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My 7 Year Old Daughter Dancing Like A Lap Dancer


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Now before i start this please no disgusting or daft comments please,

I an working away from home and the highlight of the day is when i get to skype my wife and children and she sends me videos of the kids, i have just had a video of my one year old daughter dancing as he is just making her 1st steps, it was highly satisfying to see her dancing away, then my 7 year old daughter jumps up and started dancing like something out of a lapdancing bar, all the Thai family are around, mother, MIL,FIL Uncles etc clapping and laughing as if its the most normal thing on earth. now ime not an old fuddy duddy ime 42 year old man who is up for a laugh but the way she was dancing has quite frankly horrified me, i would post it but i wouldnt want any Gary Glitter, or Jimmy Saville fans buzzin off it.

I have spoken to my wife who has just laughed and said it is watchin the music videos on TV and the rest of the family can not see no harm in it,,has anyone else had this and is it normal for me to think that this is not the way a 7 year old child should dance, any constructive thoughts would be appreciated, i must add i am new to fatherhood as my 7 year old girl is to a Thai man who left years ago and i have taken her on as my own and love her dearly, My 1 year old daughter is my 1st biological dependent. AM I OVER REACTING, OR JUST IN UNFAMILIAR TERRITORY or is it a Thai thing because none of my English mates would find it acceptable


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Very natural for most girls and some boys to mimic whatever type dance they are exposed to, I see it all the time at Thai traditional dance, there are always a few kids transfixed and learning from watching,.... same on you tube , lots of kids doing dances from all around the world. Maybe exposing her to different dance styles will help her find some more appropriate moves, or not.

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Firstly...Dont dare post it on here. Noones business but your family.

Secondly...Shes 7, shes just doing what shes seen on telly most likely. It just harmless fun. Her friends probably do the same.

Thirdly...Shes not working as a lap dancer, so have a chat with her mother and tell her your thoughts.

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Every generations looks at the music of the young and laments. Just relax and it is not just a Thai thing. I did draw the line in Australia with some "Dancing" at a school in Australia where my daughter went to. It was way over the top. Let her be.

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Many many conservative and religious-minded people feel that mass media has been embedding pornographic sexuality deep into the subconsciousness of our youth for many decades now.

If you yourself as a parent are concerned about this, then you simply need to minimize the exposure of your children to popular culture, and accept the fact that they will be considered deprived freaks by the mainstream.

Personally I do this, but more because of my concerns about depictions of violence and the raising of consumerism above all over values.

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Actually it is valid here. And between him and his wife. He wants to know if it is right. in the terms of Thai culture it is. There also are a lot of parents who have bought up children on here too. By posting here he can determine it is not just a thai thing but something he would have to accept in other places too.

Edited by harrry
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This is a topic that is appropriate for a bunch of anonymous internet keyboard warriors....much more so than discussing with your wife.

i have discussed it with my wife as described earlier, it seems i have over reacted and i am more at ease now
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Actually it is valid here. And between him and his wife. He wants to know if it is right. in the terms of Thai culture it is. There also are a lot of parents who have bought up children on here too. By posting here he can determine it is not just a thai thing but something he would have to accept in other places too.

Thank you very much that is exactly why i have posted it on here to see if it is a cultural thing, and i am glad i have it seems it is my inexperience and i feel a whole lot better about it now,, Much appreciated people
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Many many conservative and religious-minded people feel that mass media has been embedding pornographic sexuality deep into the subconsciousness of our youth for many decades now.

If you yourself as a parent are concerned about this, then you simply need to minimize the exposure of your children to popular culture, and accept the fact that they will be considered deprived freaks by the mainstream.

Personally I do this, but more because of my concerns about depictions of violence and the raising of consumerism above all over values.

Yeah but they used to think rock n roll was the devil also.....

Sorry for going off topic.

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Totally over-reacting ,Old Chap. Kids at that age are simply copying what they see on TV, etc., they have no idea of any sexual inuendo that you, as a Western adult , might see. Which is why the Thais around her don't find anything wrong with what she was doing. Lighten up, and be pleased to see a happy outgoing kid.

Of course, you could go farang000999's way, keep her in a darkened cage denied all access to the outside world (maybe blind her and cut off her ears as well just to ensure that she sees no evil and hears no evil!) Just joking, of course.

I agree completely. It's not too different from when I was a kid in the 1980's and my sister was a big Madonna fan, including dressing up and doing all the video clips, etc. No Skype or internet (to speak of) in those days, so no Old Fart Army ready to bitch about it.

Let kids be kids. Imitate adults is pretty much what they do..

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This is not harmless fun, it`s the sexulisation of children and not part of Thai culture, but the result of bad Western influences and stupidity on the part of his wife and her family.

If the OPs story is true, than it appears his wife has a happy go lucky, slap dash approach to the upbringing of his children and later on can lead to all sorts of problems as the children grow up. Plus, if his wife has such open-minded lifestyle attitudes, can the OP really feel that he can trust his wife with anything? Especially if he is away and off the scene for long periods at a time.

My advice to the OP is, change occupations and stay on the scene where he can share and have more influence on the welfare of his kids and to keep tabs on what his wife is doing. Otherwise, if not, than he’s going to have big problems later on.

