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I Miss The Lawlessness Of Cambodia In Thailand


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It changed, nothing stays the same. I was merely reflecting. Sure it became a magnet - time to go.

Hadly anti sexual, just a guy who sees hookers as a relief valve or an odd night out - not a way of life. You can be married and still be a happy sex addict.

Incidently, straight up p4p among consenting adults is one thing but indentured sex work is not something I see as fun in Cambodia OR Thailand.

Sorry if you have to pay women to get them to speak to you. More sorry still you see yourself as such a player.

Ill leave you now to your herpes, crabs, thrush, warts and weekly dose of chlamydia.

Would have been happier with more criminals, they are more normal then the wannabe sex addicts. Fat, sweaty sex tourists most creepy.

Same old nonsense. Bangkokburning posts, indentured sex work in Thailand. OK where? I know no one has seen this stuff but you have heard about it. Or saw it years ago. Last week, er ah well no. Did you tell the cops? Ah um well no.

Bangkokburning writes, “Sorry if you have to pay women to get them to speak to you.” My god man this is Thailand. Women here are chatterboxes. You have to pay them to stop talking. There are constant searches for pubs without women talking so a guy can watch the footy. Wake up dude. One of the only words in know in 15 different languages including Lao is “shut up.” “Sow wow” if you wondered.

Bangkokburning said he was going to leave someone to their, “herpes, crabs, thrush, warts and weekly dose of chlamydia.” Now is that a wild accusation or is that a wild accusation?

As far as thinking criminals are better than fat sweaty sex tourists, one would have to be nuts to prefer getting beat up, robbed and bludgeoned as opposed to seeing a overweight man walk down the street with a woman in a short skirt.

Some of us are desperate for people over whom we can feel superior. Would you deride a drowning man for clutching at straws?


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you can be free anywhere, even in prison.

I hope you've been in prison for some years to have the balls to say that.

if your sitting somewhere thinking about your freedom, you are in enclosed walls in your mind.

i have spent 6 months in complete solitary, no release, no contact,food dropped at the door as a monk,

Did you do it to better understand the sound of a whisper?

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I'm glad to find others who agree with me about the social liberties in which Cambodian law does not get invasive in the privacy of a mans life when it does nothing to harm another. The USA and Portugal, etc have legalized weed and other drugs and have a lower rate of overall addiction compared to many countries. The war on drugs is just a way to boost an economy especially in Thailand. Drugs are seized and resold in other countries or thrown back into the cycle right here at home by one of the superior gangs or whoever has the most money. Its sad that the wandering nomads who like to puff the peace pipe end up in prison for over 20 years while the REAL CRIMINALS who destroy and overdevelop nature and pristine habitats for profit are considered revered businessmen. For the idiots here who make assumptions about me or degrade my intellect for not speaking proper english, you must be pretty insecure to bully someone online, get a life! Obviously this topic was relevant and not trolling as it has over 1000 reads in under 48 hours..........

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The friend i had who got banged up for weed in Cambodia certainly wishes it had happened in Thailand, it would likely have saved him alot of stress and expense if it had been.

I suggest you rethink the differences in liberty you perceive there to be between the two countries.

Funny thing about Cambodia, when the shit hits the fan, everybody wishes they were in Thailand.

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so pigeonjake cannot spell, and people say I get off topic, what does his spelling have to do with his experience or knowledge.

if thailand is not free enough, you must be looking to do weird shit that is not worth thinking about.

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I'm glad to find others who agree with me about the social liberties in which Cambodian law does not get invasive in the privacy of a mans life when it does nothing to harm another. The USA and Portugal, etc have legalized weed and other drugs and have a lower rate of overall addiction compared to many countries. The war on drugs is just a way to boost an economy especially in Thailand. Drugs are seized and resold in other countries or thrown back into the cycle right here at home by one of the superior gangs or whoever has the most money. Its sad that the wandering nomads who like to puff the peace pipe end up (snip)

I hope you don't think I was agreeing with you.

Yes about the principle of those laws being stupid, but not about Cambodia being a rational place, and they certainly don't have "enlightened" attitudes about this stuff - they just don't care about you or their own laws, or rather here and in Thailand it's the cops and officials who in effect are the mafia.

As everyone keeps telling you, dangerous anarchy is not "freedom", it's just dangerous anarchy. Just because most lawbreakers don't get busted doesn't mean you'd wish you were right back here or even back home if you ever were.

Just express your preferences as that, not trying to tell people one's actually better than the other in any objective sense.

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if thailand is not free enough, you must be looking to do weird shit that is not worth thinking about.

You've gone from being pretentiously spiritual and broad-minded to exceptionally narrow-minded in just two posts.

