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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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two weeks ago, I predicted an Obama win by 6 to 5

a few days ago, I adjusted that ratio to 5 to 4

Latest ratio of delegates on NPR.org is Obama by 3 to 2 !

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Congratz America! There are a lot of countries that can only dream they had a president of that caliber.

and that is probably the quote of quotes for this thread.. like him or hate him he's a boat load better than most other leaders in allot of areas


I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt.

That being said, for my county's sake I wish him well in the next four years. I really hope that he can work with congress and get the things done that need to be done and not argue over ideology.

This is what I hope, but his record leads me to believe I will be disappointed.

he's the democratically-elected president. congress should work with him, not vice versa. congress is there to support the people's chosen president, not block his initiatives and attempts to improve quality of life for the majority of americans.


I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt.

That being said, for my county's sake I wish him well in the next four years. I really hope that he can work with congress and get the things done that need to be done and not argue over ideology.

This is what I hope, but his record leads me to believe I will be disappointed.

Try to keep an open mind about it. It won't all be smooth sailing. Obama is human. I appreciate your view. It's the hard-right attitude (not yours) that spooks me. That they don't like Obama, is acknowledged. The scary part is they and their hard-right reps in congress will do everything they can, for the next four years to make things difficult for Obama. They will do all they can to smear him (as they've been doing with some success for the past 4 years). However, it hurts a lot more than Obama's and the Democrats political image. It hurts the American people and their efforts to make things better.

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Mean spirited FOX doesn't show the high point of the day, the new President coming out on stage with his family, but stays firmly on the stuffed shirt + modest miniskirt in their vulgar studio.


Obama's making his speech and FOX is still in the studio!

Two minutes later:


They're ignoring the PResident's speech!

If it's any consolation, I was listening to AFRTS on the way to work, they use Fox News Radio sometimes, and bless Fox they even interrupted Romney's concession speech to bitch about Colorado legalising Marijuana for adults because "kids can buy cigarettes".

They really are as thick as s**t.


Given the situation the US was in when Obama was first elected, I don't think one term was enough to make any real changes. A second term now gives him a chance to bring in Policies that can make a real difference. Getting the Troops Home would be a good start ??

What a crap...!

Yes, bring them back and then what...what you need an army for if no war....that kills every country.


I am not sure if the American people know what they are in for. This guy has the potential to cripple the world economy, with his failed policies. Quantitative easing is simply a cowards way to deal with tomorrows problem today. It does nothing to address the root causes of the problems, nor does it address the deficit, and this guy has become addicted to deficit spending, like a crack whore is addicted to crack. If the same rate of deficit spending continues, we will be looking at 24 to 25 trillion, by the end of the next four years. How one earth is the US going to address that? What if the countries that are supporting our deficit spending lose faith? What then?

I think I smell a sore loser.

There also seems to be a sore winner around here as well.

The election is over and Obama has won. Are we going to hear yet another four years of Obama and his supporters blaming Bush?

I just wonder who you will blame for the next four years.

Oh wait, I just realized who will be blamed. FOX NEWS!!!!!coffee1.gif

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Congratz America! There are a lot of countries that can only dream they had a president of that caliber.

and that is probably the quote of quotes for this thread.. like him or hate him he's a boat load better than most other leaders in allot of areas

you can have him...


I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt.

I'm sorry, I simply do not get what campaign you have been following. Romney said he wouldn't even balance the budget till his fourth year, which means the debt was going to grow under him anyway. Plus he was planning on adding (I'll be generous) $6 TRILLION to spending without actually saying how he was going to pay for it.

And you're worried about what Obama might do when he's specifically said he's going to raise taxes, cut military spending, and so on?

The Republicans have done everything they can to make Obama look bad, it's about time that they realise that this does not make them look good to the electorate.

I hope every voter, Republican and Democrat, watches every single one of these people like a hawk. Find out who's giving them money for their campaigns. Find out what legislation they are pushing or blocking and whether it helps their sponsors or the people that elected them.

And the self servers: Get rid!

