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Russian Tourist Stabbed Five Times During Attempted Bag Snatch In Jomtien


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Carbon Copy Attackers Leave Tourist Victim with serious Stab wounds

By Staff Reporter


PATTAYA: -- In an almost carbon copy attack to the one which caused the death of an Australian lady on Phuket island.

A 25 year old Russian visitor to the Jomtien region was violently attacked by purse snatchers in the early hours of Monday morning as she walked along the beach road.

Seeing her as an easy target, the two, on a motorbike, rode parallel to her as one used a knife to cut the strap to her bag and steal it. According to reports they also tried to steal her gold necklace, at which point she put up a fight and was stabbed by the thieves, who made off on their bike before anyone came to her aid.

Police were called to the Chayapruk end of the beach and emergency services bandaged her up at the scene,. The injuries to her arm and leg were quite nasty so an ambulance was called and she was recommended to got to the local hospital for further examination

Full story: http://www.pattaya10...us-stab-wounds/

--Pattaya 103 FM 2012-10-23


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My Thai wife was recently a victim of a motor bike bag snatch in Malaysia and it happens in seconds. I had always said if this happens don't fight back & she didn't. Nobody in the street came to our aid. The Malaysian police said it's an increasing problem in the past few years and that tourists have been injured. Here in Pattaya there are obviously bag snatch incidents, as we know also Thai on Thai. Difference is that the Thai's in the street will assist and a few have been chased, caught and beaten by Thai's (at least in the Soi Nernplubwan area).

My wife will not wear gold jewelery in Pattaya, that is visible, in the street or whilst driving her motor bike; day or night.

Hey same thing happened to my female colleague in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Crazy city, that one. I feel safer in Bangkok!

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Some would suggest that we do not carry anything with us, and Im all for that, just walk around naked! How do you buy something from the store and carry it back with you, if you dont have a bag? When you only have shorts and t-shirt, where do you carry your cell phone?

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Pretty tough Russian woman. I give her credit for resisting. I would guess this is not so different than in Russia and she was prepared. There has been quite a Russian take over of Pattaya. Maybe they can battle the local crime there.

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Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

"not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is."

If you read ThaiVisa long enough you assume everything is wonderful in FarangUtopia and bad things only happen in Thailand. TiTV.

The barstool philosphers think corruption, crime, sexual perversion, stupidity, road rage, political ineptitude, bent police, economic decline and all that never happens in first world countries like the US, Australia or most of Europe (excluding UK, of course ... ha, ha).


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Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

Please tell me why mine wife can not stay at a party in Belgium and come later at home then me. Shy come home with a taxi and he stop at the door. But shy have to step outside and have to walk 10 minutes to go to the taxi. Yes I am sometimes afraid but then again, must I lock up mine wife ho is 32 years old/young? Its same when you tell me that shy cane not walk with shorts in the summer.

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I don't think I implied that at all. .

Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college?

I beg to differ - I think thats exactly what you implied.

All the suggestions you make in the 2nd email are great, but we've still got to: Reclaim the streets !

I'm not a woman, and I've always found Thailand an extremely safe place to walk around at any time of the day or night - I'd like to think that women would feel that same.

My Thai wife doesn't definitely not does not feel safe walking around anytime of day or night around Pattaya and she was born and raised in Pattaya.

Cheers burp.gif

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Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

Please tell me why mine wife can not stay at a party in Belgium and come later at home then me. Shy come home with a taxi and he stop at the door. But shy have to step outside and have to walk 10 minutes to go to the taxi. Yes I am sometimes afraid but then again, must I lock up mine wife ho is 32 years old/young? Its same when you tell me that shy cane not walk with shorts in the summer.

I understand that English is not your native language. But I must advise you that when referring to a female you should spell that word as "she", not "shy".

