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Policies Threaten Economy: Abhisit


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Ok so Thailand and Cambodia have the worst Gini coefficient in all of asia, with the exception of Communist China. whats your point?

It's hard not to lose patience with those who can't even interpret a simple statistic, but I'll spell it out for you.

During the period from 2000-2004 the percentage of national income received by the lower socio-economic quintiles increased relative to the higher ones, unlike the preceding period (1996-2000).

Get the point yet?

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wasn't that the whole setup ?

some family wanted their frozen billions back, but was not possible

what better way to come up with the biggest scam in thai history ?

government paying mills overinflated prices for non excisting or shadow exported and magically re-imported rice flow

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I see we have the Richteacher rewriting history again. The MO seems to be if you post the same rubbish again & again - it might become fact.

Thaksin didn't 'solve' the 'Tom Yum' crisis caused by Thailand (wasn't he in Chavalit's government then?). The Dems led by Chuan Leekpai had to pick up the pieces. Yes, there was a huge FIDF bail-out that has not gone away despite PTP's efforts to sweep 1.1Tn odd under the carpet. That & off-budget loans are not included in the country's current debt.

I don't dispute that Thaksin did some good things for the country. Free medical care was one but grossly underfunded leading to any who voiced that opinion being removed from their position. However, the corruption was massive & still exists in his party today.

It is a sorry reflection on the ethics & morality of posters who choose to ignore the (far bigger) corruption side while spinning the positive side. It is individuals like Thaksin who send countries into ruin - Berlisconi, Mugabe, Idi Amin & Thaksin - all corrupt & power hungry.

Thaksin and his business cronies basically vowed that they were never going to let their business interests be in the hands of a politician.

Some would say that the overall performance if the economy from 2000 on might suggest he was right. Korn is the smartest of them all.

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I enjoy a good economic argument as, so it seems, do many of us here. I cannot help but wonder why the arguments alway are so politically slanted. I assume that most of us here are not Thai citizens, cannot vote, and therefore cannot influence the outcome. So why get so excited about it?

I usually do not bother to read the political threads because they are just mud-slinging at each other.

Any chance of a discussion that is based purely on fact and reason? No, I thought not.

Happy New Year everyone. wai2.gif

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Maybe if previous Governments/Army over the past 50 years had thought about helping the farmers/other less well off with education, economic opportunity etc, then maybe the power vacuum which Thaksin stepped into and abused would never have been created.

Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted for the old political and Army General Bangkok families.

This problem isn't only confined to Thailand , take a good look at the countries around her, except for Malaysia, Singapore and H.K. who all had British rule and Values knocked into them, the rest are all junta unrepresented rabble , ask yourself, who runs the government of Thailand my friend, the Generals in Charge of the departments , a trade off for free elections, so who does run Thailand???? it ain't Yingluckbah.gif

Myanmar had british rule.

Cambodia and Vietnam were French colonies, (French Indochina)

I rest my case your honour

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Excellent points, everyone with any credibility would agree, thaksinomics is a recipe for financial ruin.

Khun Abhisit is very negative in his views. His out comes when in power do not impress. It is likely that that he (Khun Abisit ) is still trying to pull down the present government by fear mongering.
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I see we have the Richteacher rewriting history again. The MO seems to be if you post the same rubbish again & again - it might become fact.

Thaksin didn't 'solve' the 'Tom Yum' crisis caused by Thailand (wasn't he in Chavalit's government then?). The Dems led by Chuan Leekpai had to pick up the pieces. Yes, there was a huge FIDF bail-out that has not gone away despite PTP's efforts to sweep 1.1Tn odd under the carpet. That & off-budget loans are not included in the country's current debt.

I don't dispute that Thaksin did some good things for the country. Free medical care was one but grossly underfunded leading to any who voiced that opinion being removed from their position. However, the corruption was massive & still exists in his party today.

It is a sorry reflection on the ethics & morality of posters who choose to ignore the (far bigger) corruption side while spinning the positive side. It is individuals like Thaksin who send countries into ruin - Berlisconi, Mugabe, Idi Amin & Thaksin - all corrupt & power hungry.

Thaksin and his business cronies basically vowed that they were never going to let their business interests be in the hands of a politician.

Some would say that the overall performance if the economy from 2000 on might suggest he was right. Korn is the smartest of them all.

Your paranoia over Taksin and his alleged interest in damaging Thailand is irrational.
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In education, students learn despite their teachers, not because of them.

In the same way, societies develop despite it's politicians, not because of them. I've seen development in this country (mainly infrastructure), along with massive increases in the prices of goods, while salaries have not increased at the same rate. These have all occurred, during Thaksin, Coup leaders, and Abhisit, and now Yingluck. These goofballs won't change society; only the will of the people will do that. Having a decent leader will help (don't recall the last one), but it certainly isn't the be-all and end-all.

