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Teen Confesses To Stabbing To Death Arts Teacher: Bangkok


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Would he be in less trouble if he stabbed the right guy?

sounds to me like he probably had a problem with his teacher and is now giving this story to make the charge manslaughter rather than premeditated.

either that or it's an extremely bizarre coincidence that he just happens to stab his teacher by mistake.

Edited by nurofiend
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It’s getting more dangerous living in Thailand now than it was 10 years ago that’s for sure, I think as a society Thais are getting worse not improving the Thai youth of today with all those school killings and bouts of mental rage and just over-all stupidity of the Thai youth, is it the parents fault or the education system, I know the education system is not very good in Thailand if you go into a shop and buy two items at 20 Baht each and hand over 100 Baht if it’s a student they need a calculator to work out your change.

As opposed to the fine upstanding youth of Britain and the USA two name just to name two countries whose youth are beyond reproach?

Looks like you have had too many beers today. burp.gif

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Too many Thai's are like volcanos. They just keep anger and frustration quiet, bottled up inside, until boom!

Perhaps it’s time people were encouraged to express their feelings in a healthy manner. Being able to question, disagree, and express points of view without the receiver taking as a swipe at their perceived honour/dignity would benefit all levels of society. Schools might be a good place to start, as this mentality seems to be drummed in from an early age.


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I am really getting fed up with people bringing up the point "yeah! So? It happens in other countries as well!"

a) yes it does! ...and...?

b ) never look at your own failures and try to change them for the better, right! Point at others, who might have it worse, so your own failures don't look that bad!

c) We are in Thailand, right? We discuss things, happening in Thailand, right?! We have a flood here...so let's not loose too many words...they have worse floods in Bangladesh! We have murders here...but they have more in Sudan! What TF does that matter?

Only one word for this DocN Agree!

the compparisons would not be forthcoming if posters did not insist upon using isolated incidents of thai violence to suggest the society as a whole is somehow inferior

Agree. If there is one instance of violence here, then many posters claim that the whole of Thailand is violent. But any violence in their own country is just seen as an isolated instance. I feel far safer here than I would in some areas of UK or USA. Schoolkids in London are always stabbing each other to death. In the US they tend to shoot each other. It's the same in lots of countries. But the majority of people in Thailand, UK and US are decent citizens.

I agree entirely.
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I am really getting fed up with people bringing up the point "yeah! So? It happens in other countries as well!"

a) yes it does! ...and...?

b ) never look at your own failures and try to change them for the better, right! Point at others, who might have it worse, so your own failures don't look that bad!

c) We are in Thailand, right? We discuss things, happening in Thailand, right?! We have a flood here...so let's not loose too many words...they have worse floods in Bangladesh! We have murders here...but they have more in Sudan! What TF does that matter?


Edited to add:

On a side note: I was almost molested today by a drunk old English guy who mistook me for an American.

He just fired off at me swaying a wooden stick at me, with a glass of beer in his other hand.

I learned he does not like Americans (understatement).

This was at noon.

(In Thailand).

Edited by arminbkk
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I am really getting fed up with people bringing up the point "yeah! So? It happens in other countries as well!"

a) yes it does! ...and...?

b ) never look at your own failures and try to change them for the better, right! Point at others, who might have it worse, so your own failures don't look that bad!

c) We are in Thailand, right? We discuss things, happening in Thailand, right?! We have a flood here...so let's not loose too many words...they have worse floods in Bangladesh! We have murders here...but they have more in Sudan! What TF does that matter?


Edited to add:

On a side note: I was almost molested today by a drunk old English guy who mistook me for an American.

He just fired off at me swaying a wooden stick at me, with a glass of beer in his other hand.

I learned he does not like Americans (understatement).

This was at noon.

(In Thailand).

After the misunderstanding was cleared up, did you buy him a drink biggrin.png

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What's the matter with kids today?

Parents lie to children non-stop.


What is wrong with the people of this country?? Having a verbal dispute with someone, getting on the motorbike with a knife and killing an innocent person walking the street. I know this could happen anywhere, but the frequency of crazy rages like this in Thailand, scares the <deleted> out of me!

If there is something wrong with them, I daresay we might have brought it here.

Respective cultural values suggest it's highly likely. The passion smacks of Yahweh ("He who musters armies"). So much of the global passion is from the God of War. Moses couldn't muster the sociopathic, inhumane fighting force on full display in Numbers ch. 31 unless he made them emotionally insane and miserable first. Humans don't do those things to humans; empathy would get in the way.

