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Dengue Fever Rampant In Pattaya


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There seems to be an epidemic of sorts in Pattaya at present. Several individuals in my Moo Baan are struck down by Dengue fever. Yesterday I was at a local hospital and met an acquaintance who had just been released from hospital after four days. He really didn't look good as he had had the worst type (type 4), and he said his liver was still in pretty bad shape.

Talked to my doctor about this and he confirmed that they were seeing large number of Dengue cases at the moment.

I had the disease myself a few years ago and although I had the mildest form it was still pretty bad, so I suggest you all cover up and use a Deet containing spray day and night!

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I've been talking to two local residents about Dengue over the last couple of days. One had it a couple of weeks ago, and the other told me that his son had just got over it. A third person I spoke to seemed to be showing all the symptoms and I advised him to get a check up.

All these people live in houses or very low-rise apartment buildings and often seem to get bitten, and I'm just glad my balcony is on a very high floor.

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I have suffered from it once and hopefully never again, I do now take precautions DEET etc. I was led to believe that as the dry season has now started it should be on the demise?

Edited by RabC
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It can be a false sense of security if you think they avoid you. Different people have different reactions to mosquito bites (I'm talking about "ordinary" bites, not malaria, dengue, etc). On a flight to Bangkok once, I talked to a doctor specializing in tropical diseases and mentioned how I never got bitten. He said there was a very high probability that I was, it's just that my body wasn't creating the "normal" reaction to many bites -- small swelling and itching -- with every type of mosquito. IOW, I (and probably you) are being bitten, but simply not seeing/experiencing any physical reaction from our immune system.

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I live in the Eakmongkol 8 village in South Pattaya and I've heard that three adults and two children from the village have recently been hospitalised with dengue fever. It seems that the very late end to the rainy season, with heavy rain almost every day in November, resulted in ideal breeding conditions for the mosquitoes that spread it. I've been told that these are mostly the daytime-biting mosquitoes, and indeed out in the garden during the day for the first two weeks of December I had to be very careful of the big black aggressive mosquitoes that seemed to be everywhere. I assume that these were the Aedes Aegypti mosquito that is the main carrier of the dengue virus? They are not in the least bit subtle like the little s*ds that bite you on the ankle when you aren't looking, they just attack you straight on. Luckily that makes them very easy to swat. They now seem to have abated, at least from my garden, but I am keeping the fly screens closed and being as careful as I can not to let any mossies of any sort into the house, and not to get bitten while outside. Good luck everyone, it's a jungle out there!

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I've been talking to two local residents about Dengue over the last couple of days. One had it a couple of weeks ago, and the other told me that his son had just got over it. A third person I spoke to seemed to be showing all the symptoms and I advised him to get a check up.

All these people live in houses or very low-rise apartment buildings and often seem to get bitten,

yeah well.................. unsure.png

How high do mosquitoes fly?

In general, mosquitoes that bite humans prefer to fly at heights of less than 25 ft. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes have been found breeding in treeholes over 40 feet above ground. In Singapore, they have been found in apartments 21 stories above ground. Mosquitoes have been found breeding up to 8,000 feet in the Himalayas and 2000 feet underground in mines in India.

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I live in the Eakmongkol 8 village in South Pattaya and I've heard that three adults and two children from the village have recently been hospitalised with dengue fever. It seems that the very late end to the rainy season, with heavy rain almost every day in November, resulted in ideal breeding conditions for the mosquitoes that spread it. I've been told that these are mostly the daytime-biting mosquitoes, and indeed out in the garden during the day for the first two weeks of December I had to be very careful of the big black aggressive mosquitoes that seemed to be everywhere. I assume that these were the Aedes Aegypti mosquito that is the main carrier of the dengue virus? They are not in the least bit subtle like the little s*ds that bite you on the ankle when you aren't looking, they just attack you straight on. Luckily that makes them very easy to swat. They now seem to have abated, at least from my garden, but I am keeping the fly screens closed and being as careful as I can not to let any mossies of any sort into the house, and not to get bitten while outside. Good luck everyone, it's a jungle out there!

i have a whole arsenal of weapons - a mozzie zapper that you plug in to the electric socket after you put a small

blue scented mat inside- seems to work very well. And then a tennis racket which fries them.

Its very entertaining just before dawn when you can wave this thing around and see all the mozzies light up

in blue as they get cooked. laugh.png

Plus i have 2 layers of mozzie screens on the doors thumbsup.gif

and have you ever noticed they love to hide or rest amongst laundry that is drying

outside. In the morning just shake the laundry and you will see them all flying off.

That is when i get them with my tennis racket !

and dont forget this little tip

5. Mosquitoes Don’t Like Fans

You can use creams, sprays, candles, and more, but a great mosquito repellent that doesn’t leave you smelling like…well, mosquito repellent…is a fan. Because of their incredibly light weight, it is difficult for mosquitoes to maneuver their flight and even more difficult to steady themselves on a target.