Your comment is absurd Beetlejuice.

Saying the op cant trust his wife, he should work closer to home, her family is no good and big family problems later on....<deleted>?

Gods sake, chill out.

Shes 7.

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Actually it is valid here. And between him and his wife. He wants to know if it is right. in the terms of Thai culture it is. There also are a lot of parents who have bought up children on here too. By posting here he can determine it is not just a thai thing but something he would have to accept in other places too.

Thank you very much that is exactly why i have posted it on here to see if it is a cultural thing, and i am glad i have it seems it is my inexperience and i feel a whole lot better about it now,, Much appreciated people

I have also tried to explain to my son that most of the Thai soaps don't reflect real life also.

When I was my sons age there was little TV but we did go around killing millions of Germans and Japanese, then went home for tea.

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This is not harmless fun, it`s the sexulisation of children and not part of Thai culture, but the result of bad Western influences and stupidity on the part of his wife and her family.

If the OPs story is true, than it appears his wife has a happy go lucky, slap dash approach to the upbringing of his children and later on can lead to all sorts of problems as the children grow up. Plus, if his wife has such open-minded lifestyle attitudes, can the OP really feel that he can trust his wife with anything? Especially if he is away and off the scene for long periods at a time.

My advice to the OP is, change occupations and stay on the scene where he can share and have more influence on the welfare of his kids and to keep tabs on what his wife is doing. Otherwise, if not, than he’s going to have big problems later on.

Ooooooooh pulleeeeeeeeeaze!

Ever been to one of those travelling look toong- shows lately?

Western influence my behind!

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Follow your own instincts.

The OP probably has qualms about his wife and family situation, otherwise he would not be asking for other opinions regarding his situation on an open forum.

From my life experiences I have learned to mostly follow my own instincts, regardless as to what anyone else says, although everyone should not rule out good advice completely and take all into consideration.

I have found that by using my instincts and own assessments of situations that 90% of the time, I have been right.

There can be consequences by trying to pad situations with cotton wool and taking for granted that all is well and above board, because that’s what some people prefer to hear. Remembering that 2 plus 2 does not equal 5, and if something doesn’t appear to make sense or seem right, than the chances are that it isn’t.

But as I said, follow your own instincts, regardless as to what anyone says on here, because in his mind, the OP knows the situation better than what we do.

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Every time my now 6 year old daughter does something I see as unlady like, I say to her nicely, "A LADY DOES NOT DO THAT" works like a charm.

Edited by metisdead
: Large font reset again. Stop posting in overly large fonts!
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This is not harmless fun, it`s the sexulisation of children and not part of Thai culture, but the result of bad Western influences and stupidity on the part of his wife and her family.

If the OPs story is true, than it appears his wife has a happy go lucky, slap dash approach to the upbringing of his children and later on can lead to all sorts of problems as the children grow up. Plus, if his wife has such open-minded lifestyle attitudes, can the OP really feel that he can trust his wife with anything? Especially if he is away and off the scene for long periods at a time.

My advice to the OP is, change occupations and stay on the scene where he can share and have more influence on the welfare of his kids and to keep tabs on what his wife is doing. Otherwise, if not, than he’s going to have big problems later on.

this post is to be taken wiih a large grain of salt, the poster has a history of overreaction where other peoples children are concerned:

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Actually it is valid here. And between him and his wife. He wants to know if it is right. in the terms of Thai culture it is. There also are a lot of parents who have bought up children on here too. By posting here he can determine it is not just a thai thing but something he would have to accept in other places too.

Is it a Thai thing?

I have two daughters under 10 and my wife(Thai) said DON'T show that Bubble Pop vdo to them.

It is inappropriate for a 10 year old or younger to dance in a provocative way. When they are 18, fine. They are children and NEED TO BE PROTECTED!!

Just because Thai schoolgirls all ages are dressed up to look sexy at sports day etc doesn't mean you have to act like a sheep and allow your daughters to do it.

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This is not harmless fun, it`s the sexulisation of children and not part of Thai culture, but the result of bad Western influences and stupidity on the part of his wife and her family.

If the OPs story is true, than it appears his wife has a happy go lucky, slap dash approach to the upbringing of his children and later on can lead to all sorts of problems as the children grow up. Plus, if his wife has such open-minded lifestyle attitudes, can the OP really feel that he can trust his wife with anything? Especially if he is away and off the scene for long periods at a time.

My advice to the OP is, change occupations and stay on the scene where he can share and have more influence on the welfare of his kids and to keep tabs on what his wife is doing. Otherwise, if not, than he’s going to have big problems later on.

this post is to be taken wiih a large grain of salt, the poster has a history of overreaction where other peoples children are concerned:


I stand by all that I say and have said and considering that in the post you have dragged out, involved the near drowning of innocent children, outragious.

When a situation involves the welfare of children, whether my own or someone elses kids, having concerns can never be an over reactiion and certainly not to be taken as you describe it, with a grain of salt.

Remember: children are at the mercies and within the influences of the adults that are meant to be caring for them and should know better.

If they take offence with opinions and a few home truths that they would prefer not to hear, than don`t place the details on an open forum.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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