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Pitak Siam Rally: Chalerm Warns Again Against The " Third Hand "


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Chalerm warns again against the "third hand"

He aint that big. I stood next to him having a pee last week and, believe you me, the wreak of alcohol and flu medicine from his breath couldn't make him pee straight. He got it all down the side of my suit - dirty stop out. As for a third hand, well....... 555.... he couldn'a even got a grip on it. He held mine for 3 mins, so I wiped the back of his neck, as you do, with the bog roll from the nearest basket, and asked for 5,000 baht. I said, "I've got a camera, you know!"

He gave me 10,000 for his warm hands on my pri/ne/ck.

I wish I'd ha' throttled him now. giggle.gif


I'll have whatever you're on.

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I play comedy in the Thai group of Doo Dokraedone. Tonight we played comedy in Petchabun province.

On the way back there were 10!!! police roadblocks between Petchabun and Saraburi and 2 more between Saraburi and Bangkok. We were stopped 3 times.

These police roadblocks have been installed by the Shinawatra family regime to stop people from joining the rally in Bangkok today.

What has a government done wrong if it has to take these kind of measures?

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Seems the criminals will be held accountable and their sphincters have appropriately puckered. Were the red thugs allowed to protest for months? The only reason they would react this way is if they have something terrible to hide. OPEN THE BOOKS! Where is the tax monies, where are the flood monies?! Who will be held responsible for the 900 deaths due to Yinglucks and Chalerms negligence during the floods? Hope CH doesnt get drunk and start ordering his red cops to fire first and ask second. This has been handled terribly by Thaksin! Disgusting!

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Charlem is a copy cat!

can't he come up with some original idea?

This ones already been done!!

Yes, by him, nearly five years ago..

Feb. 26, 2008


Thaksin is poised to return soon, though date is a mystery

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej on Tuesday remained tight-lipped on the date for the return of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, telling reporters that he would refrain from commenting on the matter. Samak's Deputy PM Somchai Wongsawat said he was unaware that Thaksin might arrive in Bangkok Thursday, adding that he had not been in contact with his brother-in-law for quite some time.

Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said he planned to personally welcome Thaksin upon his arrival. Although he knew the arrival schedule, he would not disclose it before relevant authorities deemed it appropriate for the public release, he said.

"When Thaksin comes back home, I will greet and welcome him in person and I say this as a private citizen who has made a campaign pledge, an acquaintance, and the Interior minister," he said.

He ruled out concern about a possible confrontation between pro- and anti-Thaksin protesters, saying he would ensure a clear separation of the rally sites for the two rival groups.

He voiced confidence that violence would not erupt and that the situation would remain under the control as he would not allow a "third hand" to interfere and cause the disturbance.


Edited by Buchholz
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Let's just hope this plays out peacefully. Any problems; any intervention; an coup and there will be some serious bloodshed this time, enough to make the 2010 fiasco look like a walk in the park. PTP seriously don't want that, or Taksin's gooses is cooked for another 5 years or so, which also means another 5 years of stagnation under a military regime.

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there are yellow shirts, red shirts, so who are the 3rd hand? PTP keeps talking about this 3rd hand, but what are they and who do they support and represent?

PTP is bringing in volunteers, who are they? sourced from where?

Can not be "yellows" supporters, very much doubt the neutrals, not the police, so the red shirts or army? but Police General was put in charge not the Army general.

The whole things is so confusing and twisted that anything can be made out to fit anyone's agenda

The 3rd hand is the military, who always claim that the "highest institution" is under threat (and it never has been) and they need to protect "democracy" whenever they get involved with politics. The reason very few politicians actually identify the military instead of the mysterious 3rd hand, is because most thai politicians will at some time in the future have to make some deal with the military and they don't want to burn any bridges.

Remember where the real power lies, and it isn't with the elected government. However the military does like to keep up the illusion of a democracy.

As the corruption is the biggest thing fueling the demonstrations I would like to know how the evil military could force the clean government to fill their pockets to fuel the demonstrations?

Or maybe is just a lie and Thaksin and this government isn't corrupt at all? Please explain me.

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Let's see how this unfolds. Tense times.

I would say however it unfolds there will be problems....

If pitak really want to make a stir, cause no problem at all, go home and do it again next week.

Thailand needs a Gandhi.

