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Got Into A Traffic Accident


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I looked into what can be negotiated and I think first step here at rajavej hospital is that you can buy a 100 baht VIP card, that gives you 10% off all medication.

I guess after that you could try negotiating more.

The hospital probably won't bargain much if they have reason to believe that you are financially able to pay.

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Insurance companies do not want idiots who drink/drive - they would not have covered him even if he did have insurance.

Sure they would. Did you arrive in Thailand yesterday?

If they didn't cover this particular circumstance they might as well close up shop. rolleyes.gif

would the insurance company not require a police report or for him to have called them to have a rep come out to the site of the accident? In either case if he was totally loaded, they would have noticed and asked for a test, no?

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Things could get worse if he doesn't pay up for the other guys car or the restaurant damage. Upon leaving the Hospital after his 'repairs' he could find himself re-admitted with some worse injuries. I would think the best thing he could do is go to the BIB and let them 'negotiate' a settlement with all concerned. That way they get their slice and everyone is happy.

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a few years back i had a accident on moon muang i hit the back of a tuk tuk in heavy traffic.once the driver saw me i was a white man he went for blood,i bent his metal and cracked his red indicator(one).at the time it was not working but he said this to a thai person later it was faulty.

it cost me 100 baht for a new front basket if i repaired it maybe 300 baht for the tuk tuk if that.the police were involved and in the end he got 3000 baht because of what happened.he made a mountain out of a mole hill.i could not do nothing and i knew he ripped me off.i thought at the time just get out with that.the other way would be go to the police station and spend time sorting it out where maybe i pay less and give the police tea money for helping me.so it was a lesson learn,t with thais and traffic accidents,i was not drunk,but still made to pay over the odds.good luck in your case hope you sort it out

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i assume the only damages are the car you are driving and the restaurant. is that a rental car? if its a rental car and have no valid insurance, its the company fault and none of your business.

since you are not proven drunk, the car 3rd party insurance should be able to cover for the restaurant damages. you will have to pay for the car damages

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would the insurance company not require a police report or for him to have called them to have a rep come out to the site of the accident?

No. You call the insurance company, 20-30 minutes later the rep is there with forms to fill in.

(In general I think it's better to not involve the police especially if I know the mishap is my fault.)

In either case if he was totally loaded, they would have noticed and asked for a test, no?

If visibly intoxicated (this all hypothetically speaking) you could play it safe and do the insurance stuff a bit later. I've done this earlier this year, told the other driver "Oops, yeah, that's my fault", gave her my phone number and business card and made an appointment at a convenient place and time. (That was for other reasons by the way, nothing to do with alcohol)

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If you cannot afford to pay for the damages, how are you going to afford a lawyer?

My advice is in one word: RUN!

To where without a passport?

I can't agree with not manning up and facing the music. How could you run and leave others to pay the bills?

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Was there insurance on the car? If so, get the number off the driver and negotiate direct with them. Sooner than later before injuries start appearing on the driver. If not, though the Tourist Police would be a better bet than the RTP, there'd be less chance of getting nobbled if you went through a Thai friend? Tell the hospital you're struggling for cash, everything is open to negotiation here.

The damage is done. The guy needs advice. There are no angels here.

Btw, TV has an 'ignore' function.

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From what I hear, the hospital will hold your passport until you have made payment. You will not be able to to leave the hospital let alone the country until their bill has been paid. Like "Winnie" said, this is the time to smile and negotiate the best you can. Keep this between you and the car owner as bringing in lawyer will only bring in the law, which will literally add insult to injury.

Good Luck

I think he can leave the hospital, but they will keep his passport until the bill is paid.

I don't condone what the OP did but he is asking for useful advice for what's already happened. Maybe we can see how many stones go through the air by those who haven't messed up in the past a time or two.

I wonder if it would behove him to try his skills at negotiating with whomever is actually in charge of holding his passport. After securing said passport, I think I've be looking at the first flight out of Dodge.

