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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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Not if Hillary is still there.

Out of interest, who do you think Romney would have rewarded with the State Department?

Hillary is leaving. The replacement will probably be John Kerry.
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Oooooo. I wouldn't call that a good selection. He sort of reminds me of Romney really. Is Colin Powell in the hunt? He'd be a good choice.


Furious Trump calls for a 'revolution' after 'disgusting injustice, sham and travesty' of Obama's re-election



A man less than rich than him would have the FBI sniffing around. (Why aren't they?) Imagine Trump in Guatmo!

Assuming Trump stays free, what are the chances he will finally drop that Birther BS?

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Oooooo. I wouldn't call that a good selection. He sort of reminds me of Romney really.

Joe Biden loves him so he's probably a shoe-in, yes, unfortunately in my opinion too.

I am not American [thank god], but I have been subject to the rhetorics of this bl____y election for weeks.

Why do we not get this when the Canadians, Mexicans, French, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spanish, Etc., vote for their national leaders and governments?

We're ok with you not wanting to be an American @Basil B. And there are millions of people in the world that would love to be Americans and they most humbly thank you for freeing up that spot in the line.


Totally agree! Yepp - helps you to sleep better at night knowing to be a citizen of the world police as it assures that any but your own country gets bombed back to stone age and is wasted with depleted Uranium.

I always wonder what Americans are so proud of - is it living on land that was stolen from the aboriginal people by murdering them in the world's biggest genocide ever? Is it living on land that then later was made fertile and accessible by stolen slaves shipped over from Africa, with quite a big percentage of them getting raped and killed in the process? Is it living in a country that managed to drop two nuclear bombs on civilians and on a country that already was on its way to surrender, and in the end managed to be hailed as a "humanitarian" hero? Is it living in a country that succeeded in marketing the world's biggest pile of scrap metal as "the world's greatest motorcycle"? If these are the reasons, then such a rare spot in the line does not have that much appeal anymore, does it?

Even with those things in mind, I doubt that any of those in line would step aside.


I am not American [thank god], but I have been subject to the rhetorics of this bl____y election for weeks. Why do we not get this when the Canadians, Mexicans, French, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spanish, Etc., vote for their national leaders and governments?

What are you British? That's so much better lol


Oooooo. I wouldn't call that a good selection. He sort of reminds me of Romney really.

Joe Biden loves him so he's probably a shoe-in, yes, unfortunately in my opinion too.

That isn't going to happen.

An awkward situation later in case Biden decides to run for president in 2016 and ALSO Hillary does. That's a mess. Obama would owe loyalty to both.


Who lost their job tonight?

1. Karl Rove at Fox. toast. He couldn't face reality and Fox had egg on their face., and BTW;

2. Fox boss Roger Aisles. Thankfully Fox is very profitable serving up its nonsense to the masses, or Rupert Murdoc would bounce his A** out the door for losing two Presidential contests.

3. Poor old Jim Lehrer. Way past his sell by date, time to retire. His performance as moderator in the first debate was a new low point.

Anyone else?

Dick Morris. I'll be surprised if he has the gall to appear again.

Does John Sanunu currently have a job?


Why would anybody be thankful that they are not something? If aren't that thing than great, you aren't that thing!!! Who who would make a statement like that? LOL


Furious Trump calls for a 'revolution' after 'disgusting injustice, sham and travesty' of Obama's re-election

The Donald took to Twitter Tuesday night after it became apparent Obama would win election

Called for a 'revolution' and added that Obama's re-election was a 'disgusting injustice'

Later deleted several of his more extreme tweets

Conservative billionaire is famously outspoken over president and was high-profile member of so-called 'birther' movement


PUBLISHED: 01:44 EST, 7 November 2012 | UPDATED: 03:17 EST, 7 November 2012

The Donald has always been outspoken where President Obama is concerned, riding him on everything from his college records to his birth certificate.

And this Election Day was no different. Moments after the president’s victory was projected by several news outlets last night, Donald Trump took to Twitter to voice his outrage, demanding a ‘revolution.’

He also said that the Democrat’s re-election to office was a ‘great and disgusting injustice.’

Full story: http://www.dailymail...s-election.html

-- Mail Online 2012-11-07


Yes, well, but can Stephen Colbert dunk his balls in The Donald's mouth? The money goes to charity.


Who lost their job tonight?

1. Karl Rove at Fox. toast. He couldn't face reality and Fox had egg on their face., and BTW;

2. Fox boss Roger Aisles. Thankfully Fox is very profitable serving up its nonsense to the masses, or Rupert Murdoc would bounce his A** out the door for losing two Presidential contests.

3. Poor old Jim Lehrer. Way past his sell by date, time to retire. His performance as moderator in the first debate was a new low point.

Anyone else?

Dick Morris. I'll be surprised if he has the gall to appear again.

