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Abc News/washington Post Poll: Obama Leading Romney Ahead Of First Debate


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I think it's easy to forget that being President is in many ways a very, very hard job (so is campaigning) and unless you really

So...carry on dealing with a rather hopeless war, a world-wide financial meltdown, a seemingly irresolvable political divide, constant criticism OR go on the lecture circuit, make millions and maybe even do some good as an ex- POTUS al la Bill Clinton...the latter would be an understandable if not especially noble choice (maybe even a subconscious one).

And he could do all this before he is 52 years old. Or continue to do the thankless job and become "free" when you are almost 57. No doubt Obama will get mega rich from appearances, he'll get to spend quality time with his family, and write his third memoir.

Presidents are lucky because they are limited to 8 years maximum. Why some other world leaders want to deal with all the crap that comes with the job for decades I don't personally understand, Hey, you did it! You "won the lottery" so retire and enjoy your windfall. Of course I guess some people are just too power hungry to ever think about walking away from it - even if they have a billion in the bank.

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Check out this abuse of power to manipulate the election -


Further proof, if any were needed, that there are no depths to which Obama will not sink to obtain re election.

Interesting to see that the polls have turned against Obama since the debate, and with the current revelations that the attack in Benghazi were nothing to do with the much publicised VDO it is clear that the emperor has no clothes.

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It's going to be harder than a lot of people realize for Obama to LOSE:


I have to admit I would be rather pleased to see Obama lose the popular vote and still win!

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Speaking of articles in the Daily Beast, how about the theory posited there (and elsewhere) that Obama doesn't really want a second term anymore?

Interesting notion.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

honestly, after watching him during the debate i would be a liar to say that thought didn't go through my head numerous times.

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These political science professors would have accurately predicted the last 8 elections based on their election model.

Mitt Romney will win the popular vote and take the White House with more than 300 electoral votes, according to a election model that correctly determines the winner when applied to the past eight presidential elections.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz292OgSbfW

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VP debate coming up exactly 2 hours from now. You can watch it live on Yahoo or youtube. Looking forward to some comedy from the crazy uncle and eye-glazing from the number cruncher. If Biden is not on top of his game, Obama looks to be tanking. Latest news: Romney leads in Florida by 7 points.

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That makes sense. The station I am watching said that it starts at 8 AM (in Thailand), but they probably meant their coverage, rather than the actual debate.

No, it is on now. or at least 4 minutes

Yes, you're right. It's starting now. Not sure what Yahoo's clock was doing.

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Romney is effective at dissing many things, including 'Obamacare' as he flippantly calls it. But he's very sparse on what he might do to improve it. Here's a rare peek, from a speech he made yesterday. As usual, when Romney get in to alternatives or details, he sticks his foot in his mouth:

"We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance. We don't have a setting across this country where if you don't have insurance, we just say to you, 'Tough luck, you're going to die when you have your heart attack.' No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it's paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." Gov. Romney, Oct. 12

Comment by NPR fact checkers: That, however, is belied by a large and growing body of academic studies, starting with a landmark study from the nonpartisan Institute of Medicine in 2002 that found 18,000 people died in the year 2000 because they lacked health insurance. Various updates of that study have come up with even larger numbers, mostly because of a growing number of uninsured people, combined with the increasing cost of medical care.

(end of NPR excerpt)

Maidu muses: Romney must hate 'fact-checkers' by now. I wouldn't blame him, because they often contradict what he declares from the podium.

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We aThwill wait until the news feed.

I'll wait to comment further in that thread, but as the debate is ending, it has been excellent. Moderation, both candidates, and format. Overall, Biden has dominated and seemed more Presidential, but Ryan has been excellent and even on foreign policy, he has crammed well and knew details...

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I thought that the VP debate was pretty much a draw and pretty much a waste of time as far as changing anyone's mind. All of their facts and most of their positions contradicted each other and IMO neither of them was more convincing than the other.

Ryan mostly maintained a neutral demeanor. Biden was condescending through the whole debate. I'm not sure if that helps him or hurts him with the voters.

