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The Mother In Law


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my MIL helps me out loads, when im working away from home, she helps my wife with the pigs and other animals,

as some will know we have just had a new baby, so to have a good MIL is the best thing you will have around you,

so my 1,200 pounds was nothing, and she has never asked for another penny, if she wanted something i would get it for her not a problem,

we were given our 2 rai very cheep, grandmasaid we didnt have topay at all as my wife would get it when she went, but i said no we,ll pay her something and we gave her 50,000bht for 2 rai, just so for once the old girl could have some money in a bank account,

they are very good to me, if grandma wants a papaya she will come and ask, she wont just take, even some poor farmers have manners,

if you find a good family here you will have a good life, same as finding a good girl,

my inlaws have helped me more then i have helped them that i can say hand on heart,

im not stupid i do know there is horror storys here we all know this, but it isnt everyone, there are some very good storys here, but it seems to me that some on here dont want to here the good storys they would sooner pick at your story,


Jake of course there are success stories and there is a difference between buying a wife and paying off her family so she stays with you or just helping out a bit. Also it depends who are involved, if they are like you said then no problem but if they are the other kind who knows you might end up dead (not talking about you here).

In general guys paying of wives and moms and the rest of the village get lil respect but are treated like a cash cow. No respect there. Other hand you wont gain much respect either if mom is dying and begging for help and its real and you dont help out a bit.

Shades of grey.

If you don't want this kind of trouble get a girl who has a job and parents that are not dirt poor. Also increases the chances they are not after you for the money.

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We didn't build MiL a house, other family members have tried but she's happy in her old wooden place, she's 87 (ish) so she can have her way.

We did build a new toilet / shower block for their little community who were sharing 1 bog / shower between 3 homes, even has a light so you can see to pee.

See, I'm not the cynical one, and no, I don't fancy my MiL :)

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As a Wedding Gift from my In Laws my Wife and I received a Rai of land in Bangkok, not far from my In Laws property.

I'm sure it was a way of my In Laws saying - we'd like you to live near us for when grand kids arrive.

When designing the house I will place a ground floor bedroom + en-suite bathroom. The idea is that when In Laws get older, someone will need to look after them. I consider it the duty of my wife and myself to do so. I'd do exactly the same for my folks if I were living the UK.

I'm also sure that if for some reason things went very wrong, my In Laws would assist my Wife in looking after me, as my Parents and Sisters in the UK would. This in my opinion is part of being a family unit.

I suspect that for many their intentions are the same: i.e. to be giving and to help out where you can, but at the same time its clear some be careful as it appears some folk are simply taking advantage of others.

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ever been to an isaan villiage? the norm is the big farang modern house surrounded by the locals and their huts with no plumbing bathrooms.

I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

But think of the re-sale value.

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ever been to an isaan villiage? the norm is the big farang modern house surrounded by the locals and their huts with no plumbing bathrooms.

I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

But think of the re-sale value.

I think "Hooker Nights" would have a higher re sale.

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ever been to an isaan villiage? the norm is the big farang modern house surrounded by the locals and their huts with no plumbing bathrooms.

I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

But think of the re-sale value.

I think "Hooker Nights" would have a higher re sale.


It sounds like an eighties American telly spin off series.

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I have heard these stories a lot but am immune as I have no money. I support myself, never borrow from anyone, have no trust fund, retirement account or rich family to help me out. I came to Thailand with 5k usd and everything else went to mt frang wife in order to get the divorce and walk away. I have worked here since I came and make a "decent" living (about 40% of what I made at home) but every woman I have dated knows my net worth is basically what is in my wallet and there is no big nest egg in the bank somewhere. I have had 4 regular girlfriends and the current one and I have been together over 2 years and I have never been asked for 1 baht. I do give the girls some money or gold from time to time to help them out but has always been my choice. I think I would dump a girl who started treating me like an ATM and demanding I buy things for her family. I figure if you got loads of money and your partner is dirt poor it is natural to help out, but not all Thai girls expect it to be Christmas every month. ITs only my experience but for me it has been easier to live here working-poor than to be seen as a sugar daddy.

