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My Friend Accidently Caused Injury To A Thai Motorcycle Taxi Guy...


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OP. Both of you need to leave Thailand. Your friend ignored basic Thai traffic rules (look up, down, left and right) prior to moving your ass.

Then due to his stupidity, a bike driver gets injured (irrelevant if it was minor or major).

Then you have the idiocy to offer only 300 baht to a guy who may have been bruised enough to lose a days´ wages.

No wonder Thais hate our guts.

And "someone" has the "idiocy" to make a public statement to the effect of not knowing that 300 baht is a day's average wage for a motorbike taxi driver.

Take a note, Somtom: The only reason I ever think of leaving LOS, is to escape psychotic, confronatational, belligerent ex-pats such as yourself.

No wonder Thais hate your guts.

And, what am I supposed to be looking up and down at? The BTS and the asphalt?

OH MY GOD!... This is so funny.... To tell people to leave thailand...LOL... And that the people in the taxi broke traffic laws... Ive been reading the Traffic laws that were posted on this site and could not see anything about getting out of a taxi. Or the fine being deported from here. Yes it wasn't the smartest thing they could of done, but by no means was it ilegal... So to SOM, i say lighten up. Your starting to sound like some one with Stockholm syndrome...

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It's amazing fow people can be mean on this website,

This guy asks for advises, and here you go, he starts being blamed, insulted!!

If you live in Thailand, you know, most locals will always try to get money from you, so yes, when you get into a small incident (since he explains the guy wasn t hurt), yes you think about your money. Back home, You would propably just have to settle this issue with your insurance, no big deal, here you know it s not gonna be that simple.

Ok his friend should have looked before opening the door, but you ve done that type of mistake, in a rush, come on! Nobody s perfect!

Talking about incident, I witnessed one here, a farang fancy car backed up, and I guess did nt see the motobike just behind, so hit the scooter (thai driver), then again this is the car s driver fault, but the moto driver wasnt injured, the headlight was broken...honestly, my thai collegues who also witnessed the accident, said itcould fix it for 300 baths...you know how much the farang had to give to setlle the problem : she asked for 15000 BATHS, and the guy gave it!!! The girl worked nearby, so collegues came over, the taxi drivers around....so Yes, when you get into a accident here, one of the first thing you have to think about is how much it is going to cost!

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That is a 100% unequivocal yes; cars doors get opened all day and night at the curb without looking, with no ill consequences (at least in my case and 45 years of data). The op's situation was maybe a little different?... but I think this is an important consideration... right or wrong, people just open doors at the curb in other countries. Further, the system(s) seem to be set up to almost preclude any problems as well.

cant for the life of me find anything in the OPs post that suggests thy were at the curb.

In fact "caught in traffic" suggests otherwise.

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That is a 100% unequivocal yes; cars doors get opened all day and night at the curb without looking, with no ill consequences (at least in my case and 45 years of data). The op's situation was maybe a little different?... but I think this is an important consideration... right or wrong, people just open doors at the curb in other countries. Further, the system(s) seem to be set up to almost preclude any problems as well.

cant for the life of me find anything in the OPs post that suggests thy were at the curb.

In fact "caught in traffic" suggests otherwise.

Yes, I mentioned it may not be op's situation. We (or I) were off on a tangent. Point being, I think passing on the left here between the curb and car should be a definite take your chances proposition considering the number of foreigners, and there should be a designated side to exit cabs. That is just what I think though, even if it doesn't relate this this thread :)

Edited by isawasnake
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That is a 100% unequivocal yes; cars doors get opened all day and night at the curb without looking, with no ill consequences (at least in my case and 45 years of data). The op's situation was maybe a little different?... but I think this is an important consideration... right or wrong, people just open doors at the curb in other countries. Further, the system(s) seem to be set up to almost preclude any problems as well.

cant for the life of me find anything in the OPs post that suggests thy were at the curb.

In fact "caught in traffic" suggests otherwise.

Yes, I mentioned it may not be op's situation. We (or I) were off on a tangent. Point being, I think passing on the left here between the curb and car should be a definite take your chances proposition considering the number of foreigners, and there should be a designated side to exit cabs. That is just what I think though, even if it doesn't relate this this thread smile.png

i dont think it should have anything to do with being foreign or thai personally, no one should get hit by a bike while exiting a taxi.

open that door in the middle of the road, you are fair game.

and many drivers child safety lock the door behind them to prevent people from exiting that door. it is actually pretty much accepted practice already to exit via the passenger side.

hell , its even called the passsenger side!