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As this a board for non thais. Any expats going to live in Thailand and taking all their finances are going to be the real losers.FREEFALL

Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App

Yes,... but all those leaving it in the US are going to be total losers when the US dollar crashes! ...and make sure to stash your gold in very safe places to guard it against the governments gold grab under Executive Order 6102!

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I see we have the Richteacher rewriting history again. The MO seems to be if you post the same rubbish again & again - it might become fact.

Thaksin didn't 'solve' the 'Tom Yum' crisis caused by Thailand (wasn't he in Chavalit's government then?). The Dems led by Chuan Leekpai had to pick up the pieces. Yes, there was a huge FIDF bail-out that has not gone away despite PTP's efforts to sweep 1.1Tn odd under the carpet. That & off-budget loans are not included in the country's current debt.

I don't dispute that Thaksin did some good things for the country. Free medical care was one but grossly underfunded leading to any who voiced that opinion being removed from their position. However, the corruption was massive & still exists in his party today.

It is a sorry reflection on the ethics & morality of posters who choose to ignore the (far bigger) corruption side while spinning the positive side. It is individuals like Thaksin who send countries into ruin - Berlisconi, Mugabe, Idi Amin & Thaksin - all corrupt & power hungry.

Thaksin and his business cronies basically vowed that they were never going to let their business interests be in the hands of a politician.

Some would say that the overall performance if the economy from 2000 on might suggest he was right. Korn is the smartest of them all.

Your paranoia over Taksin and his alleged interest in damaging Thailand is irrational.

Please mark me as being paranoia victim number 2 then!

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I see we have the Richteacher rewriting history again. The MO seems to be if you post the same rubbish again & again - it might become fact.

Thaksin didn't 'solve' the 'Tom Yum' crisis caused by Thailand (wasn't he in Chavalit's government then?). The Dems led by Chuan Leekpai had to pick up the pieces. Yes, there was a huge FIDF bail-out that has not gone away despite PTP's efforts to sweep 1.1Tn odd under the carpet. That & off-budget loans are not included in the country's current debt.

I don't dispute that Thaksin did some good things for the country. Free medical care was one but grossly underfunded leading to any who voiced that opinion being removed from their position. However, the corruption was massive & still exists in his party today.

It is a sorry reflection on the ethics & morality of posters who choose to ignore the (far bigger) corruption side while spinning the positive side. It is individuals like Thaksin who send countries into ruin - Berlisconi, Mugabe, Idi Amin & Thaksin - all corrupt & power hungry.

Thaksin and his business cronies basically vowed that they were never going to let their business interests be in the hands of a politician.

Some would say that the overall performance if the economy from 2000 on might suggest he was right. Korn is the smartest of them all.

Your paranoia over Taksin and his alleged interest in damaging Thailand is irrational.

where did i say thaksin wants to hurt Thailand? He basically looked at the situation post 1997 and reckoned that to allow politicians to mess with his business wasn't worth the risk.

Don't allow you paranoia to get in the way of actually reading a post.

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That the BOT is still carrying that debt is immaterial.

The BOT is not carrying IMF debt, but debt resulting from "in response to the East Asian crisis various measures such as blanket guarantee for all depositors and bank bailouts were put in place, causing huge losses for the FIDF"

Umm, wasn't that what the loans from the IMF were for? Many people wondered why pay off the low interest IMF loans early when there was others with higher rates. IMHO having a corruption watchdog looking over his shoulder was not comfortable at all - inhibits one's "creativity".

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Excellent points, everyone with any credibility would agree, thaksinomics is a recipe for financial ruin.

Khun Abhisit is very negative in his views. His out comes when in power do not impress. It is likely that that he (Khun Abisit ) is still trying to pull down the present government by fear mongering.

It's all the poor dear has at this time. I honestly have no idea why the man is still the Democrat leader.

You'd think that the Democrats would get their act together at some point and recognize that they can no longer rely on the army to get them into office and that they will have to win the support of the electorate. The day the Democrats recruit a good leader and some star candidates is the day they'll bounce the PTP from office.

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Excellent points, everyone with any credibility would agree, thaksinomics is a recipe for financial ruin.

Khun Abhisit is very negative in his views. His out comes when in power do not impress. It is likely that that he (Khun Abisit ) is still trying to pull down the present government by fear mongering.

It's all the poor dear has at this time. I honestly have no idea why the man is still the Democrat leader.

You'd think that the Democrats would get their act together at some point and recognize that they can no longer rely on the army to get them into office and that they will have to win the support of the electorate. The day the Democrats recruit a good leader and some star candidates is the day they'll bounce the PTP from office.