Actually i suspect that fox "news" is secretly celebrating the Obama victory. Without Obama to blame for every thing that happens on planet earth and to spew hate and conspiracy theories about the fox "team" wouldn't have anything to say.



Why would anybody be thankful that they are not something? If aren't that thing than great, you aren't that thing!!! Who who would make a statement like that? LOL

maybe because of their tendencies to miss the main point and focus on a side remark instead.


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


Oh YES I would say that. Obama's so called money wasting is the only way forward to create employment and kick start the economy, not carefully injecting funds into the economy will just stagnate and kill off what little hope of recovery there is, read up on Keynes it will explain it all if you do not already know that.. Romney would maybe have not "wasted" your money but he would have ensured the wealthy and elite continue to steal your money and that from the poor and middle income families. I would rather have someone "wasting" my money on schemes that at least should in the end benefit me and the majority of ordinary folk, than to have money "stolen" from me to keep it exclusively amongst Romney's rich elitist greedy and selfish friends as would have for sure happened..

Great news indeed and give me some faith back in the USA having some common sense and intelligence. Well done US citizens, we can all breath a sigh of relief now for far more chance of US and World stability and safety..

Now we have several years for the American people to form their very OWN non right wing peoples' party of the true centre or even centre left. Neither Socialist nor Capitalist extremists, which surely we have all had enough of by now, but a new political force that is honourable and sensible and that really believes in people as well as investment. It does need those folk in the USA who truly are capable and passionate enough to get such a movement started ASAP as time has a habit of running out of course and we really NEED a new peoples' choice candidate and political party at the next US presidential election, surely that should be obvious to see..

Remember MONEY is there as a tool and to help folk to manage their lives and was invented to prevent the pre-money days of difficult bartering, Money was NEVER intended to be our master as it has become at our peril and just for the benefit of just a few percentage elitist fat cats who want the power to be able to control us all . I believe in true people and not in money which is purely a practical way to help folk live and manage their lives easily and that is why we really NEED a new people's political force truly of the centre / centre left that will not tow the line that the real power rich elitist meglomaniacs fat the very top appear to force on the traditional two parties and all of us.. The World's people need to stand up and be counted and make sure we all know that it is PEOPLE that award power through the ballot box and truly NOT MONEY that only gives dictatorial unelected power to the bully boys and selfish elitists.

So this is surely a great day for common sense and a hope for real ordinary people in the USA and the World too. They said no to the destructive extremist right wing (there is no extremist left wing in the USA remember) and that gives us some real hope of a movement to the true centre. Obama is no saviour though and of course there can be no guarantees he will solve all the problems, in fact most unlikely that he will as we all feel whichever party gets in they will have to tow the line to the <deleted> at the top of the power chain that control us all in the World.. But as I always said at least he is the hugely better and more intelligent sensible choice of the two candidates the USA had to choose from.. But the relief is that Romney rightfully got nowhere near the Whitehouse in the end as that would have indeed truly spelled total disaster for us all. Might even open a bottle of good Whiskey to celebrate Romney's well deserved failure.

Spoken like a true left wing radical who is not interested in the Constitution, growth of American free enterprise or the small business owners who provide the majority of the GDP and taxes in the USA. The constitution was founded and written that the congress writes and passes laws not the president by executive order which Obama does time and time again. I am sure the founding fathers are turning over in their graves at the way Obama uses Executive orders to get his way. This should be the constitution America not a socialist or communist America Obama wants to have. Obama does not follow the constitution it is that simple. Just the facts.

There you go again. Seems there are many narrow minded blinkered Americans who are misguided enough to believe that anyone who does not support the extremist right wing Republican party has to somehow be a radical left winger. What complete and utter foolish crap and akin to McCarthys Reds under the Beds foolish extremism of the 50s where they witch hunted anyone not extreme right wing and branded them totally stupidly as Communists when in fact nothing could have been further from the truth in probably 99% of cases.. Personally, and if you read what I write, you will see I am very much against BOTH extremes of right and left as both have proved time and time again for decades that they DO NOT WORK or at least they only work for a small favoured few.

I may be radical, and certainly not a sheep, but I am a guy who supports the rights and well being of the ordinary people who make up the vast majority of most nations, including the USA of course, Again if you read carefully what I write you will also see that I am very much in the centre political ground that sensibly endorses all that is good and workable from both Capitalism and Socialism and rejects all that is bad from their polarised extremes. No not self centred in my thoughts and wishes as I deeply and positively care about the well being of the masses of ordinary people who have for too long been down-trodden by the minority extreme right wing elite. In particular I care about those less well off than myself who suffer badly at this time and through no fault of their own but just the wickedness of the extreme right wing system that they have been unfortunate enough to live in and suffer by. Soon I hope that all changes for the better, but hey don't hold your breath just yet hmm.

