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Rampant Violence In Isaan


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everyone of these do's I've been to in Isaan . there was a fight every time . It's just one village against another or something like that . Bit of a talking point the next day . No big deal . When you work hard you play hard . That's all it is . I think for a lot of people part of the reason to go is to go and see the fight .

when we had a big party at our house to bless the spirit of FIL 7 years after he died there was a mass brawl of about 50 people with bottles flying everywhere . That's why the MPs are there to quell all this ( and wave lightsticks around ) .

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Reads like a load of make believe nonsense, or the OP is daft (can I say daft whistling.gif ) . coffee1.gif

Having been to many a Mor Lum in both Nong Khai and Maha Sarakham I have never been to one where there has not been at least a few fights and the ever presence of the "security" does little to prevent things blowing up.

We are due to have a "concert" for our new house in mid january and I am dreading the occasion. Band booked for 5pm to 11pm - just enough time have at least 4 fights I reckon. Have had to splash out 3,000 baht for security and the "monkey house" on the back of a pick up.

Mor lum for the new house!!

Sorry but silly silly idea. Cancel it. Big problems coming your way. Drunk gatecrashers yay.

Avoid parties at your house .See my other post.

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So; your a Doctor....or a Troll? Is there another Doctor on the Planet with such a lousy diet? or one who would slice people up with his scalpel should he be accosted? or one that would stay and watch all this carnage whilst his family were at risk?

All I can say is...I'm most glad you are not my Doctor !

Perhaps a butcher with delusions of grandeur? Know what tipped me off? The scalpel part of the story. Surgeons don't walk around with scalpels. They are surgical devices that must be kept sterile. I have a scalpel, but then, I do not use it on the living.

Although 1 part disposable scalpels are popular, surgeons don't like them. Surgical scalpels come in two parts; The handle and the blade. The blades are of varying sizes but are not particularly good as weapons as the blade isn't that strong. If you want to inflict injury you have to slash someone. Once you start slashing people with a scalpel, you are most likely to be seen as a nutter and end up with a bullet in the head. Stabbing with a scalpel isn't going to stop an assailant because the blades are not long. I use #10 blades, basically, the utility blade. It is about 0.4mm thick and 40mm long. Hardly lethal. Even the grand dame of blades, my #24 which is a tad cumbersome is only 55mm long.

My takeaway from the story is that we have a self proclaimed surgeon who was drinking in excess and then driving. Lovely.

3 redbulls? I do not know of anyone in the life sciences that drinks that stuff. The surgeons in my family prefer liquor or a good wine and will only drink beer after a golf game .

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Sounds like a Saturday night out in Liverpool, I guess you were still drinking when you wrote this post, I almost heeded a map and flash light to reach the end

Sounds like Saturday night everywhere in the world. Near my grand dad village, there was this dancing place for the villages around. Until 10 pm, it was ok, whole families going there, parents, grand parents, kids ...But around 10 they used to go home and only the young people stay (15 - 25). Then one guy from a village has an argument with someone from an other village, then the fight starts. Actually some people were going there only to fight, it was their way of having fun ...

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Reads like an 8th grade imitation of Hunter S. Thompson.

I was thinking clearly though – I always seem to do, especially under such circumstances.

Well, the jury’s out on this one.

I've got my own ideas, but I'd rather hear your ideas first - why?

Why what? What “ideas” are you hoping to solicit?

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You guys drunk? He never said he was a doctor. Really weird posts here. he went back to his car to get another beer out of the ice box and came back with a blade or two. If that's all he had for defending himself, then that's what he did. He wasn't really expecting more trouble, otherwise he would have yanked his family out of there subito.

I have a machete under the seat of my car, handy in an argument.

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You guys drunk? He never said he was a doctor. Really weird posts here. he went back to his car to get another beer out of the ice box and came back with a blade or two. If that's all he had for defending himself, then that's what he did. He wasn't really expecting more trouble, otherwise he would have yanked his family out of there subito.

I have a machete under the seat of my car, handy in an argument.

Well, at one point he says he's a surgeon.

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I know several doctors who drink like camels at an oasis.... but I do not know a single on who A) would boast about it, even on an anonymous forum or B) value his family's lives so low that he would drink and drive with them in the car.

Maybe he's not a doctor after all.... perhaps he's a vet, since I sense a strong smell of the farmyard about this thread....or perhaps just a civil engineer (y'know, bridges...huh?)