You're right.

In the west, one of a parent's main concerns and wishes, from the time their daughter is born really, is that she finds the right man who will make HER life comfortable and will treat her well.

My wife and I do not expect that our future son-in-law will be buying us a house and a car. We'd prefer him to provide for our daughter.

Then again, maybe we don't think the other way because we don't live in a bamboo hut.

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I have heard these stories a lot but am immune as I have no money. I support myself, never borrow from anyone, have no trust fund, retirement account or rich family to help me out. I came to Thailand with 5k usd and everything else went to mt frang wife in order to get the divorce and walk away. I have worked here since I came and make a "decent" living (about 40% of what I made at home) but every woman I have dated knows my net worth is basically what is in my wallet and there is no big nest egg in the bank somewhere. I have had 4 regular girlfriends and the current one and I have been together over 2 years and I have never been asked for 1 baht. I do give the girls some money or gold from time to time to help them out but has always been my choice. I think I would dump a girl who started treating me like an ATM and demanding I buy things for her family. I figure if you got loads of money and your partner is dirt poor it is natural to help out, but not all Thai girls expect it to be Christmas every month. ITs only my experience but for me it has been easier to live here working-poor than to be seen as a sugar daddy.

You're right.

In the west, one of a parent's main concerns and wishes, from the time their daughter is born really, is that she finds the right man who will make HER life comfortable and will treat her well.

My wife and I do not expect that our future son-in-law will be buying us a house and a car. We'd prefer him to provide for our daughter.

Then again, maybe we don't think the other way because we don't live in a bamboo hut.

I don't live in a bamboo hut either but I came to Thailand and I want a BMW.

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5555 CMK. I guess if someone offered me the BMW I'd take it, but I'd also be taken by surprise. We have a future SIL at the moment and I can confidently say he's got no intention of giving us anything.

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ever been to an isaan villiage? the norm is the big farang modern house surrounded by the locals and their huts with no plumbing bathrooms.

I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

A falang builds a big house in a village and you assume he's married to a hooker? Bit of a stretch isn't it?

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When I first went to BKK to meet the wifes parents I didn't know what to expect. having read the stories here of getting demands for millions I was dreading it. The day duly arrived and I had arranged a family dinner at one of the local all you can eat BBQ places. Around 30 of the close family and friends attended. During the evening the FIL took me to one side and said he was happy that his daughter was so happy. he said to me if she is still happy this time next year I will give you some land to make your house.

1 Year later he duly gave us 5 rai of land with a mixture of fruit trees and open land. This is where I intend to build my retirement home and in the corner a small house for the MIL and FIL should they have need of it at some time in the future. This is as a thank you for giving me their beautiful daughter and the land to make my dream come true.

I wouldn't change my in laws for the world !thumbsup.gif

Exactly,what sort of parents would try to undermine their child's hapiness with constant demands for houses,cars,money and medical treatment for sick buffaloes,unbelievable?rolleyes.gif

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ever been to an isaan villiage? the norm is the big farang modern house surrounded by the locals and their huts with no plumbing bathrooms.

I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

A falang builds a big house in a village and you assume he's married to a hooker? Bit of a stretch isn't it?

If you don't see the logic in that then maybe you don't know too much about Thailand?

If it looks like a duck,walks like a duck and quacks...rolleyes.gif

Edited by Vale Tudo
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ever been to an isaan villiage? the norm is the big farang modern house surrounded by the locals and their huts with no plumbing bathrooms.

I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

A falang builds a big house in a village and you assume he's married to a hooker? Bit of a stretch isn't it?

If it looks like a duck,walks like a duck and quacks...rolleyes.gif

That quote means nothing in this context. You are saying big house = hooker. Give me a break.

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ever been to an isaan villiage? the norm is the big farang modern house surrounded by the locals and their huts with no plumbing bathrooms.