No that times are over.....They would simply ignore a person like Gandhi these days.....(OK call me pessimist....)

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Let's just hope this plays out peacefully. Any problems; any intervention; an coup and there will be some serious bloodshed this time, enough to make the 2010 fiasco look like a walk in the park. PTP seriously don't want that, or Taksin's gooses is cooked for another 5 years or so, which also means another 5 years of stagnation under a military regime.

While I don't think that the military government was too good, in compare with the other government it was the best government I ever saw in Thailand.

They tried to make good, but weren't very efficient....the others didn't even try.

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Let's see how this unfolds. Tense times.

I would say however it unfolds there will be problems....

If pitak really want to make a stir, cause no problem at all, go home and do it again next week.

Thailand needs a Gandhi.

No that times are over.....They would simply ignore a person like Gandhi these days.....(OK call me pessimist....)

Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

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Let's see how this unfolds. Tense times.

I would say however it unfolds there will be problems....

If pitak really want to make a stir, cause no problem at all, go home and do it again next week.

Thailand needs a Gandhi.

That is their plan. Voice concern about corruption and go home. Problem is that they are already labeled as trouble makers. Thida is arranging the 3rd hand and soon Pitak will not be allowed to rally.

I think we know what this government is trying to do. So sick.

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So are the 'third hand' disaffected-elements of the military, or the Black-Shirts directed from overseas, or Hun-Sen's trainees, or Red-Shirts fed-up with the governments failures in delivering 'pre-election promises', are they sponsored by some malign foreign-power or Muslim-terrorists who want revenge for the South, criminal-elements perhaps or Communists seeking general confusion and unrest, who knows ?

Apart from DPM-Super-Chalerm and his intelligence-sources ?

Time for a little less posturing, and a bit more information, to avoid giving the current impression that it's all just invented to justify police-roadblocks and deterrence of this fringe-group who happen to be critical of the current government. wink.png

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Let's just hope this plays out peacefully. Any problems; any intervention; an coup and there will be some serious bloodshed this time, enough to make the 2010 fiasco look like a walk in the park. PTP seriously don't want that, or Taksin's gooses is cooked for another 5 years or so, which also means another 5 years of stagnation under a military regime.

While I don't think that the military government was too good, in compare with the other government it was the best government I ever saw in Thailand.

They tried to make good, but weren't very efficient....the others didn't even try.

Now i am really worried if you think an any government is the BEST option.

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So are the 'third hand' disaffected-elements of the military, or the Black-Shirts directed from overseas, or Hun-Sen's trainees, or Red-Shirts fed-up with the governments failures in delivering 'pre-election promises', are they sponsored by some malign foreign-power or Muslim-terrorists who want revenge for the South, criminal-elements perhaps or Communists seeking general confusion and unrest, who knows ?

Apart from DPM-Super-Chalerm and his intelligence-sources ?

Time for a little less posturing, and a bit more information

become a "Friend" on Oak's Facebook page for additional info.


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Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

What will PTP do: Nothing stay in power and fill their pockets.....Maybe from time to time shoot a M79 grenade into the mob....

Look at the former Eastern block....every government was hated but they could stay in power for decades.

If you control police, military, courts and have a system to keep everyone in line than the people have no choices.

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Let's just hope this plays out peacefully. Any problems; any intervention; an coup and there will be some serious bloodshed this time, enough to make the 2010 fiasco look like a walk in the park. PTP seriously don't want that, or Taksin's gooses is cooked for another 5 years or so, which also means another 5 years of stagnation under a military regime.

While I don't think that the military government was too good, in compare with the other government it was the best government I ever saw in Thailand.

They tried to make good, but weren't very efficient....the others didn't even try.

Now i am really worried if you think an any government is the BEST option.

what do you mean with "an any government".

do you mean "a military government"?

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Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

What will PTP do: Nothing stay in power and fill their pockets.....Maybe from time to time shoot a M79 grenade into the mob....

Look at the former Eastern block....every government was hated but they could stay in power for decades.

If you control police, military, courts and have a system to keep everyone in line than the people have no choices.

Someone has to take the moral high ground here and really appeal to a broad spectrum of people.

If the speeches revolve around stopping corruption and strengthening democracy, no one can argue. If it revolves around ignorant kwai and bring out the army, it doesn't mean anything.

