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Has anyone sent their dog or dogs to the UK by "Transaircargo" before?

I have all the documents and paperwork and the dogs are ready to go, i just can't seem to get the information for how exactly to get them booked on the same flight as me.

I have been given the number of the woman "in charge" of live animals for the company, which seems to be the company most airlines use to send animals by cargo.

She is absolutely useless, absolute minimal English skills both spoken and written and i just can't get the information i need. My Thai husband has also spoke to her and said she doesn't know what she is talking about! I am leaving in 6 weeks and really need to get this sorted!!!

Any advice or experience from this would be appreciated.

Thank You in advance



Hi Kate,

I may be totally wrong here, but I always thought that 'pets going by cargo' will travel alone, without owner, on a cargo plane.

Pets traveling on the same plane as the owner, but in the cargo compartment, are traveling as excess luggage, and most cargo agencies do not deal with this.

It may be that this is the reason why Transaircargo does not understand what you are asking, as they may never have dealt with owners and pets traveling on the same plane.


Thank You Nienke, i was actually thinking about this yesterday. I am going to call my airline and ask them. You have have helped us a lot so thank you.

Guess i need a new post, sending dogs by excess baggage smile.png


They are small enough but England don't allow dogs to be taken in the cabin! I have contacted Turkish Airlines and they have sent the information to head office to see if they have enough room. Fingers crossed I'll get them booked on to the plane today!


Try emirates, it will depend on the size. I just arrived back yesterday in the UK with my Lab after using dynamic cargo and emirates. I was told that you have to be on the same flight although or a responsible person. She had to leave earlier than me as she needed more than 3 hours stop over in dubai to rest, eat, drink etc her flight was delayed and as a result missed the link up with my flight in Dubai. She arrived later on at night on the next emirates flight safe and sound.

You have to use an approved airline and route into the UK and it has to be via cargo. [email protected] is the email address and Apisit is the contact that dealt with me, very helpful indeed and their staff were great when we went to their office to sort everything out.

If you need any more info let me know.

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I was told that you have to be on the same flight although or a responsible person. She had to leave earlier than me as she needed more than 3 hours stop over in dubai to rest, eat, drink etc her flight was delayed and as a result missed the link up with my flight in Dubai. She arrived later on at night on the next emirates flight safe and sound.

You have to use an approved airline and route into the UK and it has to be via cargo.

Dog has to be on the same flight as the owner, but dog left earlier and has to go by cargo.

I don't understand this. Didn't you mean the dog has fly with the same airplane company as the owner, but not the same flight? Confused ... smile.png

Glad that all went fine with the transport of your dog to the UK. Dynamic Air Cargo is pretty okay, aren't they? :)


I was told arriving in England dog has to be with owner, however I am sure that may not be true because I didnt get to see the dog until I left the airport and went to the freight terminal to pick her up.

She left earlier than me as needed more than 3 hours in Dubai but she was meant to be joining me on my connecting flight so we both arrived on the same plane. I am sure you could send without owner but I think it was down to emirates not the rules of the UK.


Thank you so much for all the information. I am still trying with Transaircargo but if i don't get anywhere with booking them i will contact Dynmaic Air Crago and pay extra to fly with Emirates, it's about 100 quid extra.

How much did it cost in total to send your dog?

I have three but they are small and weigh about 23kg all together with the crates.

I definitely want to be on the same flight with them as i don't have much time after finishing work and then flying home.

Do they speak good English at Dynamic Air, was it easy to organise?

How long did it take for you to get it all booked and sorted out?

I did check with Defra about the route and Qatar airways was okay.

Sorry for all the questions, but this is stressing me out! Moving is such a stressful thing to , especially moving countries!

Thank you so much for your help :)


Via email was very good english, they have a few people in their office who speak very good english also.

I contacted them, told them the flight I planned to book and they told me when I needed to book it by. They usually need around 4-5 business days to sort everything. I booked my flight on the Friday and by Wednesday I was gone.

Cost me 90,000 baht for 1 dog. Nothing to do with the dog weight it was the size of the cage so if you have small dogs I should imagine it to be quite cheap as they base it on volume weight.

I booked my flight, emailed them the booking details, they replied with, take the vet on sunday for tapeworm treatment, monday come to our office for them to check the cage that its suitable for travel, fill in forms etc, pay then go next door to the airport vet and get them to sign off their forms then I was gone after about an hour and returned 2 days later to their office to leave the dog there and I went to the passenger terminal and that was it. Picked her up in England at the petsonjets office in the freight terminal in manchester.

