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What Is The Definition Of An Insult Here That Is Not Considered An Insult In The West ?


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Is an insult in Thailand something altogether different than an insult in the West or something in addition to an insult in the West?

Or do Thais just over react to insults. Im asking this in part in the context of the recent attack by a group of Thai teenagers on a 21 year old

Brit and his girlfriend in Krabi. The Thais said the Brit insulted them.

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back home in the UK in any town you car to name on any given weekend. Come closing time the streets are filled with drunken yobs giving it the Big I Am. Back home they can pick on some easy target and beat the crap out of him without anyone else doing much to stop it. They then come here on holiday and think they can get away with doing the same thing as back home. That is where it all goes wrong. The little Thai guy they are giving abuse to is suddenly backed up by several other Thai's whether they know him or not. They also don't fight like they do back home and the tourist big mouth always gets the worst of it. Sticks, bottles, chairs you name it. even knives as in this case. People getting attacked for doing nothing is a very rare occurrence thankfully.

This story doesn't ring right in my opinion.

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On a similar vein, I think the Farang are treated differently almost with distane. It seems to me that we must abide by the Thai culture, which is fair enough but Farang culture is to be disregarded. I had occasion to express my feelings recently, I had attended a Thai Barby up north (Funeral) no sleep 3 days, the drove back to Pattaya 6 Hours with 8 People in 5 seat Car, would have had book thrown at me in Aus, my complaints were ignored, then had 4 extra people (teens) in my 50M Studio for 5 Days, The room is small enough as it is, I also like my privacy as do most Ferang, anyway putup with it, no probs, I had spent about 40000bt in week, was asked for some extra money by my GF, I politely said she would have to wait a few days, well not good enough said she, need now! I bit my lip,she persisted, I let fly, unfortunately, and spelled a few facts, looked at me with blank look, said I had no heart etc and left with all the kids to go to friends room, this is after 6 Months together! I am stunned! Did not care about my feeling only hers.

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On a similar vein, I think the Farang are treated differently almost with distane. It seems to me that we must abide by the Thai culture, which is fair enough but Farang culture is to be disregarded. I had occasion to express my feelings recently, I had attended a Thai Barby up north (Funeral) no sleep 3 days, the drove back to Pattaya 6 Hours with 8 People in 5 seat Car, would have had book thrown at me in Aus, my complaints were ignored, then had 4 extra people (teens) in my 50M Studio for 5 Days, The room is small enough as it is, I also like my privacy as do most Ferang, anyway putup with it, no probs, I had spent about 40000bt in week, was asked for some extra money by my GF, I politely said she would have to wait a few days, well not good enough said she, need now! I bit my lip,she persisted, I let fly, unfortunately, and spelled a few facts, looked at me with blank look, said I had no heart etc and left with all the kids to go to friends room, this is after 6 Months together! I am stunned! Did not care about my feeling only hers.

Not so much cultural as either pure money-grubbing or her misapprehension that you're sitting on a bottomless well of cash.

And completely your own fault for allowing her to boss you around at all in the first place - why did you do all that stuff, because you decided it was going to be fun?

I'm afraid she's too spoiled now, gotta start over with a new one and don't make the same mistakes - fixed allowance per month she can save or spend as she likes, but no more except for genuine life-threatening emergencies in which case you specify the hospital and doctors - trust but verify.

Otherwise it's your way or the highway, you take her on holidays where you want to go, and you choose who else tags along not her. Have as little to do with the rest of her family and make sure you don't move in any closer than a four-hour drive away. You have to be ready to walk at any time and make sure she knows it.

Otherwise you'll end up a down and out doormat.

Good post, that.

All too often, if you you give these people an inch, they will take a yard.

What was that movie line about never having anything you can't walk away from in exactly thirty minutes?

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Insults wise, do you mean insults in English, or the essential English translation of Thai insults?