Edited by Asiantravel
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Given the choice, mosquitoes seek out warmth, so will avoid the area covered by a fan. Air conditioning cools the whole room, so they will go for your nice warm skin. There are different varieties of Dengue; catching one variety makes you immune to that strain but if you catch one of the others later on you may die. We had some cases of Dengue up here near Buriram and inspectors came around to warn about stagnant pools of water and distributed a (for fish and humans) powder which kills mosquito larvae.

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I've been talking to two local residents about Dengue over the last couple of days. One had it a couple of weeks ago, and the other told me that his son had just got over it. A third person I spoke to seemed to be showing all the symptoms and I advised him to get a check up.

All these people live in houses or very low-rise apartment buildings and often seem to get bitten,

yeah well.................. unsure.png

How high do mosquitoes fly?

In general, mosquitoes that bite humans prefer to fly at heights of less than 25 ft. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes have been found breeding in treeholes over 40 feet above ground. In Singapore, they have been found in apartments 21 stories above ground.

"Have been found" being the important part. Mosquitoes "have been found" in aeroplanes at 30,000 feet also, but you will never see them flying around outside at that altitude. They get in at the airport.

On rare occasions mosquitoes get into the elevators and end up on high floors. I've seen them in my building also, but never in my room. And what I know for a fact is that I can sit on my balcony all day and all night in my shorts and never even see or hear a mosquito, let alone be bitten by one, because it is just too high up. Down at ground level it is a completely different story.

As for the Himalayas, yes of course you get mosquitoes there but they still generally stay within a few 10s of feet of ground level (ground level not being sea level).

But dont take my word for it: ask the medical staff here whether people with Dengue tend to live at ground level or higher up.

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You can get mosquito lotion in every 7-11 in Thailand. Can't remember the name but its in a single use sachet or a bottle and its pink.

It's called Soffell and it has a Deet content of 12%. In Big C I've found a repellent called Wild Lives with a Deet content of 28%. Yet the last time I was abroad I found a repellent with a Deet content of 98%. Anyone seen this in Thailand?

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just a good tip.... if travelling from UK to places where Malaria or Dengue is common. Go to or order SKIN SO SOFT from AVON COSMETICS... there is an ingredient that drives Mosquitoes away.... Many guys i worked with in Nigeria used it and never got infected... Mozzies will buzz around you but wont bite

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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just a good tip.... if travelling from UK to places where Malaria or Dengue is common. Go to or order SKIN SO SOFT from AVON COSMETICS... there is an ingredient that drives Mosquitoes away.... Many guys i worked with in Nigeria used it and never got infected... Mozzies will buzz around you but wont bite

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

+1 to the avon product. I just ordered 5 more bottles that my mom will be bringing out here when she visits in a few weeks. The stuff does NOT contain deet and is very safe for use on both adults and children.

http://www.amazon.co...ds=skin so soft

The active ingredient is Picaridin.

In 2000 the World Health Organization proclaimed that, due to its safety, effectiveness and cosmetic properties, Picaridin was their recommended product for repelling the mosquitos that carry Malaria. They noted that under some circumstances it was more effective than DEET.

Dermatological testing has shown that Picaridin is almost odorless and not irritating to the skin (a major drawback to DEET insect repellents). The Jan-Feb 2004 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology declared it to be "as effective and less irritating than diethyl toluamide (DEET)".

In 2005 the US Centers for Disease Control revised it's mosquito repellent recommendations to include Picaridin in their list of products which are effective in preventing against the transmission of West Nile Disease. Also added to the list was a naturally-derived product, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. Products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus offer mosquito protection comparable to low-concentration DEET repellents.

Picaridin has also has been tested for effects on various household substances and has been shown to cause no major damage to plastics, sealents, plastic coatings or other synthetics.


Edited by Jayman
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I've been talking to two local residents about Dengue over the last couple of days. One had it a couple of weeks ago, and the other told me that his son had just got over it. A third person I spoke to seemed to be showing all the symptoms and I advised him to get a check up.

All these people live in houses or very low-rise apartment buildings and often seem to get bitten,

yeah well.................. unsure.png

How high do mosquitoes fly?

In general, mosquitoes that bite humans prefer to fly at heights of less than 25 ft. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes have been found breeding in treeholes over 40 feet above ground. In Singapore, they have been found in apartments 21 stories above ground.

"Have been found" being the important part. Mosquitoes "have been found" in aeroplanes at 30,000 feet also, but you will never see them flying around outside at that altitude. They get in at the airport.

On rare occasions mosquitoes get into the elevators and end up on high floors. I've seen them in my building also, but never in my room. And what I know for a fact is that I can sit on my balcony all day and all night in my shorts and never even see or hear a mosquito, let alone be bitten by one, because it is just too high up. Down at ground level it is a completely different story.

As for the Himalayas, yes of course you get mosquitoes there but they still generally stay within a few 10s of feet of ground level (ground level not being sea level).

But dont take my word for it: ask the medical staff here whether people with Dengue tend to live at ground level or higher up.

i was on level 11 in a South Pattaya condo and they were constantly a nuisance

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