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Bangkok Taxi Passenger Dragged Out Of Car By Driver


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Get out your smart phone. Turn on the video recorder. Let them see it. Do your business. Film the interaction and get a good pan in on the bum's face. Film the refusal and the cab driving away with it's red light on still, as well asl the license plate. Forward it to the police. Put the results on YouTube and or use as evidence when filing the report. Problem solved.

"Smile asshol_e! You're on camera!". Those 1,000 baht fines add up quick when the evidence is irrefutable and consistent.

I did this at Num Chai. Went in there to shop for a flat screen. It was 90 minutes until closing and few customers were in the store. There were about 30 employees. There was a football game between Man U and some other team. No one came to help us even after I intentionally walked past them and interrupted their viewing pleasure. I went around and took photos of every employee sitting in front of the TVs, kicked back and enjoying their free pay.

I then got the email address of the manager and sent him the photos. The next day we returned at the managers request and were attacked and killed by all those Thais... and were treated by royalty and got a healthy discount on s flat screen. The manager had a meeting and told the employees if that ever happened again they would be sacked regardless of the fact that they are sub contracted by the TV makers and not his direct employees.

It works! If the police are talking about putting CCTV all over, then why the hell not begin facilitating them with our own cameras? It would save a lot and the modest reward money ("Catch a bum on camera, collect 1,000) might pay off. Up the fines to 2,000 and split it 50/50.

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The fundamental problems are that the government keeps taxi fares artificially low because it isn't politically expedient to increase them but at the same time neglects to enforce the laws which are supposed to protect both operator and consumer.

In most countries (that do enforce laws) either the taxi fares would have to keep up with inflation or there wouldn't be enough taxis on the road. However in Thailand, the combination of low fares and lack of law enforcement means that the best option for a taxi driver is to seek other ways of increasing income. I think that the police know this and are reluctant to take much action.

Realistically, taxi fares in BKK could double and they would still be cheap by most standards.

Absolutely agree - I've been here 15 years and there has been very little change in taxi fares. Unlike fuel costs.

Guess the LPG conversion did help them a bit though. rolleyes.gif

You gotta love eye rolling smart ar$es

Taxis have been running on LPG since the late 90s and of course CNG/NGV is being fitted to new vehicles

LPG shot up what? 33% in 2008?

Fuel prices have been rising, along with cost of living, yet taxi earnings have pretty much stood still.

I eagerly await the next eye roll.

In recent years Taxi fares in Bangkok have increased twice - once in 2008 & once in April (I think) 2012. The flag fare hase stayed the same (B35) but the time/distance part has increased. Google it.

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Taxis play games with us so I play it with them....

I open the back left door and ask if they are willing to take me, when they refuse I gently shut the door so its not closed all the way and walk on

Its a serious stretch for them to reach the back left door to shut it rolleyes.gif

I don't even pretend to close the door, just smile and a polite mai pen rai... then I leave the thing wide open.. walk away, look back and wink at em..

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Taxis play games with us so I play it with them....

I open the back left door and ask if they are willing to take me, when they refuse I gently shut the door so its not closed all the way and walk on

Its a serious stretch for them to reach the back left door to shut it rolleyes.gif

Have you ever thought that the guy you ask may be finishing his shift and honestly can't take you to you requested place?

Not all taxis driver play games, there are many hard-working honest drivers, many from Isarn, who work 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week of a pretty dismal salary.

It's hardly a wonder they think what they do of foreigners with this little trick you play.

Then he shouldn't have his <deleted> light on indicating he has no fair and is available.

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You always have choices.

There are many alternatives here.

Albeit at 4am, some of the viable options aren't available, so you may need to pay more for taxi service.

If you really don't want to be scammed, then don't put yourself in a situation at 4am where the taxis have the advantage because all other forms of mass transit are closed.

If you feel a need to be out on the streets giving tours in Bangkok at 4am, then be prepared to negotiate a fair fare, or you will pay more. Perhaps she could have offered some special service in exchange for a meter rate or some somtom salad?

Maybe it isn't such a bad thing to pay a higher rate at that hour to ensure your safety and to arrive at home quickly. Sometimes, paying more is better than trying to save a baht or two.

