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Plane Spotting


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One of the hobbies that I just started is taking photogrpahs of planes, have seen really interesting You Tube from around the world, but has anyone been able to find a spot to take photographs of arriving and departing aircraft in Chiang Mai??

Have been looking around but have not found a good to place to stake out for the day

Thanks in advance

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Not sure about 'staking out for the day' but Big C at the end of the runway on Hang Dong road has some really interesting low flights over it. A bit closer just north of it is the Transportation Department and may have open shaded area there.


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thanks for the replies and sorry for the late response, have looked at the dual purpose use of airports and have found that in many other countries, this doesn't seem to be a problem but this is Thailand and for me do not want to make waves but being a safe distance and close enough for a mid to long range tele photo lens it should not be a problem but camping on top of a government building would be hard to arrange.

thanks again and will be doing some scouting this week coming and i will see how I go, but do need to have a good translator with me as I tried to explain to the staff here at the Airport Greenery met with a polite smile and not having a clue what I was saying.

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Do not want to keep a running commentary but will post some pics when i get some good ones, went to Big C Han Dong Rd, if Black Canyon resturant was outside or had better windows it would be a great vantage point to take some pics as the planes flew right over Home Pro, asking to get on a roof from some of buildings would not be allowed and trying to make an owner understand what you wanted to do would be harder, I did walk along the road toward Tesco to the over pass and now this would be the spot to camp but would draw some attention seeing someone standing on the overpass with a camera all day, but on the other side of the road you do get a fantastic view of the run way and today the air force were taking off but the in the opposite direction but the comercial planes were taking off and landing on the Big C line, there are some signs along the fence that say no photography but the passing police never stopped me and also the airport patrol smiled and kept going but again would not want to push my luck too much, today looking at the Airport app on my phone the landings were about 10 to 15 mins out of sync, a hot walk was not too bad either so the arvo to rest

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