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Romney is effective at dissing many things, including 'Obamacare' as he flippantly calls it. But he's very sparse on what he might do to improve it. Here's a rare peek, from a speech he made yesterday. As usual, when Romney get in to alternatives or details, he sticks his foot in his mouth:

"We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance. We don't have a setting across this country where if you don't have insurance, we just say to you, 'Tough luck, you're going to die when you have your heart attack.' No, you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it's paid for, either by charity, the government or by the hospital." Gov. Romney, Oct. 12

Comment by NPR fact checkers: That, however, is belied by a large and growing body of academic studies, starting with a landmark study from the nonpartisan Institute of Medicine in 2002 that found 18,000 people died in the year 2000 because they lacked health insurance. Various updates of that study have come up with even larger numbers, mostly because of a growing number of uninsured people, combined with the increasing cost of medical care.

(end of NPR excerpt)

Maidu muses: Romney must hate 'fact-checkers' by now. I wouldn't blame him, because they often contradict what he declares from the podium.

This is not an apples to apples comparison

What Romney said is basically true. If an American goes to an ER they will get treated period. Insurance or not.

This is true. If you have a heart attack or accident you can go to any hospital & be treated.

If afterwards you have no insurance or money in the bank you will be put on various welfare type programs which will pay the bill.

Many times you will also at that point be put on other services as well.(food stamps & cash if you have minor children )

What the fact checkers are possibly claiming is more folks are dying due to lack of health insurance with its preventative care.

Meaning Ultimately more folks are dying due to lack of preventive maintenance due to lacking insurance.

I guarantee these folks the fact checker claims died, did not die because they went to a hospital in need of care & were refused due to not having insurance.

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Massive blowout win for Biden. Wait for the polls. You'll see.

Yes, Obama was hit a bit from his first debate.

Biden has come to the rescue. Now all Obama has to do is be adequate in the last two debates, and the debates in general will be neutralized, and back to the clear fundamentals: highly probably reelection for Obama based on the electoral college demographics.

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Most comments are calling it a win for Biden, though not a big win. Ryan, though competent, appeared nervous drinking water constantly, and seemed a bit intimidated by Biden.

Funny, thats not my opinion but I listened on the radio: my reaction was that it was a draw with little significant coming from either side. I would be surprised if it impacts the polls at all.

Lets hope BHO has a better night next Tuesday - I'd hate to see the Republicans win - Fox News and their acolytes will be unbearable for 4 long years

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You have to watch it on tv like most people. Biden was making it clear visually the entire time: Romney-Ryan are big fat liars and their policies are NOT in the interest of the middle class. Job done. The democratic base was feeling a bit panicked after the Obama debate. He fired up the base which is a big deal in turnout. That is fixed now.

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Most comments are calling it a win for Biden, though not a big win. Ryan, though competent, appeared nervous drinking water constantly, and seemed a bit intimidated by Biden.

Funny, thats not my opinion but I listened on the radio: my reaction was that it was a draw with little significant coming from either side. I would be surprised if it impacts the polls at all.

Lets hope BHO has a better night next Tuesday - I'd hate to see the Republicans win - Fox News and their acolytes will be unbearable for 4 long years

A couple of themes the post game analysts are focusing on: was Biden condescending and arrogant with his constant smiling at Ryan's comments and Ryan seemed ill prepared to be VP, too Gilligan-like. etc...

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Believe me, Obama's base LOVES the way Biden treated Ryan. Ryan isn't a serious contender to be VP. He has no business there.

Hehe. Well, Ryan's no Sarah Palin, for sure, but he is competent. He kind of reminds me of young VPs I've had in my companies, who thought they were ready to be CEO, but needed more seasoning and leadership training.

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You have to watch it on tv like most people.

No I don't - radio is great thumbsup.gif .

Be interesting to see if the proposed Biden win affects the latest polls,.

Obama suffers fresh poll blow as Romney opens up big lead in Florida

Mason-Dixon poll shows Romney has 51% to Obama's 44% of likely voters – a change attributed to president's debate display.


Everything to play for IMO

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One liberal commentator just said that Biden did a good job, but his constant smirking worked against him. Chris Wallace said that he has never seen a VP debate where one candidate was so openly disrespectful of the other in modern history - Biden's behavior was "unprecedented."

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Biden did what was needed now in this political environment. Ryan is a rookie representing a big fat liar whose entire agenda is for the moneyed elites from a congress with SEVEN percent approval rating and doesn't deserve respect. Biden is Vice President.

BTW, if Romney was so good in his one government job leading Massachusetts, why does he have ZERO chance of winning ... Massachusetts?

Did Biden change the psychology of this race which had temporarily shifted to a Romney momentum? Big time win.

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