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Dipped my toe into Patong last night with some visitors who wanted to see the water show at Jungceylon & view the weird & wonderful sights of Bangla. The water show as pathetic, plain lighting, mediocre at best fountain dancing, & no Jungceylon story on the water screen which left most of the sightseers bemused & bewildered.

Strolling down Bangla the stench emitting from the drains was awful & preposterous in the sense that the local authorities either do not care or seem oblivious to it which has been going on for years. Some drains were covered over in flattened cardboard which helped but is not really a solution.

At the Rat-U-Thit Rd end some Brit guys were touting for a go go bar "definitely no lady boys" was one selling point apparently. Up by Soi Katoey the guys with the baby lorises were out in force after the big fanfare of just a few days ago of their arrest. Yes, they are really cute but to me they looked frightened & regardless, they should be with their mothers not being exploited by some money grubbing cretins.

Upon leaving the "delights" of Patong their was a police block at the south end of the road behind Jungceylon. This has never happened to me before but instead of being waved on or asked for my licence they said turn on the interior light at which point a smiling policeman took a photo through the front windscreen. What else can you do but smile for the camera.

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And for the privilege of everything you describe, you get to pay the highest prices for tourists in South East Asia, Singapore aside. smile.png Congratulations, you are a "high end tourist" in a "world class tourist destination." smile.pngsmile.png I'm surprised your tour didn't include an altercation with a tuk-tuk driver. :) :)

I've never heard of the police taking photos of drivers in cars. Did they try to sell you the photo? smile.pngsmile.png Seriously, did you ask some questions about this?


Was there last wednesday wih some visiting friends. In more then 20 years here, i never saw so incredible ugly girls and greedy salemen. Patong sucks.

Only plusfactor was the food in wine connection. More tasty then in Central.


And for the privilege of everything you describe, you get to pay the highest prices for tourists in South East Asia, Singapore aside. smile.png Congratulations, you are a "high end tourist" in a "world class tourist destination." smile.pngsmile.png I'm surprised your tour didn't include an altercation with a tuk-tuk driver. smile.pngsmile.png

I've never heard of the police taking photos of drivers in cars. Did they try to sell you the photo? smile.pngsmile.png Seriously, did you ask some questions about this?

The only high end expense was dining at McDonalds, the rest of the tour was free, even the parking in Jungceylon. In the early 90's there was one particular tuk tuk driver who would take me home, assist me to my room when I was under the weather & then come back the next day to collect his 10 Baht fare. No I did not see any point in asking questions (why prolong something they insist on doing anyway) & besides I have nothing to hide. I do not drink these days & have a valid Thai driving licence.


Bangkok Burger is the only reason to go to Bangla.

I do agree with the smelly drains. It had me dry reaching it was that bad.

Junk Ceylon is just that. Junk.

There is no saving patong. Let it become a city of scum by the sea and protect the other areas from the same mistake.


We never go to Patong except to visit the bank and do a bit of shopping in Jungceylon

in the day time nowadays

The stench in the tourist areas of Bali coming from the drains there is just as bad

The last time we were there in the evening was 2 years ago on new years eve for the


Its fine for tourists but not a place i want to visit or live there are much nicer areas

in Phuket with everything available no matter what your tastes


Unfortunately, the smell is expanding. Soi Sai Nam Yen intersection near Subway / Rosco's Bar is bad now as well. We need more rain, I guess.

You are right it will flush the accumulated sewerage out of the street drains


Even with the addition of air fares, hotels ect I find Pattaya a better and much, much cheaper place to party.

I have to drive through Patong about 3 times a week.That's enough for me, just driving through.


The problem is that most of us have seen what Patong was like years ago and compare today's Patong with our image of Patong as it was; usually unfavourably.

For most tourists, it's their first time there, so, they have no preconceptions.

You would be surprised how many visit the place and then vow to come back, either for another holiday, or, to permanently move there.