Help and unite the country instead of splitting it even more. Wishing for a coup is not the answer. They need a gandhi, now where to find him.

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Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

What will PTP do: Nothing stay in power and fill their pockets.....Maybe from time to time shoot a M79 grenade into the mob....

Look at the former Eastern block....every government was hated but they could stay in power for decades.

If you control police, military, courts and have a system to keep everyone in line than the people have no choices.

Someone has to take the moral high ground here and really appeal to a broad spectrum of people.

If the speeches revolve around stopping corruption and strengthening democracy, no one can argue. If it revolves around ignorant kwai and bring out the army, it doesn't mean anything.

Help and unite the country instead of splitting it even more. Wishing for a coup is not the answer. They need a gandhi, now where to find him.

Yes you can wait for a one in 50 year leader (and it isn't said that there won't be a evil person instead). But many people think that waiting for a Gandhi for 10, 20, 50 years isn't an option they want to do something now even it is a less good solution.

It think the idea of a coup, install a specialists government (not a military government) and let it govern for 5 years until going back to democracy is rather extreme.

But like your idea with the Thai Gandhi....What do we do if we can't find a real perfect solution? Go with a less perfect but still better than now solution or wait forever.

Look at North Korea......such dynasties may hold power for generations.....I prefer a coup, a not democratic government for a while. Because there is a good chance that Thailand gets a not democratic government anyway, but one that doesn't want to give the power back to the people....

What is worse: Shinawatras for 50 years or Specialist government for 5 years?

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Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

What will PTP do: Nothing stay in power and fill their pockets.....Maybe from time to time shoot a M79 grenade into the mob....

Look at the former Eastern block....every government was hated but they could stay in power for decades.

If you control police, military, courts and have a system to keep everyone in line than the people have no choices.

Someone has to take the moral high ground here and really appeal to a broad spectrum of people.

If the speeches revolve around stopping corruption and strengthening democracy, no one can argue. If it revolves around ignorant kwai and bring out the army, it doesn't mean anything.

Help and unite the country instead of splitting it even more. Wishing for a coup is not the answer. They need a gandhi, now where to find him.

Unfortunately that excludes most of the current crop of politicians! IMO a seachange will start with the people - it's difficult, but the poor need to say NO to corruption at all levels - that includes paying bribes to police, to paying to jump the line in the queue, to the higher echelons. Don't wait for the leaders to take the high moral ground - corruption and bending rules is how most of them got rich enough to actually gain political positions, which fosters more corruption. So it comes down to education of the young - most schools have 'ethics' lessons; lord knows what they learn in them!

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Apparently, if the government don't step down, the plan is for the protesters to collect blood and spread it in a couple of places during the week. Then next weekend, they'll be doing a mobile rally around Bangkok. Then they're going to confront the police and tell them to move from their stationing areas. Following that, the protesters will move to a major shopping area.

The government can't argue with that plan, can they?

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Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

What will PTP do: Nothing stay in power and fill their pockets.....Maybe from time to time shoot a M79 grenade into the mob....

Look at the former Eastern block....every government was hated but they could stay in power for decades.

If you control police, military, courts and have a system to keep everyone in line than the people have no choices.

Someone has to take the moral high ground here and really appeal to a broad spectrum of people.

If the speeches revolve around stopping corruption and strengthening democracy, no one can argue. If it revolves around ignorant kwai and bring out the army, it doesn't mean anything.

Help and unite the country instead of splitting it even more. Wishing for a coup is not the answer. They need a gandhi, now where to find him.

Would i need a work permit?
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Apparently, if the government don't step down, the plan is for the protesters to collect blood and spread it in a couple of places during the week. Then next weekend, they'll be doing a mobile rally around Bangkok. Then they're going to confront the police and tell them to move from their stationing areas. Following that, the protesters will move to a major shopping area.

The government can't argue with that plan, can they?

Just in the news, police fired tear gas into protesters, i guess thats the 3rd party Chalerm was worried about

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Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

What will PTP do: Nothing stay in power and fill their pockets.....Maybe from time to time shoot a M79 grenade into the mob....

Look at the former Eastern block....every government was hated but they could stay in power for decades.

If you control police, military, courts and have a system to keep everyone in line than the people have no choices.

Someone has to take the moral high ground here and really appeal to a broad spectrum of people.