Obama and the Democrat party are not actually my favourite flavour either as they are still too far right of centre for my liking. But at least they are not in the loony dangerous right wing camp of Romney and the quite wicked Republican party. It gladly seems that the majority of Americans agree with not only me of course, but with millions of other stable middle ground progressive like minded people in the World on that score. Well done USA you took the far better more hope filled path as I knew you would. smile.pngclap2.gif


Dick Morris has no pride, he's proved this so many times.

I think it's a masochistic kink.

Not sure why Dick Morris can't play nice with his employers. He got bounced of of Clinton's White House, turned coat and went to work for the enemy, and now he will find himself on the street again. Masochistic indeed.


Thirteen pages of posts on the US election and not one from Ullysess G. How very odd!

I believe he is relaxing on holiday with a stiff glass of Romney milk.

I am not American [thank god], but I have been subject to the rhetorics of this bl____y election for weeks. Why do we not get this when the Canadians, Mexicans, French, Germans, Russians, Italians, Spanish, Etc., vote for their national leaders and governments?

What are you British? That's so much better lol

Because none of those countries are the richest, most powerful nation in the world. Reality...


Thirteen pages of posts on the US election and not one from Ullysess G. How very odd!

I believe he is relaxing on holiday with a stiff glass of Romney milk.

Thirteen pages of posts on the US election and not one from Ullysess G. How very odd!

I believe he is relaxing on holiday with a stiff glass of Romney milk.

He probably decided he didn't have anything nice to say, so he's not saying anything. I'm grateful that his candidate lost, because I think America would have been worse for it, locally, nationally, and globally.


Because none of those countries are the richest, most powerful nation in the world. Reality...

About the "richest" thing.....

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I always wonder what Americans are so proud of - is it living on land that was stolen from the aboriginal people by murdering them in the world's biggest genocide ever? Is it living on land that then later was made fertile and accessible by stolen slaves shipped over from Africa, with quite a big percentage of them getting raped and killed in the process? Is it living in a country that managed to drop two nuclear bombs on civilians and on a country that already was on its way to surrender, and in the end managed to be hailed as a "humanitarian" hero? Is it living in a country that succeeded in marketing the world's biggest pile of scrap metal as "the world's greatest motorcycle"? If these are the reasons, then such a rare spot in the line does not have that much appeal anymore, does it?

So little facts, so much vitriol.

Actually i suspect that fox "news" is secretly celebrating the Obama victory. Without Obama to blame for every thing that happens on planet earth and to spew hate and conspiracy theories about the fox "team" wouldn't have anything to say.

Not a chance. I wish I could listen to the Limbaugh Advanced Institute for Squealing like a Bloody Schoolgirl today, I would imagine he will be having the mother of all hissy fits, as will most of his "megaditto" brain dead callers.

Fox will just take it up a notch with more film of some profanity-laced woman who forget to buy bread and blames Obama for it, and some bloke who was in the Marines in Korea who claims to know Benghazi inside out.


Obama will not worry about the financial problems so much as he will worry about racial issues. Now he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected and he actions now will drive a deeper divide between the Americans.

Obama will reinforce all minority programs that give large portions of grants and scholarships to the minorities . He will step out more regarding black issues regarding white on black crimes, but never step up to the plate about the Black on White crimes in American. People don't hear about these crimes because they by law they are not allowed to report more than 30% of black crimes.

This term President Obama will more focused on issues around blacks. We will see more racial comments directed at the whites in America, along with more programs for black family's It won't be about politics it will be all about making historical decision.

For those of you who think he is the Messiah which goes along with those who think America is the one behind all the wars, you need to stop and take your blinders off, every country has a stake in these wars or they wouldn't be happening.


And this just in from Fox news:

Putin congratulates Obama

AND, Obama has agreed to give Alaska back to Russia free and to give Putin free foot massages for a year, in addition to of course caving in on every Russian demand with regard to Syria and Iran. Stay tuned for Fox for more breaking news....


Obama will not worry about the financial problems so much as he will worry about racial issues. Now he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected and he actions now will drive a deeper divide between the Americans.

Obama will reinforce all minority programs that give large portions of grants and scholarships to the minorities . He will step out more regarding black issues regarding white on black crimes, but never step up to the plate about the Black on White crimes in American. People don't hear about these crimes because they by law they are not allowed to report more than 30% of black crimes.

This term President Obama will more focused on issues around blacks. We will see more racial comments directed at the whites in America, along with more programs for black family's It won't be about politics it will be all about making historical decision.

For those of you who think he is the Messiah which goes along with those who think America is the one behind all the wars, you need to stop and take your blinders off, every country has a stake in these wars or they wouldn't be happening.

For this guy - "Denial" ain't just a river in Egypt! Your broad, generalized skeptical comments made towards blacks reveal a lot about you by the way.

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