My first visit to Thailand was in 2000 i did'nt know much about the place apart from it used to be called Saim i landed in Phuket booked a hotel at the airport they suggested Patong so off we went there was 4 of us we had been working in China so we thought we would have a quick look at the place before we went home it just happened to be Songkran and i must say from what i can remember we had a fantastic time so i thought i would go back again and have another look which has led to A marriage to a little diamond, A house and of course many more visit's as i am still working in the Uk and of course since then Patong has changed for the better and worse for me the better is still worth staying there I dont need a tuk tuk or a jet ski or Bangla rd so for me they dont exist it has great shops that are still a lot cheaper than the uk as is the standard of living i can get for the money.

Now this year my wifes long time best friend who now lives in Australia and is married to a Australian who she met there when she worked there as a spa Manager for a big hotel group came home to see her Family who live in Phuket town bringing her husband with her and of course they came to see us at our house i had never met him this being his 2nd visit to Phuket the first one to get married in Thailand which all took place in Phuket Town and then they returned to OZ so he had never been to Patong and he wanted to see Bangla Rd so of course we all went there on the night he wanted to go everywhere we even went into the Russian go go bar (250b singha beer ) well he thought the whole place was fantastic and i forgot to mention he is handsome 24 yrs young man now i myself was glad when he had seen it all but he loved the place and so will many other's.

Cess pit or not it will last for years.


Why not just build a bigggggg wall around it .....

Patong , no thank you ....

Mr mayor is having his 14 point programming - .......... ???? Need more explenation ---- and his son is lined up ....

Keep on dreaming - world class 5 x destination = peesan and co .


It's always smelled ever since they paved the road and put in drains.

Before that, the bars along Bangla used to flood.

my mate used to own the kangaroo bar in patong,little john.he used to have a dog called farang. i used to go down there,there were still little shops,it was busy in those days.late 80s,but when it rained and the bars flooded,it was not just rain water,as today. when it floods down there you are walking in sewage,and take your life in your hands walking past anything electrical. it will never change.it used to be a potty,now it is a communal toilet. the smell is bad,but you can get that in bkk,even london. i dont live there,but i do go back from time to time,it has gone from gibbns to slow lorris.the lizard people are there,and even the kids who sold cigs are still doing it,though one is a mess from too much drugs.people will always go there.

It's always smelled ever since they paved the road and put in drains.

Before that, the bars along Bangla used to flood.

my mate used to own the kangaroo bar in patong,little john.he used to have a dog called farang. i used to go down there,there were still little shops,it was busy in those days.late 80s,but when it rained and the bars flooded,it was not just rain water,as today. when it floods down there you are walking in sewage,and take your life in your hands walking past anything electrical. it will never change.it used to be a potty,now it is a communal toilet. the smell is bad,but you can get that in bkk,even london. i dont live there,but i do go back from time to time,it has gone from gibbns to slow lorris.the lizard people are there,and even the kids who sold cigs are still doing it,though one is a mess from too much drugs.people will always go there.

Of course you are right and tourists will always go there for a look but if they think that street represents Thailand or Thai people they will not come back


I think you guys are missing the point somehow.

As I have posted on previous threads there are great, civil experiences to be had in Patong, day and night.

May I suggest the following: Start with a fronzen margarita (or two) during sunset at Coyote and then enjoy the live music at the open-air restaurant next door. They have had fine llive bands from South Africa and the Philippines playing popular tunes.

Next, try the Port Of Call behind the ship at Jungcelon for some fine home-brewed beer and chips.

If you are game, you can then try the Bangla Strip and, if you pick your bar carefully, you will find some amazing Thai women to chat with and play a few games of Tequila shot poker.

The point is, don't go to Patong and Bangla if you want a candle-light dinner with violins for two.

And please have a designated driver for the trip home.

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The problem is that most of us have seen what Patong was like years ago and compare today's Patong with our image of Patong as it was; usually unfavourably.

For most tourists, it's their first time there, so, they have no preconceptions.

You would be surprised how many visit the place and then vow to come back, either for another holiday, or, to permanently move there.