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I was told arriving in England dog has to be with owner, however I am sure that may not be true because I didnt get to see the dog until I left the airport and went to the freight terminal to pick her up.

She left earlier than me as needed more than 3 hours in Dubai but she was meant to be joining me on my connecting flight so we both arrived on the same plane. I am sure you could send without owner but I think it was down to emirates not the rules of the UK.

As for cargo its the rules of the UK, dogs entering the UK can only be via cargo I think and not additional baggage.

Thank you. :)


Only problem is that i don't live in Bangkok and am working up to two days before flying out! I won't be able to go to the office and sort anything out, it would have to be via e-mail and fax.

The price is a bit worrying!! The numbers i looked at for this other company were more like 10,000 for all of them!!

I would want to book my ticket pretty soon but for mid December as I''m pregnant and need to fly on a certain date! Was that the price from Emirates or from the cargo company?

Thanks for the info though, I'll be calling them on Monday. I will let you know how i get on.


I am sure you have to go to the airport in order to get the import license required. Nienke may be able to explain better if there is another quarantine station elsewhere in thailand that may be closer to you.

You can do on the day, it is not rec recommended I think and you will have to go early to avoid any problems. The price for mine was based on the size of my cage, the cage was huge, I had to leave it at the airport in Manchester as I couldnt fit it into the car even after taking it apart!

If you have small dogs I wouldnt worry. I have been told that BA is cheaper for cargo than emirates. Dynamic Cargo do quotes for both emirates and BA. Its worth just emailing them for a quote, will cost you nothing.


I've send beginning last year a Shih Tzu to France by Dynamic Air Cargo (DAC). To the UK it will be more expensive, plus there are importation costs, which France didn't have to my knowledge (can be mistaken there).

DAC's estimation, which you can use as guideline, was as follows:

From Bangkok to :


a) Type of Animal


B) Breed

Shih Tzu

c)Weight of Animal (kg) - estimated

7.5 Kgs.

d) Dimension of cage(cm) - estimated

68x50x55 cm

e) Volume Weight (kg) =

Length x Width x Height (cm) x No. of cage


31.5 Kgs.

f) The Higher between c) & e) applied

31.5 Kgs.

Estimated Charges


Charge.wt. (KG.)

Per kg (THB)



VAT 7%

1. Airfreight rate




2. Fuel surcharge




+45 Kgs. only

3. Crisis surcharge




+45 Kgs. only

4. T/C + AWB fee


5. Service charge*



6. Live Animal fee


7. Customs fee


Airline : AIR FRANCE

Estimated total



DAC's service fee, which includes Export customs clearance, Export Permit, Health Certificate, has gone up a bit to 4,000 baht I think. It does not include transportation pick up from owner's home (Cost to be quoted upon request). And so far I know, it should be 1 dog 1 travel crate.

Depending on the size of your 3 dogs and their travel crates you might be looking at 60 - 90,000 baht total (cargo! prices, NOT excess luggage prices. Seems to me that the 10k for all 3 is an estimation for excess luggage.)

As I live in Chiang Mai, the Shih Tzu was send from CM to DAC in BKK on a Thai Airways cargo plane. DAC collected the dog and did the export permit and health certificate there. Plus, they let the dog out for a pee and poo, fed it the last meal before the great travel and refilled the drinking bottles. Then, on the same day, they put it on an Air France cargo plane to Paris. On arrival the owner was there to pick up the dog.

Another option, which seems to be cheaper but don't pin me on that, is to travel to the mainland first, then go by car or another flight to the UK. For this option, you best contact John Dalley at Soi Dog Foundation in Phuket. Just today they've send another 6 dogs, rescued from the dog meat market, to their new homes in the UK: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=45597166a7777907&set=a.137025779672499.11141.108625789179165&type=1&theater

I hope this helps. :)


Hug-the-pug! Who says that putting a table in your post is easy?!! :(

Take 2. Hope it makes it a bit readible.

I've send beginning last year a Shih Tzu to France by Dynamic Air Cargo (DAC). To the UK it will be more expensive, plus there are importation costs, which France didn't have to my knowledge (can be mistaken there).

DAC's estimation, which you can use as guideline, was as follows:

From Bangkok to Paris :

a) Type of Animal 1 DOG

B Breed Shih Tzu

c)Weight of Animal (kg) - estimated 7.5 Kgs.

d) Dimension of cage(cm) - estimated 68x50x55 cm

e) Volume Weight (kg) =

Length x Width x Height (cm) x No. of cage 31.5 Kgs.


f) The Higher between c) & e) applied 31.5 Kgs.