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Eh guys... Another 4 years of unemployment.... U screwed yourself.....


you mean the unemployment caused by the unbelievably irresponsible policies of Obama's predecessor... Obama inherited a massive economic mess from those clowns... do you know how long it took to recover from the first Great Depression ? Stupid!

You appear to know something. Now, do you know why it took so long? I think we're looking at FDR II (probably worse).


Imagine how big the win would have been if Obama had shown up at the first debate?

That was the only thing that kept Romney in the game.

In Obama's victory speech he proposed a meeting with Romney to see how they could work together.

I found that very bizarre. Romney, the loser, holds no political office now. He is totally irrelevant. I would understand in the first election wanting to talk with McCain, who was still a SENATOR. Yes I know he said it to look bipartisan but it really doesn't make any sense, and I can't imagine Romney really welcoming the meeting either, if it happens. It is really obvious that Obama and Romney dislike each other intensely, and do not respect each other personally. Romney if he had won would have been president. But as the loser, he is the leader or representative of absolutely nothing.

BTW, overall a great victory speech by Obama. It couldn't have been like the first one, but considering the context, it was dam_n good!

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And please, please, please can someone tell stupid, rich, old white men to stop lecturing women on sexual health.

They really aren't very good at it, and it's none of their f***ing business anyway.

It's Christian America, can be young, many are in their 20's-30's, who are anti-abortion, and anti-anything going against their power. It can also be a lot of Latinos, Blacks, etc etc anyone who joins in that particular rat race. Rich white old men? To look at them as the culprit and ignore the majority is a failure of insight. Maybe you aren't American?

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Eh guys... Another 4 years of unemployment.... U screwed yourself.....


you mean the unemployment caused by the unbelievably irresponsible policies of Obama's predecessor... Obama inherited a massive economic mess from those clowns... do you know how long it took to recover from the first Great Depression ? Stupid!

You appear to know something. Now, do you know why it took so long? I think we're looking at FDR II (probably worse).

I'm not quite sure what you are getting at. Are you talking about the slowness of the recovery? If you look at the last US Great Depression, it probably didn't have the same global impact as this one; you didn't have global markets and complex and artificial financial instruments that you could fraudulently sell to the rest of the world, bringing down the rest of the world's economy with you.

And that fact that this has happened this time is a big part of the slowness of the US recovery: Your overseas markets have shrunk somewhat.

By the way, All the big car manufacturers will be applauding Romney's loss, they are doing very well in China at the moment because the Japanese are not flavour of the month. Had Romney carried out his master plan, there would have been piles of unsold Fords and Caddies sitting in Beijiing showrooms, but now they can continue to plug the gap left by Chinese distaste for Nissan and Toyota.



And please, please, please can someone tell stupid, rich, old white men to stop lecturing women on sexual health.

They really aren't very good at it, and it's none of their f***ing business anyway.

It's Christian America, can be young, many are in their 20's-30's, who are anti-abortion, and anti-anything going against their power. It can also be a lot of Latinos, Blacks, etc etc anyone who joins in that particular rat race. Rich white old men? To look at them as the culprit and ignore the majority is a failure of insight. Maybe you aren't American?

I refer, of course, to the ones running for office.



My choice would have been Ron Paul ; but he is not the yes man the GOP republicans wanted .

Romney has no mainstream US political experience ; it was never clear that he had any policies for governing the USA .

Romney failed to answer crucial questions , like showing all his tax payment , or where he stood on abortion .

My opinion of Romney is that he desparately wantd to be Mr President , no matter what that implied .

The US does not need a president with no experience , who will be the yes man to corporate power .

Obama is a fairly dreadful president , but after 4yrs you know where you are with him .

" Better The Devil You Know Than The One You Don't " !


Given the situation the US was in when Obama was first elected, I don't think one term was enough to make any real changes. A second term now gives him a chance to bring in Policies that can make a real difference. Getting the Troops Home would be a good start ??

Closing Guantanamo Bay and giving a fair and open trial to those still there would be and even better one. And perhaps apologising to all of the ones who have been quietly released because they hadn't really done anything wrong. Didn't he say he was going to do that in his electioneering last time around? coffee1.gif

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


BTW, one network reported that Obama got 70 percent of the Asian American vote. While in recent elections, Asians have shifted to the democratic party modestly, that percentage compares to the percentage for Latino Americans! The only ethnic demographic Romney got was white people. That used to be enough. Never again!

