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Does anyone carry collapsable Batons or some kind of self protection while on their bike late at night? Just wondering as I keep hearing about murders and stabbings in Pattaya/Jomtien. At the same time I'm not looking to get harassed by the police or arrested if its illegal.. Any experiences welcome

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Does anyone carry collapsable Batons or some kind of self protection while on their bike late at night?

I don't, but I'm living in CM. However if I (not in this life) would stay in the places you mentioned, I would probably carry something.

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Knifes,guns and other obvious weapons are illegal to carry in Thailand,however a large spray can of Raid can be carried and will be a pretty good deterrent to being attacked.

As long as the attackers are not wearing helmets that is.

What to do to protect yourself if you are just taking a stroll at night is not easy to say,most people let their guard down when on holiday.

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I'm sure I read a statistic once that people who carry weapons are more likely to have the weapons used against them than actually protect themselves in an attack. Personally, I wouldn't carry anything driving around a night. If Somchai and his buddies want your money, just give it to them and tell them to have a beer on your behalf. If they just want the money, there will be no problems. If, on the other hand, you've been targeted by somebody, then nothing will help you as they will come packing and ready for business. As the guy above wrote -- keep your nose clean and your head down. And live to party another day!

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I live in Pattaya and if I am out late at night, then I will most likely have been drinking beers somewhere downtown and I don't drive my bike when I have been drinking. MC Taxi is my way of transportation when I am out alone at night, so the MC taxi driver and myself will most likely "scare off" most offenders and the mc taxi guys protect each other which is another added safety.

As long as you have people around you, you are safe, but a dark, non traffic place is another thing.

If you insist of riding alone in the late night get a fast bike so you can outrun most Thai bikes but that can be dangerous too (accidents) and you has to be a very good rider to choose that option and be sober too.

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I have one of these in the car.Unobtrusive and useful:

Also I have it, sometimes, in the plane. No problems with anyone.

Because as a Farang, I would not try to use illegal things, to protect myself.

In case, you are successful, it can cost you a lot of money.

On the motorcycle, I think, because I do not stop, it wouldn't be helpful. If they kick you off the bike, ....!

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I carry pepper spray and a stun gun at all times,I also train in Martial Arts,so I do know how to use weapons for maximum effect and how to take them from an attacker.

I.E.don't use pepper spray inside a bar with fans or air-con. pointing in your direction as you're liable to get a face full yourself!

Anyone who says you're more likely to get in more trouble knows less than nothing about self-defence and won't look so smug lying on a slab down at the mortuary!

Always give yourself the edge,not to kick 10 people's ass Steven Seagal style but to make your escape,create a window of opportunity,it's called survival.thumbsup.gif

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I have one of these in the car.Unobtrusive and useful:

Also I have it, sometimes, in the plane. No problems with anyone.

Because as a Farang, I would not try to use illegal things, to protect myself.

In case, you are successful, it can cost you a lot of money.

On the motorcycle, I think, because I do not stop, it wouldn't be helpful. If they kick you off the bike, ....!

Wow,he sure showed that dummy and melon not to mess with him!

Good job they gave him time to collapse it first to set up a strike,Somchai and friends might not be so generous cornering you outside the 7/11,give me a stun gun looking like a mobile phone anyday!

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People who walk around worrying about getting robbed or assaulted are the ones most likely to get in trouble, the reason? Because their fear shows and thereby invites the scum. Just relax, the chanses of getting robbed or assaulted are very small, nothing to worry about.

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MarkCyr quote:

I'm sure I read a statistic once that people who carry weapons are more likely to have the weapons used against them than actually protect themselves in an attack.


This absolutely true I've had to attend under duress self-defence/protection training as part of my job. I was surprised by the statistics of the amount of people beaten and injured by the very weapons they were carrying to protect themselves.

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Not to mention the fact that I would think most people would prefer to live in a place where it would be completely ridiculous to even worry about this particular problem.

I've had no trouble with violence at all living here for fourteen years, mostly in Bangkok and Pattaya both the "worst" places in Thailand. In fact I've never even met a credible person that's had any trouble with violence that didn't in my opinion bring it on themselves through their own attitude and behavior patterns.

I've had my house broken into while I'm not there (once even when I was there) and had some petty cash/electronics stolen. I've had my pocket picked.

But I've never been explicitly threatened with violence in public to try get money. I treat belligerent beggars with friendly dismissiveness and move on and never had a problem.

On the other hand I was mugged three times before I was twelve back home.

Perhaps some of us are projecting back-home problems here onto the local scene where they're not really an issue?

I concede if you're involved in drug- or alcohol- fueled nightlife and take certain attitudes that one commonly sees among less culturally sensitive foreigners here, or mess around in other criminal circles, then you will increase your odds of trouble.

Follow some basic rules and use your not-so-common sense and I predict with 99,9% confidence you'll never have need for protection beyond your wits in the LoS.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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The batons they sell on the street here are cheap and of relatively low quality. Probably better than using your hands of course I guess. But if you want a quality baton, go with a friction lock Monadnock. I have one in each car as a window breaking too, but of course it does have that self defense option as well. If you order one at a time (online), there shouldn't be any customs issues. No issues when I brought 4 over in my checked baggage.


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Paranoid twits or actually enjoy violence as a sport? You decide. . .

this is not so clear, are you saying paranoid people enjoy violent sports, was not written clearly.

I compete in the ring, I may be paranoid I want to check. lol.

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I hade a tailor made suit ordered and very no issues with any one so far, however I have to admit it isn't realy comfortable on the bicycle robocop4.jpg

I have one of those too, but ladyboys can still grab my goolies occasionally. :(

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Paranoid twits or actually enjoy violence as a sport? You decide. . .

this is not so clear, are you saying paranoid people enjoy violent sports, was not written clearly.

I compete in the ring, I may be paranoid I want to check. lol.

My point is that some people (like yourself) enjoy violence as a sport.

Personally I avoid it like the plague, would never live in a place where that was a high risk, don't engage in activities nor frequent places where violence occurs, nor do I associate with people that engage in it.

Others that may not actually participate in high-risk activities still somehow manage to focus on it, actively fear it and take steps to prepare for it - that's the other group I'm characterizing as paranoid. Which in my opinion are also increasing the odds of it occurring, attracting it into their lives by their fear and mental focus on it.

Is that more clear?

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