If the speeches revolve around stopping corruption and strengthening democracy, no one can argue. If it revolves around ignorant kwai and bring out the army, it doesn't mean anything.

Help and unite the country instead of splitting it even more. Wishing for a coup is not the answer. They need a gandhi, now where to find him.

Unfortunately that excludes most of the current crop of politicians! IMO a seachange will start with the people - it's difficult, but the poor need to say NO to corruption at all levels - that includes paying bribes to police, to paying to jump the line in the queue, to the higher echelons. Don't wait for the leaders to take the high moral ground - corruption and bending rules is how most of them got rich enough to actually gain political positions, which fosters more corruption. So it comes down to education of the young - most schools have 'ethics' lessons; lord knows what they learn in them!

The protest leader doesn't need to come from a politician or an army guy. This is why none if these protests represent the people.

No one protests all corruption. They only complain about the other sides corruption.

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Well that is the way to really take the power away from the authorities. Every speech should begin with a plea for peaceful protest.

If they won't fight, what will ptp do?

What will PTP do: Nothing stay in power and fill their pockets.....Maybe from time to time shoot a M79 grenade into the mob....

Look at the former Eastern block....every government was hated but they could stay in power for decades.

If you control police, military, courts and have a system to keep everyone in line than the people have no choices.

The comparison with Eastern Europe is absurd.All civilised countries control the police and army.In Thailand the military tend to be more independent.The courts in Thailand, though far from perfect, do aim at independence.In Thailand unpopular governments, such as the last one, can be voted out.So can this one if it falls out of favour with the Thai people.

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Let's see how this unfolds. Tense times.

I would say however it unfolds there will be problems....

If pitak really want to make a stir, cause no problem at all, go home and do it again next week.

Thailand needs a Gandhi.

Crowds in Gandhi's India had very little to lose and an enemy easy to identify or portray (foreign colonizer in uniforms). Beside, the non-violent posture of Gandhi fitted the Indian mentality/values.

Thailand's enemy is insidious. It comes from its own ranks, fool the people with a manipulative speech and acts in the background. As for violence, from clandestine cock fights (search for the details to understand how vicious it can be) to street fights and road rage, it emerges too often, as soon as the lid of social pressure is lifted.

I do believe indeed that a Gandhi would receive here little attention, probably have a few sympathizers ready to chat but no significant number of followers.

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Unfortunately that excludes most of the current crop of politicians! IMO a seachange will start with the people - it's difficult, but the poor need to say NO to corruption at all levels - that includes paying bribes to police, to paying to jump the line in the queue, to the higher echelons. Don't wait for the leaders to take the high moral ground - corruption and bending rules is how most of them got rich enough to actually gain political positions, which fosters more corruption. So it comes down to education of the young - most schools have 'ethics' lessons; lord knows what they learn in them!

Well I don't see how the majority of poor should understand that corruption is bad, if they see it on every level.....the honest policeman can not get any higher rank and is poor. The corrupt one gets promoted and has a big villa and new Mercedes. If you speed too much the honest one has to drive into the city loose hours pay 2000 Baht, the corrupt one gives 300 Baht and goes on. The corrupt kids will pass a good school, the honest one will fail.....

In every case from the point of the family you have to protect being corrupt is the better choice. Actually the only choice if all your surrounding is corrupt.

Corruption only gets bad when you face big troubles if caught.....

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Is anyone really that stupid?

To think that any other government is doing "better" for Thailand than this one?

That the next non-PT government will have the Messiah as PM, who will do good for all Thai- people?

That they will not rape the country as they like, fill their own pockets with corruption money and make laws for themselves and their own, giving highly paid jobs to their family and friends?

They will prevent floods, because of forward planning?

They will not have totally incompetent fools as high- ranking ministers?

Really, guys?


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Unfortunately that excludes most of the current crop of politicians! IMO a seachange will start with the people - it's difficult, but the poor need to say NO to corruption at all levels - that includes paying bribes to police, to paying to jump the line in the queue, to the higher echelons. Don't wait for the leaders to take the high moral ground - corruption and bending rules is how most of them got rich enough to actually gain political positions, which fosters more corruption. So it comes down to education of the young - most schools have 'ethics' lessons; lord knows what they learn in them!

This is indeed what should happen. I totally agree.

The problem is 1) the time-frame, 2) what will be the sufficient spark to break this current vicious circle

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