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...if A Man Is Tired Of Thaivisa He Is Tired Of Life...?

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Try 9 years plus smile.png

I've been through a few phases here...

1. Noob

2. Semi Noob

3. Bad Boy

4. Banned

5. Good boy

6. Moderator

7. Admin

8. Hibernated

9. Back and unsure of current phase....

Gawd....I'm still on number 2! blink.png

Neh I reckon you're 3.5 Smokie smile.png

I'm watching you Chon....we've already had one dishonourable member turn all red this year.....you green people are not wholly trustworthy I'm thinkin'! rolleyes.gif

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OP, have you been getting out and about the house lately? There is a beautiful world out there, waiting to be embraced by you! smile.png

OP, have you been getting out and about the house lately? There is a beautiful world out there, waiting to be embraced by you! smile.png

or possibly chop off your goolies.

Had a really lazy day today, I am psychic and predicted this to my wife this morning. I think she believes me now.


OK , I'll go plant cabbages in the garden. That is surely a positive thing to do.

What kind of cabbages?

They had no sauteed mushrooms in the gas-haus, so we had sauteed cabbage with bacon, as well as the red cabbage last night; their saurkraut is good as well



Boy are some of us bored out of our skulls...

I think that you got it backwards. If you post to much you're tired of living life. And, its time to get out more. Not trying to be judgemental but some guys or ladies have unbelievable number of posts -

This helps to pass the time while I do my 4 month stretch of work. When I return to Thailand I won't be hanging around this place - Definitely a time waster.


Just not going to comment as sharply as before on certain topics. Did not get any warnings but its just so pointless. You will never change anyones opinion anyway at least not on the usual topics.

Now i prefer to talk in the i am to fat forum to help people or to talk with like minded people about training and food.

I feel strongly about a few things but its just the same all over again. Not to much new. Anyway am going to post a topic later today.


Boy are some of us bored out of our skulls...

I think that you got it backwards. If you post to much you're tired of living life. And, its time to get out more. Not trying to be judgemental but some guys or ladies have unbelievable number of posts -

This helps to pass the time while I do my 4 month stretch of work. When I return to Thailand I won't be hanging around this place - Definitely a time waster.

Quite normal but some of us live here all the time and are not part time visitors. So we can spend more time here, also i work from behind a computer some others do too. It helps.


One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

Farming, plants, health are all a little mundane to some.

Perhaps many members prefer a bit of escapism and enjoy the best entertaining posts the most? Reading about some poor sods marital problems and sex scandals could be more interesting than reading about someone’s ingrown toenail or how his prize rose bushes grew last summer.


I have been a member for 9 years next month and with just over 4,000 posts I am down/up to about 1.4 posts a day over that time.

I find that the political threads are about 30% of the content of TVF and are virtually monopolised by about 30 or 40 posters more or less evenly split pro/anti Thaksin.

For sale posts are probably 25% of the content which doesn't leave much else.

As cooked says the same old stuff comes around and goes around, newbies probably haven't found the search buttons.

Yes there are some reasonable threads around but often they get derailed and disappera into off topic, insults, trolling etc.

I scan the last 24 houes of posts and look at things I might be interested in but with 23 pages over 24 hours I may only really read perhaps two posts a page and reply to less than that.

I think I need a break or weaning off TVF for a while.

You are completely WRONG.........hold on a minute and I will explain to you how it really is.

No wifey, I don't need food now biggrin.png

I came back from Nakhon Sawan this evening and told her that.

When I was ready for dinner she offered the dinner she had been cooking and said "Sorry, I forgot to turn the cooker off". And there was dinner, cremated chicken.

Fortunately I cooked some french fries and with some homemade ham my hunger was appeased.

Note to self, try to avoid pissing the wife off, it may not be a good plan.wink.pngthumbsup.gif


Boy are some of us bored out of our skulls...

I think that you got it backwards. If you post to much you're tired of living life. And, its time to get out more. Not trying to be judgemental but some guys or ladies have unbelievable number of posts -

This helps to pass the time while I do my 4 month stretch of work. When I return to Thailand I won't be hanging around this place - Definitely a time waster.

Not being judge mental but please allow me to refer to your previous post which interests me:


I would not t call this post a time waster...On the contrary. Nice OP but a shame it didn' t catch on.


Boy are some of us bored out of our skulls...

I think that you got it backwards. If you post to much you're tired of living life. And, its time to get out more. Not trying to be judgemental but some guys or ladies have unbelievable number of posts -

This helps to pass the time while I do my 4 month stretch of work. When I return to Thailand I won't be hanging around this place - Definitely a time waster.