Tell me oracle, what is the meaning of 'weird' and why must we be afraid to be seen as so?

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if thailand is not free enough, you must be looking to do weird shit that is not worth thinking about.

You've gone from being pretentiously spiritual and broad-minded to exceptionally narrow-minded in just two posts.

Tell me oracle, what is the meaning of 'weird' and why must we be afraid to be seen as so?

pretentiously spiritual because you don't agree with it, not because it is so.

all i have done is point out that freedom is not found in a physical place, that it is a state of mind as you cannot grasp it.

and you got all upset like an old woman.

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Is it Ken kesey, Andy Warhol, Bukowski, Einstien, Al Gore, George W Bush, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Prince Harry, Car Sagan?

Is OK then if someone less wealthy, "inspired' by these imbeciles, get hooked on harder drugs and resorts to crime to feed their habits...?

I hope you're speaking from experience but judging from your lame schoolboy reply I doubt you have ever known a "druggie" either...

I have.

I had a family member go through all the stages until her sad death. Although I was at the time too young to really understand the enormity of the situation, I wasn't too young to be aware of the devastation it caused in the family.

Flippant, Howard Marks-esque 6th form college pro-drugs comments have no place in any serious debate on the topic.

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Is it Ken kesey, Andy Warhol, Bukowski, Einstien, Al Gore, George W Bush, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Prince Harry, Car Sagan?

Is OK then if someone less wealthy, "inspired' by these imbeciles, get hooked on harder drugs and resorts to crime to feed their habits...?

I hope you're speaking from experience but judging from your lame schoolboy reply I doubt you have ever known a "druggie" either...

I have.

I had a family member go through all the stages until her sad death. Although I was at the time too young to really understand the enormity of the situation, I wasn't too young to be aware of the devastation it caused in the family.

Flippant, Howard Marks-esque 6th form college pro-drugs comments have no place in any serious debate on the topic.

1) I think that there is some validity in the view that people should be allowed to make their own stupid decisions.

2) I think that there is some validity in the claim that some illegal drugs are less harmful than alcohol,

1) I believe that the knock-on consequences for other people justify strict regulatiion

2) I believe that to repeal existing tolerance is very difficult. Within our lifetimes, we may achieve it for tobacco; for the more pervasive and insidious alcohol, less likely (I hope)


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Is it Ken kesey, Andy Warhol, Bukowski, Einstien, Al Gore, George W Bush, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Prince Harry, Car Sagan?

Is OK then if someone less wealthy, "inspired' by these imbeciles, get hooked on harder drugs and resorts to crime to feed their habits...?

I hope you're speaking from experience but judging from your lame schoolboy reply I doubt you have ever known a "druggie" either...

I have.

I had a family member go through all the stages until her sad death. Although I was at the time too young to really understand the enormity of the situation, I wasn't too young to be aware of the devastation it caused in the family.

Flippant, Howard Marks-esque 6th form college pro-drugs comments have no place in any serious debate on the topic.

If your question is do i know any dead junkies? yes, i do, or rather I did.

But more to the point, you missed the greater question, what is a druggie to Pigeon Jake or anyone else on here who seems to be quite happy to throw the term around ?

It is a question he has neglected to answer preferring to unintelligibly "lol" his way out of it.

but you would rather focus on a single sentence in my post and play the death in the family card as if it makes you some sort of authority on the matter.

it doesn't.

An my question remains, what exactly is a druggie?

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Dude, could you sit any more on that fence....?laugh.png

I hear what you say, however my gripe is more with lame arguments like "this list of famous people all done drugs so it's OK and cool" yet they forget (conveniently) to mention Hendrix, Lynott, Joplin, etc...

and they were excluded for a reason. it is clear they were addicts, and the use of the term druggie is justified in their cases. However drug use is not limited to addicts and people who have died, quite the contrary in fact.

But where is the line drawn?

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Dude, could you sit any more on that fence....?laugh.png

I hear what you say, however my gripe is more with lame arguments like "this list of famous people all done drugs so it's OK and cool" yet they forget (conveniently) to mention Hendrix, Lynott, Joplin, etc...

Ocht, c'est la vie.

More of a concern to me is Hendrix' mother, brother, children etc. Etc.

I don;'t think Jimi Hendrix had to burgle peope's houses to feed his habit. I hope, were I to try hard drugs, that I could say the same, but I am no so confident. Personally, I think that the key criterion of the law should be maintaining the rights of the individual to live and work and provide for their family; if that precludes exposing oneelf to the risk of becoming a junkie, so be it.

