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What's The Big Deal About Marrying A Girl You Met In A Bar ?

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my wife will put her arm up a pigs what sit,, not a problem,

it is after all the things that make you both happy in life that counts,

There is a name for this stuff, videos too.

She would be popular in NZ.

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Unlucky, as soon, there are tattoos to spot on the wife: It's proved!

Now you tell me. I adviced my wife to get a small flower tattoo to cover a burn mark she got as a kid from a scooters tailpipe. Guess I've gone and doomed it all now.

Unlucky, as soon, there are tattoos to spot on the wife: It's proved!

Now you tell me. I adviced my wife to get a small flower tattoo to cover a burn mark she got as a kid from a scooters tailpipe. Guess I've gone and doomed it all now.

Unlucky, as soon, there are tattoos to spot on the wife: It's proved!

Now you tell me. I adviced my wife to get a small flower tattoo to cover a burn mark she got as a kid from a scooters tailpipe. Guess I've gone and doomed it all now.

Sorry to say:

Not the best advice, 'cause almost every Thai will look at here this 'bitch' way!

This country is still decades away, from lady tattoos for 'non BG's'

BTW: The sight of most Farangs, in this case, is only following the lead of the majority in this country! You can see a Lady with tattoo in a shopping center or on the road, there aren't many choices!


Because most girls who have worked in bars as prostitutes have a damaged view of life, priorities and normal life. I don't recall anyone saying - "Don't marry the cook". Quit trolling.

Obviously the kind of bar does have an impact...

I think I'll let you work this one out for yourself and let you do the math. coffee1.gif

Yes....I met my girlfriend in a bar.

Not one of the girly bars and no she wasn't working there.

Still...if I tell someone I met my gf in a bar in Thailand all will jump to their own conclusion....amusing! :D


Considering that many western men marry girls that they met in western bars, what's the big deal? Also, it's not the midle ages, so chances are the female will have slept with as many guys as the guy will have slept with females before they got married.

This subject is just so hypocritical.

Thai bargirls, on the whole, are not crack whores that have sex with dozens of men a night.


Because most girls who have worked in bars as prostitutes have a damaged view of life, priorities and normal life. I don't recall anyone saying - "Don't marry the cook". Quit trolling.

And you give your oh so insightful comment from your intimate knowledge of Thai bargirls, hmmmmmmm?


What a lot of political correct BS!bah.gif

How anyone even can consider marriage to a BG/prostitute/hooker is beyond me. The lack of personal pride and integrety for a person, who choose to work as a BG, would automatically disquality IMO that person from being "wife material". And don't give me the crap about supporting the poor family, there are plenty of (not so wellpaid) jobs out there.

@jake. "horses for courses" yeah sure as long, as they are not gay!

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utter twaddle.

i know a number of non bargirls with discreet tattoos.

Discreet, or call it 'private', tattoos. Yep, are available. But the girls with tattoos, they can't even hide without a Burqa before the mother, .....!

Marrying is the stupid part.


Thai bargirls, on the whole, are not crack whores that have sex with dozens of men a night.

But only, with 2 or 3 shorts a night, they can earn more money, than they need a week. And the 'no long, I go short only' is becoming a bigger part of the 'cute once', in the Bars!


I met some interesting girls in disco in BKK all going to university! What an interesting past they had!!

Some of my western family think all of Thailand is one bi walking street....Who cares I have been happy for 12 years...

I would rather have the wife I have now then one of the well educated ones I met while clubbing. For post #43 go see for yourself lol


What a lot of political correct BS!bah.gif

How anyone even can consider marriage to a BG/prostitute/hooker is beyond me. The lack of personal pride and integrety for a person, who choose to work as a BG, would automatically disquality IMO that person from being "wife material". And don't give me the crap about supporting the poor family, there are plenty of (not so wellpaid) jobs out there.

@jake. "horses for courses" yeah sure as long, as they are not gay!

If having sex with a lot of people makes someone a bad person, then most of the men that visit Thailand must be evil.

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What a lot of political correct BS!bah.gif

How anyone even can consider marriage to a BG/prostitute/hooker is beyond me. The lack of personal pride and integrety for a person, who choose to work as a BG, would automatically disquality IMO that person from being "wife material". And don't give me the crap about supporting the poor family, there are plenty of (not so wellpaid) jobs out there.

@jake. "horses for courses" yeah sure as long, as they are not gay!

If having sex with a lot of people makes someone a bad person, then most of the men that visit Thailand must be evil.

Having a key, that fits into every lock, is called a master key

Having a lock, every key fits in, is called...! coffee1.gif


utter twaddle.

i know a number of non bargirls with discreet tattoos.

Discreet, or call it 'private', tattoos. Yep, are available. But the girls with tattoos, they can't even hide without a Burqa before the mother, .....!

Marrying is the stupid part.


Thai bargirls, on the whole, are not crack whores that have sex with dozens of men a night.

But only, with 2 or 3 shorts a night, they can earn more money, than they need a week. And the 'no long, I go short only' is becoming a bigger part of the 'cute once', in the Bars!

Yes, I've seen the drop dead gorgeous "short timers" in the Gogos, and talked to the pretty young ones that only go "short time" on Beach Rd, but they are a very small minority, and their shelf life is limited. The vast majority probably get 2 or 3 customers a week, if that.


I think many TV'rs count the wife as a trophy of some sorts, hence it's to be shown and let the lowly buggers who married a BG know their place. Sometimes makes one wonder if they have anything of their own to boast about, or is that all there is ?


Thai bargirls, on the whole, are not crack whores that have sex with dozens of men a night.

