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How To " Manage Attachments "


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Is there a way of managing attachments - i.e. the various files I have uploaded over the years - so that they are grouped into separate folders?

Originally my uploads were in several appropriately-named folders, so I could easily find a particular image and add it to a post.

Now, all the uploads are presented in one long list over many pages - sorted by upload date, probably - so it is very hard to find what I want.

Are there any plans to update the software to give a more user-friendly way of managing our attachments?

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Hi Jester in BKK, w00t.gif

Are there any plans to update the software to give a more user-friendly way of managing our attachments?

I really hope so for all of you coffee1.gif

Me, I am on Pbase


All nice and tidy.wai.gif Thank you whistling.gif

Win thumbsup.gif

Never heard of Pbase before - very nice! I see you've been to Lampang - me too, although I never did get to go to Bhumibol Dam. Kept driving past the sign on the main road, but it was always: "I'll have a look tomorrow". sad.png

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