As any "bad words" in English, can be considered an insult from Thai people. Because in Thai, the words themselves carry more weight than in English, where meaning is often primarily derived from your expressions / body language / tone. Context is important in Thai as well, but often they don't know the full context of something, and so may potentially make an assumption that you've said something much worse than what you've actually said.

e.g. I was drinking with some of my Thai friends, and I said something like "That's ****ing awesome!!" or similar. One of my Thai friends, who speaks very good English, advised me that although we were all friends etc, I should be careful to not use swear words, because some of the other people at the table wouldn't necessarily understand the context and so might think that I was saying something very vulgur / insulting.

Likewise, one of the English teachers at the school I teach at, who is a friend of mine, got very upset one day, when I did the fingers to her even though I was cracking up laughing etc (I went to give her a high five, she then kinda left me hanging soto speak, with a big laugh etc, so I did the fingers to her). It was quite funny then, as she lectured me about how me doing the fingers was soo bad (She was genuinely upset/angry), however when I asked my gf what reaction she would have had, she said that she'd have done the fingers straight back to me (She did used to be an engineer though, and obviously I know her better as well). So some people are perhaps more easily insulted than others in Thailand, particularly by the f word and doing the fingers.

However in saying all that, Thai people, while around good mates, sometimes use Thai language, which would make their mothers cry. As they are just as insulting towards their good friends, with sometimes just as vulgur conversations, as what we have in English with our friends. However, I think that simply because it's in English, and it's more difficult for them to understand + interpret our emotions at the same time, they are more likely to take offence, especially if you're not a good friend of theirs.

Oh and as far as Thai translations of insults compared to English ones, they are often roughly similar, from what I've heard. Although where we have gotten over the "Yo Momma" lines as being insulting, and see them just as jokes, they still consider them to be very insulting. Apparently the worst thing you can say, is something bad about a person's mother.

Others aren't considered particularly insulting though, or so my gf tells me lol e.g. Saying someone has the face of a pig, might be considered cute rather than insulting, saying that their face looks like a monkey's bum might likewise be considered cute (Although I'm sure, that if you were angry, they might take offence). Some of my Thai friends / colleagues even have nicknames like "Pig", "Rat" (Although the English word "Rat" means Rhino in Thai, which is one of the most impolite things you can say to a woman, because of it's slang meaning. Even though the Thai word for Rat is a common Thai nickname lol). I assume that other animals might potentially be considered insulting to be associated with as well, I think from memory that being called a dog wasn't overly endearing, but I don't know about other negative animal associations.

Edited by SlyAnimal
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On from my last post regarding my GF and her insensitive style, she is now back but without her clothes (Shirts) which she says she will not bring back, I said at least sh should bring back the many "shirts & shoes etc etc I have purchased, she says no! I need some advise please. Wanted to start new topic but cannot find the new topic tap, where is it please??

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On from my last post regarding my GF and her insensitive style, she is now back but without her clothes (Shirts) which she says she will not bring back, I said at least sh should bring back the many "shirts & shoes etc etc I have purchased, she says no! I need some advise please. Wanted to start new topic but cannot find the new topic tap, where is it please??

No idea what you're talking about. Is she leaving you? If so, thank your lucky stars and quickly move away, throw away your SIM and get a new number, get somewhere where she won't be able to track you down don't contact anyone she knows for a few months and you'll (probably) be OK, you're in a much better position if she's leaving you rather than the other way around.

These are her shirts and shoes that she bought with your money - that is, you bought them for her, and now you want her to bring them back? Why?


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On from my last post regarding my GF and her insensitive style, she is now back but without her clothes (Shirts) which she says she will not bring back, I said at least sh should bring back the many "shirts & shoes etc etc I have purchased, she says no! I need some advise please. Wanted to start new topic but cannot find the new topic tap, where is it please??

No idea what you're talking about. Is she leaving you? If so, thank your lucky stars and quickly move away, throw away your SIM and get a new number, get somewhere where she won't be able to track you down don't contact anyone she knows for a few months and you'll (probably) be OK, you're in a much better position if she's leaving you rather than the other way around.

