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Where To Get Good Mexican Food?


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La Monita is packed out on a daily basis, so you do the math.

McDonalds is packed on a daily basis; go figure ...

I bet the average ticket is closer to 100 baht per head than 300 at McD's, which I would put La Monita at a minimum (or any of the other decent places mentioned in this thread)... look at the expansion of Sunrise (for better or worse) along with the higher end places, there's definitely a market for it in BKK, whether it is authentic South Phoenix or for the OC palette or simply those of us who are willing to part with a few satang for something that resembles home.

Edited by planr
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Good food generally costs more.



Good food is also a matter of opinion.


I just haven't found any Mexican, worth my money, in Bangkok. 


To each his own ....

Then I say you have been spoiled with fantastic Mexican food elsewhere.

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Those of us who have been in Thailand for many years, with no decent Mexican food at all are quite happy to pay a little more for someplace like La Monita, If you are going back to LA or Texas every few months and eating in cheap taquerias, you might not be.

Eat all the 6 dollar burritos you want :)

For me, it isn't even Mexican food if it costs that much. I am sure many Mexicans would agree lol.

I understand though, just playing around. :)

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^I am glad you enjoyed it, but "monkey wings" as Mexican food? I don't know what to say.

410 baht for carne asada fries

390 baht for a combo burrito

290 baht for a single vegetarian taco

Not expensive?

This is out of left field, but I got a doozi since we are talking Mexican. This is some real Mexican...... I was once outside of a good Mexican food place in Cali after clubbing. My buddy and I had just arrived, and we were about to order some food, when my friend struck up a conversation with 3 college girls who had just ordered. The way the place worked was you ordered, and paid, and took a number with you for your pickup. Somewhere during the conversation with them, my friend saw the number of the girls' order. Since he seemed to be paying more attention than the calling of the number than they were (in hindsight I realized this), he mozied his way over to the counter as their number was about to be called, and somehow got his hands on the order and walked away. The place was busy making this possible. I didn't know what was going on yet. My cell rings unexpectedly, as I am still talking to the girls. It is my friend, and he is telling me to make my way over to this wooden fence as fast as I can. I see the fence. I am on the phone with him still, but can't see him as he was on the other side of the fence, and he say "look for my hand". I see his hand waving me over from the top. I climb the fence and he is these taquiitos, plate of nachos and some tacos. We were hungry, we had just been drinking all night and dancing. We eat this food so quick it was kinda disgusting, but very good of course. The real deal good Mex food. Leaving about a third of the food there, full as hell, we climb back over the fence and head back to the front of the shop. The same girls were there and there was all this fussing around about "somebody stealing their order". We both acted very concerned, and tried to help them get to the bottom of this very serious dilemma. I mean who on earth would do something like this? This was such a sweat gesture of us, and perhaps somewhat distracted by our conversations, the girls just decided to reorder and not fuss about it. We were still all talking when their order was ready, and we all decided it would be a great idea to head back to their pad. This really is a true story by the way. Anyway, the rest of the night was quite decadent as well, I will spare the dull details. But let me just tell you, THAT is Mexican food. Sorry La Monita.

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This was the first time I'd ever heard of Monkey wings so I've no idea if they are genuine Mexican or not but they are certainly better than any other chicken wings I've eaten in Thailand and I generally enjoy the chicken wings here both on the street and in restaurants.

They were stupidly tasty. The chicken wings at Som Tam Nua at Siam always get banded around as being ridiculously good and I agree they are tasty (very good infact) but these monkey wings were twice as good. Whatever they are cooked in makes them delicious.

And I doubt you can get a better caipirinha in BKK than that. It's the first I've seen actually made with Cachaça and doesn't have added juices and other shit that isn't meant to be there. It should be Cachaça, crushed ice and lime and nothing else.

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Monkey wings are not authentic Mexican food and ... so what ...

Neither are the California type of burritos that the world loves ... so what ...

