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Jatuporn Gets Suspended Six-Month Term For Defaming Abhisit

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Jatuporn gets suspended six-month term for defaming Abhisit

BANGKOK: -- The Criminal Court Thursday found red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan guilty of defaming former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and gave him a suspended six-month jail term.

The court found Jatuporn guilty of defaming Abhisit by saying Abhisit joining a meeting to plan to order troops to kill the people.

The court also fined Jatuporn Bt50,000. The six-month imprisonment was suspended for two years.

But the court rejected the libel lawsuit in which Abhisit accused Jatuporn of defaming for saying he had dodged the military conscription.

The court reasoned that Jatuporn made the comment as part of his MP's duty to scrutinise Abhisit's qualifications when Abhisit became the prime minister.


-- The Nation 2012-09-27


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If they suspend the sentence then why bother hearing the case.

If that was anybody on the street that did the defaming, then they would be in chains now.

I remember a former prime minister suing a Thai journalist for one billion baht for suggesting he might have benefitted financially from his political position Fortunately the world's journos backed her up and he was forced to back down.

I guess the going rate for defamation has slumped since then.

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If they suspend the sentence then why bother hearing the case.

To answer your point, I think it is the judgement, rather than the sentence that is the important aspect here as it is the judgement that gives and takes away that all important Thai value of face. By losing Jatuporn has lost face (he's wrong) . Abhisit by contrast has gained face (he's right). Politically speaking that loss or gain of face is more important that a jail sentence.

As to how much 'face' each had to begin with....well, that's an all together different matter.

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The immune motor-mouth of the REDS, nice, the more judgement against him the better. This is one of the many who said burn Bangkok to the ground. Yet he has never been tried for inciting riots.

You're forgetting it was Abhisit, the army and everyone else but the Red Shirts.

Sorry, I seem to have pre-empted those posts

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suspended sentence means,i think, that if you are a good boy for 2 years, then you dont have to go to jail for the full sentence. correct ?

jataporn got a suspended sentence last year and now has been found guilty of an additional offence within the 2 years.

so, he must serve the previous sentence handed down as he broke the conditions of that sentence. have i got it wrong ?

Just to clarify, Jatuporn got a suspended sentence just 79 days ago when he was convicted and given jail time then.

*Post # 6

That was when leniency as a first time offender was stated by the court as the reason to suspend jail time.

Today was his second conviction.

That his first conviction is still under appeal is the reason one can surmise is the reason he wasn't locked up today.


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I still want my deserved cabinet seat.


Not until he learns to shave.

Why bother learning how to shave when you can get a presentable young lady to do it for you? Same same for haircuts, a monthly treat for me.

the difference in the levels of fun you seem to able to poke at people on here is amazing depending which side they are on.

i've no problem with the piss taking, i found when someone called him jatuporn the hutt very funny for it's wittiness.

it's the hypocrisy that gets me.

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I still want my deserved cabinet seat.


Not until he learns to shave.

Why bother learning how to shave when you can get a presentable young lady to do it for you? Same same for haircuts, a monthly treat for me.

the difference in the levels of fun you seem to able to poke at people on here is amazing depending which side they are on.

i've no problem with the piss taking, i found when someone called him jatuporn the hutt very funny for it's wittiness.

it's the hypocrisy that gets me.

I don't understand. Are you saying a picture of a monkey in a suit is not funny but calling him Jatuporn the Hutt is funny? Genuine question.

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Not until he learns to shave.

Why bother learning how to shave when you can get a presentable young lady to do it for you? Same same for haircuts, a monthly treat for me.

the difference in the levels of fun you seem to able to poke at people on here is amazing depending which side they are on.

i've no problem with the piss taking, i found when someone called him jatuporn the hutt very funny for it's wittiness.

it's the hypocrisy that gets me.

I don't understand. Are you saying a picture of a monkey in a suit is not funny but calling him Jatuporn the Hutt is funny? Genuine question.

well by my sense of humour, yes, but that wasn't really the point i was making.

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Jatuporn handed suspended jail term for defaming Abhisit

The Nation


Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan arrives at Criminal Court yesterday, where he was found guilty of defaming former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. The court sentenced Jatuporn to six months in jail, suspended for two years.