Morally even if from afar as in his own country, I'd then hope he'd make good on the damages he caused and learn a valuable lesson about drink and drive from the incident.

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a few years back i had a accident on moon muang i hit the back of a tuk tuk in heavy traffic.once the driver saw me i was a white man he went for blood,i bent his metal and cracked his red indicator(one).at the time it was not working but he said this to a thai person later it was faulty.

it cost me 100 baht for a new front basket if i repaired it maybe 300 baht for the tuk tuk if that.the police were involved and in the end he got 3000 baht because of what happened.he made a mountain out of a mole hill.i could not do nothing and i knew he ripped me off.i thought at the time just get out with that.the other way would be go to the police station and spend time sorting it out where maybe i pay less and give the police tea money for helping me.so it was a lesson learn,t with thais and traffic accidents,i was not drunk,but still made to pay over the odds.good luck in your case hope you sort it out

Was his time at the shop to fix it and loss wages because of you not worth anything ? Sounds like 3000 Bt was fair and you got off easy

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A lot of preaching and bad advice on this one. OP please clarify - what, if any, insurance did you have? Was it your own car? I have been in a similar situation a few times and maybe able to help, probably better by PM to avoid all the holier than thou comments.

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To me things don't all ad up here ?

Broken wall. I guess can't be theat bad, a size of a car maybe ? 5000, 10,000 Bt tops

I never could figure out the others car damage and type of car ? and what the OP was driving ?

Here compaired to home car repairs are cheep.

And then let's get to the Hospital charges. Who picked the hospital ? and why so much ? When my heart stopped and I was in ICU for 2 days then moved to a single room, my cost were just a fraction of his cost. Maybe the government hospital would have been better for you if you have no insurance.

What were you driving and how bad is it ? Maybe the repair shop will take yours in exchange for fixing his ? Maybe throw in the wall too ?

Be fair with these people and they will be fair with you. But things like this give all of us expats a bad name in Thailand

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How does anyone need advice on how to NOT drink and drive.He will have come from a country that does not allow it if he is from the west. He caused damage to peoples property so why do people feel he needs advice .

Why would anyone feel sorry for him .In my opinion it will not be the first time he as done this pay the price ,he as no thought for other people .

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Jeez, some really friendly people on here! The OP has admitted he was at fault, we all make mistakes. Drunk driving is the most stupid. But I'm sure the poor guy realises that now. No one killed, that's the main thing.

My advice would be not to bother with a lawyer. You will have to pay a fair whack. Contact tourist police, if you haven't already. They will probably help you negotiate a suitable settlement for the damage to the 3rd party's car and the restaurant. 1155 tourist police number.

Good luck.

Next time one of your nearest and dearest gets maimed/killed by a drunk driver you will eat your own words!!! I agree we all make mistakes. The mistakes i have made tho havent put innocent people at risk theres the difference!!!! Think about it.....car - no insurance, medical - no insurance, trying to buy his way out of a bad situation. If the guy wont even buy car/medical insurance for himself it says a lot about his attitude to others.

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How does anyone need advice on how to NOT drink and drive.He will have come from a country that does not allow it if he is from the west. He caused damage to peoples property so why do people feel he needs advice .

Why would anyone feel sorry for him .In my opinion it will not be the first time he as done this pay the price ,he as no thought for other people .

I don't feel sorry for him, but I will give advice.

You may have missed the obvious, but all of it applies equally to you if/when you get into some accident. Even when you're as sober as a goat.

At least he didn't weasel out on the forum by omitting the drinking part, or going the 'my friend' route.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Just to further clarify. I was driving my scooter, not a car.

So they have a translator here at the hospital and I've asked her to help me get my current bill from 100k down as much as possible. I retrieved pneumonia while in the hospital, so while my leg was fine Saturday/Sunday I could hardly move 3m without getting overwhelmingly tired. (I was admitted Wednesday and had surgery at around 5pm)

They moved me into ICU Sunday cuz my lungs were at like 50% capacity. Immediately per night was costing 10k.