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I have only been to one big event in Issan and it was a wedding... The police were there as security... A fight broke out... Just like a night in the ghetto of the west. Some people will never be able to just hang out and have a good time. They come ready to and expecting to be involved in some type of violent activities. It is really a shame, because everyone just wants to have a good time.

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I know several doctors who drink like camels at an oasis.... but I do not know a single on who A) would boast about it, even on an anonymous forum or B) value his family's lives so low that he would drink and drive with them in the car.

Maybe he's not a doctor after all.... perhaps he's a vet, since I sense a strong smell of the farmyard about this thread....or perhaps just a civil engineer (y'know, bridges...huh?)

Tree surgeon would be closer to the mark I think........:)

By the banks of the river and close to the bridge.........:)

Edited by chrisinth
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Bpen Kwarm Thai.

Alcohol + their dangerously repressed emotional state + low education + little regard for life or others + a culture based on 'face' + their delicate egos = The violence witnessed at any event such as the OP's.

We went to a M150 sponsored Rock Concert a few years ago. 50b and opened to the masses. It was a tour and the show had to be canceled half way through due to the fights and stabbings. We later found out that it was the same for every date on the tour.

Thaisness isn't what is stated on the broucher. :rolleyes:

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What I posted was obviously my own version of events. I don't care about any personal attacks on me. I'm not going to respond to any of those. In fact this might be my last post here.

I've been reliably informed three people died last night. The first one whom I assumed had been knifed had really been shot - he died on the operating table. One more was shot and another was knifed in the riot that I describe.

My wife and daughter are safe an sound. And I will protect them come hell or high water.

I'm not sure what the dynamic is here, I am curious of course - but it is a deeply negative one, and well, not a very nice one. Most of the people who responded to this thread made wild leaps of judgement and prejudice, without any attempt to ask any valid questions that might have pacified them. I'm not sure how that makes them feel better about themselves. Very judgemental, I suppose they live perfect ikea lives.

However I did read some very good replies near the beginning before the trolls and retards took over.

Three people died. I wanted to reiterate that before anyone else posts something that is frivolous or clearly just a personal attack on me.

My why? Well I witnessed it - and I don't know why.

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'My wife and daughter are safe an sound. And I will protect them come hell or high water'

your attendance to the event after the violence started and your drunkenness are testimony to your purported concern for their safety. If you had half a brain and real concern for their safety, you would have gotten the hell out at the first sign of violence instead of fetching your scalpels and having another Chiang.

I completely agree, i would never expose my children to dangerous or potentially dangerous situations, and in the case of the OP, even had i been alone, i would have gone at the first sight of violence.

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To the OP. In reply, you started the topic and left yourself wide open to to the wrath of forum members who were not really interested in the title topic as these sort of actions are common place around Thailand where a lot of youth are in attendance. You on the other hand 'put yourself in the firing line' and have to accept the flak that desrvedly comes your way for being an idiot.

You showed to us, whether you like it or not, total disregard for the safety of your family by not leaving the scene as soon as trouble started then when you did leave, on your own admission, with the amount of alcohol you had consumed you were not in a fit state to drive again endangering your family and others. You also brought down the proffesion you say you are in by your ridiculous actions. You also committed another crime, arming yourself with a deadly weapon then going back to the party. You say in your last post that 'your wife and daughter are safe and sound. And I will protect them come hell or high water'. But you didn't did you. You left them in a place of danger to go to your car to get the scalpels. You did not remove them from the scene as soon as trouble started. You then risked their lives and others by drinking and driving.

Words are fine but as the saying goes 'Actions speak louder than words'.

Try to remember that.

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Please re-read the above post. Everybody here - including me - that is in my village is incredibly sad about what happened. I'll be attending one of the funerals tomorrow - to pour water on his face.

Why don't you save your trite recriminations for another time? Or do you want to put another kick in my ribs? I'm not perfect - I posted here because I wanted help to understand and cope with the shock - I've laid everything all out before you with no self-censorship - and that is all you have to say? Shame on you.

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By the banks of the river and close to the bridge.........

Sorry no idea what this phrase is supposed to signify, cockney rhyming slang or something?

Guess I should have just called Troll then.

Check out the OP's post #34, it may have been missed by some!

Just read his latest posts; pure BS!

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