Not only do the republicans have to fight for any relevance with African Americans, Latino Americans, Jewish Americans, Arab and Muslim Americans, GLBT Americans if you can call that an identity group which I do, but now it looks like they've lost Asians as well. Surprising to me.

Also, the POLLS were right. Totally spot on. Their formula for more democratic voters figured in at similar levels to the last election were very accurate. Nate Silver is ... GOD.


Good for the world, good for most Americans. Congratulations President Obama and thank you, American voters!!!

Why is this good for the world? I would like to understand your reasoning behind that assertion.

Simple answer: Obama is better suited, on several levels, for dealing with international relations. The articulate answer could go on for volumes. Granted, Romney might be ok for dealing with most int'l events and incidents. Yet (for starters) Obama has a cool-headed, intelligent and likeable Sec. of State in Ms Clinton. Who would Romney have appointed? Powell? No chance, he was already burned badly once by Bush Jr. and Cheney. Look at who Romney picked as running mate. Scary and unpredictable are the the nicest adjectives I can peg on Ryan. I hope the Republicans run Ryan in 2016, then whomever is his opponent (Michelle?) will have a walk-over.

Thank you. Interesting comments. Let's hope Obama / Clinton do a good job and help stabalise a world that seems to be rife with wars, disagreements and fundamental differences. We won't know how Romney would've performed now, but there is definetly a need for a good solid team.

I'm not so sure Ambassador Stevens would have agreed with your 'hope' approach ... had he survived, that is.

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Imagine how big the win would have been if Obama had shown up at the first debate?

That was the only thing that kept Romney in the game.

In Obama's victory speech he proposed a meeting with Romney to see how they could work together.

I found that very bizarre. Romney, the loser, holds no political office now. He is totally irrelevant. I would understand in the first election wanting to talk with McCain, who was still a SENATOR. Yes I know he said it to look bipartisan but it really doesn't make any sense, and I can't imagine Romney really welcoming the meeting either, if it happens. It is really obvious that Obama and Romney dislike each other intensely, and do not respect each other personally. Romney if he had won would have been president. But as the loser, he is the leader or representative of absolutely nothing.

BTW, overall a great victory speech by Obama. It couldn't have been like the first one, but considering the context, it was dam_n good!

What? Having trouble recognizing Obama's B.S., today (a lame attempt to appear gracious in victory)? Or is it every day - like about 50% of the American voters (subtracting the percentage who knew they were voting continued government checks, food stamps, etc.)?

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Nobody can deny he is a great orator. Debater? Mixed.

In any case, I really don't think inviting Romney to a meeting was a good move. I don't think that is normal, to invite a loser with no position or role anymore. Better to invite the republican leaders from the house and senate. The republicans with actual POSITIONS.

Of course if Romney had won that would be different. They would have had to meet to work on the transition.

BTW, do you think Romney will even accept that invite? It sounds like it would be a very HUMILIATING, emotionally crushing experience for him. On a human level Romney was clearly obsessed with being president. Meeting Obama would be rubbing it in that his main goal in life totally failed, just like his Daddy. I mean the poor man can't even have a good cry in his beer!


Congratz America! There are a lot of countries that can only dream they had a president of that caliber.

Is there any way we could send him to those countries instead?

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I found it in the locked topic, my prediction was right and so were my comments.

Well I will make a prediction that O'Bama will be re-elected and win easily.

Reason for my predidiction, I have just been down the local club in OZ and been drinking with a few Yanks who were talking about the US elections.

They also said they wanted Romney to win. I told them if they wanted to win they must vote. They said that a lot of Americans don't vote. I told them it was compulsory in Australia for all OZ citizens to vote and if they did not they would be fined if they did not have a good reason. They said it should be the same in the US as well. They said if it was compulsory in the US Romney would walk it in, but they said a hell of a lot of the Negros and Latinos will vote for O'Bama

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