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Random Walking Street Assault By Thai Male


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Just not true... I never encountered any such negativity or attack against me in all my years that I come to Thailand... and Walking Street is on my program almost every time...

So, OP, maybe you should think about why such a thing can happen to you???

I agree. I any Thai want to make problem to a farang he certainly would not choose to do it on Walking Street where there are many polices and many cameras everywhere!

When I reported it to the "police" on walking street, they refused to listen to my complaint, and I was threatened and driven away.

Very true. The police were hostile and uncooperative. I am going to post this to youtube.

Where is the video?

The Tourist Police Volonters who stay in the middle of the entrance are here to help tourists and it's what I saw them do every night. I can't imagine any reason why they would threaten anyone ??

I don't say there is never fights on WS, but those I am aware were mainly from inside disco, very late in the night, with guys fully drunk and/or having bad behavior against some ladies...

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There is an underlying culture of violence against visitors in Thailand that is not acknowledged by the local safety officials that needs to be addressed.

Just not true... I never encountered any such negativity or attack against me in all my years that I come to Thailand... and Walking Street is on my program almost every time...

So, OP, maybe you should think about why such a thing can happen to you???

The most ridiculous reply I have read on the forum all day.

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I have had reports from tourists of seemingly mad men and/or women who attack, threaten and throw things at people in Walking Street even in the day time so I have no reason to doubt the story at all as some have nor do I think the OP caused it as some do. There are indeed, as another poster mentioned, crazed, drug induced and plain anti social types here who think foreigners are easy targets. I am, however, surprised that the Tourist Police reacted as reported.

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I think its the same Thai guy who threw a stone at me ,at my back actually about 2 weeks ago in Walking Street.

He has a mental illness im sure of it.,he threw it hard ,it hurt like hell too,but when i turned he started to run,the motorbike taxi drivers were laughing.

i still have the bruise,

He is known by the Police,problem is they would have to go to a lot of trouble to arrest him.

I did see him asking for money earlier on but never did approach me.

Im also told he defecates and throws it.

He really has to be careful because eventually a farang or group of farangs will chase him......and he will get the wrong farang.

Edited by terrychris
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"Visit Pattaya Walking street at your own peril."

Indeed. If you dont have things thrown at you then you will surely be overcharged within an inch of your life, or indeed just be bored to death.

Beats me why anyone goes there.

Because it's fun and not everyone is penny-pinching or worried about rare cases of violence.

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There is an underlying culture of violence against visitors in Thailand that is not acknowledged by the local safety officials that needs to be addressed.

Just not true... I never encountered any such negativity or attack against me in all my years that I come to Thailand... and Walking Street is on my program almost every time...

So, OP, maybe you should think about why such a thing can happen to you???

The most ridiculous reply I have read on the forum all day.

I've noticed from Swiss's earlier posts that he has a wife and daughter. I personally have never had a violence problem in Thailand, however, if ANYTHING bad happens to the wife or daughter, we here on TV can say with confidence that it is entirely their fault.

Hope they never get robbed raped or attacked. If so I would like to see Swiss standing over them in the hospital saying; "this never happened to me, so it must be your fault." How do you like them apples, Swiss?

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Very true. The police were hostile and uncooperative. I am going to post this to youtube.

a horrible thing to happen mate and I don't doubt your story

but TBH what did you expect the police to do, they are not miracle workers they cannot wave a wand and the perp will suddenly appear in front of you - in reality there's not much anyone could have done unless the guy was caught there and then and witnesses were willing to come forward, even then what was going to happen, you were not injured so it's hardly going to be a court case, that unfortunately is how it is here, plus with the ammount of serious crimes here with guns drugs etc nobody is going to pay much attention, sorry for the negativity but that is it really

Edited by smedly
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There is an underlying culture of violence against visitors in Thailand that is not acknowledged by the local safety officials that needs to be addressed.

Just not true... I never encountered any such negativity or attack against me in all my years that I come to Thailand... and Walking Street is on my program almost every time...

So, OP, maybe you should think about why such a thing can happen to you???

What a load of crap of a reply and very insensitive! Believe me bad things can happen to good people too!

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"Visit Pattaya Walking street at your own peril."

Indeed. If you dont have things thrown at you then you will surely be overcharged within an inch of your life, or indeed just be bored to death.

Beats me why anyone goes there.

Because it's fun and not everyone is penny-pinching or worried about rare cases of violence.


Not saying that the op's story is BS but in 11 years of having a bar on WS I've never seen anything like and some of the other comments on here a nonsense IMO.

Edited by davethailand
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The fact that the local raving loony hanging out on WS randomly selected the OP for this 'attack' isn't too much of a stretch.

However, the OP has slagged off the police, posted a picture of what could be a soft-toy and then mutters about making a scene on YouTube. He hasn't come back with anything relevant like WHAT police ignored his complaint which I think may be the only salient issue in this whole non-event.

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you say its a "fact"......?

"soft toy"......?

illogical nonsense. you discredit yourself.

Like I said, the OP hasn't come back and told us what variety of local police treated him so discourteously. The 'facts' of any alleged assault are still out there somewhere.

Illogical nonsense? You started it.

Sent from the Back 'o Bennachie with an Asus eePad Transformer TF201 thingumabob.

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Very true. The police were hostile and uncooperative. I am going to post this to youtube.