Ironically, I agree, to a certain extent.... as long as the food tastes good, AND is reasonably priced, "so what" is right.

I noticed nobody commented on the 390 baht for a burrito. We are approaching 15 dollars there lol.

Anyway, to each their own. I am genuinely glad people can enjoy the place.

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This was the first time I'd ever heard of Monkey wings so I've no idea if they are genuine Mexican or not but they are certainly better than any other chicken wings I've eaten in Thailand and I generally enjoy the chicken wings here both on the street and in restaurants. 


They were stupidly tasty. The chicken wings at Som Tam Nua at Siam always get banded around as being ridiculously good and I agree they are tasty (very good infact) but these monkey wings were twice as good. Whatever they are cooked in makes them delicious.


And I doubt you can get a better caipirinha in BKK than that. It's the first I've seen actually made with Cachaça and doesn't have added juices and other shit that isn't meant to be there. It should be Cachaça, crushed ice and lime and nothing else. 

Its off topic...but for cocktails I suggest the Dream Hotel in the evening...two for one.

The cocktails are excellent there and recently doing free nibbles too.

Suk Soi 15.

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My love affair with La Monita seems to be over as quick as it started.

I went less than a week ago and loved it as you can see above. I thought the monkey wings were out of this world.

Was back tonight.

For some reason the monkey wings just tasted strange tonight. I didn't like them at all. Almost thought they tasted fishy.

Out of 10 wings I think we ate 4 in total.

Last week had the Arroz De La Cubana which wasn't out of this world but at 170B it was a good price and pretty decent. I ate it all.

This week I had the Cali-Tacos plate. Three (small) tacos with steak, onion, cliantro, mexican rice and refried beans.

It was OK. There was nothing wrong with it but it kind of lacked in any real taste. The steak tasted decent enough but there wasn't much of it on each taco. Overall it didn't blow me away.

At 300B for three steak tacos, rice and beans I guess I can't complain too much.

I didn't eat it all and wasn't too bothered about trying.

My date had nachos with pork. It was very so so. Dry even with the guacamole, salsa etc. Again no real flavour. Wouldn't order again.

Churros for dessert. A LOT of sugar on them. We were tapping them on the bowl to get as much off as possible and even still the amount left on the churros was crazy.

Maybe that's normal I'm not familiar enough with them.

Maybe it was just a poor choice of dishes or I wasn't in the mood for Mexican tonight (even though I was really hungry and thinking about it all day).

Maybe last week was a novelty from not having had Mexican for a long time.

Staff less friendly and helpful this week though was much busier when we arrived tonight so maybe just rushed off their feet.

Either way now I'm not in a rush to go back.

Overall though I would still recommend it as last week I loved it.

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I tried La Monita last week, and I wasn't impressed. I found the staff friendly, but that doesn't matter much to me.

It's high on price and low on flavor for me. I had the Arroz De La Cubana. It served a purpose of putting fuel into my body, but that's all I can say. We had a side of guacamole that was as bland as could be.

Maybe I'm just a victim of high expectations. I thought the place by the moat in Chiang Mai was decent -- the name escapes me. Other than that, I'm one-and-done at La Monita and Sunrise. As much as I like good Mexican food, I'm guessing that I will survive without it.

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I tried La Monita last week, and I wasn't impressed. I found the staff friendly, but that doesn't matter much to me.

It's high on price and low on flavor for me. I had the Arroz De La Cubana. It served a purpose of putting fuel into my body, but that's all I can say. We had a side of guacamole that was as bland as could be.

Maybe I'm just a victim of high expectations. I thought the place by the moat in Chiang Mai was decent -- the name escapes me. Other than that, I'm one-and-done at La Monita and Sunrise. As much as I like good Mexican food, I'm guessing that I will survive without it.

