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Thai Govt Prepares For Possible Obama Visit


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Have you ever seen Michelle? The only thing she could buy that would fit her in Bangkok would be purses, maybe a pair of shoes. Now, if Romney wins, that's different. I suspect he would have to switch the shopping trip and go to Germany to get his wife a new Wesphalian dressage horse or somethin. biggrin.png

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More tax payer money wasted. I suspect is is a cover for a shoping trip for Mishell(big momma) Oboma.cheesy.gif

Have you ever seen Michelle? The only thing she could buy that would fit her in Bangkok would be purses, maybe a pair of shoes. Now, if Romney wins, that's different. I suspect he would have to switch the shopping trip and go to Germany to get his wife a new Wesphalian dressage horse or somethin. biggrin.png

She could make a lot of money for the Thai Silk industry. They would have to use a year's supply from the entire Thai Silk industry just to cover her.

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Once again, the keyboard warriors here on TV don't disappoint..... While you're sitting in your dimly lit crummy hole you call

an apartment calling him a communist and such, he's out there making a difference. It's easy to criticize isn't it.

Step away from the computer, put the beer down and go for a walk....

P.S. it's President Obama you ^&^*$**^((!

Well i am not American i do agree with you, he is not a communist by a long shot
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I thought Thailand was anti-communist !? Zero is bad news for any to get involved with and if any of the govt in Thailand cuddles with him, beware.

Communist? What makes him a communist? His health-care plan? Apart from that he is the leader of the most capitalistic, and one of the most imperialistic (in modern times) countries in the world. Wish you were partly correct - a little more equality wouldn't hurt the US...

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It's too bad mostif the posters here weren't in the US armed services when the previous US President and his administration invaded Iraq based on lies and saber rattling, Also destroyed the housing market, damaged the economy not only in USA, but allowed the crooked bankers on WallStreet to get away with crippling the real estate market, and afterward rewarding them with bailouts. Yes the Obama administration isn't perfect, but they kept the USA from total financial ruin, where as the Bush administration couldn't leave the burning house fast enough.

While I do not agree with the invasion of Iraq, the previous administration did not single handedly destry the housing market. That was done entirely by the liberal left if you had done your homework, you would have known that was done entirely by Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd.

The odummy administration has done more to destroy U.S. standing and credibility in the world than the last 7 Presidents combined.

Really, you think he has less standing than George W Bush? I am English, believe me, George produced days and days worth of material for the comedy writers.

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As seldom as I comment on this forum, I couldn't help myself on this topic. My first reaction is to hope like hell that obomber gets defeated in November, just to save Thailand the agony of having to host him. However, upon reading some of the postings, I realized that even Thailand is not free of socialist desires. Fortunately, I hope, most of those desires are held by non-voting expats.

I was particularly amused to read that obomber is "out there making a difference". Yes, yes he truly is. He's making a difference for the Afghanis, the Pakistanis, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Yemenis, and the Syrians. Soon he'll be making a difference for the Iranians. And, let us not forget how he makes a difference for his fellow (?) Americans. Unemployment approaching 15% (if you read the honest numbers), inflation pushing 10% (if you read the honest numbers), at least half of all Americans receiving some form of public assistance, indefinite detention for any American that the government deems worthy of such (read that they don't like you), and murder for any Americans that obomber deems worthy (read that they really don't like you). A spate of "executive orders" designed to destroy every remaining freedom Americans have.

I had to laugh out loud hearing what a phenomenal saviour old man joe is. About the only thing he displayed is disrespect.

No, I'm not sitting in a dimly lit crummy hole, either. And, I never called him a communist. I called him a socialist. His mentors used the word communist.

Well said, nice post. But remember those things are not just about Obama, he's just the latest puppet. The agenda of the global power structure basically remains the same no matter who wins the election. I would say Romney is the lesser of evils but don't expect any basic underlying changes just because Obama loses the election. It's continuity of government and continuity of global corporate agenda and the mega rich global families that control them . Hard to go into details in a little written forum like this. Be sure to familiarize yourself in depth with something called "agenda 21" and not just the smiley-face version fed to the dumbed down general global public. Cheers.

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Once again, the keyboard warriors here on TV don't disappoint..... While you're sitting in your dimly lit crummy hole you call

an apartment calling him a communist and such, he's out there making a difference. It's easy to criticize isn't it.

Step away from the computer, put the beer down and go for a walk....

P.S. it's President Obama you ^&^*$**^((!

Well i am not American i do agree with you, he is not a communist by a long shot

Do you know who Andrew Breitbard was? He was an activist who suddenly died of a heart attack literally the night before his widely announced release of video footage of Obama hanging out with the "weatherman" when he was in collage which he said would "destroy Obama". The weather man were the radical faction of "students for a democratic society" popular in the late 60's- 70's. They were clearly guided by communist ideology and were involved with terrorist bombings of US government targets. Could be a coincidence Breitbart had a "heart attack" that night. He was 45. Obama is not what he appears to be on the surface folks. The rabbit hole goes very deep.

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Once again, the keyboard warriors here on TV don't disappoint..... While you're sitting in your dimly lit crummy hole you call

an apartment calling him a communist and such, he's out there making a difference. It's easy to criticize isn't it.

Step away from the computer, put the beer down and go for a walk....

P.S. it's President Obama you ^&^*$**^((!

Just as the keyboard warriors seem to think the PM of Thailand should be given no respect in spite of being the duly elected PM of a country of 60 million people they also want to bash the duly elected president of the USA for traveling around the world to encourage biz and shore up relations with valuable allies such as Thailand. Of course if Yingluck never left her office they would whine that she was doing nothing...just as many in America wouldn't give President Obama any credit if he brought peace to the world and found the cure for cancer.

As one famous politiican once said: " Nattering Nabobs of Negativity."

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Whats the purpose of his visit ? - to spend millions of dollars for a holiday just so he can say "been there - done that' - - to waste American taxpayers money - what will this trip significantly achieve in the bigger scheme of things - what a joke.

And the purported reasoning behind doing something after his election like we are supposed to vote for or "want" his re-election to get some level of his attention. This sort of forum message/news is skewed and certainly is a farce and should not be run like this.

He did that three times in Hawaii, renting a house for 7 million a day for three week..

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