Of course not, because crack is not readily available here.


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I met some interesting girls in disco in BKK all going to university! What an interesting past they had!!

Some of my western family think all of Thailand is one bi walking street....Who cares I have been happy for 12 years...

I would rather have the wife I have now then one of the well educated ones I met while clubbing. For post #43 go see for yourself lol

Oh, University girls, I know a couple of 'em, here in Phuket.

'fresh meat' are they called by some, willing to support the girls needs.

A sugar daddy is welcome, every time.

Some changing to weekend agreements in Bangla, some trying to get their needs covered in Tesco, Big C, Central.


IMO they, if they are anything like their sisters in massage parlours (which there's no reason to think they are much different) are made up of all types. I do agree that there is more to choosing this profession than simply being poor and pretty though, as we have plenty of poor and attractive women working in our various semi skilled factories and construction sites. Without generalizing too much I'd said those things are discipline and work ethic.



It`s all to do with common sense.

Firstly, whoever anyone chooses to be they’re partners and spend the rest of their lives with, has to be up to their own discretion. It`s all a gamble whatever and whoever we choose.

My own reasons why I would never become personally involved with women who work or had worked in the sex industries is because I would have to ask myself the questions; what makes me so appealing to her over and above all the possible hundreds of male clients she has been intimate with during her life history prior to meeting me? And why should her attitudes and perceptions towards men change regarding me and would it be possible for her to change her whole outlook on life for my sake and how long would it be before she becomes bored with the mundane married life and start reverting to her old ways again? Plus could you really trust someone who has considered sex and encounters with men as nothing more than a business activity with a customer? And my last but most important concerns would be, is it possible for a woman to be able to change her whole character and habits of a lifetime, then fall into the mode of becoming a sweet little housewife, loving mother if there are children involved and staying loyal to one partner for the remainder of her lifetime?

For many of these women, being a part of the sex industry is not only just a job, but they have become institutionalised into it, and as with any kinds of institutions it is extremely difficult to break away from them.

There probably are exceptions to the rule, but think about it, are you willing to take the gamble?

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Hmm. So the common sense is the rationalization once a ho, always a ho, did I get it right ? If that's the case, the only logical solution is to get a virgin. I've heard that one before, but I think it's been invalidated a few times by those who went the virgin way and still got cheated.


On many occasions, I've asked bargirls or freelancers who've expressed interest in pursuing a more permanent liaison with me a couple of relatively simple questions;

"If I made my living being paid to have sex with many different women, would you still be interested in me as a partner?"

They all say "no".

"Why not?"

"Cannot trust"

"So why would I have you as my girlfriend?"

No response save silence and a wry smile

Even a man open-minded enough to discount the fact that many men have paid to unload inside his intended must live with the fact that a Thai woman who, for whatever reason - valid or otherwise - makes the decision to sleep with men for money will always regard it as a fallback position if his money dries up.

I know there are one or two instances where it's worked out but, for the most part, I think it's fair to say that if she can do it once, she can do it again if needs be.

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Hmmm, is it not what and how your partner conducts themseleves once they are in the relationship with yourself rather than what had happened before you met?

in the western world we hear the stories about uni girls with the rugby teams or the pub bike...most of these girls end up marrying and living a normal existence, some of them get into a steady relationship and then cheat on a really nice bloke with his best mate or something or vice versa....

I am a late 30's white bloke living with a late 20's thai girl both settled and working in the UK, we met online and have been married 2 years...previous to this I lived/worked in Pattaya for a good 8 years and apart from the odd short term relationship I was a single man so really do I want to start revealing all of my conquests!!!

This is a great troll thread to really get some people to react but really when you think about it bar girl or hi-so, farm girl or factory worker unless they've had a chastity belt fitted to them and you had the only key how can anyone be sure of what their partners previous is?

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but I think it's been invalidated a few times by those who went the virgin way and still got cheated.

I'm not sure, are you referencing to the Muslim suicide bombers? coffee1.gif


Just to add fuel to the arguement thread...........biggrin.png

Thaibeachlovers got it right with his question about how many western guys met their partners in western bars. Or nightclubs. Are all these people to be frowned upon? The OP is about where you met your wife, but has predictably turned to a subject on BG's.

Everyone seems to ignore the Thai girls involvement or rather commitment in these marriage scenarios. How many girls have become involved with foreigners only to find out too late that they have been fed false promises from the start and have really screwed up and married a monster? When making these life altering decisions, it really is a double-edged sword!

As an addition to the thread, and for those that don't know it exists, I used to have 4 different phone numbers for "escort" rental. All the girls involved (hundreds!) came from two universities where they were studying for their degrees. This casual sex for money kept them up-to-date with the latest clothes, gadgets, etc until they graduate and enter into every tier of business nationwide and in some cases overseas.

These ladies above all would be the ones that I would worry about as they remain hidden with their secrets, unlike the normal BGs where you know what you are getting!

It's all a gamble! If you're feeling lucky and comfortable with your situation, go for it. But give yourself time to get to know the person you are commiting to spending the rest of your life with .............................thumbsup.gif

BTW, for those who don't know me, I have been happily married for almost 14 years to a Thai lady met in, but not working in, a bar in Thailand. If people have a problem with that, that is their problem, not mine...............wink.png

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but I think it's been invalidated a few times by those who went the virgin way and still got cheated.

I'm not sure, are you referencing to the Muslim suicide bombers? coffee1.gif

No, but speaking of them, imagine how it would suck if instead of 17 virgins all you got was a "hello sexy man" and 17 BG's. So I kinda understand, yeah.

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