W Joe please give us the exact time this happened and exactly where on WS it happened (ie: 3.30am outside Insomnia)

Also which police did you report it too and where were they situated (ie: City Police at their table at Soi 16)

You posted the first report but to avoid skepticism and wrongful blame you need to provide better facts immediately.


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Nope.... still no real details about the police. How is the YouTube rant going?

Agree with you Nanlaew..posters like this just like stirring trouble with imaginery stories, but once asked for actual details to back up their rants, then details are non-existant. Whale Boy right now you are actually discrediting yourself---give us the 'real story' and the 'real facts' that we've all requested. Cheers.

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I actually witnessed this. Not a huge deal but quite strange and if it had hit an eye not so good. I didnt witness the police part so cant comment. I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen by some down and out thai guy. I also currently have 2 ladies on the beach that throw bottles at me if they see me. Have never spoken to either one and no idea what their problems are and dont want to know.

most thais are very nice but there are some that have mental problems, methamphetamine damage or advanced syphilis perhaps

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I actually witnessed this. Not a huge deal but quite strange and if it had hit an eye not so good. I didnt witness the police part so cant comment. I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen by some down and out thai guy. I also currently have 2 ladies on the beach that throw bottles at me if they see me. Have never spoken to either one and no idea what their problems are and dont want to know.

most thais are very nice but there are some that have mental problems, methamphetamine damage or advanced syphilis perhaps

You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

There's no denying that WS and the Coconut Bar has some local weirdo's. By the same token, there's a fair few farang weirdo's contributing to the myth as well as the truth.

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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime
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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime

Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights. Now, be a good witness and tell us which ones ignored your assault? I will make it easy for you (and the OP) and make it multiple choice.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers



Edited by NanLaew
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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime

Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights. Now, be a good witness and tell us which ones ignored your assault? I will make it easy for you (and the OP) and make it multiple choice.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers



is your point that some types of police will ignore acts of public violence? maybe you can let us know which ones so we dont have to waste our time asking them for assistance in future, or are you trying to make some other point that is alluding me?
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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime

Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights. Now, be a good witness and tell us which ones ignored your assault? I will make it easy for you (and the OP) and make it multiple choice.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers



is your point that some types of police will ignore acts of public violence? maybe you can let us know which ones so we dont have to waste our time asking them for assistance in future, or are you trying to make some other point that is alluding me?

Oh for crying out loud. Why does the OP and yourself have huge difficulty answering a simple question?

Yes, the local cops are indifferent... so what is new? If the OP and yourself both approached local cops (see A- above) then we will all know that waving our arms and shouting will get you nowhere... as if we didn't know this already. If either of you approached the other types of cops, then there is grounds for a complaint and the mechanism to do so. However, you both seem to resent giving any details about any aledged incident so you aint doing anyone any favours.

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This thread is weird--the OP won't post anymore once asked for actual clarification on what type of police were allegedly not helpful and his mate WANS comes out of the closet after 40 odd posts and says he saw the incident but also won't offer any information either. It's obvious now that this was all of a wind up and you guys actually are telling tall stories.

Although I must admit I had a big laugh with WANS reply to 'What type of police were they'--answer 'the ones that wear uniforms'...thanks for the hilarity. So now I'll repost my question from before....

(Quote...W Joe please give us the exact time this happened and exactly where on WS it happened (ie:: 3.30am outside Insomnia)

Also which police did you report it too and where were they situated (ie: City Police at their table at Soi 16)

You posted the first report but to avoid skepticism and wrongful blame you need to provide better facts immediately...Unquote)


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'WhalerJoe' the OP has some kind of a fishing lure thrown on him. Are you an avid angler who pissed off a similar local?

If it happened oustside Living Dolls ,as someone suggested earlier, then maybe it was a just a mis-directed stage prop ? Somewhat "fishy" either way !
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if you people want to think we make this stuff up good for you, Im not sure what your denial problem is. do you think I care what sort of policemen they were? I was kindof surprised the police ignored it and I think the large crowd of arabs and russians that came to my assistance thought it strange too, but who cares? I was just saying what happened. if its outside the realms of your little worlds then keep on trolling

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This thread is weird--the OP won't post anymore once asked for actual clarification on what type of police were allegedly not helpful and his mate WANS comes out of the closet after 40 odd posts and says he saw the incident but also won't offer any information either.

what information do you want to know? if it suits you just believe that a random Thai guy never threw a fishing barb at someone in walking street, if you need the certainty that we are lying just do it, not sure what you are trying to prove to yourself but if you have to do it go ahead Edited by wans
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if you people want to think we make this stuff up good for you, Im not sure what your denial problem is. do you think I care what sort of policemen they were? I was kindof suprised the police ignored it but I think the large crowd of arabs and russians that came to my assistance had a different opinion, but who cares? I was just saying what happened. if its outside the realms of your little worlds then keep on trolling

First I'm not saying this didn't happen - I believe you, but the issue with the police not wanting to do anything is a common misconception by the public, - what did you want them to do exactly ? and that's a question to you that I'd like you to answer but consider two things first, what you would have wanted them to do and what they actually could have done are often very much at odds, I can understand your frustration and I know exactly what went on with the police because I've seen it before - you reported the incident hoping to get some action but they did nothing and you got angry with them, the reality is there was absolutly nothing they could have done except take note of the event and try to keep a watchful eye

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