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Personally I find the "I will make what I think are subtle digs but really I am not as clever as I think I am" brigade to be the most annoying.

The "She can't possibly be talking about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Brigade.

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Then there's the "falang men wearing sneaker sandals" brigade.


They are so stylish! All that's missing is the white socks wub.png

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The "I try to be as ,direct as possible, in saying i consider fellow posters as electric friends" Brigade.

Great song there UnionLuke


The "old blokes who walk away from food court meals because they are no longer able to save 10 Baht on the recently ended sale on noodles" brigade..



There's the "posters who post in 3 lines nearly every time" brigade.

The "first line is the intro, second line is the support and third line is something witty or a historical reference" brigade. SC


The 'never trust a fart once you pass 40' brigade!

You can say that again, I always carry a spare pair of shorts in my truck, just in case wink.png


The 'never trust a fart once you pass 40' brigade!

You can say that again, I always carry a spare pair of shorts in my truck, just in case wink.png

Thought l was alone with that one. intheclub.gif


The "Baby and/or Toddler in their Avatar" Brigade.

... lucky I'm not in that particular brigade ... rolleyes.gif ... as the laddie in my Avatar is near to school age then to what you refer JT.

I had a cute face back then, if I don't mind saying so myself ... w00t.gif




"Is it Tuesday yet Brigade?" ... though I know it only has dedicated member.

giggle.gif , not long now. intheclub.gif

You stand up for yourself


I do on Tuesdays. tongue.png

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The mini_drinkingbird2.gifBrigade


The ''Yes Men'' brigade eh. laugh.png

transam ... you are indeed a smart man ... sparking brighter then some of the chrome you used to polish!

Maybe there are multiple interpretations meaning ... rolleyes.gif



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