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Hillary Clinton Missing As G O P Refuses To Confirm Kerry As Secretary Of State


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There was an interesting article in yesterday's LA Times. It is now being debated and discussed on CNN Int'l extensively as I watch.

Hillary Rodham Clinton leaves her post as secretary of State next month with a split judgment on her diplomatic career: She's won rave reviews from the American public and the president, but maybe not a prominent place in the diplomatic history books.

I think I agree with these quotes.

But scholars and diplomatic insiders say she has never dominated issues of war and peace in the manner of predecessors Dean Acheson or Henry Kissinger, or laid down an enduring diplomatic doctrine.

I do agree that she has successfully changed US engagement diplomatically away from G.W. Bush's aggressive go it alone in spite of what allies think approach, and has put diplomacy back in the State Dept. I would say she has been a good steward of the position, and it has greatly increased her political currency and popularlity, but on the merits as Secretary, I'd agree she has not been a transformational figure.

But here is her coup:

Job approval ratings for the former senator and first lady are at stratospheric levels, suggesting that her four years as chief U.S. diplomat could be an important asset if she runs for president in 2016.


She's done a good job in difficult times. Lot going on behind the scenes for sure from Israel, Eygpt, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Japan nuclear crisis, Russia, China, Euro derailing, Mexican Drug war, Venezuala, and Africa issues. Tough job.

Almost forgot Syria, Afghanastan, Jordon and . . . Well just the entire Middle East.

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Almost forgot Syria, Afghanastan, Jordon and . . . Well just the entire Middle East.

The Arab Spring and the Syrian conflict could easily have gone extremely South with devastating consequences for the region and the global economy. I think she's managed it very well. But there is still plenty to do, and if (or probably when) Syria falls to the Sunni, that could rapidly escalate into something explosive. I hope her replacement is on their game.

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Almost forgot Syria, Afghanastan, Jordon and . . . Well just the entire Middle East.

The Arab Spring and the Syrian conflict could easily have gone extremely South with devastating consequences for the region and the global economy.

It is WAY too soon to say how well those have turned out or will turn out, let alone what the ultimate consequences will be. I'm also not sure how much Sec. Clinton can rightly be assigned praise or criticism for how they have gone so far.

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She's done a good job in difficult times. Lot going on behind the scenes for sure from Israel, Eygpt, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Japan nuclear crisis, Russia, China, Euro derailing, Mexican Drug war, Venezuala, and Africa issues. Tough job.

Almost forgot Syria, Afghanastan, Jordon and . . . Well just the entire Middle East.

Unless they've moved it, Afghanistan is not in the Middle East. :)

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Almost forgot Syria, Afghanastan, Jordon and . . . Well just the entire Middle East.

The Arab Spring and the Syrian conflict could easily have gone extremely South with devastating consequences for the region and the global economy.

It is WAY too soon to say how well those have turned out or will turn out, let alone what the ultimate consequences will be. I'm also not sure how much Sec. Clinton can rightly be assigned praise or criticism for how they have gone so far.

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It's not too soon to observe that the controlled fall of certain regimes has not domino'd into the Gulf, where it would cause serious grief.

That has to be the biggest threat I would think.

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OK. The fix is in. John Kerry confirmed as Secretary of State. Vote of 94 - 3. Impressive.

The NO votes: Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, both of Texas, and Sen. James Inhofe (Okla).

Also, Hillary Clinton exiting her positions says she is not inclined to run for president in 2016.

I'm not inclined to believe her. coffee1.gif


“I will do what I can, whether or not it is up to me to make a decision on my own future — I right now am not inclined to do that — but I will do everything I can to make sure that women compete at the highest levels not only in the United States, but around the world.”
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Hilary will have one other thing going for her that will overshadow any other Democratic or Republican candidate on the radar right now: she is the most qualified person to run for President since George Bush Sr.. Her resume is now complete, extensive, diverse, and impressive. It's true we've had other great Presidents with lesser qualifications (Reagan/Clinton), but at least on paper, all the others pale by comparison.

This was, and still is, the big knock on Obama - that he was unqualified for the job. That criticism disappears with Hilary.

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I hate to say this but it's the truth. Hillary isn't looking so good these days. Her age is showing and it will show more in four years. Culturally, this is going to a bigger issue politically for a woman than it would be for a man. This might be a factor in her eventual decision not to run or even her losing if she does run.

Imagine a Hillary as dynamic (younger) as she was in 2008 with her added experience at State running. Might as well just have a coronation.

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I hate to say this but it's the truth. Hillary isn't looking so good these days. Her age is showing and it will show more in four years. Culturally, this is going to a bigger issue politically for a woman than it would be for a man. This might be a factor in her eventual decision not to run or even her losing if she does run.

Imagine a Hillary as dynamic (younger) as she was in 2008 with her added experience at State running. Might as well just have a coronation.

Nothing wrong with her that a couple weeks at the Fat Farm and a little Botox won't spruce up nicely.

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I hate to say this but it's the truth. Hillary isn't looking so good these days. Her age is showing and it will show more in four years. Culturally, this is going to a bigger issue politically for a woman than it would be for a man. This might be a factor in her eventual decision not to run or even her losing if she does run.

Imagine a Hillary as dynamic (younger) as she was in 2008 with her added experience at State running. Might as well just have a coronation.

Nothing wrong with her that a couple weeks at the Fat Farm and a little Botox won't spruce up nicely.

I hope so. I don't think the public would hold that or more major cosmetic surgery against her either. However, she has to be careful. A politician needs to communicate with some facial clues. If they tighten her too much, she will be limited. Whatever she does, she should not call Michael Jackson's docs.
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I hate to say this but it's the truth. Hillary isn't looking so good these days. Her age is showing and it will show more in four years. Culturally, this is going to a bigger issue politically for a woman than it would be for a man. This might be a factor in her eventual decision not to run or even her losing if she does run.

Imagine a Hillary as dynamic (younger) as she was in 2008 with her added experience at State running. Might as well just have a coronation.

Nothing wrong with her that a couple weeks at the Fat Farm and a little Botox won't spruce up nicely.

I hope so. I don't think the public would hold that or more major cosmetic surgery against her either. However, she has to be careful. A politician needs to communicate with some facial clues. If they tighten her too much, she will be limited. Whatever she does, she should not call Michael Jackson's docs.

Au contraire, I'd say they need a Poker face....

(I say that because with some of the crap they utter, I'm amazed they can keep a straight face).

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Actually, the last few times I saw her on TV, I would have to agree with other posters she wasn't looking so good. First she had a pony tail, and it was not appropriate and looked more like someone who was in a hurry. Her face looked either puffy or a little fat. She may need to just diet and get some rest. She is looking more haggard and worn-out than old.

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The vote was 94-3 to confirm the rat kerry, with one upstanding citizen taking the spineless obama route & voting "present".


Maybe the slacker will be forced to do some work for a change.

MSM predicting Egypt can easily fall into civil war soon.

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I had the privilege of seeing Kerry's leadership in person at anti-war demonstrations for Vietnam Vets Against the War. He was impressive then and he is impressive now. That his fellow senators voted for him almost unanimously is telling as well. I wonder if that level of approval votes was a record?

If he is a rat, then being a rat is something good Americans should probably aspire to. coffee1.gif


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The vote was 94-3 to confirm the rat kerry, with one upstanding citizen taking the spineless obama route & voting "present".


The person voting "present" was John Kerry! Should he have voted for himself, or voted no instead? Hmmm.....

I heard Jane Fonda's applied for a diplomatic post! Her pal John is interested!

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