If you really want to save a baht or two, then wade thru the taxis until you find a fair and honest driver. You may be there until 6am or so and by that time, the BTS and buses will be operating again and you can then opt out of the taxi and take the 13 baht city bus across town, walk, and then pay a motorbike taxi 100 baht to drive you down the road (50 meters or so)!!!

Plenty of taxis and plenty of options. If you don't like one, just wait for the next one. Just like dating here.

Change your taxis every day, just like your underwear and dates.

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Taxis play games with us so I play it with them....

I open the back left door and ask if they are willing to take me, when they refuse I gently shut the door so its not closed all the way and walk on

Its a serious stretch for them to reach the back left door to shut it rolleyes.gif

I like that - will give it a try. wink.png

I don't even pretend to close the door, just smile and a polite mai pen rai... then I leave the thing wide open.. walk away, look back and wink at em..

Good insight into why some are so unhappy here and feel like they are viewed and treated like trash by the locals.

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Drives me crazy to be refused. I admit I get really wound up, so what I do is...act like a mature adult and civilized human being and close the door and look for another taxi (sometimes cursing the guy out to myself as he drives away - unless he had the good grace to be apologetic about it).

Taxis play games with us so I play it with them....

I open the back left door and ask if they are willing to take me, when they refuse I gently shut the door so its not closed all the way and walk on

Its a serious stretch for them to reach the back left door to shut it rolleyes.gif

I don't even pretend to close the door, just smile and a polite mai pen rai... then I leave the thing wide open.. walk away, look back and wink at em..

I guess forum rules don't allow me to say what I think about these two posters.

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It is ourselves that allow situations to drive us crazy - not the actual situations. I totally agree with you and that is what I would do - I think the same about the two posters - very childish.

Edited by Neeranam
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Drives me crazy to be refused. I admit I get really wound up, so what I do is...act like a mature adult and civilized human being and close the door and look for another taxi (sometimes cursing the guy out to myself as he drives away - unless he had the good grace to be apologetic about it).

Taxis play games with us so I play it with them....

I open the back left door and ask if they are willing to take me, when they refuse I gently shut the door so its not closed all the way and walk on

Its a serious stretch for them to reach the back left door to shut it rolleyes.gif

I don't even pretend to close the door, just smile and a polite mai pen rai... then I leave the thing wide open.. walk away, look back and wink at em..

I guess forum rules don't allow me to say what I think about these two posters.

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It is ourselves that allow situations to drive us crazy - not the actual situations.

Thank you o wise one. I am actually aware of this but sadly I am not a perfect human yet and thus am susceptible to such frailties and folly. :)

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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What kind of tours are these female guides giving at 4am?

Unless your reply is an attempt at humour, what difference does it make as to the person involved what their profession is.

The situation would be the same regardless of a persons sex, profession, nationality and even time of day etc.

In most countries even in Europe wherever tourismis concerned there are always elements of ripping off the tourists.

It should be, but is not, clamped down on heavily by the authorities, but more often than not it is ignored.

Thailand is rife with this type of crime and will continue to be so.

Coruption is the world wide norm but when discussed at levels such as this forum the discussion often becomes tainted with crys of racism, when in fact it is nothing of the sort.

There are bad people in every country and Govermental coruption in every country.

If you believe otherwise you are a fool.

I have absolutely no idea what you are waffling on about. My simple question still stands. I think there is more to the story. Maybe I lead a sheltered life but most respectable Thai ladies I know are not out on the street as tour guides at 4am and yanking off taxi drivers amulet necklaces as evidence ...biggrin.png

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The taxi on soi 11 would have surely also turned down any foreigners want to pay the meter rate as well, so it is not just a racial issue

If ever in that area, don't even bother asking any of the taxi that are parked on the side of the road... No matter where you are, these guys are just looking to rip off tourists. None of them will use their meter no matter what race you are


Bigoted comment.

Neither being Thai not being Foreign has anything to do with 'RACE'.

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You always have choices.

There are many alternatives here.

Albeit at 4am, some of the viable options aren't available, so you may need to pay more for taxi service.