These are her shirts and shoes that she bought with your money - that is, you bought them for her, and now you want her to bring them back? Why?


On a previous post stated she has left, but has now come back without shirts, I cannot hide even if wanted to in Condo, but not sure what to do now, not happy! I do not want stuff back just bring back to my home as before, not unreasonable I don't think!

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On from my last post regarding my GF and her insensitive style, she is now back but without her clothes (Shirts) which she says she will not bring back, I said at least sh should bring back the many "shirts & shoes etc etc I have purchased, she says no! I need some advise please. Wanted to start new topic but cannot find the new topic tap, where is it please??

When you buy someone a gift they get to keep it. You can't expect them to give it back.

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On a previous post stated she has left, but has now come back without shirts, I cannot hide even if wanted to in Condo, but not sure what to do now, not happy! I do not want stuff back just bring back to my home as before, not unreasonable I don't think!

What shirts, whose shirts?

If they are hers why do you want them?

And I'm not saying to hide "in the condo" I'm saying to get out of the area, relocate yourself and all your stuff to somewhere, and take all other steps to make sure she can never contact you again.

Do it quickly before she changes her mind!

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On a previous post stated she has left, but has now come back without shirts, I cannot hide even if wanted to in Condo, but not sure what to do now, not happy! I do not want stuff back just bring back to my home as before, not unreasonable I don't think!

What shirts, whose shirts?

If they are hers why do you want them?

And I'm not saying to hide "in the condo" I'm saying to get out of the area, relocate yourself and all your stuff to somewhere, and take all other steps to make sure she can never contact you again.

Do it quickly before she changes her mind!

Sorry not making myself clear here, She has come back to my Condo but without shirts, so she can go next time I Yak Yak her without fuss, I do not like this she is either here or not, not a foot in 2 camps, and I think to ask she has at least the stuff I paid for in my home is not unreasonable, just makes me feel more at ease, she still wants money of course!

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On a previous post stated she has left, but has now come back without shirts, I cannot hide even if wanted to in Condo, but not sure what to do now, not happy! I do not want stuff back just bring back to my home as before, not unreasonable I don't think!

What shirts, whose shirts?

If they are hers why do you want them?

And I'm not saying to hide "in the condo" I'm saying to get out of the area, relocate yourself and all your stuff to somewhere, and take all other steps to make sure she can never contact you again.

Do it quickly before she changes her mind!

Also not easy to relocate, have Condo In Pattaya!

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On from my last post regarding my GF and her insensitive style, she is now back but without her clothes (Shirts) which she says she will not bring back, I said at least sh should bring back the many "shirts & shoes etc etc I have purchased, she says no! I need some advise please. Wanted to start new topic but cannot find the new topic tap, where is it please??

When you buy someone a gift they get to keep it. You can't expect them to give it back.

You guys just don't get it. She moved back to her darrrrrling, after donating her newly bought clothes to the teens from the village! And of course expecting her tee rak to buy her some new outfits!wub.png

@DavotheNOgun. RUN as fast as you can! w00t.gif

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Yes just now my ex, mother of my children, called me, angry about something I said to her older sister last week in reference to her (that's perfectly true BTW but of course that's completely irrelevant) when she came by to take the kids on a holiday upcountry.

"Don't you care about my face at all? If you really loved your kids you would make sure to protect the face of their mother!"

She was genuinely flabbergasted that after all this time here I still don't understand, or wouldn't have adapted to that aspect of Thai culture. She wants me to pretend to their teachers, the neighbors etc that she's a wonderful mother even though she only stops by for a flying visit once every two-three months, and spends that time chatting with the neighbors and playing with her gadgets rather than actually interacting with her babies.

I just laughed in her face.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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Also not easy to relocate, have Condo In Pattaya!

Have as in own?

Several times every day reading TV I see a half-dozen posts that make me grateful I rent.

Still, you can still get out, rent it out to some big Russians or something.

Seriously, lose her, you'll never be able to have your own life back until she's given up on you and moved on.

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