You use TV now to get through your hard working and difficult time and you will ditch it as soon as you are back? sad.pngsad.png


I think that............

There's not enough story telling.

That's what I think.

I love reading some of the old threads and some of the story telling on the thread have "Do You Live In A Thai Village Full Time" thread was side splitting.......


This contribution came very early on in the thread, and it set the agenda for many other people to add some wonderful content.......

There are too many people that take themselves far too seriously, however there are just as many people out there in TV land that can add some wonderful content. The problem is that the narrow minded and negative people have eroded people's goodwill. It's easy to snipe from the sidelines, any halfwit can do that, harder to make a contribution and make someone laugh.

So I say more story telling, and less sniping.


I think that............

There's not enough story telling.

That's what I think.

I love reading some of the old threads and some of the story telling on the thread have "Do You Live In A Thai Village Full Time" thread was side splitting.......


This contribution came very early on in the thread, and it set the agenda for many other people to add some wonderful content.......


There are too many people that take themselves far too seriously, however there are just as many people out there in TV land that can add some wonderful content. The problem is that the narrow minded and negative people have eroded people's goodwill. It's easy to snipe from the sidelines, any halfwit can do that, harder to make a contribution and make someone laugh.

So I say more story telling, and less sniping.

I concur, these days people are afraid to speak out what they are really thinking. Indeed " do you live in a thai village" thread shows there are people who can. I just like to add: Don' t be afraid of someone else' s opinion when you speak out. Forget about that and write what you feel.


I think that............

There's not enough story telling.

That's what I think.

I love reading some of the old threads and some of the story telling on the thread have "Do You Live In A Thai Village Full Time" thread was side splitting.......


This contribution came very early on in the thread, and it set the agenda for many other people to add some wonderful content.......


There are too many people that take themselves far too seriously, however there are just as many people out there in TV land that can add some wonderful content. The problem is that the narrow minded and negative people have eroded people's goodwill. It's easy to snipe from the sidelines, any halfwit can do that, harder to make a contribution and make someone laugh.

So I say more story telling, and less sniping.

I concur, these days people are afraid to speak out what they are really thinking. Indeed " do you live in a thai village" thread shows there are people who can. I just like to add: Don' t be afraid of someone else' s opinion when you speak out. Forget about that and write what you feel.

Oh don't worry about me.......I'm not bad at defending myself mellow.png


I know Theblether..wai.gif . When i felt we were on the same page i just wanted to speak out to some members reading hoping someone will fit the shoe.

I didn't get that posted image though...


I know Theblether..wai.gif . When i felt we were on the same page i just wanted to speak out to some members reading hoping someone will fit the shoe.

I didn't get that posted image though...

Hmmm.....was I going to post an image?

I was toying with posting an image of my ladies thigh tattoo on the other thread but I think some people will get themselves banned, they just can't help themselves. Hmmm.......tempting, tempting. smile.png


Maybe I am the one who is being ignorant (oooops ...Sorry), but rather than tired of life, they have got one instead?? The main trolls have become so obvious that they are boring, and it seems at times that the main body of the kirk are suffering from high doses of rohipnol. whistling.gif

There are some extremely entertaining threads from time to time, it just takes a bit of searching, or a heads-up from another poster. I am finding (after a short time) that there are some posters with whom I can get the craic, and others who I watch out for, so that I can take (and expect to get) a pop at. That always helps. Maybe you have hit a "wall", like a marathon runner, so you either stop, or battle on valiantly, waiting for your "second wind". Perhaps some of the more habitual posters (5,000+ posts... you know, the real recidivists), could give us the benefit of their wisdom on this??

......Maybe one or two of the more eloquent trolls might have something to say on this???? coffee1.gif

Well as you say even the Trolls are boring and too easy to spot. Even subtlety in Posting needs more and more refinement,maybe it's a good way to improve ones writing ability?

Sometimes there seems a good crop of Posts,and other times it's hard to find anything of interest,that's the way it goes I suppose.


Boy are some of us bored out of our skulls...

I think that you got it backwards. If you post to much you're tired of living life. And, its time to get out more. Not trying to be judgemental but some guys or ladies have unbelievable number of posts -

This helps to pass the time while I do my 4 month stretch of work. When I return to Thailand I won't be hanging around this place - Definitely a time waster.

Not being judge mental but please allow me to refer to your previous post which interests me:


I would not t call this post a time waster...On the contrary. Nice OP but a shame it didn' t catch on.

Oh definitely a time waster........If I had included Bargirls it would have been a bestseller.


Oh definitely a time waster........If I had included Bargirls it would have been a bestseller.

I keep it clean and try it with no girls. Just rice... Check it out. thumbsup.gif

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