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Random Walking Street Assault By Thai Male


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if you people want to think we make this stuff up good for you, Im not sure what your denial problem is. do you think I care what sort of policemen they were? I was kindof suprised the police ignored it but I think the large crowd of arabs and russians that came to my assistance had a different opinion, but who cares? I was just saying what happened. if its outside the realms of your little worlds then keep on trolling

First I'm not saying this didn't happen - I believe you, but the issue with the police not wanting to do anything is a common misconception by the public, - what did you want them to do exactly ? and that's a question to you that I'd like you to answer but consider two things first, what you would have wanted them to do and what they actually could have done are often very much at odds, I can understand your frustration and I know exactly what went on with the police because I've seen it before - you reported the incident hoping to get some action but they did nothing and you got angry with them, the reality is there was absolutly nothing they could have done except take note of the event and try to keep a watchful eye

you may be confusing me with Joe, I didnt get angry with the police, I just saw them when I was being helped up after being punched out and noticed the guy that had punched me was prancing around behind them so I approached them and said the guy had just punched me out, I was in a state of shock so my recollections may be wrong, I didnt look at their uniforms, what I remember them saying was that the guy was mafia and they couldnt help me, as I say, my memory may not be to accurate as I had just regained consciousness, I just left, the long way because I was pretty sure the guy would attack me again if I walked past him again
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ah right sorry for the confusion, useful to note that the tourist police although labeled as "police" are far from it - "tourist mediators" might be closer to the mark and no insult intended as they generally do a good job IMO but asking them to take action against known mafia types here would be no different than you taking you own action - they'd be putting themselves at risk

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if you people want to think we make this stuff up good for you, Im not sure what your denial problem is. do you think I care what sort of policemen they were? I was kindof suprised the police ignored it but I think the large crowd of arabs and russians that came to my assistance had a different opinion, but who cares? I was just saying what happened. if its outside the realms of your little worlds then keep on trolling

First I'm not saying this didn't happen - I believe you, but the issue with the police not wanting to do anything is a common misconception by the public, - what did you want them to do exactly ? and that's a question to you that I'd like you to answer but consider two things first, what you would have wanted them to do and what they actually could have done are often very much at odds, I can understand your frustration and I know exactly what went on with the police because I've seen it before - you reported the incident hoping to get some action but they did nothing and you got angry with them, the reality is there was absolutly nothing they could have done except take note of the event and try to keep a watchful eye

you may be confusing me with Joe, I didnt get angry with the police, I just saw them when I was being helped up after being punched out and noticed the guy that had punched me was prancing around behind them so I approached them and said the guy had just punched me out, I was in a state of shock so my recollections may be wrong, I didnt look at their uniforms, what I remember them saying was that the guy was mafia and they couldnt help me, as I say, my memory may not be to accurate as I had just regained consciousness, I just left, the long way because I was pretty sure the guy would attack me again if I walked past him again

This is now beyond amazing--as after 62 posts WANS finally says he was also assaulted apparently by the same guy who allegedly threw the furry thing.

Anyway in his last post he has also inadvertantly cleared up the questions about the police that we wished to know.

As he's mentioned 'lots of Arabs and Russians' and 'behind them' we now know it was the City Hall Force (a salaried-no guns- force whose job it is to take care of vendors etc on WS, Beach Rd and Jomtien)) at their table near Soi 16. This is because Arabs and Russians do not go much past Tony's (other than a few couples) and the only other real Police are two Tourist Police stationed at the entrance to Walking Str with some volunteers (which is 10 minutes walk away). So my original example of possibly outside Insomnia was correct.

So to now sympathise with WANS and Joe a bit--these City Hall guys are window dressing only and would actually call the Police (or Tourist Police) if anything happened that required arrests etc. Also as a matter of information there is also a 3rd force of salaried City Hall guys/gals on WS who wear blue uniforms and have about the same amount of non-authority as the above City hall guys who wear brown uniforms.

