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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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So I'm thinking when Obama's finished his second term, Hillary can do her two, then you can double down and put Michelle Obama in there. Black and a Woman.

Jesus, it would start another civil war I reckon.

Especially if she came out.


Bloody hell!

What are the angry white men going to do with themselves?

By that time they will all be living in heavily fortified compounds in Idaho and no longer recognizing ZOG as a legitimate governing body.

(Or else living in Pattaya and posting on TVF)

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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So I'm thinking when Obama's finished his second term, Hillary can do her two, then you can double down and put Michelle Obama in there. Black and a Woman.

Jesus, it would start another civil war I reckon.

Especially if she came out.


I'm not clear that Michelle Obama has such ambitions. In any case, she would first have to prove herself in another office, as Hillary Clinton did as a U.S. Senator. But she has time if that is her goal. Yes she is a popular figure. I am also not sure if Hillary will run in 2016. I know she wanted it but she is clearly older and more tired now, and losing to Obama in the 2008 primaries seemed to really do a number on her.

Again, I kind of think you might be right on this one. I always believed the sole objective of Bill Clinton was setting the table for Hilary to run in 2016, but I'm not so sure anymore. That global nonstop travel really takes its toll after some years especially under pressure conditions (I know from experience), so maybe she just needs a rest. She may just lose the motivation. I also agree Michelle needs to leverage her first lady experience to get elected to the Senate or something and show up with some halfway real credentials to be taken seriously for a Presidential run. So far, she hasn't shown that inclination, but they can can't do so in her position. Interesting to watch....

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Obama winning would definitely make Hillary running more attractive in 2016 (to not need to run against an incumbent, always harder). I think Hillary is rational enough that she will decide whether to run closer to the date. Unless she knows something personal about her health or something that would already rule out running, she is probably waiting to see both how she feels and what the political situation is (and democratic opposition) closer to the date. There are some very strong challengers coming up such as Andrew Cuomo in New York and O'Malley in Maryland. She already lost once when she was expected to win. Does she want that potential punishment again?

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The day before the election and (most) much of the media is calling the race for Obama. If it turns out to be a "Dewey Defeats Truman" replay many pundits will have egg on their faces, along with some of us forum members.

As the candidates again raced to the swing states where the election will be decided, and as parts of New York and New Jersey remained crippled by Hurricane Sandy, the unmistakable message emanating from the press was that Mitt Romney had fallen short.
If Obama somehow manages to lose, it will be a stunning defeat for the nation’s first African-American president. But it will also be a crushing blow for the punditocracy that headed into Election Day filled with confidence that Obama had it in the bag. And Fox News won’t let the mainstream media hear the end of it.


If I recall correctly JT was the first to predict a win for Obama (no surprise there smile.png ), followed by Samran, who called it based on the electoral college early last week I think, and then I followed on Thursday. If there is anybody I left off, please chime in. You do realize though, that if wrong, we will all be eating crow! hit-the-fan.gif

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The day before the election and (most) much of the media is calling the race for Obama. If it turns out to be a "Dewey Defeats Truman" replay many pundits will have egg on their faces, along with some of us forum members.

As the candidates again raced to the swing states where the election will be decided, and as parts of New York and New Jersey remained crippled by Hurricane Sandy, the unmistakable message emanating from the press was that Mitt Romney had fallen short.
If Obama somehow manages to lose, it will be a stunning defeat for the nation’s first African-American president. But it will also be a crushing blow for the punditocracy that headed into Election Day filled with confidence that Obama had it in the bag. And Fox News won’t let the mainstream media hear the end of it.


If I recall correctly JT was the first to predict a win for Obama (no surprise there smile.png ), followed by Samran, who called it based on the electoral college early last week I think, and then I followed on Thursday. If there is anybody I left off, please chime in. You do realize though, that if wrong, we will all be eating crow! hit-the-fan.gif

I understand that it tastes like chicken, LOL. Enjoy.

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Another way to look at this election.

White people are mostly voting for Romney. That's kind of an odd phenomenon.


White people—white men in particular—are for Mitt Romney. White men are supporting Mitt Romney to the exclusion of logic or common sense, in defiance of normal Americans. Without this narrow, tribal appeal, Romney's candidacy would simply not be viable. Most kinds of Americans see no reason to vote for him.