I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

A falang builds a big house in a village and you assume he's married to a hooker? Bit of a stretch isn't it?

If you don't see the logic in that then maybe you don't know too much about Thailand?

If it looks like a duck,walks like a duck and quacks...rolleyes.gif

69 posts already.

Welcome to the usual suspects basher brigade, and please accept the trite cliche of the day award.

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5555 CMK. I guess if someone offered me the BMW I'd take it, but I'd also be taken by surprise. We have a future SIL at the moment and I can confidently say he's got no intention of giving us anything.

I had one offer but it was a used BMW. Imagine that. I told him to come back when he was a General. He was only a Colonel at the time.

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I've seen it many times on the way to Khon Kaen and Udon when I've driven there from Chiang Mai.It looks utterly ridiculous and they might as well place a big sign next to the road saying "Hooker Heights"!rolleyes.gif

A falang builds a big house in a village and you assume he's married to a hooker? Bit of a stretch isn't it?

If you don't see the logic in that then maybe you don't know too much about Thailand?

If it looks like a duck,walks like a duck and quacks...rolleyes.gif

69 posts already.

Welcome to the usual suspects basher brigade, and please accept the trite cliche of the day award.

You are being too subtle. I don't think he knows he knows nothing about Thailand yet.rolleyes.gif

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Because it's a nice gesture and it's only pocket change, shows your commitment to your wife.

Everyones happy apart from the ones who get taken for a ride.

End of story.

Only "pocket change" say's Donald Trump over here laugh.png

Thailand has more expat millionaires than any other place in the world.

I meet half a dozen or so every time I visit a bar rolleyes.gif

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Because it's a nice gesture and it's only pocket change, shows your commitment to your wife.

Everyones happy apart from the ones who get taken for a ride.

End of story.

Only "pocket change" say's Donald Trump over here laugh.png

Thailand has more expat millionaires than any other place in the world.

I meet half a dozen or so every time I visit a bar rolleyes.gif

Which bar,Cheap Charlies?

Maybe we should do a survey,are there more millionaire or ex-Special Forces expats in Thailand?I wonder how many are both?

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I contributed to my "Out-Laws" new house - 400 km exactly from our house. Worth every penny. Also, when they die, we'll have a house near Bangkok which will be handy. This was after 10 years of marriage. I am surprised how some build houses after knowing their wife for 6 months.

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Because it's a nice gesture and it's only pocket change, shows your commitment to your wife.

Everyones happy apart from the ones who get taken for a ride.

End of story.

Only "pocket change" say's Donald Trump over here laugh.png

Thailand has more expat millionaires than any other place in the world.

I meet half a dozen or so every time I visit a bar rolleyes.gif

Which bar,Cheap Charlies?

Maybe we should do a survey,are there more millionaire or ex-Special Forces expats in Thailand?I wonder how many are both?

Whatever he result of your survey is, knock all of the zeros off the end to be nearer the truth
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Because it's a nice gesture and it's only pocket change, shows your commitment to your wife.

Everyones happy apart from the ones who get taken for a ride.

End of story.

Only "pocket change" say's Donald Trump over here laugh.png

Thailand has more expat millionaires than any other place in the world.

I meet half a dozen or so every time I visit a bar rolleyes.gif

Which bar,Cheap Charlies?

Maybe we should do a survey,are there more millionaire or ex-Special Forces expats in Thailand?I wonder how many are both?

Whatever he result of your survey is, knock all of the zeros off the end to be nearer the truth

I once me a fighter jet pilot who owned an Island in the South, had two yellow Lamborghini's, fought in the Vietnam war, lost millions of dollars in the stock market crash and personally knew the Chief of Thai police..........

He was abruptly thrown out of the bar for not being able to settle his 300 baht bar tab.....

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"You are being too subtle. I don't think he knows he knows nothing about Thailand yet."

Oh the irony of your double negative there!

I have to wonder if you know what day of the week it is?


You're just guessing, CMK.... 1 in 7 chance of being correct!!! biggrin.png
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