Estimated Charges

1. Airfreight rate Charge.wt. 31.5kg Per kg (THB) 380.- Total(THB)11,970.-

2. Fuel surcharge Charge.wt. 31.5kg Per kg (THB) 34.- Total(THB) 0.- VAT 7%+45 Kgs. only

3. Crisis surcharge Charge.wt. 31.5kg Per kg (THB) 4.- Total(THB) 0.- VAT 7%+45 Kgs. only

4. T/C + AWB fee Total(THB) 559.-

5. Service charge* Total(THB) 3,500.- VAT 7% 245.-

6. Live Animal fee Total(THB) 268.-

7. Customs fee Total(THB) 270.-

Airline : AIR FRANCE

Estimated total THB 16,812.-

DAC's service fee, which includes Export customs clearance, Export Permit, Health Certificate, has gone up a bit to 4,000 baht I think. It does not include transportation pick up from owner's home (Cost to be quoted upon request). And so far I know, it should be 1 dog 1 travel crate.

Depending on the size of your 3 dogs and their travel crates you might be looking at 60 - 90,000 baht total (cargo! prices, NOT excess luggage prices. Seems to me that the 10k for all 3 is an estimation for excess luggage.)

As I live in Chiang Mai, the Shih Tzu was send from CM to DAC in BKK on a Thai Airways cargo plane. DAC collected the dog and did the export permit and health certificate there. Plus, they let the dog out for a pee and poo, fed it the last meal before the great travel and refilled the drinking bottles. Then, on the same day, they put it on an Air France cargo plane to Paris. On arrival the owner was there to pick up the dog.

Another option, which seems to be cheaper but don't pin me on that, is to travel to the mainland first, then go by car or another flight to the UK. For this option, you best contact John Dalley at Soi Dog Foundation in Phuket. Just today they've send another 6 dogs, rescued from the dog meat market, to their new homes in the UK: https://www.facebook...&type=1

I hope this helps. smile.png


Traveling to Paris with them would be cheaper but I am not sure once you are in Paris if you need a EU passport to enter the UK with them. This is a lot easier to get nowadays than before but I am not sure on what you want to do travel wise. BA cargo is cheaper than Emirates.


Thanks so much for all your help it really has saved me from going banana's!!

I have contacted DAC and they are absolutely brilliant, compared to this other woman I have been trying to communicate with. They have quoted me 50,000 for all three dogs which includes all the documents and all extra charges. I think this is pretty reasonable actually I was looking at their breakdown of the charges and it seems i was looking at what charges the airline charge and didn't think of the cargo company!

They have explained why i need to use Emirates too, because it's only a small plane that usually goes to Manchester and Emirates is the only one with big enough plane to take cargo!

So i am booking my flight soon and hopefully it's plain sailing or flying ;) from here.

Thanks again

I will keep the post updated


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Hi Kate, I wish you well with your move and thanks for the information so far - and also JFT96.

I am just at the micro-chipping and vaccination stage and will be looking to send my Bangkaew and Cocker Spaniel back to the UK in a few months (costs permitting, they are both medium sized dogs of 15kg plus, so I am a little worried about this aspect...) Anyhow, any advice/experience as you progress through the process will be much appreciated !

PS- If you haven't seen it, there is a similar topic here which you may find helpful ---->


Hi Bina,

It may be a good idea to open a pinned thread on exporting pets form Thailand, and add this thread and thread realfunster mentioned in his/her post as urls. Gives a whole lots of info already?

What do you think? :)


Had a meeting with a company called Boonma recently (www.boonma.com). The Thai Executive Director (Tiddy) speaks very very good English and understands about taking care of your "family'. Very professional company, received confirmation e-mail detailing all costs, schedules etc etc, they also ship personal effects/cargo.


realfunster - I know what you mean about the price, i was abit shocked too. But considering how great this company are and their professionalism i think it's a pretty good deal. I mean just a bit extra than a normal ticket and from Justice's posts, they will take care of them very well, so well worth it!

Let me know if you have any further questions. I will update each stage. I did e-mail them to see if it would be any cheaper to fly to London, and the answer was delivered straight away and was only 4,000 baht cheaper so no point.

Tommy - how many dogs are you taking? How much is is costing?




Two dogs in seperate crates/cages, flying on BA from BKK to LHR approximately 140,000 baht. Prices based on volumetric weight as per all cargo so depends on size of crates/cages. Not to teach you "how to suck eggs" I assume that you have all the blood test certificates etc. BA use a firm called James Cargo Handling at Heathrow and James Cargo Handling use Boonma in Thailand. James Cargo Handling in UK are excellent and very helpful.

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