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That is a 100% unequivocal yes; cars doors get opened all day and night at the curb without looking, with no ill consequences (at least in my case and 45 years of data). The op's situation was maybe a little different?... but I think this is an important consideration... right or wrong, people just open doors at the curb in other countries. Further, the system(s) seem to be set up to almost preclude any problems as well.

cant for the life of me find anything in the OPs post that suggests thy were at the curb.

In fact "caught in traffic" suggests otherwise.

Yes, I mentioned it may not be op's situation. We (or I) were off on a tangent. Point being, I think passing on the left here between the curb and car should be a definite take your chances proposition considering the number of foreigners, and there should be a designated side to exit cabs. That is just what I think though, even if it doesn't relate this this thread smile.png

i dont think it should have anything to do with being foreign or thai personally, no one should get hit by a bike while exiting a taxi.

open that door in the middle of the road, you are fair game.

and many drivers child safety lock the door behind them to prevent people from exiting that door. it is actually pretty much accepted practice already to exit via the passenger side.

hell , its even called the passsenger side!

Anyway, my points got lost somewhere in there. I was talking about opening a door near a curb, which may or may not be the case in this thread. But I was just saying, I see motorbikes going between the curb and cars a lot, and if they do that it is just asking for it, and come what may I guess. Anyway.

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300 , that was cheap , good that you knew a few words Thai then so they all could have a laugh

'Kee neo' and 'Yai Yin Yin'

I've been learning Thai for nearly 20 years and never heard the second one.

Should be 'yai yen yen'.

oh come on, it it is jai yen yen,

yai yen yen would mean big cool cool, or grandmother cool cool.

i often wonder if some of you people actually live here

I actually lament the garbage standards of english teachers.

My Thai is better than them from learning off a phrasebook and listening to folk out here.

300 baht is a pure insult. Try adding a zero to that or you'd be lucky to still be walking in some places in LOS

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And do these legions of fresh farang make a point of opening car doors without looking in their home countries?

Its nothing to do with Thailand or Timbuktu, its to do with common sense, which sadly these days isnt so common.

The farang standards are at rock bottom for the most part nowadays. It's all some of us can but try and keep them from dropping any lower...

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I actually lament the garbage standards of english teachers.

My Thai is better than them from learning off a phrasebook and listening to folk out here.

Can you expand on this post?

I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good, your English level ( based on this post ) on the other hand is laughable smile.png

ps I'm not a grammar nazi by any means, but if you wish to big yourself up, ensure your own standard is at least intermediate before hitting the send button.

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Can you expand on this post?

I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good, your English level ( based on this post ) on the other hand is laughable smile.png

ps I'm not a grammar nazi by any means, but if you wish to big yourself up, ensure your own standard is at least intermediate before hitting the send button.

Of course he "can." "Would you expand on this post?" "I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good." (End of sentence; not a place for a comma.) I'm not an English teacher but I might "speak" Thai fairly well. I'm happy to hear that your Thai is good. bah.gif

"...on the other hand is laughable" is the end of a sentence and calls for a period.

I could go on, but your "English" is laughable.

NOW BEFORE anyone deletes or criticizes my corrections or calls me the English Nazi, JUST REMEMBER, YOU STARTED IT AS A HI-SO ENGLISH TEACHER.

I am merely sticking up for the one you criticized regarding his English.

For others, I couldn't care less how they write, and never mention it. For you, I could teach you English if you'd like for me to do that. You need it.

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I think the op handled the situation well.

Its easy in hindsight to sit back and think clearly about what he could have done different.

I have been here only 10 months and cannot speak more than a few simple Thai words because I choose not to learn. I am sure my English is not brilliant also but I don't see why everyone is carrying on about language and trying to impress others.

If I haven't already been guilty of opening a taxi door without looking behind, infront, sideways and above first, I am sure that day will come. I am hoping I am not unlucky like the op's friend.

What I do know is this. If this happened in my country, the motorcycle guy would be charged with dangerous driving as splitting lanes is highly illegal and inforced daily. He would then be held responsible for any damage to the taxi or it's passengers. He would loose his licence for a period of time and get a hefty fine as well. This is because his actions could have injured someone.

However, this is Thailand and I know things are different.

If it was a Thai that opened the door I am fairly sure they would also have to pay.

If it was a Farang on the bike I am totally sure no one would pay.

I thank the op and reply posters because as a newby to this wonderful country I have learnt something from this post. It could happen to me any day.

I will also be putting the number for the tourist police in my phone in case of need due to this post. Thanks again.

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Kee niow wasn't kidding.. I would have offered him 1k as an apology.

oh my god!!! you got away pretty light! not trying to say you did the wrong thing though. but i was reading it and i thought it was going to be a fight story... yeh you got off easy.. if that happened in Australia . im not sure what would happen, but you did exit a car that wasnt parked so technically.. yeh but who cares. would have been better story if there was a dramatic ending.

