do on the forum?

Sounds to me like a call for the automated censoring of posts he doesn't like, and from his comment suspect he hasn't read the OP..

I see no complaint from the OP, and certainly cant determine where it says his life went to shit.

I personally would rather see the removal of members like trainman than the introduction of a "firewall" (i suspect he has no understanding of that term either) to dictate what type of post is appropriate.

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Young man comes to Thailand, falls in love with the first bar girl he meets, life turns to shit, tells his story on TV. I don't know how many times we've seen it this year alone, but enough to set up some sort of firewall to prevent further repeats ! Mods...shut this crap down the minute it appears.

Isn't the above a comment on moderation? Why not report the thread instead of telling them what to do on the forum?

Sounds to me like a call for the automated censoring of posts he doesn't like, and from his comment suspect he hasn't read the OP..

I see no complaint from the OP, and certainly cant determine where it says his life went to shit.

I personally would rather see the removal of members like trainman than the introduction of a "firewall" (i suspect he has no understanding of that term either) to dictate what type of post is appropriate.

I think a firewall is a good idea. Or the Wall of Death. I love motorcycle stunts. Seems a bit of-topic, though.

I could see that giving rise to some quite rational fears, though, a motorcycle belting round a vertical track awash with flame.

I could see the Occupational Health and Safety expressing a view on that


Edited by StreetCowboy
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I was just trying to say that they're not relationship material. Their priorities shift too dramatically once they're worked the bar for too long.

When you first met her she made you aware that you needed to pay her money for her company and sex

When you first met her you were happy to pay her money for company and sex.

A few months later she was still telling you that you needed to pay her money for her company and sex

A few months later YOU had changed YOUR priorities in order for you to believe something else.

You are the only person in the story whose priorities have shifted dramatically

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Young man comes to Thailand, falls in love with the first bar girl he meets, life turns to shit, tells his story on TV. I don't know how many times we've seen it this year alone, but enough to set up some sort of firewall to prevent further repeats ! Mods...shut this crap down the minute it appears.

I find them quite entertaining. I'm surprised it took me so long to see this one

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Young man comes to Thailand, falls in love with the first bar girl he meets, life turns to shit, tells his story on TV. I don't know how many times we've seen it this year alone, but enough to set up some sort of firewall to prevent further repeats ! Mods...shut this crap down the minute it appears.

I find them quite entertaining. I'm surprised it took me so long to see this one

He titled it badly ........ should have been 'I fell in love with a bar girl'

Still, it could have been worse, no house, farm or car loss.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I can sympathise with the question the OP was asking.

Shortly after I first came here my hairdresser (who had been previously married to a Westerner) told me that she had met some guy whilst he was on a 2 week holiday and he wanted her to join him in the UK. Apparently she had spoken to him often on the 'phone since he returned home, and his mother too! They were both v keen for her to move to the UK, get married and she would have work helping out in their hotel blink.png.

Like the OP, I tried to subtly point out this might not be all it seemed to be and warned her to be v careful.

She left anyway, selling the 'salon' to a friend, and as I stopped using the place after she left, I've no idea what happened.

Hopefully there were no future hair raising adventures involved rolleyes.gif

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The saga has been concluded. She responded and has told me that he is from Aus. My fears have disappeared.

Just as a final point:

I broke all contact with her after she told me about this man, and only removed it to send the warnings. Only reason I got the message is because I forgot to turn my email firewall back on. As it stands now, she has zero method of contacting me, or me of contacting her, as I have force-blocked her phone, email and had previously blocked her from skype and Facebook.

Irrespective of what happens now, the issue has been put to bed. Any feelings, romantic or otherwise, evaporated when she asked for the relationship to be non-manogamous (excepting her working the bar).

I honestly wish her luck trying to get a visa for her and her friend in Aus, as I was going through the process of getting one for her. It's gruelling enough when you've known them for 6-8 months and just one person. This is why I was not willing to send any money over, which she understood. The relationship ended so violently because she knew exactly what I had to do in terms of saving money for it to work, and still persisted in asking for a wage.

I'm done. Life goes on.

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