I think we've nailed it and can go onto something else now.

Edited by thainet
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This is now beyond amazing--as after 62 posts WANS finally says he was also assaulted apparently by the same guy who allegedly threw the furry thing.

where did I say that? maybe you should go troll some other forum, or go take some reading classes
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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime

Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights. Now, be a good witness and tell us which ones ignored your assault? I will make it easy for you (and the OP) and make it multiple choice.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers



Here is a multiple choice for you which of the following are completely useless when it comes to stopping/solving crime in Pattaya? My vote is for D.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers

D- All of the above

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There is an underlying culture of violence against visitors in Thailand that is not acknowledged by the local safety officials that needs to be addressed.

Just not true... I never encountered any such negativity or attack against me in all my years that I come to Thailand... and Walking Street is on my program almost every time...

So, OP, maybe you should think about why such a thing can happen to you???

Excellent! I opened this thread just to see how long it would take to blame the victim. I thought four posts......

seem like the norm in thailand to blame the victim

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There is an underlying culture of violence against visitors in Thailand that is not acknowledged by the local safety officials that needs to be addressed.

Just not true... I never encountered any such negativity or attack against me in all my years that I come to Thailand... and Walking Street is on my program almost every time...

So, OP, maybe you should think about why such a thing can happen to you???

You want to tell us how many days out of the 365 each year you stay in Walking street, so we can decide if you're considered a reliable Walking street expert or not.

Considering you come on holiday, that might be 14 days out of 365 ? Failed.

How about 2-3 months a year for more than 5 years now in every season possible and knowing lot of people who go there / live there and never encounter that kind of problems?

My personal opinion: you look for trouble, you find trouble... and that includes being too drunk in the wrong places at the wrong time of day

I rarely go to WS yet I have seen a falang attacked by a LB who cut his head open with a bottle. The falang had rejected the LB's advances. Would you reckon that perhaps this falang was looking for trouble also?

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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime

Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights. Now, be a good witness and tell us which ones ignored your assault? I will make it easy for you (and the OP) and make it multiple choice.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers



'Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights'

Are you for real!

Hardly anyone at all knows that there are 3 'flavours' of police in Walking Street. To most of us a copper is a copper and they are there to help the public regardless of what colour their uniforms are.

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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime

Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights. Now, be a good witness and tell us which ones ignored your assault? I will make it easy for you (and the OP) and make it multiple choice.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers



'Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights'

Are you for real!

Hardly anyone at all knows that there are 3 'flavours' of police in Walking Street. To most of us a copper is a copper and they are there to help the public regardless of what colour their uniforms are.

Ah yes Grasshopper... you have much to learn.

This is Thailand and they don't have coppers anything like what you call a copper.

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You are as bad as the OP. You say, "I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen"... excuse me? What bloody policemen!!

they are the ones that wear the police uniforms. if you try really hard you might see some around sometime

Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights. Now, be a good witness and tell us which ones ignored your assault? I will make it easy for you (and the OP) and make it multiple choice.

A- Regular Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka MIB

B- Foreign and Thai nationality brown shirt cops aka Pattaya Police Volunteers

C- Foreign and Thai nationality black shirt cops aka Tourist Police Volunteers



'Everyone knows that there are 3 flavours of police working on WS most nights'

Are you for real!

Hardly anyone at all knows that there are 3 'flavours' of police in Walking Street. To most of us a copper is a copper and they are there to help the public regardless of what colour their uniforms are.

Many different shades of police in Pattaya, but all shady. You can see them daily "protecting and serving" the jet ski scammers.

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ah right sorry for the confusion, useful to note that the tourist police although labeled as "police" are far from it - "tourist mediators" might be closer to the mark and no insult intended as they generally do a good job IMO but asking them to take action against known mafia types here would be no different than you taking you own action - they'd be putting themselves at risk

The ONE thing they are NOT & that is POLICE.