It's inappropriate to write 'controversial' things without providing evidence; and I could write hundreds of pages but one example of the corrupted emotions I'm referring to:

Exodus 20 (King James Version)

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

The Bible is one of the most emotionally turbulent books ever written. These aren't beneficial emotions to feel. They're good for soldiers and warriors and slaves to feel, but they're not humane. Jealousy is probably the most Self-defeating construct imaginable. There's no way it's natural. What benefit can be derived from feeling jealousy or hate? It's pure emotional insanity. I'll never feel those emotions again. Understanding that they weren't mine was the key.

They're not coded into our DNA. They're merely ideas inserted into our impressionable minds at a young age. They do not aid in fight or flight; they're used to confuse. To trigger the impulse to fight instead of flight. Start conflict. Inflame tensions. Generate Angst. Frustration. Transference of blame. Misery. Bubbling fury...an explosion of rage.

A teacher gets violently stabbed.

A peace-loving city gets obliterated.

Numbers 31 (King James Version)

1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites...

3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying...avenge the Lord of Midian.

That's religion's idea of Religious Freedom. Who's avenging whom? For what offence? What an absurd pretext for killing, arson, genocide, slavery and rape.

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Children generally don't come out of Bible stories all that well. If someone was offended, I'm not surprised. It's outrageous to kill children for things they had no involvement in. The Book is a manual used to emotionally condition and frighten children. I wasn't permitted to read anything else by my fundamentalist Christian mother. I know where 'my' emotions came from. But Thai kids don't read horror like the 6000 emotionally insane verses in the Bible.

I've seen almost non-existent bullying on the BTS / MRT or anywhere in public. I've seen very little alcohol-inflamed violence in clubs in bars. Thais are simply far less emotional. As a result, I became far less emotional (less insane). I owe Thailand for this. The thought that we could be bringing our emotional degradation here...

Then again, I saw some things in May 2010 that took me back to Sunday School and Bible stories of War. Just the same patterns. I wasn't the only one to notice, either. It's kind of a distinctive formula. I'm not sure it could possibly matter, but it is possible that if the passion has been brought here, it might have been a Thai who Needed to get back in the game. It's almost impossible to muster an army without the passion of Yahweh to inflame.

But that's only because War & violence is insane.

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Would he be in less trouble if he stabbed the right guy?

sounds to me like he probably had a problem with his teacher and is now giving this story to make the charge manslaughter rather than premeditated.

either that or it's an extremely bizarre coincidence that he just happens to stab his teacher by mistake.

I did not read,that the deceased, was the murderers teacher.

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Would he be in less trouble if he stabbed the right guy?

sounds to me like he probably had a problem with his teacher and is now giving this story to make the charge manslaughter rather than premeditated.

either that or it's an extremely bizarre coincidence that he just happens to stab his teacher by mistake.

I did not read,that the deceased, was the murderers teacher.

neither did i as it turns out... oops.

Edited by nurofiend
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It's because today's parents are not strict and on the other hand, kids are running out of moral and cultural values due to misuse of interne.

Too many Thai's are like volcanos. They just keep anger and frustration quiet, bottled up inside, until boom!

Perhaps it’s time people were encouraged to express their feelings in a healthy manner. Being able to question, disagree, and express points of view without the receiver taking as a swipe at their perceived honour/dignity would benefit all levels of society. Schools might be a good place to start, as this mentality seems to be drummed in from an early age.

Here, the breeders are the product of the Face system. They are cycled and they cycle; a beast that survives only to perpetuate itself. No change there. To be a parent, you need to parent. This is not necessarily the case in most instances here. The breeders rarely are involved with the indoctrination of the person they breed. The person bred is usually indoctrinated by several, if not more, unaffected and uninterested, apathetic humans with no brain capacity beyond being able to use a remote control, gossip, or stare catatonically at a wall for hours on end. Being a Matriarchal country, I lay the blame at the feet of the feminine caste, who do most of the indoctrinating during the formative years. That says something. Regarding any masculine involvement, it usually swings between bullying and recessive behaviors of the vague and distant sperm doner which create recessive (effeminate, passive) or dominant (bullying, spoiled) spawn with no self-restraint, self-will or identity beyond their sub-culture and what virtual reality provides once they are assimilated into the ethernet. Remove that and risk getting stabbed to death. This results in severe psychological instability and leaves one open and vulnerable to beast-like behavior once their minds become impaired synthetically or emotionally.

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What's the matter with kids today?

Perhaps his music teacher wouldn't let him play Guitar Hero...

seems right about some Thai kids these days since a 14

year old killed his mother....Tragic nonetheless for both


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