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Self Protection


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The number one rule in self defence is to be nice ..... why ? Because people generally don't attack people they like

Martial arts doesn't teach you not to hit an attacker first except in a few pure forms like Akido which even that has evoloved over the years.

The main problem with Martial Arts is that most people don't want to spend 3 days a week for a number of years to become proficent at it not that if they did it wouldn't help them.

Carrying a wepon you don't know how to use is more likely to be used on you than you using it on them and it will defenitly bring the fight to a higher level than otherwise.

Most peope are better off just being sensible about where they go and how they act than buying a steel rod to wack some attacker with , the mere fact you have a steel rod is an indication you don't know how to fight to most attackers and lets face it you don't or you wouldnt be asking and you also don't know how to use the wepon either not a good combination of things to not know and add a wepon to.

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Carrying any kind of weapon is really counterproductive and much more likely for any incident to spiral way out of control.

You pull out your knife or baton and your assailant pulls out a machete or a gun and where are you then?

Follow the usual rules when it comes to personal safety and hope that you are never the victim of an unprovoked attack which happens but it is still not that common.

Further in any unprovoked attack it is highly unlikely that you will see it coming or have the time to use any weapon you might have.

Unprovoked attacks are usually by their nature a complete surprise to the victim.

You're missing the whole point,if you pull out a knife or baton you don't wait for your assailant to pull out whatever he has,you use it and make your escape,end of!

You CAN see an attack coming if you know what to look for,if you are looking around you and anticipating trouble.Chances are your would-be assailants will see you as a more difficult target and not bother,they will look for the victim type,looking down at the floor and seemingly scared of an attack!

It's funny that so many people on here with no self-defence or Martial Arts training comment on how the best defence is to NOT carry any weapon and talk your way out of a bad situation.Utterly ridiculous,it's NOT going to happen!

If you are attacked your life will be on the line!If you want to take your chances that your witty repartee will see you right carry on,IT WON'T.You need to react in the same way as if you're swimming in the sea and a Great White Shark is coming towards you.it's LIFE OR DEATH!

I don't think people are saying the best defence is to not have a weapon ...... I think they are saying haveing a weapon you don't know how to use properly is just as likely to get you into more trouble than it is to scare away an attacker. Having a baton only helps is you know where to hit someone with it , if you don't know what your doing your just as kilely to just piss them off as anything else.
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Does anyone carry collapsable Batons or some kind of self protection while on their bike late at night?

I don't, but I'm living in CM. However if I (not in this life) would stay in the places you mentioned, I would probably carry something.

That's fine, but a note to that: if you do, you had best spend considerable time learning how to effectively use it, and hanging on to it.

You also need to decide, firmly, way in advance, what you are willing to do. Where you draw the line.

I think that s probably the best advice that has been given in the entire thread, to be in line with the OP:

saviorsoul0872 said:

"Does anyone carry collapsable Batons or some kind of self protection while on their bike late at night?"

Some of the advice given earlier, about carrying a concealed weapon and making pre-emptive strikes (this is not self-defense!) when you think you are going to be attacked, given to people not trained, is ludicrous and dangerous. Your knife sticking out of someones throat because they passed you close by doesn't standup in a court of law antwhere in the world.

Whereas I understand where the advice comes from, this is not correct advice for a tourist/ex-pat. Payak, who trains the police and army in defensive fighting (rather than self defense) has already stated:

"im retired from fighting but i teach military and police, if you dont strike first you may not get a chance to strike at all.

martial arts does not make your chin like iron, mister miyagi bs dont work"

I am sure this is not what he would teach to an ordinary tourist/ex-pat. Self defence courses normally teach down and dirty moves, using what is availableat the time, and normally do not follow any one disipline. None that I have seen teach pre-emptive moves as was earlier advised.

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One more point to make on this protection issue, I am Welsh, we have our very own art, the name is secret and unpronouncable to you ingrates, infidels and ingorants,

however the rules are:

to be the first to attack

to attack before the attacker attacks you

to attack before the attacker even knew they were going to attack you

to attack from behind and preferably without being seen or heard

To attack them before they even wake up....

Good luck for your master plan with the ingrates, infidels and ignorants Thai people wai2.gif

In case you win good luck with the ingrates, infidels and ignorants Thai BIB whistling.gif

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Pull your hat down around your ears, and when someone knocks it off.....get stuck into it with anything you can find handy.

If you are afraid to do something like this....you shouldnt be here in the first place....or anywhere else actually.

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In the house have I "self protection"? Yes

On a night out? No

In ten years of living here never felt the need of it. I've spent some pretty wild nights out all over the country from the usuall places to the back of beyond and not once ended up in a conflict with the locals.

To be quite honest I'm more worried about forigners kicking off than Thais. (Then you need "self protection" because you know they'll be tooled up!)

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