BANGKOK: -- The Criminal Court yesterday sentenced red-shirt activist Jatuporn Prompan to six months in jail and fined him Bt50,000 for defaming Abhisit Vejjajiva, the opposition Democrat Party leader, and inciting public hatred against him by taking to the red-shirt stage and claiming Abhisit ordered the killing of people.

The jail term was commuted to two years and then suspended on grounds that Jatuporn, a former Pheu Thai party-list MP and core leader of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, had never served time before.

The court did not find Jatuporn guilty of libel for accusing Abhisit of draft-dodging, saying the documents presented by Abhisit in his defence were suspect.

In his defamation suit filed on March 15, 2010, Abhisit said that from January 29-February 15 of that year, Jatuporn addressed the red-shirt rally, which was televised across the country by the People Channel, and accused him, who was prime minister at the time, of ordering the killing of people.

The defendant's speeches had caused public misunderstanding that Abhisit was a man of ruthlessness for ordering the killing of the innocent, the Democrat leader said, adding that the slander had also brought shame and insult to him.

The suit also stated that on January 29, 2010, Jatuporn had alleged that Abhisit must be disqualified as prime minister because he used falsified documents to apply as a lecturer to the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. The suit said the accusation had misled the public into believing that Abhisit had no credibility or grace to continue as prime minister since he had evaded military conscription.

The court said that although Abhisit testified that he was a student under the supervision of the Civil Service Commission and received a Sor Dor 41, which is an exemption for military draft, he could not produce the document in court.

Although Abhisit argued that he once showed the Sor Dor 20, the list of people exempted from military draft, with his name as the third on the list, to Parliament, the Sor Dor 20 cannot be used as an official draft exemption. Only the Sor Dor 41, which is countersigned by the Interior Ministry, is the legitimate document.

Abhisit also could not back his claim with solid evidence that he never used fake documents in applying to the academy.

The court said Jatuporn, who was then an opposition MP, had the right to check on the PM's integrity over military conscription before Abhisit assumed the post and Jatuporn also made the comment with an honest intention.

However, the court said Jatuporn made an unfounded accusation without evidence that the plaintiff chaired a meeting to order a crackdown on protesters. The court said Jatuporn made the statements at the red-shirt rallies to provoke hatred against Abhisit.

Jatuporn was also ordered to publish the court verdict in two local newspapers for seven days.

Abhisit's lawyer Bandit Siripan said his client would appeal the ruling on the draft-dodging issue and warned the ruling party not to use the matter to its political advantage because the lower court decision was not final.

Winyat Chatmontri, Jatuporn's lawyer, said his client would appeal against the libel conviction.


-- The Nation 2012-09-28

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the difference in the levels of fun you seem to able to poke at people on here is amazing depending which side they are on.

i've no problem with the piss taking, i found when someone called him jatuporn the hutt very funny for it's wittiness.

it's the hypocrisy that gets me.

I don't understand. Are you saying a picture of a monkey in a suit is not funny but calling him Jatuporn the Hutt is funny? Genuine question.

well by my sense of humour, yes, but that wasn't really the point i was making.

I would have thought if someone were happy with this image being portrayed of him


Then this would be fine


Amazing how one upsets and the other doesn't. I would have thought they either both offend or both don't offend. one simply reflects a physical resemblance and the other a reflection of performance level. Each to their own! Sorry, what point were you making exactly?

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the difference in the levels of fun you seem to able to poke at people on here is amazing depending which side they are on.

i've no problem with the piss taking, i found when someone called him jatuporn the hutt very funny for it's wittiness.

it's the hypocrisy that gets me.

I don't understand. Are you saying a picture of a monkey in a suit is not funny but calling him Jatuporn the Hutt is funny? Genuine question.

well by my sense of humour, yes, but that wasn't really the point i was making.

I would have thought if someone were happy with this image being portrayed of him

Then this would be fine


Amazing how one upsets and the other doesn't. I would have thought they either both offend or both don't offend. one simply reflects a physical resemblance and the other a reflection of performance level. Each to their own! Sorry, what point were you making exactly?

haha neither offend me in the slightest, you're way off the mark of my point.

my point had nothing to do with this pisstake being more offensive than the other.

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