Also, when referring to people use "who", not "ho". People may get a very wrong idea of what you intended to say, especially when it comes to women tongue.png

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By now it is a common occurrence. My friend was mugged in February this year, fought them off, no knife wounds only scraped knees and ankles, suspect apprehended. Then I was mugged just recently on same street in Jomtien and smacked my assailant until he ran away like a cowering puppy http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/581311-pattaya-violence/

Anyhow, I'm sick of after dark violence and biting soi dogs. :(

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Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

Not quite. Most like to make it a problem unique to Pattaya.

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Don't get me wrong. I don't blame the victim. But someone should warn tourists not to wear bling especially late at night.

so why you can running around in Singapore like you want???...there will NEVER be an assault like this....

We need MORE comercials like this...it tops AMAZING THAILAND by far.... Hang these scumbags on the next tree....they damaging Thailands reputation of a safe country for travellers...ohhh I forgot...its l o n g gone :(

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"There's gotta be someone who'll catch one of these guys and either kill them or beat them to a pulp. Wonder who would go to arrested?"


Yupp, would be nice if someone would take one of them out making an example, but I don't think it would change a thing.

Regarding your question, a story comes to mind that was covered by leading newspapers in Thailand a few years ago. I believe it was a Dutch guy in Phuket near Chalong who was attacked (his wife in the car as well) by hitmen who shot two or three times at the car while he was driving. He decided to hunt them down and finally pinned the bike with both guys between the car and an electric pole, killing the gunmen and injuring the driver who was trapped under the wreckage.

Instead of being hailed a hero by police and officials, the Dutch guy was charged and sentenced as far as I can remember. Tried to google the story, but to no avail.

I personally salute that guy and would do exactly the same if I were shot at while sitting in my car.

In any case, I believe it is not a good idea for a woman at 03:00 in the morning to try to fight off an attacker with a big knife who wants her necklace. Better lose the necklace and walk away alive and unharmed...

Also I agree that in general it is not a good idea for a female to walk about alone in the middle of the night, even in Singapore or whatever country people might believe is "safe".

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Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

I think you're right. Any female walking around at 3am is prone to robbery or sex attacks. Males are also subject to robbery and viscious unprovoked attacks in the early hours in many so called developed countries. People take care in their home country, but relax on holiday and somehow expect things to be different.

Maybe I'm old fashioned too, but 20 years ago I felt more safe in Bangkok than today. But, that's probably true of a lot of other cities. We seem to be in a more violent time now, with weapons used more easily.

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If Mayor Ittipon is really serious about making Pattaya a " world-class " destination maybe it's time he started giving out a tourist guidebook such as “ the essential guide to a hasslefree holiday in Pattayawhich can be translated into Russian


there are so many dos and don'ts now such as how to rent a motorbike without being scammed by the b.i.b., what not to wear when you are out and about, where not to go in Pattaya, how to know your jet ski provider is above board and I'm sure there are many other subjects where a little bit of advanced knowledge would go a long way

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Don't get me wrong. I don't blame the victim. But someone should warn tourists not to wear bling especially late at night.

so why you can running around in Singapore like you want???...there will NEVER be an assault like this....

We need MORE comercials like this...it tops AMAZING THAILAND by far.... Hang these scumbags on the next tree....they damaging Thailands reputation of a safe country for travellers...ohhh I forgot...its l o n g gone sad.png

This damage you speak of doesn't seem to be keeping the tourist away. Tourist numbers are increasing big time.

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Call me old fashioned but I don't think any female should be walking home alone at 3am in any country... didn't everyone learn that in college? It's not a problem unique to Thailand, why does everyone try to make it seem like it is.

You're old fashioned. If women are not safe to walk the streets in the wee small hours, then there's a problem with the streets, NOT with the women. What do suggest - some sort of half-assed curfew ?

Perhaps that mighty force of 400 that were proactive for all of 1 hr the other day need to spread out a bit. I wouldn't mind seeing a few BIB's walking the streets at night (instead of sitting at some of the bars in groups of 3-4, smoking, having a drink and watching the footie).