I think my freedom is more important than yours. And most states concur


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Dude, could you sit any more on that fence....?laugh.png

I hear what you say, however my gripe is more with lame arguments like "this list of famous people all done drugs so it's OK and cool" yet they forget (conveniently) to mention Hendrix, Lynott, Joplin, etc...

Ocht, c'est la vie.

More of a concern to me is Hendrix' mother, brother, children etc. Etc.

I don;'t think Jimi Hendrix had to burgle peope's houses to feed his habit.

Before the 'war on drugs' kicked off in the UK no-one who was an addict needed to burgle houses. They were treated by the medical profession and there were about 5,000 of them.

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Dude, could you sit any more on that fence....?laugh.png

I hear what you say, however my gripe is more with lame arguments like "this list of famous people all done drugs so it's OK and cool" yet they forget (conveniently) to mention Hendrix, Lynott, Joplin, etc...

Ocht, c'est la vie.

More of a concern to me is Hendrix' mother, brother, children etc. Etc.

I don;'t think Jimi Hendrix had to burgle peope's houses to feed his habit.

Before the 'war on drugs' kicked off in the UK no-one who was an addict needed to burgle houses. They were treated by the medical profession and there were about 5,000 of them.

I have my prejudice, and to dissuade me otherwise, you're going to want evidence.

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Dude, could you sit any more on that fence....?laugh.png

I hear what you say, however my gripe is more with lame arguments like "this list of famous people all done drugs so it's OK and cool" yet they forget (conveniently) to mention Hendrix, Lynott, Joplin, etc...

Ocht, c'est la vie.

More of a concern to me is Hendrix' mother, brother, children etc. Etc.

I don;'t think Jimi Hendrix had to burgle peope's houses to feed his habit.

Before the 'war on drugs' kicked off in the UK no-one who was an addict needed to burgle houses. They were treated by the medical profession and there were about 5,000 of them.

I have my prejudice, and to dissuade me otherwise, you're going to want evidence.


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Tinfoilhat, your argument has been ripped to shreds. Clearly you do NOT know any real addicts

You dance around the issue like someone who knows nothing about the issue.

I call you out.

You know nothing about this issue.

Tossing in random counter arguments is not helping you here either....

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Flippant, Howard Marks-esque 6th form college pro-drugs comments have no place in any serious debate on the topic.

Perhaps you missed the coverage of the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena earlier this year? You probably missed several Latin American leaders address the United Nations last month too and the third-party presidential debates a couple of days ago.

Drug prohibition is very clearly a serious debate on the topic of freedom.

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my nieses son is a heroin addict,

he has stole from his mother, his brother has been to prison 3 times,

and you say drugs dont course trouble,

and then if you take it one step further,

they can go to the chemist and get free, yes free persciptions for drugs,(methonel or something, sorry i dont know whats its called,} at the expence of the tax payer,, me and plenty of others tax payers are then paying for there drug habbit,

and then to top it all they get dissability living allowance, again at the tax payers expence,,

so as you can see, me being a tax payer, yes im going to love druggies

im sorry to every one about my spelling, im dyslecsik,

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In the US, alcohol causes 37,000 deaths a year, marijuana causes 0.

When you use the term "drugs" you cover yaba, heroin, meth and drugs that help human beings, such as iboga, marijuana and ayahuasca.

It really is important to make the distinction between heroin and marijuana, a drug that is legal in many places around the world and gives great relief from suffering.

No one said they love Cambodia because the smack is cheap, yet.

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Nick, I'm not talking about freedom in your rich kid universe here but in the REAL world.

I'm talking about your bullshit and how dragging unimportant shit from random websites which support your disease don't help the matter.

How much "freedom" do you think an addict has when they wake up in the morning and the craving for that hit drives them to steal...kill?

Keep your silly made up arguments where they belong until you can talk about this topic from the same angle.


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Nick, I'm not talking about freedom in your rich kid universe here but in the REAL world.

I'm talking about your bullshit and how dragging unimportant shit from random websites which support your disease don't help the matter.

How much "freedom" do you think an addict has when they wake up in the morning and the craving for that hit drives them to steal...kill?

Keep your silly made up arguments where they belong until you can talk about this topic from the same angle you demanded off another member you hypocrite.

Touch a nerve, HeavyDrinker? Not one for intelligent debate, are you?

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Nick, I'm not talking about freedom in your rich kid universe here but in the REAL world.

I'm talking about your bullshit and how dragging unimportant shit from random websites which support your disease don't help the matter.

How much "freedom" do you think an addict has when they wake up in the morning and the craving for that hit drives them to steal...kill?

Keep your silly made up arguments where they belong until you can talk about this topic from the same angle you demanded off another member you hypocrite.


In Thailand, that is what we call 'losing face', isn't it?

Edited by Nick in Thailand
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