Today I feel better. Just did a round of the ICU on crutches , about 25m, which was tiring but I'm sure it will get better.

I'll get in touch with car owner once I'm out and settle things up with him.

In hoping the translator will pull through for me since she's knows ppl in the cashier, but no idea how much she can shave off. I told her I only had like 80k. Whatever she does is fine. I promised her a dinner for her help. She did mention that if she shaves 20k off the bill, I should give her the difference :P

My future plan for drinking is:

- Always take a taxi/tuk tuk or a ride from someone on the way out drinking.

- Drink less often.

Oh and get health insurance :)

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After all the negotiations are done with the hospital, ask for the price if you pay in cash. It will knock off a few more baht.

Just to further clarify. I was driving my scooter, not a car.

So they have a translator here at the hospital and I've asked her to help me get my current bill from 100k down as much as possible. I retrieved pneumonia while in the hospital, so while my leg was fine Saturday/Sunday I could hardly move 3m without getting overwhelmingly tired. (I was admitted Wednesday and had surgery at around 5pm)

They moved me into ICU Sunday cuz my lungs were at like 50% capacity. Immediately per night was costing 10k.

Today I feel better. Just did a round of the ICU on crutches , about 25m, which was tiring but I'm sure it will get better.

I'll get in touch with car owner once I'm out and settle things up with him.

In hoping the translator will pull through for me since she's knows ppl in the cashier, but no idea how much she can shave off. I told her I only had like 80k. Whatever she does is fine. I promised her a dinner for her help. She did mention that if she shaves 20k off the bill, I should give her the difference tongue.png

My future plan for drinking is:

- Always take a taxi/tuk tuk or a ride from someone on the way out drinking.

- Drink less often.

Oh and get health insurance smile.png

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I wish that I had the balls to 'give advice' about the way people should live their lives. I'll say what I would do in their situation, because we've all nearly been there, what ever the problem is. Most of life is about reacting in one way or another to what is happening to you (being an alcoholic is also something that happens to you for one reason or another) and one can only react to other people's problems in the light of what we have learnt, willy bloody nilly.

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How do they know you were drunk? You might have been mistaken, did someone do a blood test?

Never admit to anything.

10k a night for ICU is way over the top, sounds like RAM (already twice as much as everyone else) foreigner double pricing.

Was your bike untaxed?, you need insurance to buy tax, not good insurance but every little helps (should pay 15k towards hospital bill and the car/wall).

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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How does anyone need advice on how to NOT drink and drive.He will have come from a country that does not allow it if he is from the west. He caused damage to peoples property so why do people feel he needs advice .

Why would anyone feel sorry for him .In my opinion it will not be the first time he as done this pay the price ,he as no thought for other people .

I don't feel sorry for him, but I will give advice.

You may have missed the obvious, but all of it applies equally to you if/when you get into some accident. Even when you're as sober as a goat.

At least he didn't weasel out on the forum by omitting the drinking part, or going the 'my friend' route.

You forgot to mention the important point of no insurance.I have had 2 accidents both fully covered by insurance.Thank you for the not needed advice .
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How do they know you were drunk? You might have been mistaken, did someone do a blood test?

Never admit to anything.

10k a night for ICU is way over the top, sounds like RAM (already twice as much as everyone else) foreigner double pricing.

Was your bike untaxed?, you need insurance to buy tax, not good insurance but every little helps (should pay 15k towards hospital bill and the car/wall).

RAM does not double-price foreigners. Thais and foreigners pay the same.

I can't really comment on the 10K THB per night because I don't know what treatment he received. When my friend was admitted to the CCU after suffering a heart attack on the runway at Suvarnabhumi, he was charged 150K THB for 2-3 days treatment. Medical treatment can be expensive in Thailand; although MUCH cheaper than in the West.

Edited by elektrified
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