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Americans Fight For Right To Bear Arms - At Work


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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

Edited by Jingthing
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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

American culture is diseased in many ways.

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I don't have a comment on guns in glove boxes at work.

What seems to be getting lost in all the noise about guns is the fact that an employer has the right to search my private vehicle as a condition of employment.

If it's legal to possess, in my glove box, and never sees the light of day while I'm at work, it's none of their fricking business what's in my car.

Whether they find a gun or the bottle of wine I'm bringing to a dinner after work, if I don't touch it during work, they shouldn't have anything to say about what's locked up in my vehicle.

They can already make you pee in a cup on a whim, and fire you for what you post online- even if it's not related to their business.

What comes next?

Nobody makes you pee in a cup. Your free to not work for the company. Your also free to NOT park on the premises of the company and then they can't search your car.

What next--they probably won't let you smoke at work. Maybe not drink either.

Edited by Credo
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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

American culture is diseased in many ways.

Like all other cultures, I reckon. Every culture has it's own pros and cons.
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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

And do you really think a rule or law like that is going to deter a disgruntled/disturbed employee from bringing his weapon from home?

I don't think this is about safety, more likely about liability issues for insurance companies.

Edited by beechguy
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everybody should be allowed to carry a gun anywhere anytime.

much safer......would you steel from an armed person ?

Would u pull a gun in public ?

Gangsters,pimps,frauds.......would not last that long.

Racism will disappaer instandly.

A lot of agression would end much sooner.

Or am i wrong?

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Nobody makes you pee in a cup. Your free to not work for the company. Your also free to NOT park on the premises of the company and then they can't search your car.

Yeah, and I'm free not to fly on airplanes if I don't want my junk x-rayed, and I'm free to stay at home if I don't want to tell the nice immigrations guy the purpose of my trip to Thailand.

Question is, how far down the slippery slope will we go before saying it's enough.

What's next? We'll search your pockets looking for meds your doctor has prescribed that may indicate you're an insurance risk. We'll be asking you to give us a waiver so your doctor can send your medical records direct to us so we can fire you just before you need the insurance... We'll be taking DNA samples to make sure you have no markers for expensive. long term diseases. Got diabetes, cancer, MS, or any of the indicators? You're fired.

Your kid having trouble at school? That will probably distract you from your job. Bye Bye.

Got a mistress? Getting a divorce? So long, that can't be good for the company.

Most of the stuff your talking about can be found out by checking your facebook page--or your wife's, or your brother's or sister's.

I am afraid we are pretty near the bottom of that slippery slope and most of us went willingly down the path.

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They are pushing the self defense apect of this, but there are a lot of hunters in those states and it can be convenient to carry equipment to hunt before or after work.

laugh.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gif Funniest thing I've heard on a while, thank you

Why? I worked at an Army National Guard Airfield, that allowed hunting on the property, someone had a deer stand, if you know what that is, setup about 150 yards from my hangar. Plenty of people hunted and fished on the way to work, or on the way home.

Again, so far as safety, do people really think a law is going to stop someone from carrying a weapon in and shooting

their co-worker or supervisor?

Ok, so a concealed weapon is bound to be . . . a pistol of sorts. Do you go hunting with a pistol?

Do you know what the percentage of urban vs rural is in the US?

Sorry, but the argument about hunting with pistols doesn't cut it - it is a straw man argument

everybody should be allowed to carry a gun anywhere anytime.

much safer......would you steel from an armed person ?

Would u pull a gun in public ?

Gangsters,pimps,frauds.......would not last that long.

Racism will disappaer instandly.

A lot of agression would end much sooner.

Or am i wrong?

Yes, you are wrong

Edited by Sing_Sling
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everybody should be allowed to carry a gun anywhere anytime.

much safer......would you steel from an armed person ?

Would u pull a gun in public ?

Gangsters,pimps,frauds.......would not last that long.

Racism will disappaer instandly.

A lot of agression would end much sooner.

Or am i wrong?

You are accurate on one point.

"A lot of agression would end much sooner."

at about 1,150 ft per second

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The guns in the glove boxes will find their way into the workplaces. The next time there is a mass shooting at a workplace, the right wing "painstream" media will say this is a bad time to talk about gun control, show some respect for the dead. Then later, nobody will talk about it. American culture is diseased in this way.

And do you really think a rule or law like that is going to deter a disgruntled/disturbed employee from bringing his weapon from home?

I don't think this is about safety, more likely about liability issues for insurance companies.

And if a registered CCW gun owner is prohibited from having his legal firearm at work and suffers serious injury or death from not being able to protect himself, what kind of lawsuit might that evoke? All such a regulation does is insure that a disgruntled employee will meet no resistance in carrying out his carnage because when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Even if it is insurance premium related, it is more likely companies (insurance and otherwise) wagging their tails and licking Obama's boots for the next stimulus handout.

Well I suppose the good news will be Obamacare will take care of you if you survive.sick.gif

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Republican-dominated legislatures in at least four US states are planning to consider allowing employees to bring guns to work, turning two of the party’s traditional constituencies against each other: gun-rights supporters and businesses.

I just luv it when Republicans in the U.S. form a circular firing squad of themselves and of a couple of their rapidly dwindling constituencies. .

And yes, the Democratic Party has many solutions to the problems of guns in the United States, but as long as the NRA remains strong and well funded - and with Republicans in majority control of the U.S. House of Representatives - we won't see any more Democratic Party passed gun measures such as the one we got while Bill Clinton was prez - a ban on the sale, purchase, ownership, possession of military assault weapons.

I like the Brit on CNN each morning (Thai time) Piers Morgan, who is just so astounded and astonished by the number of guns in the U.S. that he makes it a regular feature of his daily program. Not every day, but he's the only guy on TV in the U.S. regularly and consistently talking about gun control in the U.S. I own a handgun in the United States and I strongly advocate new laws that govern the purchase of guns at gun shows. It's already tough to buy a guy at a gun shop in town, but there aren't any restrictions on buying a firearm at a gun show, which is of course where the so many of crazies go to get their guns.

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I'm from the United States, but this is not the country that I remember. Maybe it never was. Maybe the United States is a fantasy created by people who live there to justify their moral sense of self worth and their place in the world. I wonder if a people can see them doom coming. Too bad they are creating it themselves.

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Hardly wait for the replies to this. wink.png

They are pushing the self defense apect of this, but there are a lot of hunters in those states and it can be convenient to carry equipment to hunt before or after work.

laugh.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gif Funniest thing I've heard on a while, thank you

Not that funny at all or strange. I worked in a small factory in a small town in Georgia, USA and some of the workers were big time hunters. Even had a woman come interview for a secretary job and all she could talk about was getting back to her deer stand.

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