At the end of the National Journal piece about Romney's white-vote goals, a Republican strategist acknowledged the campaign was hanging its hopes at a shrinking target: "This is the last time anyone will try to do this." This is a demographic proposition rather than a moral one: The GOP will end its get-out-the-white-vote strategy whenever it stops working. Maybe, with luck, this will be the final sounding of that bugle.

Hmmmmm. Are you saying that black people AREN'T voting for Obama just because of his colour? In Kenya they love him because his father was born there- now that's really operating on a rational level, LOL.

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Can I just say I was joking about Michelle......


Obama will lose. Obama WAS the worst President in history.

If you say so..............whistling.gifwhistling.gif

Well, not the worst. The US has had some stunningly bad presidents, but Obama is certainly up there with Carter.

One of us sees the glass as half empty, and the other sees it as half full. I liked Carter as president. Same with Obama (for him, I'll use 'like' in the present tense).

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Straight from the Bible of the Republicans. If you believe anything Sean Hannity says, you should have your right to vote removed.

In fairness, I notice MSNBC doesn't exactly come out unscathed. Mind you, I bet more Fox News viewers know Benghazi is in Libya than viewers of any proper news channel.


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Straight from the Bible of the Republicans. If you believe anything Sean Hannity says, you should have your right to vote removed.

For those who won't read the article mentioned above, here are some excerpts.......

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed. People were asked questions about news habits and current events. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Dan Cassino, a professor of political science at Fairleigh Dickinson and an analyst for the PublicMind Poll said; “....the results (of a poll quizing people on their knowledge of current events) show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all.”

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You wouldn't know from watching Fox "Ruse" that the two candidates are still campaigning. This morning I watched two "experts" and an anchor squabbling like schoolgirls to get the first and last words on some story about Benghazi and how it could have been done better. "OK, tell our audience, what's an F-16?" was one of the questions. I can only assume they don't think Mitt's campaign speeches are watchable enough. Either that, or they think their audience are a particular form of simpleton that needs scaring to a polling station. Which is probably true.

Romney, by his own admission, doesn't know what 'industrial hemp' is. It's an issue that most Americans know something about. There are ballot initiatives in six different states on that issue. If Romney doesn't know such commonly-known things, how can we expect his 'base' to know many things outside of how to shoot a gun or how to fry steak and potatoes in a pan.

An American shock jock asked Democrats some basic questions, and guess what- they didn't know the answers. Watter's World showed a lot of people photos of well known politicians, and many didn't know who they were. Americans not knowing about stuff- what a surprise, not!

Republican's don't know the answers either Beachie. The Fox News Viewership is consistently ranked as the most uninformed audience in the US, in poll after poll.

I know that most Americans are pretty uninformed, regardles of party affiliation. My post was because of the criticism of Romney for not knowing about hemp, which IMO is pretty understandable. It's not exactly world shaking news.

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I know that most Americans are pretty uninformed, regardles of party affiliation. My post was because of the criticism of Romney for not knowing about hemp, which IMO is pretty understandable. It's not exactly world shaking news.


I must know a rarified elite of Americans then. We're all about the HEMP!

I does say something about Romney. He IS out of touch with the American people. He's a cultural throwback in the extreme and that is yet another reason that he is happily doomed to never be our president.

I mean really did you catch him in a debate responding to women's work equality talking about being flexible so Mommy could go home to COOK dinner!?! Stuck in the 50's that man is. I can imagine him as president. In the 1950s.

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I know that most Americans are pretty uninformed, regardles of party affiliation. My post was because of the criticism of Romney for not knowing about hemp, which IMO is pretty understandable. It's not exactly world shaking news.


I must know a rarified elite of Americans then. We're all about the HEMP!

I does say something about Romney. He IS out of touch with the American people. He's a cultural throwback in the extreme and that is yet another reason that he is happily doomed to never be our president.

I mean really did you catch him in a debate responding to women's work equality talking about being flexible so Mommy could go home to COOK dinner!?! Stuck in the 50's that man is. I can imagine him as president. In the 1950s.

Let's wait till the election is called, shall we.

BTW, how often does your hero cook meals for the family? I know he can sing, but he's never been on a cookery show.

Fortunately we have Paul Ryan to wash the already washed dishes at the meal.

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Romney depicts himself as a savvy businessman who can turn around America's plummet in to debt. Yet Romney's track record as a businessman is spotty. One thing for sure; he's adept at getting ahold of, and spending, tens of billions of dollars of others peoples' money. A couple excerpts from a Forbes magazine article . . . . . . . .