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Can you expand on this post?

I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good, your English level ( based on this post ) on the other hand is laughable smile.png

ps I'm not a grammar nazi by any means, but if you wish to big yourself up, ensure your own standard is at least intermediate before hitting the send button.

Of course he "can." "Would you expand on this post?" "I'm an English teacher and my Thai is pretty good." (End of sentence; not a place for a comma.) I'm not an English teacher but I might "speak" Thai fairly well. I'm happy to hear that your Thai is good. bah.gif

"...on the other hand is laughable" is the end of a sentence and calls for a period.

I could go on, but your "English" is laughable.

NOW BEFORE anyone deletes or criticizes my corrections or calls me the English Nazi, JUST REMEMBER, YOU STARTED IT AS A HI-SO ENGLISH TEACHER.

I am merely sticking up for the one you criticized regarding his English.

For others, I couldn't care less how they write, and never mention it. For you, I could teach you English if you'd like for me to do that. You need it.

Pm me your number - looking forward to your input smile.png

When I asked if he could expand - I was being sarcastic as to his ability to expand - are you a mind reader?

I'm anything but Hi-So ( punctuation removed )

'My Thai is pretty good' - I'm not sure how that is worse than 'My Thai is better than them from learning off a phrasebook and listening to folk out here'.

Thai, in this case, refers to a language, my overall Thai language skills are good ( reading/listening/conversation/writing).

If I meant to highlight my Thai speaking skills I would have stated as much.

Regards sticking up for this other chap...good luck with that, I'm sure he can fight his own battles.

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Noddy77, if you are going to be in Thailand for a while, you might want to choose to learn Thai. You will still get headaches, but less of them. The benefits are great.

I am starting to think your right. I plan to be here for a very long time. Any suggestions on how to start.

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Noddy77, if you are going to be in Thailand for a while, you might want to choose to learn Thai. You will still get headaches, but less of them. The benefits are great.

I am starting to think your right. I plan to be here for a very long time. Any suggestions on how to start.

This topic would not be the place to discuss learning Thai, check out the Thai language forum , for information.

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Still waiting for you.......come to my school and show us all your skills.........................................................oh ok .. just words.....pm me when you grow up and can show these skills to 60 kids...22 times a week smile.png

You not only need to improve your English, but you badly need to improve your reading comprehension. Some meds for your inability to reply to the post would help too I suspect.

You chose to correct another poster's English which always ticks me off. You exacerbated it by claiming to be an English teacher. You then made yourself the fool by using terrible English while you did it. I corrected you because you had it coming. I never care about anyone's use of language UNTIL someone like you decides to be the English Police. End of story.

Now you want to change the subject to classroom size or something. What difference does that make, how is it relevant, and what good does it do the students when you yourself don't even KNOW English?

Finished. (Yes, that is a complete sentence.)

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Now you want to change the subject to classroom size or something. What difference does that make, how is it relevant, and what good does it do the students when you yourself don't even KNOW English?

Yes, that would be outrageous to change the subject.

Kindly stick to the subject which is all about English and Thai language knowledge - isn't that obvious from the thread title?

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Now you want to change the subject to classroom size or something. What difference does that make, how is it relevant, and what good does it do the students when you yourself don't even KNOW English?

Yes, that would be outrageous to change the subject.

Kindly stick to the subject which is all about English and Thai language knowledge - isn't that obvious from the thread title?

With all due respect, I believe the thread is about an accident and dealing with the fake injury and the English speaking Thai police.

If you have a complaint about changing the subject, please speak to the poster who changed it by correcting someone's English usage using horrible English, and claiming to be an English teacher.


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useage using smile.png

Thanks for confirming my original suspicion..trollage (sic) of the first order.

Apologies for my off topic pedantic antics earlier.

I just get ticked off when English teachers get slated.

I responded to a post that seemed to tar all of us with the same 'Garbage' brush.

Back on topic...you should have paid 200 baht and not a satang more smile.png

ps definition of a gutless troll..someone who starts an argument and then puts you on ignore after you respond.

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Kee niow wasn't kidding.. I would have offered him 1k as an apology.

Why would you give 1000 Baht, Is he hurt? . I would have offered a hand up and that's that. If you are hurt let's take him to the hospital. Tossing a 1000 baht will only make it that much worse when word spreads how he made an easy 1000 baht...

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^You can laugh all you want. Chinese are the best negotiators by far, and as they put it, "your opening offer should be that you can still say it with a straight face, but just barely." I think he hit it right on that mark, at least by Chinese standards.

Chinese standard in Thailand ?

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