My first visit to Thailand was in 2000 i did'nt know much about the place apart from it used to be called Saim i landed in Phuket booked a hotel at the airport they suggested Patong so off we went there was 4 of us we had been working in China so we thought we would have a quick look at the place before we went home it just happened to be Songkran and i must say from what i can remember we had a fantastic time so i thought i would go back again and have another look which has led to A marriage to a little diamond, A house and of course many more visit's as i am still working in the Uk and of course since then Patong has changed for the better and worse for me the better is still worth staying there I dont need a tuk tuk or a jet ski or Bangla rd so for me they dont exist it has great shops that are still a lot cheaper than the uk as is the standard of living i can get for the money.

Now this year my wifes long time best friend who now lives in Australia and is married to a Australian who she met there when she worked there as a spa Manager for a big hotel group came home to see her Family who live in Phuket town bringing her husband with her and of course they came to see us at our house i had never met him this being his 2nd visit to Phuket the first one to get married in Thailand which all took place in Phuket Town and then they returned to OZ so he had never been to Patong and he wanted to see Bangla Rd so of course we all went there on the night he wanted to go everywhere we even went into the Russian go go bar (250b singha beer ) well he thought the whole place was fantastic and i forgot to mention he is handsome 24 yrs young man now i myself was glad when he had seen it all but he loved the place and so will many other's.

Cess pit or not it will last for years.

250 Baht for a beer????? Who would pay that much for a single beer in Thailand? Maybe I am just getting to old.


I have visited Patong a few times since arriving here from the north, not my scene, okay if you are a sex tourist and want to see some of the disgusting shows being offered!!


It's always smelled ever since they paved the road and put in drains.

Before that, the bars along Bangla used to flood.

my mate used to own the kangaroo bar in patong,little john.he used to have a dog called farang. i used to go down there,there were still little shops,it was busy in those days.late 80s,but when it rained and the bars flooded,it was not just rain water,as today. when it floods down there you are walking in sewage,and take your life in your hands walking past anything electrical. it will never change.it used to be a potty,now it is a communal toilet. the smell is bad,but you can get that in bkk,even london. i dont live there,but i do go back from time to time,it has gone from gibbns to slow lorris.the lizard people are there,and even the kids who sold cigs are still doing it,though one is a mess from too much drugs.people will always go there.

Like KB said we all have different memories of Patong. I have had more than a few drinks with little John & remember him doing his crossword in the afternoons. This in the day when Soi Bangla was a two way dirt road.


All the Asian tourist destinations are changing all of the time

usually not getting better but worse

Bali has changed a lot and we will not be returning prefer Phuket and other places in Thailand although not Bangla road


It's always smelled ever since they paved the road and put in drains.

Before that, the bars along Bangla used to flood.

my mate used to own the kangaroo bar in patong,little john.he used to have a dog called farang. i used to go down there,there were still little shops,it was busy in those days.late 80s,but when it rained and the bars flooded,it was not just rain water,as today. when it floods down there you are walking in sewage,and take your life in your hands walking past anything electrical. it will never change.it used to be a potty,now it is a communal toilet. the smell is bad,but you can get that in bkk,even london. i dont live there,but i do go back from time to time,it has gone from gibbns to slow lorris.the lizard people are there,and even the kids who sold cigs are still doing it,though one is a mess from too much drugs.people will always go there.

Like KB said we all have different memories of Patong. I have had more than a few drinks with little John & remember him doing his crossword in the afternoons. This in the day when Soi Bangla was a two way dirt road.

he is still going as far as i know,a bus driver in leeds,or he was 5 years ago.

All the Asian tourist destinations are changing all of the time

usually not getting better but worse

Bali has changed a lot and we will not be returning prefer Phuket and other places in Thailand although not Bangla road

Interesting post Peter.

I agree that Asian tourist destinations are changing all of the time. I disagree that they are "all not getting better but worse." An obvious example is Burma. A big change for the positive there. Also, Vietnam, which is moving in the right direction at great speed.

What "indicators" will you set for Phuket for you to reach the point where you basically say, "Phuket is now like Bali and I don't like it and I am moving away." You mention Bali has changed and is not for you. You admit Phuket is changing, and for the worse.

What changes, or lack of change, would have to happen for you to leave the island, given that, by your own admission, it is getting worse.

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