The people that rave about this place are probably mostly Europeans, Australians..... I am sure with very few exceptions. It makes sense people like it because it is "good" relative to bkk standards. But, there aren't too many people that know what real mexican food is here is the problem. Yes, I know there are exceptions. I have already stated my opinion, but bad mexican food at a high premium I'll take a pass. Yet another version of something mediocre and expensive passing for "good" in this city.

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Its better than any Mexican restaurant in the UK by some distance for sure.

I've said it before....I go for the CaliMex tacos with pork carnitas and smother generously with the hottest salsa from the bottle.

That particular item is worth the visit alone....and again and again.


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I tried La Monita last week, and I wasn't impressed. I found the staff friendly, but that doesn't matter much to me.

It's high on price and low on flavor for me. I had the Arroz De La Cubana. It served a purpose of putting fuel into my body, but that's all I can say. We had a side of guacamole that was as bland as could be.

Maybe I'm just a victim of high expectations. I thought the place by the moat in Chiang Mai was decent -- the name escapes me. Other than that, I'm one-and-done at La Monita and Sunrise. As much as I like good Mexican food, I'm guessing that I will survive without it.

The people that rave about this place are probably mostly Europeans, Australians..... I am sure with very few exceptions. It makes sense people like it because it is "good" relative to bkk standards. But, there aren't too many people that know what real mexican food is here is the problem. Yes, I know there are exceptions. I have already stated my opinion, but bad mexican food at a high premium I'll take a pass. Yet another version of something mediocre and expensive passing for "good" in this city.

Try T&S Suk soi 18.

Even that will get slagged off by the foodinistas, oh its not proper mexican food like we get in SoCal etc etc.

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I tried La Monita last week, and I wasn't impressed. I found the staff friendly, but that doesn't matter much to me.

It's high on price and low on flavor for me. I had the Arroz De La Cubana. It served a purpose of putting fuel into my body, but that's all I can say. We had a side of guacamole that was as bland as could be.

Maybe I'm just a victim of high expectations. I thought the place by the moat in Chiang Mai was decent -- the name escapes me. Other than that, I'm one-and-done at La Monita and Sunrise. As much as I like good Mexican food, I'm guessing that I will survive without it.

Maybe you were disappointed because you ordered a Cuban dish in a Mexican joint. Cuban food is bland!

Go back and try the quesadilla with chorizo.

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The chorizo was actually quite disappointing now I think of it.

The chorizo I know and love from back home usually comes in thick chunks, is meaty, salty, spicy, a bit greasy smokey and super tasty.

The stuff at La Monita (at least in the Cuban dish) came minced to the point of not even being recognizable as chorizo and had very little taste. It wasn't bad but kinda bland.

It's high on price and low on flavor for me. I had the Arroz De La Cubana. It served a purpose of putting fuel into my body, but that's all I can say. We had a side of guacamole that was as bland as could be.

Is it high on price really though?

The dish you had was 150-170B depending on what meat you order.

There's Thai restaurants all over BKK offering food that IMO is little better than street food at those sort of prices so 170B for Mexican in BKK is reasonable to me.

That was the cheapest dish on the menu tbf. Others probably averaged out around 250-300B (?) which whilst not cheap for BKK again isn't unreasonable considering it's Mexican in BKK.

I would assume the ingredients may be hard to find and not cheap.. I know in the UK it's easy to get Mexican ingredients yet Mexican restaurants are pricier than La Monita.

Both times I've been 2 of us have eaten for under 1k and that was with tacos and dips, a shared starter of monkey wings, 2 mains, shared desert and 2 drinks (one being a 270B cocktail).

For a good meal (assuming you enjoy it which I did first time round) that isn't a bad price to me.

Costs similar for 2 people to eat at places like Som Tam Nua (which I also recommend) and that's Thai food. Portions there are small so you're forced to order multiple dishes.

Overall I don't think the price is too high and I generally won't spend a lot of money on food when there's cheap and tasty options on every street corner in BKK.

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