I guess he is still democrat leader because he is not only the most popular democrat (70 percent approval rating while PM, Yingluck has 68.5%) and it could be argued one of the best qualified and most honest of all Thai politician. I believe this is evident when he resigned the party leadership after the defeat the Democrats suffered in 2011, only to be re-elected as leader at the next party assembly. The Democrats realise that Abihist is their star candidate, an exceptional leader and the best the best person to lead them at the next election.

"It is likely that that he (Khun Abisit ) is still trying to pull down the present government by fear mongering." Its more like trying keeping the bas***ds honest, an uphill task.

Edited by waza
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Excellent points, everyone with any credibility would agree, thaksinomics is a recipe for financial ruin.

Khun Abhisit is very negative in his views. His out comes when in power do not impress. It is likely that that he (Khun Abisit ) is still trying to pull down the present government by fear mongering.

It's all the poor dear has at this time. I honestly have no idea why the man is still the Democrat leader.

You'd think that the Democrats would get their act together at some point and recognize that they can no longer rely on the army to get them into office and that they will have to win the support of the electorate. The day the Democrats recruit a good leader and some star candidates is the day they'll bounce the PTP from office.

I guess he is still democrat leader because he is not only the most popular democrat (70 percent approval rating while PM, Yingluck has 68.5%) and it could be argued one of the best qualified and most honest of all Thai politician. I believe this is evident when he resigned the party leadership after the defeat the Democrats suffered in 2011, only to be re-elected as leader at the next party assembly. The Democrats realise that Abihist is their star candidate, an exceptional leader and the best the best person to lead them at the next election.

"It is likely that that he (Khun Abisit ) is still trying to pull down the present government by fear mongering." Its more like trying keeping the bas***ds honest, an uphill task.

Problem is his party and backers think isaan and the north has been there simply to produce foodstuffs fur bangkok companies to export.

They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok. This isn't exclusively his fault but is a legacy that the dems should be puling their hair out to solve.

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Problem is his party and backers think isaan and the north has been there simply to produce foodstuffs fur bangkok companies to export.

They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok. This isn't exclusively his fault but is a legacy that the dems should be puling their hair out to solve.

They certainly do need to solve this issue but it isn't going to be easy. Case in point when my neighbor told me AV and the democrats took away the school uniforms. I asked him where he learned this and he said from the village head man who fires up his PA system daily to inform the village of the latest red news. Did I say the village head man is a red shirt?

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Maybe if previous Governments/Army over the past 50 years had thought about helping the farmers/other less well off with education, economic opportunity etc, then maybe the power vacuum which Thaksin stepped into and abused would never have been created.

Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted for the old political and Army General Bangkok families.

That may be true but completely wrecking Thailand's rice industry, plunging the country into debt and all the while the farmers are still not any better off is hardly economic genius or social justice.

Are the rice farmers the ones that voted for this government? You get what you vote for or in this case not!

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Problem is his party and backers think isaan and the north has been there simply to produce foodstuffs fur bangkok companies to export.

They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok. This isn't exclusively his fault but is a legacy that the dems should be puling their hair out to solve.

They certainly do need to solve this issue but it isn't going to be easy. Case in point when my neighbor told me AV and the democrats took away the school uniforms. I asked him where he learned this and he said from the village head man who fires up his PA system daily to inform the village of the latest red news. Did I say the village head man is a red shirt?

i don't disagree with you, but that's politics.

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Problem is his party and backers think isaan and the north has been there simply to produce foodstuffs fur bangkok companies to export.

They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok. This isn't exclusively his fault but is a legacy that the dems should be puling their hair out to solve.

"They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok." ... and the East and the North ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2011_Thai_general_election_results_per_region.png

Where as PTP have NO representation outside the north and north east.

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Problem is his party and backers think isaan and the north has been there simply to produce foodstuffs fur bangkok companies to export.

They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok. This isn't exclusively his fault but is a legacy that the dems should be puling their hair out to solve.

"They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok." ... and the East and the North ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2011_Thai_general_election_results_per_region.png

Where as PTP have NO representation outside the north and north east.

Ah, but trt/ptp have only been at this 10 years.

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Problem is his party and backers think isaan and the north has been there simply to produce foodstuffs fur bangkok companies to export.

They have almost no representation outside the south and bangkok. This isn't exclusively his fault but is a legacy that the dems should be puling their hair out to solve.

They certainly do need to solve this issue but it isn't going to be easy. Case in point when my neighbor told me AV and the democrats took away the school uniforms. I asked him where he learned this and he said from the village head man who fires up his PA system daily to inform the village of the latest red news. Did I say the village head man is a red shirt?

That was actually done by the 1st (of 3) Education minister in the PTP government.

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