If you really don't want to be scammed, then don't put yourself in a situation at 4am where the taxis have the advantage because all other forms of mass transit are closed.

If you feel a need to be out on the streets giving tours in Bangkok at 4am, then be prepared to negotiate a fair fare, or you will pay more. Perhaps she could have offered some special service in exchange for a meter rate or some somtom salad?

Maybe it isn't such a bad thing to pay a higher rate at that hour to ensure your safety and to arrive at home quickly. Sometimes, paying more is better than trying to save a baht or two.

If you really want to save a baht or two, then wade thru the taxis until you find a fair and honest driver. You may be there until 6am or so and by that time, the BTS and buses will be operating again and you can then opt out of the taxi and take the 13 baht city bus across town, walk, and then pay a motorbike taxi 100 baht to drive you down the road (50 meters or so)!!!

Plenty of taxis and plenty of options. If you don't like one, just wait for the next one. Just like dating here.

Change your taxis every day, just like your underwear and dates.

Just a few points. As far as I know some bus services run all night, particularly on Sukhumvit. Can't say for sure at 4:00 am, but I've caught a number 2 bus at 2:00 am.

Most people who live in Bangkok know that parked taxis are to be avoided because they won't use the meter because they have to pay the police for the parking 'rights'. Also, after midnight the time/distance fare rate increases so the only reason for taxis looking for that bit 'extra' is BIB bribery. The expats & Thais exitting the bars on Soi 11 are fair game.

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What kind of tours are these female guides giving at 4am?

Unless your reply is an attempt at humour, what difference does it make as to the person involved what their profession is.

The situation would be the same regardless of a persons sex, profession, nationality and even time of day etc.

In most countries even in Europe wherever tourismis concerned there are always elements of ripping off the tourists.

It should be, but is not, clamped down on heavily by the authorities, but more often than not it is ignored.

Thailand is rife with this type of crime and will continue to be so.

Coruption is the world wide norm but when discussed at levels such as this forum the discussion often becomes tainted with crys of racism, when in fact it is nothing of the sort.

There are bad people in every country and Govermental coruption in every country.

If you believe otherwise you are a fool.

I have absolutely no idea what you are waffling on about. My simple question still stands. I think there is more to the story. Maybe I lead a sheltered life but most respectable Thai ladies I know are not out on the street as tour guides at 4am and yanking off taxi drivers amulet necklaces as evidence ...biggrin.png

It didn't say she was working at 4AM.

It didn't say the incident happened at 4AM - that's when she reported it at the police station.

Plenty of young Thai women go out to pubs until the wee hours, not sure what you would deem respectable (perhaps a somewhat dated and conservative definition applies for you) but many of them are what I feel most would call perfectly respectable people from a "proper" background etc

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You always have choices.

There are many alternatives here.

Albeit at 4am, some of the viable options aren't available, so you may need to pay more for taxi service.

If you really don't want to be scammed, then don't put yourself in a situation at 4am where the taxis have the advantage because all other forms of mass transit are closed.

If you feel a need to be out on the streets giving tours in Bangkok at 4am, then be prepared to negotiate a fair fare, or you will pay more. Perhaps she could have offered some special service in exchange for a meter rate or some somtom salad?

Maybe it isn't such a bad thing to pay a higher rate at that hour to ensure your safety and to arrive at home quickly. Sometimes, paying more is better than trying to save a baht or two.

If you really want to save a baht or two, then wade thru the taxis until you find a fair and honest driver. You may be there until 6am or so and by that time, the BTS and buses will be operating again and you can then opt out of the taxi and take the 13 baht city bus across town, walk, and then pay a motorbike taxi 100 baht to drive you down the road (50 meters or so)!!!

Plenty of taxis and plenty of options. If you don't like one, just wait for the next one. Just like dating here.

Change your taxis every day, just like your underwear and dates.

Don't bother with all that. Just walk up to Sukhumvit and hail a moving cab. Takes 5 minutes - you get home and at a fair price. I do that at least 3 times a week from soi 11. I don't even bother with the taxis on that soi even if they say they'll use the meter

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You always have choices.

There are many alternatives here.

Albeit at 4am, some of the viable options aren't available, so you may need to pay more for taxi service.