Bain and buyout firm Thomas H. Lee Partners bought the nation’s largest group of radio stations (Clear Channel Communications) for $24 billion in July 2008, including $2.1 billion in equity, just in time to watch the advertising market collapse along with the U.S. economy. Loaded with $21 billion in debt and a $1.5 billion annual interest tab, Clear Channel barely earns enough to cover its interest payments and capital expenditures.

An exclusive analysis of the firm’s (Bain's) returns conducted by FORBES reveals that despite the hype surrounding Bain, investors in the firm’s biggest funds, raised in 2006 and 2008, would have been better off in a simple stock index fund.

- end of excerpts -

Maidu's parting shot: What Mr. Romney does with investors' billions is the business of the governer and the investors. Yet, if he's given the wheel at the helm of the USA, he will have trillions to play with (most of it debt), instead of tens of billions - and it won't be private investors' money, it will be the American taxpayers' money. I don't think America will benefit from a man who has never produced a useful product in his life, and instead has a pedigree of borrowing and spending large amounts of other peoples' money.

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Troll posts removed. Please don't respond to trolls, then I have to delete your post as well.

Please stick to the topic.

I realize there isn't a lot to say with the election getting so close, but it's still necessary to stay on the topic.

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In the last election I knew without a doubt Obama would win.

In this election even at this time I have no idea.

Quite right too. I hope Obama loses big time, but I don't know that he will.

Well I will make a prediction that O'Bama will be re-elected and win easily.

Reason for my predidiction, I have just been down the local club in OZ and been drinking with a few Yanks who were talking about the US elections.

They also said they wanted Romney to win. I told them if they wanted to win they must vote. They said that a lot of Americans don't vote. I told them it was compulsory in Australia for all OZ citizens to vote and if they did not they would be fined if they did not have a good reason. They said it should be the same in the US as well. They said if it was compulsory in the US Romney would walk it in, but they said a hell of a lot of the Negros and Latinos will vote for O'Bama.

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In the last election I knew without a doubt Obama would win.

In this election even at this time I have no idea.

Quite right too. I hope Obama loses big time, but I don't know that he will.

Well I will make a prediction that O'Bama will be re-elected and win easily.

Reason for my predidiction, I have just been down the local club in OZ and been drinking with a few Yanks who were talking about the US elections.

They also said they wanted Romney to win. I told them if they wanted to win they must vote. They said that a lot of Americans don't vote. I told them it was compulsory in Australia for all OZ citizens to vote and if they did not they would be fined if they did not have a good reason. They said it should be the same in the US as well. They said if it was compulsory in the US Romney would walk it in, but they said a hell of a lot of the Negros and Latinos will vote for O'Bama.

Ahh, the negros. Suddenly it's like I was back in 1960 - the last time that word was used.

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While I disagree with much of the politics of the Obama supporters here, I don't want to see any harm come to you. With this in mind I am proposing Thai Visa organize a rapid reaction assistance group to check in on some of our more liberal posters for the next few days. Standard procedures might include installing locks on balcony doors and removing sharp objects from their homes. If TV refuses to look after it's members I hope you guys at least setup a buddy system so you are not alone if/when your world crashes in around you. Stay strong, you will have another shot in 8 years. smile.png

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If I recall correctly JT was the first to predict a win for Obama (no surprise there smile.png ), followed by Samran, who called it based on the electoral college early last week I think, and then I followed on Thursday. If there is anybody I left off, please chime in. You do realize though, that if wrong, we will all be eating crow!

So many have made predictions based on polls etc.

Here is one based on Astrology

When Mercury is retrograde decisions rarely can be made

Any decision made is likely to have been based on outdated criteria

Mercury goes retrograde on Nov 6th 2012 US Election Day

The last time Mercury was retrograde on a US Presidential Election day

was Nov 7th 2000 Bush/Gore

Back then Mercury was turning direct after 3 weeks of being Retrograde

Yet swing States like Florida had all kinds of problems. Hanging Chads,

broken voting machines,missing ballots.

A Supreme Court judge had to sort it all out

This time Mercury is just turning retrograde on Nov 6th & will not go direct till

Nov 26th meaning much stronger/longer Indecision than 2000

This could be interesting to watch

So my guess for Presidential election day is none will know who won in any timely fashion

Hows that wink.png

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I predict Romney to win the popular vote and Obama to win the election.

Whatever happens Obama has blown every bit of goodwill that poured his way right out of the water, this General Election should be a walk in the park for him, the fact it's a close call is a true reflection upon his Presidency.


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