They are volunteers & have NO powers. They are to assist & seem to do that most of the time , but they cannot assist if you don't make them aware.

But , they are not a Police Unit & you cannot expect them to act accordingly although there are those among them who 'strut' as if they have got some sort of power but you get that in any organisation with uniforms

Ho Hum !

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I actually witnessed this. Not a huge deal but quite strange and if it had hit an eye not so good. I didnt witness the police part so cant comment. I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen by some down and out thai guy. I also currently have 2 ladies on the beach that throw bottles at me if they see me. Have never spoken to either one and no idea what their problems are and dont want to know.

most thais are very nice but there are some that have mental problems, methamphetamine damage or advanced syphilis perhaps

What bothers me is that in most countries....at least mine.....if someone, anyone really, but especially an obvious visitor to the country was attacked on the street for no reason, people on the street would immediately come to the foreigners rescue, call police, make a report, offer sympathy to the victim etc.

Thai people will not do this. Full stop. Why, I don't know....in fact I would reckon that if you are attacked and try to fight back in any way, even just yelling "<deleted> you", most likely scenario would be more Thais attacking you.

Boggles the mindblink.png

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I actually witnessed this. Not a huge deal but quite strange and if it had hit an eye not so good. I didnt witness the police part so cant comment. I have also been attacked on walking st, in front of 3 thai policemen by some down and out thai guy. I also currently have 2 ladies on the beach that throw bottles at me if they see me. Have never spoken to either one and no idea what their problems are and dont want to know.

most thais are very nice but there are some that have mental problems, methamphetamine damage or advanced syphilis perhaps

What bothers me is that in most countries....at least mine.....if someone, anyone really, but especially an obvious visitor to the country was attacked on the street for no reason, people on the street would immediately come to the foreigners rescue, call police, make a report, offer sympathy to the victim etc.

Thai people will not do this. Full stop. Why, I don't know....in fact I would reckon that if you are attacked and try to fight back in any way, even just yelling "<deleted> you", most likely scenario would be more Thais attacking you.

Boggles the mindblink.png

This is a complete generalisation. I don't even think it's true of Pattaya, but it certainly isn't true about Thailand as a whole. Some people seem to live in an imaginary bubble, where all Thais are out to get them!

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Not sure if he is still around, but there was a filthy Thai guy who literally throws his own crap at tourists on WS. I saw him do it and watched the tourists report it to the police there at the start of the street, nothing was done about it. They didn't even go look for the guy. Seems they are perfectly OK with some whacked out Thai guy throwing poo at tourists. Another tourist close to me was trying to video the whole thing and the tourist police rushed him and started busting his chops about it telling him he wasn't allowed to video there. I'm sure they have been instructed to try to keep such incidents isolated now with so many negative videos popping up on youtube and facebook.

The family destination. Be sure to bring the kids. clap2.gif

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Not sure if he is still around, but there was a filthy Thai guy who literally throws his own crap at tourists on WS. I saw him do it and watched the tourists report it to the police there at the start of the street, nothing was done about it. They didn't even go look for the guy. Seems they are perfectly OK with some whacked out Thai guy throwing poo at tourists. Another tourist close to me was trying to video the whole thing and the tourist police rushed him and started busting his chops about it telling him he wasn't allowed to video there. I'm sure they have been instructed to try to keep such incidents isolated now with so many negative videos popping up on youtube and facebook.

The family destination. Be sure to bring the kids. clap2.gif

hes still there, usually round pattaya tai near the temple, saw a down and out ladyboy waving a big stick at anyone that tried walking down that side of the street last night, theres no money in it for the police to want to get involved Edited by wans
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Any police officer has to prioritize as well. That may mean that 'bruised ego' type aggressions (spilled drinks, thrown fishing lures, someone giving you mean/condescending looks, etc.) sometimes have to be filed in the recycle bin.


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