You think other places are safe then? Have a look at the amount of assaults in the "wee small hours" in UK, US or Aussie cities. The UK has the highest proportion of CCTV camera coverage but still people get assaulted, robbed, beaten and stabbed. This isn't a problem for Thailand - try spending time in the Philipinnes or Africa and go out for a few walks if you want to do some research.

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Don't get me wrong. I don't blame the victim. But someone should warn tourists not to wear bling especially late at night.

so why you can running around in Singapore like you want???...there will NEVER be an assault like this....

I'm a Singaporean, and I agree that Singapore is a lot safer than Thailand. But to say that there "will NEVER be an assault like this" is a bit of a long shot smile.png

Old women have been stabbed in elevators for gold chains several times in Singapore. It's common knowledge among locals so most old ladies don't go out at night wearing gold chains these days.

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"She had sustained wounds to her arms and was able to communicate with Police despite her limited English Language skills."

Of course all tourist police cops are fluent in English.----- w00t.gif

I advise you to read one of the latest news stories claiming that ALL in the Thai tourist police force will speak perfect English within a few months from now. That was the best joke of the month of course...

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I think this place is getting worse and worse. Two thai jumped me in Chiang Mai to try to beat me up for the fun of it or because i am a farung last friday night. I never see that befor and i'm 11 year now here. I am lucky i wasn't too drunk and was able to defend myself. You have to watch you a** here man or woman

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Pretty tough Russian woman. I give her credit for resisting. I would guess this is not so different than in Russia and she was prepared. There has been quite a Russian take over of Pattaya. Maybe they can battle the local crime there.

Sorry, cannot agree - do not resist - she was lucky not to have been killed, accidentally or deliberately

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Please tell me why mine wife can not stay at a party in Belgium and come later at home then me. Shy come home with a taxi and he stop at the door. But shy have to step outside and have to walk 10 minutes to go to the taxi. Yes I am sometimes afraid but then again, must I lock up mine wife ho is 32 years old/young? Its same when you tell me that shy cane not walk with shorts in the summer.

I understand that English is not your native language. But I must advise you that when referring to a female you should spell that word as "she", not "shy".

Also, when referring to people use "who", not "ho". People may get a very wrong idea of what you intended to say, especially when it comes to women tongue.png


or shall I refer to you as -English- teacher?

-Eddy1960- sends 19 Posts in more than 5 years and you scare him off, even more?

Chad, please, write some posts in French, Dutch or German, Belgium has all three languages!

Not nice! No, "Fingerspitzengefuehl", a bit 'indelicate."whistling.gif


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I think this place is getting worse and worse. Two thai jumped me in Chiang Mai to try to beat me up for the fun of it or because i am a farung last friday night. I never see that befor and i'm 11 year now here. I am lucky i wasn't too drunk and was able to defend myself. You have to watch you a** here man or woman

Same stuff happens daily in the west. sad.png
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Please tell me why mine wife can not stay at a party in Belgium and come later at home then me. Shy come home with a taxi and he stop at the door. But shy have to step outside and have to walk 10 minutes to go to the taxi. Yes I am sometimes afraid but then again, must I lock up mine wife ho is 32 years old/young? Its same when you tell me that shy cane not walk with shorts in the summer.

I understand that English is not your native language. But I must advise you that when referring to a female you should spell that word as "she", not "shy".

Also, when referring to people use "who", not "ho". People may get a very wrong idea of what you intended to say, especially when it comes to women tongue.png


or shall I refer to you as -English- teacher?

-Eddy1960- sends 19 Posts in more than 5 years and you scare him off, even more?

Chad, please, write some posts in French, Dutch or German, Belgium has all three languages!

Not nice! No, "Fingerspitzengefuehl", a bit 'indelicate."whistling.gif


Sorry, I meant to help the person out, I didn't mean to scare him/her :(

I'm not English myself anyway. I'm Asian.

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