If you really don't want to be scammed, then don't put yourself in a situation at 4am where the taxis have the advantage because all other forms of mass transit are closed.

If you feel a need to be out on the streets giving tours in Bangkok at 4am, then be prepared to negotiate a fair fare, or you will pay more. Perhaps she could have offered some special service in exchange for a meter rate or some somtom salad?

Maybe it isn't such a bad thing to pay a higher rate at that hour to ensure your safety and to arrive at home quickly. Sometimes, paying more is better than trying to save a baht or two.

If you really want to save a baht or two, then wade thru the taxis until you find a fair and honest driver. You may be there until 6am or so and by that time, the BTS and buses will be operating again and you can then opt out of the taxi and take the 13 baht city bus across town, walk, and then pay a motorbike taxi 100 baht to drive you down the road (50 meters or so)!!!

Plenty of taxis and plenty of options. If you don't like one, just wait for the next one. Just like dating here.

Change your taxis every day, just like your underwear and dates.

Most people who live in Bangkok know that parked taxis are to be avoided because they won't use the meter because they have to pay the police for the parking 'rights'. Also, after midnight the time/distance fare rate increases so the only reason for taxis looking for that bit 'extra' is BIB bribery. The expats & Thais exitting the bars on Soi 11 are fair game.

Well said. Most of the things going on there are against the law. Last time I walked past soi 11, there were sex toys and pharmaceuticals on open display in a few stalls. The area was full of prostitutes. I choose not to purchase anything from these stalls as I know prices are high due to the money required to be in such a prime tourist area. Let's hang the Taxi drivers but leave the dildo and valium sellers off?

A Taxi that is not available but might have left it's light on might be a capital offense where you come from but it's no big deal here. Remember where you are.

Edited by Neeranam
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The taxi on soi 11 would have surely also turned down any foreigners want to pay the meter rate as well, so it is not just a racial issue

If ever in that area, don't even bother asking any of the taxi that are parked on the side of the road... No matter where you are, these guys are just looking to rip off tourists. None of them will use their meter no matter what race you are


Bigoted comment.

Neither being Thai not being Foreign has anything to do with 'RACE'.

Very similar to the comment expressed by the alleged victim in this story ...

“They were waiting only for foreign passengers since they paid more,” a furious Kanyanat told police. “I decided to call on passing taxis instead”
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The taxi on soi 11 would have surely also turned down any foreigners want to pay the meter rate as well, so it is not just a racial issue

If ever in that area, don't even bother asking any of the taxi that are parked on the side of the road... No matter where you are, these guys are just looking to rip off tourists. None of them will use their meter no matter what race you are


Bigoted comment.

Neither being Thai not being Foreign has anything to do with 'RACE'.

Very similar to the comment expressed by the alleged victim in this story ...

“They were waiting only for foreign passengers since they paid more,” a furious Kanyanat told police. “I decided to call on passing taxis instead”

Ridiculous. There was nothing bigoted about either comment, accurate or not.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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The taxi on soi 11 would have surely also turned down any foreigners want to pay the meter rate as well, so it is not just a racial issue

If ever in that area, don't even bother asking any of the taxi that are parked on the side of the road... No matter where you are, these guys are just looking to rip off tourists. None of them will use their meter no matter what race you are


Bigoted comment.

Neither being Thai not being Foreign has anything to do with 'RACE'.

Very similar to the comment expressed by the alleged victim in this story ...

"They were waiting only for foreign passengers since they paid more," a furious Kanyanat told police. "I decided to call on passing taxis instead"

Ridiculous. There was nothing bigoted about either comment, accurate or not.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Absolutely agree. The post did it's best to be fair - the misunderstanding of it is ridiculous.

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I've been visited Thailand, Bangkok for 10years now and I never been so disgusted like I were on this dec. trip!

Every taxidriver I asked refused to use the taxameter, instead they wanted me to pay dubbel the cost. I ended up using eather tuk-tuk, or paying the hotels limo. The tuk-tuk take half of what the cabs want, the limo take the same as the taxi but at least their cars are more comfortable.

It's not about the money, it's still cheap. It's the principal!! mad.gif

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